Dieting is for Fools

Dieting is for Fools

Fighting for the best version of myself and helping others do the exact same thing!

Timeline photos 18/09/2019

I promise I don’t have a problem. I just follow way too many fashion bloggers.😂

Peep my stories for a few things I tried on.


I promise I don’t have a problem. I just follow way too many fashion bloggers.😂

Peep my stories for a few things I tried on.

Timeline photos 13/09/2019

In the famous words of “someone else’s opinion is none of your business.”⁣

So get the damn ! Dance like there’s no tomorrow. Tell jokes and laugh at them. 🤪 sing in the shower and rock out in your car. 💃⁣ use ALLLL the dry shampoo! 😆

Because girl you only have this one life to live, So enjoy every single second you have been blessed with. ❤️

Timeline photos 10/09/2019


If you crave sweets at night like I do. Try this hack. Baby spoon instead of regular spoon.

One of my go to healthy desserts. Granola on the bottom. Cool whip just a few tablespoons. Add fruit and sugar free caramel.

This is so heavenly and if you eat with a baby spoon it feels like you are getting so much more.

What is your go to dessert? 👇🏻

Timeline photos 08/09/2019

Sunday’s are for stretching. 🐶

Timeline photos 31/08/2019

Adam: I’m going to go downstairs to get a drink.
Me: hey will you get me some milk?
Adam: I guess I’ll ask the bartender if they have milk....

This is what Friday night looks like for us in a new town.

I get told all the time “I want to lose weight, but I can’t give up the sweets.”

I am telling you. You don’t have to.

Deprivation leads to binge eating and guilt behind it. Here’s three things that I focus on so I don’t end up in that cycle.

🌟 you don’t have to have the entire tub of cookie dough. Have a bite or two to satisfy the craving.
🌟 lose the mindset of cheating on your diet. Call it a “treat” not a cheat.
🌟one meal. One dessert is not going to make you fall off the wagon. Make the decision that this is a treat meal and you will get back at it at your next meal.

Cheers to Friday night in bed before 8pm with cookie dough and milk. 😉

Timeline photos 30/08/2019

Off to explore the town with the hubby.

First stop. Brunch😋 because you know your girl is all about a good breakfast.

If you’ve been to St. Louis, what are a few of your favorite things to do?

Photos from Dieting is for Fools's post 26/08/2019

Even though every day at the home front is . I never miss a chance to celebrate these cutie patooties. Happy National Dog Day! 🐶 @ Broken Arrow, Oklahoma

Timeline photos 21/08/2019

Whew! First day of school in the books… wait how many days until Fall Break?⁣⁣
You packed the kids’ lunches the night before. You had their outfits picked out. Backpacks. School supplies all ready to go. Bonus points because you got them to bed before 10. ⁣⁣
The alarm came early this morning. And the countdown was on…. Kids.. brush your teeth. Have you brushed your hair? ⁣⁣
Turn theeeee coffee pot on! I need coffee. Susie is arguing with Benny about how to tie his shoes.⁣⁣
Clothes on. Check. Teeth brushed. Check. Lunches in backpacks. Check. Get in the car. Is everyone buckled?⁣⁣
You race to the school, but traffic is dreadful. Why oh why is the drop off line so slow? Does Martha really need to say hello to allllllllll of the moms? ⁣⁣
Drop off kids and kiss them off and tell them to have a wonderful day. ⁣⁣
Whew mama! You did it!! Now that’s an accomplishment to get it done all before 8am AND your second cup of coffee.⁣⁣
Now it’s time to check into the 9-5 job. But wait... I feel like I totally just conquered the day before 8:30. Isn’t that enough?⁣⁣
I first off have to say.. I am not a momma yet, but this is how I totally imagine your morning going. So hats off to all the mama’s out there… you are freaking bada** woman. You juggle the whole world and still somehow get those insta worthy pics of the first day of school. ⁣⁣
So tonight, before you go to bed. Give yourself some appreciation. Thank God for those two little munchkins that you can love and want to scream all within a two minute time span. You are enough. You are loved. You are absolutely changing the world.⁣💯⁣
If you totally rocked the first day of school with your kiddos, drop a few 💞💞 I want to cheer you on from the sidelines. ⁣😘⁣


Timeline photos 16/08/2019

Dear 21yr old Christina. ⁣

Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do. ⁣
Don’t let that friend hold you back from who you are meant to be. ⁣
Don’t worry about how you are going to pay for college. ⁣
Stop worrying about finding the perfect man. ⁣
Stop letting fear and worry dictate your life.⁣
Pray more and Worry less. ⁣

Treat your body as the temple that God has given you. ⁣
Stop letting the scale dictate how your day is going to be. ⁣
Have fun with your friends, embrace and feed those friendships that are authentic and genuine. ⁣
Stop using that Ben&Jerrys to console all of your problems.⁣
Cry it out. Don’t hold back the pain. Embrace it.⁣
Take a walk. Call a friend. Ask for help because you’ll need it.⁣

But more than anything, believe. ⁣
Believe what the Lord has empowered you to do. ⁣
Be quiet and listen. ⁣
Know that he is ALWAYS near even in those times that you are questioning if you can make it through tomorrow. ⁣

He is your truth.⁣
He is your light. ⁣
He is your path. ⁣
He always has a plan so much bigger than you can imagine. ⁣

I love you! ⁣

If you could write just a few things to your past self what would it say? 👇🏻⁣

Timeline photos 14/08/2019

You’ll drop $200 at Target when you walked in to get milk.😟 But can’t seem to scrounge up $160 to invest in your health and fitness 🤷‍♀️⁣

I hear ya girl. ⁣
It can be scary. ⁣
You may ask yourself why is this time going to be any different. ⁣
You may ask your spouse and they roll their eyes because you have spend literally thousands $$ on the next big thing. ⁣
And in the end you lose a few pounds. ⁣
You stick with it for about 2 weeks and then one ice cream cone leads to chili cheese fries at Sonic and the binge cycle gets out of control.⁣
You step on the scale to find out you have not only gained that 10 pounds back, but 5 on top of that.⁣

You feel awful. You’re energy is low. You are ordering all the clothes online because nothing fits and going into the mall sounds like an awful idea. You are bloated. The cravings are uncontrollable.⁣

Through this program I have found freedom with my workouts. I have learned about foods that bless my body instead of make me swell up like a balloon. I have found a community of women that love on me so hard even when I fail. (Some I haven’t even met in person) I have found energy when i used to come home and take a nap before dinner. I have found confidence in the person I am becoming.⁣

So you are probably asking me.. why should I invest in another program? ⁣

Hey sis... what if you don’t? ⁣

Go fill out the application in my bio to be considered for our next bootcamp and we will see if this is a good fit. 😉⁣

Timeline photos 07/08/2019


It’s a new week. You are excited to get started. You’ve bought all the groceries. Wrote your meal plan out. Prepped all the food. You even have snacks for the kids throughout the day. ⁣

Monday rolls around. You did awesome. All the “right” foods. You even got your workout in. ⁣

Here comes Wednesday and your girlfriend wants to go have lunch and catch up. You got the burger instead of the salad. Whoops! ⁣

Girl!! We made it to Thursday. You have the guilt around that burger so you put in a double workout to burn the calories. ⁣

Friday!! Heck to the yes!! It’s Friday. Celebrate. It’s date night so you might as well get the gelato. ⁣

It’s the freakin weekend!! Can I get an amen? For breakfast you get the cinnamon roll at your favorite place. Kids have sports all day and you have nothing healthy packed. McDonald’s drive through seems acceptable. ⁣

Sunday…. It’s a win if you get to church in time and by the time you get back home. You have nothing, literally nothing in the tank. Call Mazzio’s to get a pizza and cinnamon sticks because they are to die for. ⁣

MONDAY… the dreaded Monday. Cue all the shame and guilt from the weekend. And the nasty cycle repeats week after week. ⁣

Does this sound like you? I hear ya girl. Because this was me (minus the kids) for soo soo long. ⁣

I had all the best intentions. I wanted to make the change. I wanted to see sustainable results, but I had no idea how to break the mindless cycle.⁣

So here’s a few tips that I have found super helpful in my journey.⁣

🌟Kick the diet mindset. I choose healthy options to benefit my body. I am mindful of every bite, lick and taste that goes into my mouth.⁣

🌟Get the water instead of the sweet tea or diet coke. ⁣

🌟Veggies. Veggies. Veggies. Get the side salad. Get the steamed veggies instead of fries. Sub the buttered up bun for a lettuce wrap.⁣

These are just a few tips/tricks that we teach in our accountability community. ⁣

What is your biggest struggle when it comes to nutrition?⁣

Timeline photos 04/08/2019

I am taken back every single day and humbled by this man how he has become the leader of our home. I prayed for you for many years and what’s funny is you were right there under my nose, but God knew exactly what he was doing when he brought us together at a specific time in each other’s lived. ❤️ ladies! I ask of you more beg of you. DO NOT give up.... your knight in shining armor is out there and God is molding him to be the best husband for you. Never lose that fire to find him. 🔥

Timeline photos 03/08/2019

I woke up and when my feet hit the floor and cringing pain shot up the back of my leg. I grabbed the wall because I couldn’t even put pressure on it.⁣⁣
At first I thought it was just a leg cramp, so I tried to walk it out. That wasn’t helping. I started to panic, I had no clue what was going on. My mind started to race and then opened up the google search bar because Google knows all, right? Through my mindless searching, I came to find out that I had plantaar fasciitis. It was two days after I completed my half marathon and realized that my arch was collapsing. ⁣⁣
Ever since that happened, I have babied my foot. Held myself back because of everything that I had to do to recover my foot. Not pushed my body too hard... because I didn’t want to hurt it again. It’s funny how we do that..⁣⁣
Today in my workout there was a lot of jumping. I mean A LOT. But I decided to go for it, it was only 20 minutes, so might as well. I did the whole workout with only a few modifications. Now wait just a minute, I know there is a time and place for modifications, but I wanted to do this. I didn’t commit to 100 workouts to half ass it. And you wanna know what? I didn’t die. I was able to do it all. ⁣⁣
We are 6 days in.. out of 100 and I can feel it in my bones that this program is going to actually change my life. ⁣⁣
These 100 days will pass either way. You can watch us or join us? Link is in my bio.⁣⁣😉

Timeline photos 29/07/2019


TODAY it stops. ⁣

I will not let fear hold me back. ⁣

I will stop second guessing every decision I make. ⁣

I am done trying on 15 outfits to end up in leggings and a T-shirt. ⁣

I will not hold back my light because it makes others uncomfortable.⁣

I will not be stuck in my comfort zone. ⁣

I am done letting my success stand on anyone’s shoulders except my own. ⁣

And you should, too. ⁣

100 days are going to pass either way.⁣

The next few months will happen whether you join us, or not. ⁣

You’ve been saying you’ll start Monday for months now. ⁣

You said you’ll try the gym because you have some Pinterest workout.⁣

And I hate to break it to you, but watching won’t get you those results.⁣

At the end of these 100 days, are you going to be proud you said yes? ⁣

Or are you going to wish you did?⁣

Link is in my bio to get started. 💯🔥

Timeline photos 27/07/2019

I go all in for about 2-3 weeks and then I fall off the wagon. It’s so hard for me to stay consistent.🤷‍♀️⁣⁣
I would go all in for a few weeks and slowly start to drop off. Cue the guilt. Being ashamed. Cue the feeling of everyone judging because I would eat out or have the dessert. I never could find the healthy balance. I wanted to see the results, so I thought I had to be restrictive with my diet. I thought I had to do 2 a days. Hence killing myself in the gym and not seeing any results.⁣⁣
Here are a few tangible steps that I have found to see long-lasting and sustainable results.⁣⁣
🌟Set goals. Whether it’s to lose 20 pounds or fit into that dress for the party. Set goals long-term, but also short term. What do you want to do this week to work towards those goals? Make them measurable. i.e. I will only eat out twice this week and drink 64oz of water. Then when you do hit those goals, celebrate! It doesn’t have to be food. Maybe it’s coffee with a friend. Maybe it’s getting a massage. But celebrate those small wins.⁣⁣
🌟Motivation. This word is way overused in my opinion. I show up every single day, even when I don’t want to. Even when I have every excuse not to. Even when I have had a crappy day at work. It’s not because I am motivated to show up for myself, but it’s because I have set goals and I am keeping that promise to myself. Everyday that I show up for myself, I am depositing a teeny bit of confidence in myself that then turns into bold braveness and motivates me to go harder.⁣⁣
🌟I preach this all the time, but I think it’s so true. Get out of that mindset of “all or nothing.” Implementing those small changes will ensure that this lifestyle is sustainable for not only months, but years to come. Because girl, I know you want that small win or to meet that goal right now, but don’t you want to keep hitting bigger goals in the months and years to come and to become the best version of you.⁣⁣
Only a few days left to enroll in “I COMMIT TO 100” bootcamp. If this totally resonated with you and you are loving the tangible tips to implement right now. I urge you. No I am telling you. Go fill out the app in my bio to get all the deets. 💞🙌

Timeline photos 22/07/2019

When you wear the exact same pair of jeans and hope no one notices… ⁣

It’s Monday and the weekend hangover is real… you go into your closet and swipe through a few things. Nope not that shirt. Nope that dress is hideous. Uhh those pants don’t fit. I guess I’ll wear these jeans because it’s the only ones that still button… well most of the time.⁣

I know this feeling all too well. I remember not having anything to wear. I felt ashamed, but not ashamed enough to go out and buy a new pair of jeans. I just didn’t feel like it. I didn’t feel like going to the mall and trying 20 pairs of jeans on and come to realize I had to size up not just one, but twice. ⁣

It’s time to say enough is enough. I will not live the rest of my life like this. This week opens up enrollment for “I commit to 100” bootcamp. This bootcamp is for the woman that is feeling lost and ashamed. She has tried everything under the sun, but the weight just comes back. She wants to find something that is sustainable and that can fit into life. Life during birthday and summer season. She wants to be able to still have the ice cream and pizza. ⁣

This is not for the woman that wants a quick fix. She wants to deprive herself of certain food groups to see that scale drop 5-10 pounds in the first week. This is not for the woman that is trying to fit into a certain size for her aunt suzy’s birthday.⁣

This is a group where we will commit to 100 days. 100 days where life will happen. 100 days where there will be setbacks, but we will push through together and see the sustainable, long-lasting results.⁣

Go fill out the link in my bio so you can stop the yo-yo up and down and lose that 20 pounds and keep it OFF 5 years from now. ⁣

Timeline photos 21/07/2019

It’s the end of the week, the pantry is empty and all that’s left in the fridge is maybe some milk and a few eggs and maybe if you’re lucky a half bottle of cupcake. (:⁣

What do you do? Pull up the grocery shopping app for Walmart and start clicking everything in site. Or maybe you don’t want to deal with it, so you just order a pizza. Or maybe you scrounge together the weirdest concoction because you are starving and way past the point of hangry. Ya feel me? ⁣

I used to get so overwhelmed when it came to meal planning/grocery shopping. I didn’t know where to start. Or do I need organic? What’s the difference between GMO or gluten free? Are my eggs supposed to be cage free? You get the point..⁣

Here are a few tips when it comes to meal planning so it isn’t so overwhelming. Next week I will talk about my tips for going through the grocery store. ⁣

Take an inventory. What do you have in the pantry that you can use for meals so you are not buying everything and the kitchen sink. Build your meals from there. I like to start with dinners because I can see what sides or meat I have in the freezer. ⁣
Look at your calendar. What events/dates do you have planned this week? Build your menu around this. No need to have 5 dinners when you will be gone 4 out of the 7 nights for dinner.⁣
Double it. When you are making dinner, double or maybe even triple the recipe. That way you can take it for lunch the next day. ⁣

Meal planning doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You just need to have a few rules you stick to to get it done quick and it’s not taking your whole day. If you loved these tips, make sure to head over to my stories for the last two. ⁣😉


What do you want to be when you grow up? Unlike the typical child that wants to be an astronaut or the president or maybe evan an inventor. I said I want to be an accountant. Yep, that’s right. A dang accountant. I am not quite sure why? LOL⁣⁣⁣
So we go throughout our journey called life. Find our lifelong friends in Elementary and say we will be friends forever. School years pass. And before we know it we are going to prom because it was the place to be. We play the sports. We graduate high school. Then we find the best college to go to because that’s what we are supposed to do, right? Meet new people. Get out of our comfort zone. Graduate with friends who you know will always be by your side. Move out. Find the best job (any job) because you have lived 4 years through college and broke ain’t a joke. Find the man of your dreams. Marry the man of your dreams. And then……⁣⁣⁣

But no one ever talks about after you achieve all of those things, what’s next? Where do you go from there? I got to a point in my life and asked… is this it? It’s not that I wasn’t happy in everything that I achieved, the job that I found, the relationships that I had built, or marrying the man of my life. But I looked around and asked, is this it? Is this what the rest of my life is going to look like? ⁣⁣⁣
Insert…. Coaching. I found community through the ups and downs. It gave me purpose. It gave me a small thing to look forward to every single day. It gave me accountability in my personal health and fitness when I could barely stick to a program for more than two weeks. I am here to tell you, if you are asking yourself the same thing, you are looking around and asking what did I work so hard for? It doesn’t have to be that way. It can look different. ⁣⁣⁣
If you are interested in what I do as a coach, shoot me a DM or fill out the application in my bio. I would love to chat and see if this would be a good fit.⁣⁣⁣
Side note - I wanna hear what did you want to be when you grew up? Drop it below. ⁣⁣⁣


What if I told you I was scared out of my mind before I got started as a coach?⁣

As kids, we were told to be careful honey, you don’t want to fall off the swing. Or when it was time to go to bed and you told your parents that there was definitely a monster in the closet and they said let me get out a night light for you. Or what about that time that your friend on the playground called you fat and your mom said that is not true, you are beautiful. Or what about the time you didn’t make the team and your mom made everything better by taking you out for your favorite ice cream. ⁣

As women in this world, we are taught to play it small. Don’t get hurt. Don’t have too big of a personality because you don’t want to stand out. Don’t stand up for how you think because it could upset someone. Don’t do this or do that because you don’t know what aunt susie may think. ⁣

When we are taught this from such a young age, it is basically ingrained in our chemistry and it has taken so long to work through this as a woman. But I want to give you a few tangible tips on how to bust through the fear in whatever you have your heart set on.⁣

Get clear on what you want. What are some tangible action steps and small wins that you can start today?⁣
Brave women aren’t just born confident, they have just failed more than you. So start something today. Take messy action. Messy action is better than no action.⁣
Sit down and think long and hard. Maybe it’s in your closet or out on the back porch. Somewhere where you can get some peace and quiet. Why do you want this so bad? Think hard. Where is this goal going to get you? Will it help you towards what you want for you and your family in the future?⁣

Fear. It holds us back from so many things. And there is something holding you back from pursuing what you want, whether it’s the rockin body or maybe it’s just an extra income so you aren’t living paycheck to paycheck or maybe you want to cut out that friendship that isn’t serving you. But I want to be here to tell you loud and clear, it’s time to take some messy action and get started. ⁣

If this spoke to you, tag a friend that you know would love these tips. ⁣


What if we decided to not go all in and just change one or two things today? Would that be more sustainable?⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
You’re probably reading this and asking yourself is she crazy? Of course, I have to go all in. It’s all or nothing baby. If I don’t dive into the deep end, then I won’t stick with it. Whether it be in work or nutrition or relationships. I have to go all in.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
But… what if we are setting ourselves up for failure? Hear me out. Over the past couple of years, I have slowly started waking up earlier and earlier. I didn’t wake up one day and just say, I am waking up at 4am. Hell to the no. I woke up at 6:00 for work, so I got up at 5:45 and took a little prayer time for myself. After about a month or so I started waking up at 5:30 and got a good 15-minute stretch and relaxation time. Slowly, over time I got up 5 minutes earlier and over the past years, I know get up at 3:45.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
It’s the small things that we switch up over time that are sustainable and can become a part of our lifestyle. So today, ask yourself what are 2-3 things that you want to switch up. Maybe, it’s drinking 32oz of water. Maybe it’s getting a load of laundry done before you go off to work. Maybe it’s taking a walk with the dogs before bed.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
Drop those 2-3 things that you are implementing throughout today. I can’t wait to cheer you on. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣
📷 ⁣⁣⁣

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