Dr. Antoinette Falco

Dr. Antoinette Falco

Naturopathic Doctor - offering information and health services about healthy living for families and children.

Photos from Dr. Antoinette Falco's post 30/08/2021


Zingiber officinale (ginger) is a fabulous antioxidant and warming herb that has many benefits for the healing hormones and optimizing menstrual cycles!!!

This spice has traditionally been used to combat the effects of various inflammatory diseases. And is used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to add heat to the body in states where there is a qi or yin deficiency.

There is research looking at the effect of ginger on pain releif in primary dysmenorrhea. They have concluded that 500mg of ginger powder three times a day for as little as 5 days had a statistically significant effect on relieving intensity and duration of period pain.👏

Primary dysmenorrhea is when you have an increased production of uterine prostaglandins derived from cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 enzyme activity. Studies have shown that by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis through COX-2 activity there is an pain-releieving effect similar to that by nonspecific nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as Advil. These drugs are useful as anti-inflammatories and as pain relievers. But in the conventional treatment for primary dysmenorrhea there is a failure rate of 20% to 25%, and some women do not tolerate these drugs well. Given the side effects of NSAIDs as well as their limited efficacy, it is wonderful to have an alternative option to supporting women with period pain!

Ginger contains several constituents such as gingerol, gingerdiol, and gingerdione, beta-carotene, capsaicin, caffeic acid and curcumin which create the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect!

One easy way to include ginger into your day is by including 1 cup of ginger tea that has steeped for about 10-15 minutes 🍵
💜For more on period pain tips follow !!! 💜💜
(PMID: 22781186).


Another episode of is up! 🎤⁠⁠
PCOS is a complex hormonal conditions to manage in practice because it truly requires a holistic approach 🤗⁠⁠
In this episode, I interview Callie Crouch about her experience both as a Family Nurse Practitioner and as a woman on her PCOS healing journey! ⁠⁠
In this episode we discuss:
🌺 PCOS diagnosis and why it may be hard to diagnose in some women ⁠⁠
🌺 First-line treatments and whether there efficacy rates
🌺 Connections between PCOS and adrenal and thyroid health ⁠⁠
🌺 PCOS blood tests to ask for
🌺 Lifestyle modifications for PCOS ⁠⁠
🌺 Is there really a RIGHT diet for PCOS?⁠⁠
🌺 Progesterone and PCOS⁠⁠
🌺 PCOS and infertility ⁠⁠
If you know someone who would be empowered by this knowledge, please share the episode 🙏💜
⭐⭐ ⭐ Also, I am looking for women, healers, and/or practitioners who have an important message to share or who want to share their story on The Hormone Heartbeat Podcast⭐ ⭐ ⁠⁠
Please DM me, because I want your voice to be heard 💜 ⁠⁠


Estrobo- what?! Trying saying that 10 times fast 🤣
As fun as this word is to say, it’s also a really important concept when we talk about estrogen metabolism and gut health!

New episode of The Hormone Heartbeat Podcast is up! And shares some awesome evidence based information about how to optimize your microbiome for superior hormone health! ✨

Some of the topics we discussed:
🙂Best foods to fuel your microbiome
🙂Probiotics and what strains you need for women’s health concerns
🙂Specific hormone conditions like , , and research on what is essential for your treatment plan!

Link in bio! Share this episode/post with a friend who may benefit from this topic 🤗


✨Hormone Holiday Giveaway Gift #2✨⠀
Today's hormone helping gift giveaway is all about detoxifying and supporting the liver pathways which is essential for metabolizing and building healthy hormones. The gifts today are:⠀

💕 - contains dandelion which is a great detox herb! And this drink is a good substitute for those looking to reduce or cut out caffeine.⠀

💕 - which is a charcoal based deodorant helping you detox through perspiration 🤗⠀

🌟Giveaway Rules🌟⁠⠀
1. LIKE this post⁠⠀
2. FOLLOW , If you already are, skip to #3.⁠⠀
3. TAG 3 of your closest gal pals that would love this gift or that you'd like to introduce to our hormone community 😘⁠⠀
4. DOWNLOAD a copy of my Post-PIll Guide (link in Bio) which is full of information about how to balance your hormones post hormonal birth control. ⁠⠀
**Day 2 Gift closes in 24 hours Dec 15 at Midnight!**⁠⠀
⁠Open to Canada and US residents only⁠⠀
All winners will be announced after Dec 24⁠⠀
NOTE - This is not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by Instagram or the brands mentioned above. Entrants must be 18 years of age.⠀
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The next episode of is up! (Link in bio, check out new story highlight with all the episodes!)⁠⠀⁠⠀
I had the pleasure of interviewing Rebecca from and we had so much fun chatting about Fertility Awareness Based Methods, thyroid health and why cycle charting apps may be doing women a disservice by reducing body literacy for women's hormone health and fertility!⁠⠀⁠⠀
Tag a friend who may be interested in this episode✨✨✨✨⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀
⁠ ⁠⠀


Have you ever noticed that the last week of your menstrual cycle you have a burst of creative energy?!⁠⠀
I noticed this past weekend that all I wanted to do was put up my Christmas decorations and I had been putting it off for a couple of weeks, but what was super cool is I noticed I had more creativity to do it during this luteal phase of my cycle 😍 I have noticed it is best not to force the process or make it a logical or left-brain task but rather allow your creative energy or right brain to naturally flow with it!
Pay attention to your natural energy flow and desires this cycle, you may be impressed with what you are able to create ⭐ ⁠⠀
You may notice that suddenly you want to⁠:
💝Be creative in the kitchen ⁠⠀
💝Redecorate your house⁠⠀
💝Refinish some old furniture⁠⠀
💝Make a new floral planter ⁠⠀
💝Initiate a home renovation ⁠⠀
💝De-clutter and create a new fresh space⁠⠀
💝Creative write
💝The list really is endless! ⁠⠀
During this dynamic phase of your menstrual cycle, you allow yourself "the FREEDOM to be who you are and generate the feelings of self-love, acceptance, validation, and self-confidence" (Miranda Gray, from The Optimized Woman) 💗 ⁠⠀
Please share below, i’d love to hear what you noticed ✨💜⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀ ⁠⠀
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Aunt Flow = Your Period😋⁠⠀
According to Miranda Gray who wrote The Optimized Women (BTW a fantastic book if you haven't read it) ---> Menstruation is when you experience lower physical stamina, increased need for sleep, lessened ability for mental focus and recall. And it is a time when women find it extra difficult to have the willpower to take action. And it's a time we find ourselves more accepting, tolerant and able to compromise and let go of our desires and needs.⁠⠀
Day 1 to 7 of your cycle is considered a passive phase of your cycle meaning it's a time to slow down, nurture the body and give it space for rest and renewal. It's a time to let go of worries, be present, be creative through day-dreaming and to go with the flow and connect to what is important to you! ⁠⠀
Most of my life - I have resisted the "rest and flow" part of my period days until I noticed what happens when I did...I was happier and I was able to get WAY more done in the next phase of my cycle when I had all this motivation and brainpower! So now I stop resisting and I take as much time as I can for rest when Aunt Flow is around. And here's what that looks like:⁠⠀
🦄 Warmth - warm drinks, heat packs, blankets, fuzzy socks⁠!⁠⠀
🦄⁠ Gentle exercising like walking and yoga ⁠⠀
🦄⁠ I do not make major decisions during this time⁠⠀
🦄⁠ Lots of reflecting & journaling 💕⁠⠀
🦄 Celebrate that my period is a sign of my fertility and hormone health 🙌⁠⠀
🦄⁠ Give myself permission not to complete major projects during this time (I know this isn't an option for those with work deadlines, but knowing your optimal productivity window is a huge value for your career and overall job performance!)⁠⠀
🦄 Spend time doing the things that make me happy!⁠⠀
🦄 Extra dog cuddles 😍⁠⠀
What does your routine look like when Aunt Flow comes? Do you try to resist resting?⁠⠀


We can't make stress go away but we can develop coping strategies and healthy habits around how stress influences our health 🙌⁠⠀
Naturopathic Doctor, Stress Management Coach, and Happy Living Expert .ellen.nd is chatting about all things stress and hormones!⁠⠀
Here are some of the topics we discuss:⁠⠀
💜The 4 types of stress⁠⠀
💜Physiological reactions to internal stressors⁠⠀
💜Adrenal fatigue and burnout ⁠⠀
💜Supplements and Stress⁠⠀
💜Stress and the menstrual cycle⁠⠀
💜Why Cortisol is an expensive hormone to make⁠⠀
💜How stress affects reproductive hormones⁠⠀
💜Stress management tips⁠😀⁠⠀
LINK IN BIO - to watch this episode!⁠⠀
Episodes of are released weekly! ⁠⠀
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Do you remember the first time you had a conversation with a partner about what you were using for birth control?⁠⠀
The first time this came up it was assumed that I was on the pill or had an IUD....becasue it was MY responsibility as a woman to shut down that part of my body and it was "unfair" to my partner if I didn't. As a young woman, I sure didn't know any better and just went with it.....😐⁠⠀
Reflecting back to when I met my husband, we had really good conversations about our sexual relationship, our fertility and how the female body works and he wanted to be educated and know more about the Fertility Awareness Method and it's efficacy rates. As much as I had made up stories in my head about how he was going to react, his reaction totally surprised me! And for me, it confirmed I needed to marry this man 😍 Because he trusted that I was the CEO of my own body! And that I knew what was best for us as a couple in terms of our long term fertility! ⁠⠀
If you are unsure about how to have the conversation with your partner about Birth Control, here are some points for reflection:⁠⠀
🌻FACTS - knowledge, information, research is essential for making informed choices!⁠⠀
🌻FEELINGS - everyone has varying viewpoints on how they feel about contraception and pregnancy...starting with an OPEN conversation will flush out what each partner is and isn't comfortable with⁠...including This the levels of "risk" you are whiling to take ⁠⠀
🌻FEAR - can be paralyzing but the opposite of fear is TRUST that you know what is BEST for your body⁠⠀
🌻FOLLOW - not all Fertility Awareness Methods are created equally or have equal efficacy rates. You must choose the one that feels right for both partners.⁠⠀
Some couples prefer to self-learn a method...which is perfectly OK, but it may lower the efficacy and your confidence in using the method. ⁠⠀
As a FAM educator, I hear from women that they tell feel lost trying to keep up with what's on the internet and they don't feel they are "doing it right"! A lot of my role is around building confidence for couples! 🙌💖⁠⠀
⭐What was your experience talking with your partner about birth control!


Vaginal Sensation is important for differentiating your peak mucus days - aka your most fertile days! Some women may not see mucus that they can pick up and finger test. However make sure to check the sensation you feel at your va**na when you wipe (in a front to back ⁠direction)! If you experience a lubricative sensation or have mucus that is clear in colour OR stretches more than 1 inch it’s considered peak mucus! So even if you only experience a lubricative sensation that’s still a positive sign for your fertility 😊⠀

Sometimes mucus can be thin or watery that it absorbs in the tissue. But if you have a sensation that feels lubricative you can categorize that day as a day of peak mucus! Note. All mucous is fertile*** this is for women who report never seeing mucus!⠀
Thank you to the wonderful for this awesome keychain! A reminder of how amazing the female body is! Also it was so fun to gather around your table at the Handmade Market and have a chuckle about how important it is to keep your lady bits clean! This gem hasn't even made it to join my other keys, out of fear it'd get dirty 🤣
Oh and she also makes Christmas Orniments - who wants one?! .alyssa.shepherd .postpartumdoula .lauren.nd .cherevaty ⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀⁠⠀
**nalove **nalsensations ⠀⠀⁠⠀


To all pregnant mama's this episode is for you! ⁠😍⁠⠀
⁠⠀alyssa.shepherd shares her secrets about natural childbirth and how ⁠to prepare your body and mind for birth!⁠⠀
Some of the highlights from this episode:⁠⠀
💜How to remove Birthing Bagage ⁠⠀
💜 How Surrounding can help you in Labour ⁠⠀
💜 Navigating the "Intervention train"⁠⠀
Check out the link in bio! And share this post which a pregnant friend how you think may be interesting in this knowledge!!
Also, be sure to check out the show notes for a copy of Dr. Alyssa’s⁠⠀
🌟Birth Beauty's Guide to Birth Bliss 🌟⁠⠀
⁠ 🎧 ⁠


It's been a wonderful couple of weeks celebrating all the 's which in the trying to conceive world means a Big Fat Positive pregnancy test! ⁠⠀
One patient said to me "And just like that I am pregnant and it hasn't even sunk and for some reason, I forgot about the 2 years I have been working towards this goal" 💖⁠⠀
Next steps when you have a positive test⁠⠀
🌟Confirm with a blood HCG test ⁠⠀
🌟Check-in with your practitioner about which supplements to continue and which ones to discontinue. ⁠And get the low down on which foods to stay away from and which to ramp up in your diet 😊⠀
🌟Depending on your location and preference - set up an appointment with a Midwife! (or educate yourself on what is the difference between Midwifery care and Obstetrical care during pregnancy, labour and postpartum)⁠⠀
🌟Then do Nothing but soak up all the feelings and emotions 😍 ⁠⠀
🌟REST - the first trimester can be rough for mamas with the quick increase in hormones, and it's an important developmental stage for babies!⁠⠀
🌟 Then before you know it you are in Trimester 2 and sharing your news with friends and family may feel right!⁠⠀
Happy Pregnancy to those couples in my practice!⁠⠀
To those couples still on the journey - your time will come ⁠and when it does it will be the most special and magical time that you won't even believe it 😍⁠⠀


This has been coming up more and more in my practice...women being prescribed Antidepressants such as SSRI's or SNRI's for hormonal imbalances 😯⁠⠀
I was curious to see what the literature had to say about this one and here's what I found:⁠⠀
A systematic review reports an overall modest reduction in hot flashes in post-menopausal women when given an SSRI (which is a drug that increases serotonin levels). The study also reports a number of adverse effects in the group given the SSRI such as nausea, dry mouth, fatigue, tiredness, decreased libido, sweating, dizziness, and rash. ⁠⠀
Another study concluded SSRI and SNRI ⁠reduce the frequency and severity of menopause associated vasomotor symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, or increase sensation of heat) by 10% to 64%.⁠⠀
While both studies suggested using an antidepressant as an alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy. Both studies report antidepressants are not as effective hormone replacement therapy but may be an option for women who want to avoid hormone therapy. ⁠⠀
While I am all for having options and hot flashes can be quite debilitating for many peri- and post-menopausal women....my thought is - should this be the starting place? Hormones are complex and what about the other body systems involved in hormone production and metabolism? ⁠⠀
What are your thoughts on this off label use?⁠⠀


Teaching women to be empowered by their bodies has been the core of what brings me great joy and ignites my passion for the work that I do!!⁠🎆😍⁠⠀
After listening to many women including those I work with and those who send me DMs 😊 there is a theme to the conversation and it is around wanting a method of birth control that is both hormone-free AND effective! Training as a Fertility Awareness Educator in a Sympto-thermal method has taught me that knowing what is happening in your body is hands down the most AMAZING experience! Not to mention super cool! ⁠⠀
Natural Birth Control is: ⁠⠀
⭐Fertility Awareness Method⁠⠀
⭐ Creates Body Literacy ⁠⠀
⭐ Hormone Free⁠⠀
⭐ Mega Empowering ⁠⠀
⭐Up to 99.6% effective at preventing pregnancy ⁠⠀
⭐ Includes tracking your bodies signs of fertility daily ⁠⠀
Now to my special invitation! I am looking for women who want to feel calm, confident and clear in mastering Fertility Awareness Method to use as Natural Birth Control! This is my first time running this as a group program, so special pilot pricing and bonus features available! 💜⁠⠀
If this is YOU, send me a message because I can't wait to chat details and see if we'd be a good fit for some worth together!!! 😘⁠⠀
⁠And if this isn’t you, can you help me out and tag a friend who you think may be interested. Thank you so much! 💜
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"How you digest your food is how you digest your life" - 🙌💖⁠⠀
The next episode is up of and our guest was not only SUPER knowledgable on gut health and digestion but shares her wisdom on the true root cause of digestive disturbances!!⁠⠀
Be sure to check out the show notes for some free goodies!!! ⁠⠀
🌷Tag a friend who you think would be interested in this episode 🌷 ⁠⠀⁠⠀
⁠ 🎧 ⁠⠀⁠ ⁠ ⁠⠀


The most amazing evidence I have gained from charting is having a better understanding of my hormone levels!!
When testing hormones such as estrogen and progesterone through a blood test they represent a snapshot in time (which is the exact time your blood was drawn). But those hormones change each day of your cycle and they produce a pattern that is uniquely different for every woman! The most ideal way to capture your hormone patterns would be to have a blood test every day and then plot it on a graph but that's not necessarily realistic or feasible⁠...🤪⁠⠀
I experienced this with my progesterone levels... where I had a blood test on cycle day 21 and again during another cycle on the 7th day past ovulation. And both of those times I had "normal within the range" progesterone levels. But what wasn't normal is the spotting I was getting 3 days before my period. Which was a sign that my progesterone levels were likely not staying elevated and dropping sooner then they should be. I also noticed my BBT dropping towards the end of my cycle which was another sign of insufficient progesterone. Once I got a handle on WHY my progesterone levels were suboptimal (for me it was the stress hormone cortisol that sabotages progesterone production 😒), I was able to support my hormones and now I no longer have this issue. 🙌⁠⠀
Anyone else finds it SUPER COOL, to use your chart as a way to be a hormone detective 🕵️‍♀️ ⁠⠀
Good News! You too can have this knowledge about your hormone health! ⁠⠀
Happy Charting 💖⁠⠀
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One aspect of the Fertility Awareness Method that I teach women is how to do a self-examination of their cervix! ⁠⠀
Here are some details to get you started:⁠⠀
🌻Begin after your period and check daily until your next period ⁠⠀
🌻Wash your hands before *very important!⁠⠀
🌻Ensure your nails are trim - your cervix is sensitive!⁠⠀
🌻Check in a sitting, standing or squatting position whichever is most comfortable and use that same position each day for consistency ⁠⠀
🌻Insert 2 fingers in your va**na and reach back until you touch your cervix⁠⠀
🌻Feel for texture: is it soft (like your lips) or hard (like the tip of your nose)?⁠⠀
🌻Feel whether your cervical opening (called the cervical os) is open or closed? ⁠⠀
🌻Note whether your cervical os is tilted back towards your re**um or in line with the opening of your va**na ⁠⠀
A cervix that is soft to touch (feels like your lips), completely open and positioned low and towards the opening of the va**na is aligned with your Peak Day of your cycle, which is the day that most women ovulate⁠!
Feeling your cervix and is another way to have body literacy 🙌💗 And is a great additional piece of body evidence to tacking your BBT, assessing your cervical mucus and keeping on track of your fertility and hormone status! ⁠⠀
Let me know in the comments or send me a DM, have you felt your cervix? What was your experience?⁠⠀
Happy Charting 💖⁠⠀
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According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the colour and consistency of your Flow can provide insight into your overall health and is helpful for making a TCM diagnosis to determine the best hormone balancing/fertility treatments 😀 ⁠⠀
Here are some examples with possible corresponding TCM diagnosis: ⠀
❣️Pink & thin consistency
Could be a spleen deficiency or a general qi deficiency ⠀
Ask yourself: do you experience fatigue, low appetite, loose stools, spontaneous sweating, dizziness, shorter cycles?⠀

❣️Light Red with a thin consistency⠀
Could be a blood deficiency⠀
Ask yourself: do you have a pale complexion, pale nails, poor vision, peeling skin, insomnia, heart palpitations, poor memory? ⠀
❣️Bright Red⁠ & Thick Texture ⠀
Could be a Kidney Deficiency or Heat due to Deficiency ⠀
Ask yourself: do you have a flushed red face, thirst for cold drinks, constipation, dark urine, irritability, insomnia, short cycles, back pain, fatigue?⠀

❣️Crimson red & thick texture ⠀
Could be from Excessive Heat. ⠀
Ask yourself: do you have a flushed red face, thirst for cold drinks, constipation, dark urine, irritability, insomnia?⠀

❣️Dark Red with Clots⠀
Could be Blood Stagnation or Excessive Cold ⠀
Ask yourself: do you experience sharp pain, do you have hemorrhoids or varicose veins, cramps better with warmth, cold hands and feet?⠀
❣️Purple-red with clots ⠀
Could be Liver Qi Stagnation. ⠀
Ask yourself: do you have sharp pain in the lower abdomen, breast tenderness, irritability, belching or gas, longer cycles, are you experiencing chronic stress? ⠀

TCM Fascinates me! 💖I always get asked "how does acupuncture help balance hormones" And the short and quick answer is first understanding the diagnosis and then choosing acupuncture points that help balance the flow of qi through the varying meridians in the body! For example: if you have excess heat, choosing points that help clear heat! ⠀
🌟Menstrual blood should start bright red with a consistent texture and follow a decrescendo pattern in terms of quantity: heavy and gradually tapper down🌟⠀
P.S. Paint swatches are an excellent way to communicate your menstrual flow colour!


Listening for monsters! ⁠🤣⁠⠀
It's a pediatric day in my office today!! 😊⁠⠀
With cold and flu season just around the corner! Make sure you grab your copy of my Immune boosting tips for kids! (Link in bio!)⠀
And if your child comes down with something there are many natural remedies in my toolbox that are very effective for little ones. ⁠💕⠀
My favorite therapies for children include herbal medicine and homeopathy 💜⁠⠀
Have questions about children's health, send me a DM🌟⁠⠀


Videos (show all)

Women’s Health Wednesdays. Cycle charting, #periodhealth and invitation to special LIVE workshop! #guelphnaturopath
Fatigue, low energy, brain fog - the #Thyroid! What #labs you need to test to understand what’s going on.
Goal setting tips and FREE Giveaway!
Creativity, self care and your health!! #selfcarechallenge #crankupcreativity #brainhealth #womenshealth
Top 3 questions I get asked about having a healthy #pregnancy!
Ever wonder what #cupping is and what it's used for?! Check out what's happening in my office today!#cupping #guelphnatu...
Meet Dr. Antoinette!

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:00