Pondering Lake News

Pondering Lake News

All the insignificant stories you won't get from the big guys, coming as they happen right here at Pondering Lake.

Excited wife declares, "Only two more days!," throwing Dan Flouts into full panic mode. 17/08/2018


Excited wife declares, "Only two more days!," throwing Dan Flouts into full panic mode. Dan Flouts is asking fellow Pondering lake residents for your help. If you or anyone you know has any idea… (tap photo for full story)

After taxidermy procedure, Barney "just not as much fun anymore," laments owner. 02/08/2018


After taxidermy procedure, Barney "just not as much fun anymore," laments owner. After 16 years of loyal companionship, Walt Hemple wasn't prepared to part with four-legged best friend Barney. Fortunately, he didn't have to. "It was amazing. One day he was cold as a fish, then after a week at North Main Taxidermy, he was back, good as new." But Walt soon reali

Fireworks safety reminder: Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't do it. 04/07/2018


Fireworks safety reminder: Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't do it. Jul 4 Jul 4 Fireworks safety reminder: Whatever you're thinking of doing, don't do it. Kevin Mckeon Kevin Mckeon Facebook0 Twitter Google Pinterest0 0 Likes Kevin Mckeon Kevin Mckeon Cras mattis consectetur purus sit amet fermentum. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet...

"Last deviled egg" stand-off heading into the wee hours 29/06/2018


"Last deviled egg" stand-off heading into the wee hours The polite but somewhat insincere cries of "You have it!" and "No, really, it's yours!" continue to emanate from the Sullivan kitchen well into the evening, as Tom and Laura stare down… (tap image to read more)

Finley's Market, vowing to meet demands of saavy urban weekenders, will now stock organic coffee and charge 50% more for everything. 22/06/2018


Finley's Market, vowing to meet demands of saavy urban weekenders, will now stock organic coffee and charge 50% more for everything. At Pondering Lake, we’re pretty easy to please. Coffee is coffee, and cheaper is always better. But local merchants realize that the summer season brings with it... (TAP IMAGE TO READ MORE)



OH CRAP, WE OVERSLEPT! As you probably know by now, you haven’t heard from us in a while. Okay, six months. But it gets a little quiet up here after summer… (TAP IMAGE TO READ MORE)


Concerned Islander asks spouse, "Where the heck's the butter?"


ponderinglakenews.com Unable to locate the butter dish after already toasting two slices of bread... (tap headline to read more)


Situation worsens for local man who can't remember his toothbrush color.


ponderinglakenews.com Was it purple? Blue? Red? Orange? Rather than risk using wife Judy's toothbrush... (tap headline for full story)


Opinions vary on how to answer the "What am I stepping in at the bottom of this lake?" question.


ponderinglakenews.com It's hard to say exactly what's at the bottom of Pondering Lake. It's also hard... (tap headline for full story)


Eight weeks past expiration date, these eggs "aren't going anywhere," insists Susan Wheeler.


ponderinglakenews.com Moments after heading off trash-happy husband Tom with a decisive "Woah there!"... (tap headline to read more)


Sex-deprived hubby denies plot to kill super adorable Tasha.


ponderinglakenews.com "And if she does somehow die, I promise it will be a horrible accident..." (tap headline for full story)


Marshmallow surprise, faulty sniff test, Emmanuel Lewis: Seen and heard around Pondering Lake.


ponderinglakenews.com SEEN: There was quite the bathroom traffic jam after usually reliable "sniff test" failed Jack Orton... (tap headline for more)


Subscribe to Pondering Lake News, before someone else does!


ponderinglakenews.com Nothing much happening, and we bring it to you each morning.


Crazy marauding squirrel caught; would like to join your loving family.


ponderinglakenews.com Earlier this week, locals Jack and Susan Taylor finally trapped "the rabid little bastard..." (tap headline for full story)


Visitor Alert: We have no idea what the hell a Pumpkin Spice Latte is.


ponderinglakenews.com "What century are you people living in?..." (tap headline, hear more about new feature at PLN)


"There's always that risk," notes Jenny Mauer, after previously used 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle falls one piece short.


ponderinglakenews.com There's something wonderfully nostalgic about those moldy old games and puzzles... (tap headline for full story)


Husband taking it well after "last banana I was saving for myself" disappears.


ponderinglakenews.com As an extra security measure, he even relocated it from the fruit bowl to the fridge... (tap headline to read full story)


Creepy Pondering Lake Hermit rumor fails to gain traction, as nobody really cares.


ponderinglakenews.com (Tap headline for more)


Momentarily forgetting he's not at lake, man t***s openly, surprising some diners.


ponderinglakenews.com One of our longtime residents lost track of his surroundings Wednesday night... (Tap headline for story)


Host reveals she's been pouring boxed wine into fancy French wine bottles "for a while now."


ponderinglakenews.com "I just couldn't live with the guilt anymore," Terry admitted. (tap headline for the full story)


Truth be told: Mindy Stern reveals she "always hated" Grandma's famous Pearl Onion Pie.


ponderinglakenews.com This weekend, fueled by several generous glasses of Chardonnay... (tape headline for story)


Husband reminded to fix leaky faucet. "Labor Day" defense fails to gain support.


ponderinglakenews.com "Nobody works on Labor Day. That's the whole idea," was the best.. (tap headline for story)


As Labor Day approaches, Pondering Lake residents vow to sit around doing nothing "even harder."


ponderinglakenews.com Labor Day is an opportunity for millions of Americans to blow off work... (tap headline to read more)


If you've been visiting the Pondering Lake News blog, welcome to our brand new page. If you're brand new to PLN yourself, then welcome to you, too, and thanks for visiting. Every day, we post the biggest news headline from up here at Pondering Lake. Of course, "biggest," is a relative term, since nothing "big" ever really happens at the lake. When compared to the real world, where Armageddon is always right around the corner, we think that's not a bad way to spend the weekend. Check in with us each morning. You'll see what we mean.


Welcome to Pondering Lake. Where nothing much happens, none of it really matters, and it's all bg news.


Concerned about overcrowding, Pondering Lake purists discuss changing name to Lake Watsatsmell.


ponderinglakenews.com Pondering Lake regulars have always been a particularly welcoming bunch. But as word spreads... (tap headline to read more)


Well, we finally got our own page. Thanks for checking in. Follow us for daily updates from the lake, and please share with friends, because everyone needs a little break from reality once a day.


Alarmed Brooklyn guest is forced to forego morning cereal after discovering non-organic milk in fridge.


ponderinglakenews.com Breakfast took an unexpected turn for Tim Thorinson Saturday morning, moments after he pulled out... (tap headline to read more)


"Deranged Lakeside Killer" exposed as hat on chair. No one injured. — Pondering Lake News


ponderinglakenews.com What started out as a late night trip to the bathroom turned into a lakeside nightmare... (Tap headline to read more)


Wine getting low, visiting sibling warns.


ponderinglakenews.com Susan McKenna, visiting her brother and Pondering Lake resident John, made a startling discovery... (tap headline to read more)


Rain in forecast for upcoming week. Or was that last week? Never mind, not important.


ponderinglakenews.com Who's to say really.