Cyber Airsoft

Cyber Airsoft

Company that focuses on development of electronics for localization with independent mesh networks.

Spoločnosť Cyber Punk vznikla na základe dobrých vzťahov medzi študentami Fakulty elektrotechniky a informatiky STU v Bratislave. Vzhľadom na pôvod spoločnosti je našim hlavným cieľom priateľská atmosféra a lojálnosť medzi tímom spoločnosti Cyber Punk a zákazníkom čo sa snažíme dosiahnuť vďaka podrobnému vývoju a radu testov odolnosti, čo sa v praxi premieňa na pohodlné používanie zariadení vyvinu


[update] AIM transponder (a lite version of AIM) is in development :)


Wish you all the best this holiday season
and throughout the year,
Merry Christmas! :) :)


New firmware is available :)
It is compatible with AIM gen1 and AIM gen2


AIM 2 is capable to notify you, when someone changes status.


AIM 2 is capable of storing satellites in a memory. It quickly recovers position after restart :)


Best shot at 1:08 - slow motion 3.2% speed


This is how much RF antenna can handle :)


Design of AIM2 with closing cover :)


New design of case for AIM2 according your wishes with closing cover. Available will be also version without cover.
Soon on our eshop. :)


Next AIM update is going to contain a player list, where you will see all your teammates in one table.
Update will be compatible with AIM 1 and AIM 2 :)


Bootloader 1.0 vs Bootloader 2.0
AIM 2 has a faster bootloader :)


AIM 2 is backwards compatible with AIM 1.
AIM 2 has a notification feature via vibration.


We are preparing for you AIM's smaller brother, AIM TRANSPONDER. It will be smaller than AIM, without big screen. It is designed for airsoft games, where only commander has AIM and everybody else have AIM Transponder. In this case only commander can see location of his unit and he can delegate comands via walkie talkie.
AIM transponder will be smaller and cheaper than classic AIM. :)


[Update] We are busy developing AIM2 😉

Recenzia: Vyskúšali sme airsoftový interaktívny monitor (AIM) od CyberAirsoft! 29/10/2019

Ďakujeme portálu za recenziu a veľmi profesionálny prístup :)

Recenzia: Vyskúšali sme airsoftový interaktívny monitor (AIM) od CyberAirsoft! Oslovila ma možnosť vyskúšať si airsoftový interaktívny monitor (AIM) od CyberAirsoft, ktorá sa mi naskytla zverejnením ich reklamy na našom portáli, a preto som oslovil výrobcu. Chceš vedieť, ako to celé dopadlo? Klikni si na link!


We are preparing completely new models of AIM sockets for you. New colors and optimized design. Coming soon :)

AIM tutorial - relative altitude calibration 08/10/2019

This tutorial shows you how you can calibrate your relative altitude on AIM devices.
Our altitude is calculated from atmospheric pressure. :)

AIM tutorial - relative altitude calibration How to calibrate relative altitude (pressure sensor) on AIM device.

AIM tutorial - compass calibration 08/10/2019

We have another tutorial for you.
This time, how to calibrate compass on AIM.

AIM tutorial - compass calibration How to calibrate compass on AIM device.


AIM configuration tool 1.2 is available now :) -downloads

+ our video tutorial:

AIM tutorial - desktop/laptop app 02/10/2019
We have prepared a new tutorial for AIM - How to set it up on PC via app called "AIM configuration tool" :)
Tutorial includes solution for all issues.
Check chapters down in the description.

AIM tutorial - desktop/laptop app How to setup AIM using JAVA app. 0:00 - Introduction and going to AIM settings menu 0:47 - Solving non launching JAR file 4:18 - Setting up AIM via app 6:22 ...

Timeline photos 22/09/2019

New update for "AIM tool" android app version 1.6 is now available on Google Play store :)

AIM tutorial - AIM tool app for android 21/09/2019

quick AIM tutorial - How easy it is to set up your AIM device via android app called "AIM tool"

AIM tutorial - AIM tool app for android How to set up AIM device via android app.

Photos from CHAOS Team - Public's post 07/09/2019

Prídite sa dnes pozrieť na športové dni do Hlohovca :) Stretnete tam aj skúsený airsoftový tím CHAOS Team - Public. Chalani sú super a radi Vám porozprávajú všetko čo Vás bude zaujímať, taktiež si môžete zastrielať alebo pozrieť si zariadenie AIM naživo :)

Come to see today's sporting days in Hlohovec :) You will also meet experienced airsft team CHAOS Team - Public. Guys are great and they will be happy to tell you everything you will be interested in, you can also shoot or see how AIM is working :)

Blue Valley 9 Crossroads 03/09/2019

Very nice photos from the event we have participated last week Blue Valley 9 Crossroads :)

Airsoftová Milsim Larp akcia na ktorej som sa zúčastnil a ktorá sa uskutočnila 28 až 31. 8. 2019 a bola plná zábavy aj akcie.

Photos from Cyber Airsoft's post 31/08/2019

We have participated on a Blue Valley 9 Crossroads event this week. For us it was amazing event with perfect people and perfect airsoft players. Our AIM devices were also included into the scenario of LARP game Blue Valley.

We would like to thank to all organizators and players for the opportunity to be part of blue valley event. Thank you and we are looking forward to next blue valley.

Photos from Cyber Airsoft's post 25/08/2019


Photos from Cyber Airsoft's post 25/08/2019

New firmware for AIM is available.
We have added a lock function for keyboard and improved compass algorithms.
Download link: -fw-update


Poloha a status tvojich spolubojovníkov na dosah ruky. To všetko v reálnom čase! Pre fanúšikov pokrokových technológií Vám prinášame do Modrého Údolia Cyberpunk Airsoft. Ak máš šťastie a si v posádke ANP alebo súčasťou kontingentu TF 1505, možno práve ty vyskúšaš AIM! Pre všetkých ostatných, bude k dispozícií stánok v Azarkate. 💪🆕😃


We would like to invite you to the airsoft event next week (28.8.2019 - 31.8.2019) Blue Valley 9 Crossroads. It is a 9th grade successful airsoft MILSIM/LARP event.
We will be happy to meet you at our stand and show you AIM devices :) 🎯🎯🎯⏩⏩⏩💪

Radi by sme Vás pozvali na airsoftovú akciu, ktorá sa uskutoční budúci týždeň 28.8.2019 - 31.8.2019 Blue Valley 9 Crossroads. Je to 9. ročník úspešnej airsoftovej MILSIM/LARP akcie.
Taktiež Vás radi stretneme pri našom stánku, kde Vám ukážeme zariadenia AIM.🎯🎯🎯⏩⏩⏩💪




Accuracy of position is under 1 meter :)


Today's airsoft action with guys from CHAOS Team - Public. Perfect arena with perfect players :)


You can use up to 20 AIM trackers per team. They use custom encrypted mesh network. They do not use internet.


New "AIM configuration tool 1.1" is available at: -downloads


Short description of AIM device.🔝🔝🎯🎯 :)


As is our custom every summer we have discount on AIM devices. All August and September is AIM locator for 149 € per unit.🔝🔝🔝🔝⏩⏩⏩🎯🎯🎯

Timeline photos 30/07/2019

Our AIM trackers contain GNSS module from U-blox.
U-blox modules are widely used and are one of the best in positioning systems. That's why we used them in our design ;)
We are thankful for their innovation, which also help us make better products.

Our AssistNow service offers fast Time-To-First-Fix, even under poor signal conditions. It is available for all u-blox GNSS products. Read more about what AssistNow A-GNSS service online and offline can do for you here:


This video simply demonstrates, how well AIM tracker works. ;)


AIM configuration tool is available at: -downloads
("AIM PC configuration tool")

App is compatible with Windows OS, Linux and MAC, because it runs on JAVA.
Therefore JRE is required:

This app is supposed to be copied directly on AIM's SD card.
This JAVA app generates 42 text files in the same folder, where is launched. That's why it is supposed be on AIM's SD card.

Cyber Airsoft – Airsoft Interactive Monitor 16/07/2019

The season is in full swing so you can take full advantage of your AIM in the airsoft action.
If you don't have it yet, you can buy your AIM localization device for airsoft from our new website :)

Cyber Airsoft – Airsoft Interactive Monitor Home AIM Airsoft Interactive Monitor Location and status of your airsoft teammates. In real time. AIM is a unique device that displays the exact location of your teammates in real time. You can set statuses, issue commands to start a coordinated attack or quickly call for help. It uses it’s own co...

Videos (show all)

AIM Screen Crash Test
AIM RF Antenna Crash Testing
Design of AIM2 with closing cover :)
AIM range test