

Pantaleimon is the musical project of Andria Degens, a vocalist and multi instrumental sound artist. This first record was very well received.

Combining elements of acoustic, folk, world, and electronics to create music that have been associated with indie folk, and psych folk genres. In the late 1990's Degens wrote and recorded some minimal instrumentals for Appalachian dulcimer and bouzouki which came to the attention of Christoph Heemann; this became her first album, Trees Hold Time. Since then, her growth as an artist has been ongoin


Popping to the PO with these packed up signed cds for all the winners of our recent competition. Your love and support is all❤️


Today is the 4th Anniversary of the release of my last album 'The Butterfly Ate The Pearl'. To mark this special occasion I am giving away signed copies on CD to the first 5 people who can answer the following question correctly -

Which musician, featured on 'The Butterfly Ate The Pearl', used to played with Oasis and Kula Shaker?

Answers below in the comments. Go! :)


Happy Summer Solstice!




Download Port Walks Audio

Very happy that Pantaleimon music (with Susan Stenger) is featured in Port Walks Part 2: Beyond the Horizon and Beneath the Surface

Port Walks is an art project by Sheelagh Broderick, commissioned by Dublin Port as part of Port Perspectives program of site-specific public artworks. The work is currently in development. The intention of the project is to create a link between Dublin Port recreational walkers and the seafaring crews that enter the Port each day. The Great South Wall is a particular focus of interest because of its proximity to ship traffic entering and leaving the Port. Tune in to what is happening around you as you walk along Dublin Bay


Chris Cornell, Soundgarden and Temple Of The Dog brought me out of deep depression whilst going through the hell of divorce. His music saved me during a very difficult time. He influenced my last album 'The Butterfly Ate The Pearl' in a big way, believe it or not. My heart is so sad that Chris Cornell has left so early. I will always be indebted to him for giving me the will to carry on in times of trouble. RIP 🙏


Pantaleimon's cover photo


Happy New Year 2017 to you all!
Thank you for your love and support. There's few things happening this year that I'm excited about, but in the meantime it's heads down in the studio xx


PANTALEIMON biography Sparse, oblique and a bit of a curiosity in the ever-expanding and evolving world of freak folk, PANTALEIMON (pronounced “pan-ta-lay-mon”) was the brainchild of Andria Degens, wife of CURRENT 93/Durtro Records main man David Tibet…


'The Butterfly Ate The Pearl' is featuring on Spotify … .



Sounds... Pantaleimon is the musical project of Andria Degens, a vocalist and multi instrumental sound artist. Combining elements of acoustic, folk, world, and electronics to create music that have been associa


Pantaleimon on Apple Music

Hey! The entire catalogue is now available on Apple Music Listen to songs and albums by Pantaleimon, including "Heart of the Sun", "The Butterfly Ate the Pearl", "Trees Hold Time" and many more. Songs by Pantaleimon start at £0.79. Free with Apple Music subscription.