Brain Power Mental Health Development and Educational Foundation

Brain Power Mental Health Development and Educational Foundation

Our mission is to ensure quality mental healthcare delivery, emback on public sensitization of mental illness and encourage the youth against drug abuse.


Brain Power Mental Health Development and Educational Foundation

Brain power mental health development and educational foundation Africa celebrates our heroes. Congratulations


Brain power mental health development and educational foundation Africa celebrates our heroes. Congratulations


The education on goes on. Our youth are our future. We need to protect them against substance use that can ruin their lives.
Tafo/Pankrono JHS.
The next stop is loading!




Today, we were live at Tafo M/A JHS. Our school to school mental health education is gaining momentum.
We educated the students on , specially on and the criminal aspect of possessing and abusing such drugs.
We gave some intervention measures to help those who are already abusing the drugs.
The whole programme was interactive and very educative.
We thank the Head teacher and the teachers of school for their cooperation.


Good evening fellow Ghanaians.
We are by this notice inform everyone that, Brain Power Mental Health Development And Educational Foundation - Africa, is beginning its mental health education in JHS, SHS and Tertiary schools across Ghana.
Areas of focus will be
1. Substance Induced Psychosis / drugs abuse and addiction
2. Depression and su***de
3. Discipline and motivation

Your school could be our next STOP. For more information contact 0247568049


Hashem Al-Ghaili

Why you need to deal with your depression as early as possible!

Depression shrinks a brain region responsible for memories and emotions.


The issue of mental health care in Africa is a big challenge. Mental health is given little or no attention as compared to other medical conditions. The number of mental health cases keeps on increasing everyday. The problem being that, access to mental health information and education is nothing to write home about.
The worse part of the case is that, in Africa, we associate mental health conditions to the doing of the devil/evil spirits/witches, and that instead of fighting the condition medically, most of the care givers resort to seeking help from prophets, spiritualists, Mallams, and other complementary and alternative self acclaimed mental health providers. This comes with a price of all sorts of abuses, victimization and stigmatization.
It will interest you to go to some camps where mental patients are camped, to see how such people are enslaved, beaten, shackled and starved, all in the name of forcing the demons our of such patients. However, mental health facilities in Africa are the most dilapidated, less staffed and less furnished. Governments do not care and barely allocate funds to facilitate mental health care delivery.

As a mental health worker and and advocate for quality mental health care delivery in Africa, I have established a foundation called , to help educate the youth on the dangers associated with engaging in some acts of drug abuses that can induce Schizophrenia and other related mental disorders.
Therefore, we are ready to partner any organization, agency or government that is ready to raise the advocacy voice for mental health. We are losing our youth to drug abuses, addictions and their effects. We have open our doors to schools, churches, mosques, companies, organizations and individuals who want to invite us to talk on issues bothering mental health.
You can call/WhatsApp us on +233247568049 /+233241588058
Email: [email protected]

, bridging the gap between mental health and other medical conditions.


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Lots of cars will be given out and for the first time in the history of M.L.M in Ghana, *there will be house awards as well!* 😋😃😀😉😉😉

Date : Sunday, 5th November, 2017

Venue : National Theatre

Time : 1pm

Special Award
Free products for all
Cash price
Business Presentation and financial education (be your own boss)

Oh My God!!!!! This is real!!!!! Oh God!!!!📣📣📣

Singing🎼🎼 : ```Longrich edey beee, Longrich edey bee oo, 🎺🎺Longrich edey be nti m3maaa obi ensei wa dwin```💃🏾🕺🏽🕺🏽💃🏾💃🏾🕺🏽💃🏾🕺🏽💃🏾 ```Longrich onaakpo, Longrich Onaakpo!```

You can also be part of this great company

Nana Kwame Attobrah

For more information and tickets reservation




Have you had any reason to stay away from people because they had bad breath or you had bad breath

*Today's topic will give you practical tips to help you get rid of bad breath.*

*Do you know having bad breath reduces your confidence level?*

Mouth odour (bad breath), also known as halitosis, is an embarrassing condition and affects one’s social life adversely.

*Causes of bad breath*
Different things might be responsible for mouth odours.
To begin with, the manner of brushing ones teeth goes a long way in either causing mouth odour or preventing it. I have met lots of people with mouth odour and each time I asked what they were doing about it, I get a “nothing” response! This is disheartening for me. Sadly, some of them don’t even know they have mouth odours until they were told.

*So how can you check you have mouth odour?*
I use a very simple method that you can also apply, place your palms over your face and breathe into it. You will be able to perceive your own breath and with that you would know where you stand.

*Did it smell awful? Don’t get scared. Don’t feel bad. You can deal with it as long as you are committed towards it.*


Brushing twice a day with *fluoride free toothpaste* to remove food particles that may be hanging around the teeth. The particles invite microbes into your mouth to feed and they end up spoiling your breath.
You should spend at least 3 to 5 minutes each time you brush. Also it is recommended to keep your toothbrush in your fridge to prevent germs from getting into contact with it.

When brushing
• Brush the inner surfaces of your upper and lower teeth
• Clean the chewing surfaces
• Be sure to brush your tongue.

Each time you eat, there are food particles having a party in-between the teeth and in your mouth! You may not be able to carry mouth rinses around hence I recommend that you rinse with water after meals (especially sugary foods). Just rinse and gargle the water and spit out; this way you would have eliminated every food particle at least to a large extent.

It is important that you keep your mouth moist. Dry mouth causes bad breath. Try to talk in-between jobs so as to keep saliva flowing. Chewing sugar-free gums are helpful as they stimulate the production of saliva, which helps wash away food particles and bacteria, thereby getting rid of bad breath. Gums and mints containing xylitol are usually recommended.

Make sure you have regular dental check up, at least twice a year. He will conduct an oral exam and professional teeth cleaning and will be able to detect and treat periodontal disease, dry mouth, or other problems that may be the cause of mouth odour. You could then relate any problems you have with bad breath.

*Lime or lemon juice*
How to use it:
• Squeeze a mouth full of lime or lemon juice
• Do not add water
• Hold the lemon or lime juice in your mouth for 5 to 10 minute and brush with *fluoride free toothpaste*

Recommended toothpaste
*Long Reach fluoride free toothpaste*

For more information contact
Nana Kwame Attobrah

Nana Kwadwo Safo Kantanka
+233 24 756 8049

To be added to our healthy living WhatsApp groups
Good morning



Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior. Parents usually notice signs in the first two years of their child's life. These signs often develop gradually, though some children with autism reach their developmental milestones at a normal pace and then regress. The diagnostic criteria require that symptoms become apparent in early childhood, typically before age three.
Autism is caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.

Source, Wikipedia



Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life. Memory loss is an example. Alzheimer's is the most common type of dementia.
» About dementia
» Symptoms
» Causes
» Diagnosis
» Treatments
» Risk and prevention

Dementia is not a specific disease. It's an overall term that describes a wide range of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to reduce a person's ability to perform everyday activities. Alzheimer's disease accounts for 60 to 80 percent of cases. Vascular dementia, which occurs after a stroke, is the second most common dementia type. But there are many other conditions that can cause symptoms of dementia, including some that are reversible, such as thyroid problems and vitamin deficiencies.
Dementia is often incorrectly referred to as "senility" or "senile dementia," which reflects the formerly widespread but incorrect belief that serious mental decline is a normal part of aging.

While symptoms of dementia can vary greatly, at least two of the following core mental functions must be significantly impaired to be considered dementia:
*Communication and language*
*Ability to focus and pay attention*
*Reasoning and judgment*
*Visual perception*

People with dementia may have problems with short-term memory, keeping track of a purse or wallet, paying bills, planning and preparing meals, remembering appointments or traveling out of the neighborhood.
Many dementias are progressive, meaning symptoms start out slowly and gradually get worse. If you or a loved one is experiencing memory difficulties or other changes in thinking skills, don't ignore them. See a doctor soon to determine the cause. Professional evaluation may detect a treatable condition. And even if symptoms suggest dementia, early diagnosis allows a person to get the maximum benefit from available treatments and provides an opportunity to volunteer for clinical trials or studies. It also provides time to plan for the future.

Dementia is caused by damage to brain cells. This damage interferes with the ability of brain cells to communicate with each other. When brain cells cannot communicate normally, thinking, behavior and feelings can be affected.

The brain has many distinct regions, each of which is responsible for different functions (for example, memory, judgment and movement). When cells in a particular region are damaged, that region cannot carry out its functions normally.
Different types of dementia are associated with particular types of brain cell damage in particular regions of the brain. For example, in Alzheimer's disease, high levels of certain proteins inside and outside brain cells make it hard for brain cells to stay healthy and to communicate with each other. The brain region called the hippocampus is the center of learning and memory in the brain, and the brain cells in this region are often the first to be damaged. That's why memory loss is often one of the earliest symptoms of Alzheimer's.
While most changes in the brain that cause dementia are permanent and worsen over time, thinking and memory problems caused by the following conditions may improve when the condition is treated or addressed:
*Medication side effects*
*Excess use of alcohol*
*Thyroid problems*
*Vitamin deficiencies*

There is no one test to determine if someone has dementia. Doctors diagnose Alzheimer's and other types of dementia based on a careful medical history, a physical examination, laboratory tests, and the characteristic changes in thinking, day-to-day function and behavior associated with each type. Doctors can determine that a person has dementia with a high level of certainty. But it's harder to determine the exact type of dementia because the symptoms and brain changes of different dementias can overlap. In some cases, a doctor may diagnose "dementia" and not specify a type. If this occurs it may be necessary to see a specialist such as a neurologist or gero-psychologist.

Treatment of dementia depends on its cause. In the case of most progressive dementias, including Alzheimer's disease, there is no cure and no treatment that slows or stops its progression. But there are drug treatments that may temporarily improve symptoms. The same medications used to treat Alzheimer's are among the drugs sometimes prescribed to help with symptoms of other types of dementias. Non-drug therapies can also alleviate some symptoms of dementia.
Ultimately, the path to effective new treatments for dementia is through increased research funding and increased participation in clinical studies. Right now, at least 50,000 volunteers are urgently needed to participate in more than 100 actively enrolling clinical studies and trials about Alzheimer's and related dementias.

Some risk factors for dementia, such as age and genetics , cannot be changed. But researchers continue to explore the impact of other risk factors on brain health and prevention of dementia. Some of the most active areas of research in risk reduction and prevention include cardiovascular factors, physical fitness, and diet.

Cardiovascular risk factors: Your brain is nourished by one of your body's richest networks of blood vessels. Anything that damages blood vessels anywhere in your body can damage blood vessels in your brain, depriving brain cells of vital food and oxygen. Blood vessel changes in the brain are linked to vascular dementia. They often are present along with changes caused by other types of dementia, including Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies. These changes may interact to cause faster decline or make impairments more severe. You can help protect your brain with some of the same strategies that protect your heart – don't smoke; take steps to keep your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar within recommended limits; and maintain a healthy weight.
Physical exercise: Regular physical exercise may help lower the risk of some types of dementia. Evidence suggests exercise may directly benefit brain cells by increasing blood and oxygen flow to the brain.

Diet: What you eat may have its greatest impact on brain health through its effect on heart health. The best current evidence suggests that heart-healthy eating patterns, such as the Mediterranean diet, also may help protect the brain. A Mediterranean diet includes relatively little red meat and emphasizes whole grains, fruits and vegetables, fish and shellfish, and nuts, olive oil and other healthy fats.

*Brain Power Mental Health Development And Educational Foundation - Africa


MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program

*Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder*


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over.
Signs and Symptoms

People with OCD may have symptoms of obsessions, compulsions, or both. These symptoms can interfere with all aspects of life, such as work, school, and personal relationships.

Obsessions are repeated thoughts, urges, or mental images that cause anxiety. Common symptoms include:

# Fear of germs or contamination

forbidden or taboo thoughts involving s*x, religion, and harm

# Aggressive thoughts towards others or self

# Having things symmetrical or in a perfect order

Compulsions are repetitive behaviors that a person with OCD feels the urge to do in response to an obsessive thought. Common compulsions include:

cleaning and/or handwashing

and arranging things in a particular, precise way

# Repeatedly checking on things, such as repeatedly checking to see if the door is locked or that the oven is off


Not all rituals or habits are compulsions. Everyone double checks things sometimes. But a person with OCD generally:

# Can't control his or her thoughts or behaviors, even when those thoughts or behaviors are recognized as excessive

# Spends at least 1 hour a day on these thoughts or behaviors

’t get pleasure when performing the behaviors or rituals, but may feel brief relief from the anxiety the thoughts cause

# Experiences significant problems in their daily life due to these thoughts or behaviors

Some individuals with OCD also have a tic disorder. Motor tics are sudden, brief, repetitive movements, such as eye blinking and other eye movements, facial grimacing, shoulder shrugging, and head or shoulder jerking. Common vocal tics include repetitive throat-clearing, sniffing, or grunting sounds.

Symptoms may come and go, ease over time, or worsen. People with OCD may try to help themselves by avoiding situations that trigger their obsessions, or they may use alcohol or drugs to calm themselves. Although most adults with OCD recognize that what they are doing doesn’t make sense, some adults and most children may not realize that their behavior is out of the ordinary. Parents or teachers typically recognize OCD symptoms in children.

If you think you have OCD, talk to your doctor about your symptoms. If left untreated, OCD can interfere in all aspects of life.
Note for Health Care Providers: There are comprehensive and validated screening instruments for quantifying and tracking signs and symptoms of OCD. One example is the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS), which you can find on the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA)* website . Another example is the Florida Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory .

This listing is not comprehensive and does not constitute an endorsement by NIMH.

*ADAA is an NIMH National Partner.

Risk Factors

OCD is a common disorder that affects adults, adolescents, and children all over the world. Most people are diagnosed by about age 19, typically with an earlier age of onset in boys than in girls, but onset after age 35 does happen. For statistics on OCD in adults, please see the NIMH Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Among Adults webpage.

The causes of OCD are unknown, but risk factors include:

Twin and family studies have shown that people with first-degree relatives (such as a parent, sibling, or child) who have OCD are at a higher risk for developing OCD themselves. The risk is higher if the first-degree relative developed OCD as a child or teen. Ongoing research continues to explore the connection between genetics and OCD and may help improve OCD diagnosis and treatment.

Structure and Functioning

Imaging studies have shown differences in the frontal cortex and subcortical structures of the brain in patients with OCD. There appears to be a connection between the OCD symptoms and abnormalities in certain areas of the brain, but that connection is not clear. Research is still underway. Understanding the causes will help determine specific, personalized treatments to treat OCD.


People who have experienced abuse (physical or s*xual) in childhood or other trauma are at an increased risk for developing OCD.

In some cases, children may develop OCD or OCD symptoms following a streptococcal infection—this is called Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS). For more information, please read this fact sheet on PANDAS.

and Therapies

is typically treated with medication, psychotherapy or a combination of the two. Although most patients with OCD respond to treatment, some patients continue to experience symptoms.

people with OCD also have other mental disorders, such as anxiety, depression, and body dysmorphic disorder, a disorder in which someone mistakenly believes that a part of their body is abnormal. It is important to consider these other disorders when making decisions about treatment.

reuptake inhibitors (SRIs) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are used to help reduce OCD symptoms. Examples of medications that have been proven effective in both adults and children with OCD include clomipramine , which is a member of an older class of “tricyclic” antidepressants, and several newer “selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors” (SSRIs), including:

# fluoxetine
# fluvoxamine

often require higher daily doses in the treatment of OCD than of depression, and may take 8 to 12 weeks to start working, but some patients experience more rapid improvement.

symptoms do not improve with these types of medications, research shows that some patients may respond well to an antipsychotic medication (such as risperidone ). Although research shows that an antipsychotic medication may be helpful in managing symptoms for people who have both OCD and a tic disorder, research on the effectiveness of antipsychotics to treat OCD is mixed.

you are prescribed a medication, be sure you:

# Talk with your doctor or a pharmacist to make sure you understand the risks and benefits of the medications you're taking.

# Do not stop taking a medication without talking to your doctor first. Suddenly stopping a medication may lead to "rebound" or worsening of OCD symptoms. Other uncomfortable or potentially dangerous withdrawal effects are also possible.

any concerns about side effects to your doctor right away. You may need a change in the dose or a different medication.

serious side effects to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program online at or by phone at 1-800-332-1088. You or your doctor may send a report.

Other medications have been used to treat OCD, but more research is needed to show the benefit for these options. For basic information about these medications, you can visit the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Mental Health Medications webpage. For the most up-to-date information on medications, side effects, and warnings, visit the FDA website .

Psychotherapy can be an effective treatment for adults and children with OCD. Research shows that certain types of psychotherapy, including cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and other related therapies (e.g., habit reversal training) can be as effective as medication for many individuals. Research also shows that a type of CBT called Exposure and Response Prevention (EX/RP) is effective in reducing compulsive behaviors in OCD, even in people who did not respond well to SRI medication. For many patients EX/RP is the add-on treatment of choice when SRIs or SSRIs medication does not effectively treat OCD symptoms.

Other Treatment Options

is supporting research into new treatment approaches for people whose OCD does not respond well to the usual therapies. These new approaches include combination and add-on (augmentation) treatments, as well as novel techniques such as deep brain stimulation (DBS). You can learn more about brain stimulation therapies on the NIMH website.
Finding Treatment

general information on mental health and to locate treatment services in your area, call the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Treatment Referral Helpline at 1-800-662-HELP (4357). SAMHSA also has a Behavioral Health Treatment Locator on its website that can be searched by location. You can also visit the NIMH’s Help for Mental Illnesses page for more information and resources. MedWatch home page


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At Dormaa Ahenkro talking on mental health related issues and financial freedom


Brain Power Mental Health Development and Educational Foundation's cover photo

13/03/2017 - The world's favorite online dictionary!

By Nana Kwame Attobrah


What do we mean by alternative?
According to
alternative is a choice limited to one of two or more possibilities,
as of things, propositions, or courses of action,
the selection of which precludes any other possibility:
Eg. You have the alternative of riding or walking.
in other words, It is one of the things, propositions, or courses of action that can be chosen:
for instance The alternative to riding is walking.

From the above definitions anything that has alternative is that which you can replace a different thing, action or thought for it and get the same work done, satisfaction, results or value.

in the case of transportation
It has various alternative we can choose from, we can travel by land, water or air and still get to our destination.

When traveling by land, we can choose to walk, travel by motor bike, car, train, skate, etc.

*So what then has no alternative.?*

Is it a type of food? ❌ *NO*❌
You will agree with me that we have various types of food one can choose from?

Is It your work/job ? ❌ *NO*❌
Is your job the only work or job in your locality, your community, town or country or even in the world??

Is it religion? ❌ *NO*❌
You will agree with me there are so many religion to choose from.

Is it your wife,husband, friend, partner or any other person?? ❌ *NO* ❌
Is he/she the only one on earth??
Is that person the only one who has that skill or quality??

*So what then has no alternative*

The answer is
💎 *L - I - F - E* 💎
According to Merriam-Webster,
Life is the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body
Also it is an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction

In other words life is the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual

What on earth do we have to perform the above mentioned functions , if we decide to put aside life??


*Not even supernatural powers.*
Because when Lazarus the friend of Jesus died ( his life was gone).
Jesus could have promised him heaven instead he brought him back to *life*
Because He (Jesus) could not get an alternative than to bring that same thing back ( *L. I. F. E.* )

*There is nothing more important that your life*
your job❌
You love❌
Your wealth❌
Your culture❌
Your religion❌
Your contract❌
Your marriage.❌
Your education❌
Your your shape❌
Your relationship❌

Loose any of these and you have alternative for it.

There is nothing you should put your life down for.

Because when your life if gone nothing can bring it back.

*Can your job give your life back when you loose your life protecting your job* ?
* ❌ *NO* ❌

But let me ask this
*can your life give you your job or a different job when your loose it protecting your life ?*
What of
Your love
Your wealth
Your culture
Your religion
Your contract
Your marriage.
Your education
Your your shape
Your relationship
When you loose all these and have life can you get them back or get an alternative for them....

The answer is

💎life is the foundation on which all these dwell.
Take it and all these are useless.

💎 Nothing is important more than your life

*And It's the only thing which has no alternative*

*We are worried about the numerous su***des going on ….*

*We are concern about the emotional well-being of our nation…..*

*We are concern about the hardship many people are going through for lack of financial education*

We give talks and education on *✔mental health*,
*✔emotional wellbeing*,
*✔creating wealth* and
*✔financial freedom*

*FOR FREE*.❌💶❌

Invite us to your
church or mosque, schools, work places, institutions or seminars to talk to you, your students, your workers or members.

*We don’t charge anything*
*All our services are free*


Made up of:
*Brain psychologist, Education Psychologists, Medical Doctors, Successful Business men, leaders of Big Organizations and Police Officers*

Nana Kwame Attobrah 0241588058

Sarfo Kantanka 0247568049

Samuel Sarpong 0246918704*IT HAS NO ALTERNATIVE* 😰
By Nana Kwame Attobrah


What do we mean by alternative?
According to
alternative is
1. a choice limited to one of two or more possibilities,
as of things, propositions, or courses of action,
the selection of which precludes any other possibility:
Eg. You have the alternative of riding or walking.

2. one of the things, propositions, or courses of action that can be chosen:
Eg. The alternative to riding is walking.

From the above definition anything that has alternative is that which you can replace a different thing, action or thought for it and get the same work done or satisfaction or result.

For instance when we take transportation for example.
It has various alternative we can choose from we can travel by land, water or air and we will still get to our destination.

When traveling by land, we can choose to walk, travel by motor bike, car, train, skate, etc.

*So what then has no alternative.?*

It's it a type of food? ❌ *NO*❌
You will agree with me that we have various types of food one can choose from?

Is It your work/job ? ❌ *NO*❌
Is your job the only work or job in your locality, your community, town or country or even in the world??

Is it religion? ❌ *NO*❌
You will agree with me there are so many religion to choose from.

Is it your wife,husband, friend, partner or any other person?? ❌ *NO* ❌
Is he/she the only one on earth??
Is that person the only one who has that skill or quality??

*So what then has no alternative*

The answer is
💎 *L - I - F - E* 💎
According to Merriam-Webster,
Life is
1 A. the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body
B. an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction

2 the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual

What on earth do we have to perform the above mentioned functions of when we decide to put life aside??


*Not even supernatural powers.*
because when Lazarus the friend of Jesus died ( his life was gone) Jesus could not do anything than to bring him back to *life* Jesus could not get an alternative than to bring that same thing back ( *L. I. F. E.* )

*There is nothing more important that your life*
your job❌
You love❌
Your wealth❌
Your culture❌
Your religion❌
Your contract❌
Your marriage.❌
Your education❌
Your your shape❌
Your relationship❌

Loose any of these and you have alternative for it.

There is nothing you should put your life down for.

Because when your life if gone nothing can bring it back.

*Can your job give your life back when you loose your life protecting your job ?
* ❌ *NO* ❌

But let me ask this
*can your life give you your job or a different job when your loose it protecting your life ?*
What of
Your love
Your wealth
Your culture
Your religion
Your contract
Your marriage.
Your education
Your your shape
Your relationship
When you loose all these and have life can you get them back or get an alternative for them....

The answer is

💎life is the foundation on which all these dwell.
Take it and all these are useless.

💎 Nothing is important more than your life

*And It's the only thing which has no alternative*

*We are worried about the numerous su***des going on ….*

*We are concern about the emotional well-being of our nation…..*

*We are concern about the hardship many people are going through for lack of financial education*

We give talks and education on *✔mental health*,
*✔emotional wellbeing*,
*✔creating wealth* and
*✔financial freedom*

*FOR FREE*.❌💶❌

Invite us to your
church or mosque, schools, work places, institutions or seminars to talk to you, your students, your workers or members.

*We don’t charge anything*
*All our services are free*


Made up of:
*Brain psychologist, Education Psychologists, Medical Doctors, Successful Business men, leaders of Big Organizations and Police Officers*

Nana Kwame Attobrah 0241588058

Sarfo Kantanka 0247568049

Samuel Sarpong 0246918704 The world's preeminent online source for definitions, synonyms, antonyms, word origins, audio pronunciations, example sentences & Word of the Day. Look up the meaning of words, translations, slang phrases, SCRABBLE values, idioms, and abbreviations in our free English Dictionary, Legal Dictionary, M...

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The power of your thought
