Kingdom Kinection

Kingdom Kinection

Kingdom Kinection is an outreach ministry with the goal of providing resources for the Kingdom of God to unite as one.

The mission of Kingdom Kinection is to unify the body of Christ through networking, teaching and worshipping. Our greatest desire is to bring unity to the Kingdom of God through utilization of diversity. We firmly believe that each joint supplies what is needful for the body and is on a mission to bring forth oneness by capitalizing on our differences. We will offer in depth teachings on the scrip


Healthy Livin 4 U 2

We create small & large baby gift baskets with soaps and body moisturizer for baby. Let’s not forget that’s special man in your life we have something for him. And ladies!! You know we have gift baskets with you in mind. We have gift baskets for all occasions!!!! Contact us at:[email protected]


Healthy Livin 4 U 2

F&S Creations is excited to introduce our new soap line! If you are tired of those soaps that dry out your skin and contain so many different chemicals, we have the solution for. You can be clean with our clean line of soaps. Our soap line contains all natural ingredients that moisturize your face and body. You will never have to worry about any type of irritation or side effects because our products are so pure they can be used on babies, We have lavender, honey almond and peppermint soaps,.We also customize soaps for your skin type based on your specifications. Contact us today for more information.


If you call yourself a child of God, but you don't experience peace and rest, and your life is surrounded by a lot of strife and confusion, there's something wrong. You need to be made aware of who you are in Christ, The Authority he has given you, and the arsenal of weapons he has equipped you with to fight and win back your peace. Peace is your right as a child of God.



Fill Me Up - tasha Cobbs & Pastor John Gray World at Lakewood


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

The Spirit of Prophecy has been manifesting in miraculous ways the last few weeks at ANWA. When satan expresses his intent and makes his agenda known, The Spirit of God will elevate HIS voice in the midst of a people. Prophecy is a POWERFUL component in spiritual warfare. Without it, we fight with the lights off.


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

The prophetic word can affect climates! It is both atmospheric and environmental. When a real word is released from Heaven, earth has to respond. The prophetic word frames worlds. The prophetic word creates realities. Prophecy can ESTABLISH a world around you.


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

Because the powers of life and death are in the tongue, all of satans primary attempts will be vocal. It is through words and decisions that his agenda takes root and gains momentum. Hexes, vexes, spells, incantations, conjurations, and enchantments are crafty evil technologies that stop a people, ruin lives, pervert purpose or poison hearts. This is why prophecy becomes relevant. The heart, mind, judgements, decisions, doings, actions, plans, and story line of God can WEAKEN the effects of magic on the soul. Prophecy can focus a people.


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

Warfare is often a response to what has been and what will be. Therefore access to invisible knowledge and hidden information is paramount when directing a people to a future. When prophecy announces what will be, people are no longer distracted, burned out, worried or fearful. When GOD says something, whatever was said prior becomes impotent. Prophecy will open whatever is NEXT. When you see the next, you are not worried about the now.


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

The prophets of God are more powerful than witches. A major portion of the prophetic office addresses, confronts, exposes and binds witchcraft, the occult and dark arts. When a coven ( christian or otherwise) directs there attention to you, it is important, to find some refuge among the prophets of God!


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

Apostles must protect their focus.

Prophets must protect their quality.

Evangelists must protect their commitments.

Pastors must protect their expectations.

Teachers must protect their approach.


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

Local Churches are not dying because Millennials are leaving. That conversation is a deflection of much greater and much more severe issues affecting Church Structures and Value Systems. The GREATER issue, is not keeping a generation interested, but building harvest focused houses. Most Churches are concerned about their members but do NOTHING to win the lost. This is true of the lost IN the house, and the lost OUTSIDE of the house. Mighty Houses have a deepened heart, capacity, draw and burden for the lost. Our focus is off, and hell loves it that way. No church should have 20 members in cities that have millions going to hell. Thats all.


Christian Video

This will take you straight into the throne room!!

Wow! A glimpse of what heaven is going to sound like! 💓💓💓
Credit:Trey McLaughlin,
Customize a T-shirt with Bible verses to share the 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

The mind is fashioned to either be your greatest asset or one of your toughest enemies. The Bible let's us know, for a reason, to RENEW our minds for a reason!!! HEROES THRIVE WHEN THEIR MIND HAS BEEN RENEWED!!! A prayer like this is definitely a vital step to renewing your mind. Let me know what you think in the comments below!


Ministries of Francis Frangipane

Sadly, many Christians have no higher goal, no greater aspiration, than to become "normal," as they measure themselves to other people. Recall, Paul rebuked the church at Corinth because they walked "like mere men" (1 Cor. 3:3). God has more for us than just becoming slightly better people; He wants to flood our lives with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. We must understand: God does not merely want us "normal"; He wants us Christlike.


The Playmakers Comedy

This is such a powerful Word!!


"Thorns" by Dr Matthew L Stevenson III preaching at In Charlotte


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

If you don't have a burden, what you build is not authentic!!!!!! Agony, is the Power that prepares world changers!


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

Proverbs 28:9 The one who turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer is an abomination.

If you reject and rebel against The word, even your prayer is abominable.


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

Proverbs 29:1 "Whoever remains stiff-necked after many rebukes, will suddenly be destroyed—without remedy."

Never become numb or common to the rebuke of a teacher! To ignore it, is to become closer to sudden irreversible disaster!


This is why I believe I. the power of the alter.


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

I have trained my Church to value Altar life!! We are very strong believers in the power of an altar! We labor at altars as a matter of discipline because it keeps us grounded in what's important to God......... people! Churches that don't work Altars often are at risk of forgetting this and will eventually put programs before people! We work altars and we labor in love!!!!!!!!!


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

Everyone is so eager to be deployed without considering if they've been discipled.

In my estimation, most lingering dysfunctions in a believers walk with God, can be traced to the lack of discipleship in the formative phases of that Christians belief systems. Discipleship is the New Testament resource of choice, when something in seed form is ready to become a student, then that student can grow as a son. I laugh when people think they are about to fulfill their destiny, and they've never surrendered to a season of discipleship. Your destiny is not something you just ARRIVE in, you were actually supposed to be escorted there. We really do live in a foolish generation.

My thoughts.


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

A "Yes" to God will first affect your heart!

It will then affect your mind!!!!

Immediately after that, it's going to sift your circle! You can't say yes to God and your social life remain as it is!!! For this reason, many of you won't yield. You are afraid that God will sift the circle. The pain of staying the same will be greater than the pain of having to change!! SELL OUT to HIM!!!!!!


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

I'm studying what the Bible has to say about The Church, and from what I'm comprehending, most of it is actually the diametric opposite of what we believe. One thing is for certain.......SHE HAS A FUTURE!!!!

I speak the blessings of MILLIONS and MASSES to every ministry practitioner working towards The Future of The Church!!!! The Church TIMELESS, The Church ETERNAL and The Church VICTORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Open your mouth and shout " LONG LIVE THE CHURCH!!!!!"


Ryan LeStrange

Apostles have divine thrust! Apostolic ministry is about movement. They move in the spirit. They move in travel. They move in thought. They move in anointing. They move in understanding. Apostolic ministry is set in the ekklesia to MOVE God’s people forward. Apostles birth divine advance. This greatly irritates the religious spirit which values stale revelation and a fixed position.


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

To the leader-

When HIS PRESENCE is in the room, don't be afraid to cry. Lose your dignity in His presence, and your people will know you can be trusted. LIFT YOUR HANDS HIGHER next Sunday!


Ryan LeStrange

Prophetic worship makes religious spirits nervous because going off script requires actual pursuit and not performance!


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

To the leader-

Don't keep your adversities from your team. They didn't just sign up for your vision, they also signed up for your warfare. The darts aimed at you, may pierce one of them. Let them know what they have been drafted into. Jesus told His disciples " When the world hates you, know that it hated me first." When you sign up to handle a vision, you also sign up to share a measure of its hate.


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

Good pastors aren't always great leaders!

Learning to be a Shepherd is not the same as learning to be a leader! For this cause, many Pastors bless lives and kill organizations!


Ryan LeStrange


Ministries of Francis Frangipane

Often, in spiritual warfare, we discover that the visible issue is not the real issue and the apparent enemy is not the real enemy. We are not fighting people, but the spirits that manipulate immature or sinful attitudes in people. These spirits seek to gain access to our churches, families and cities. They must be discerned and resisted by the church in prayer and spiritual warfare. —A House United


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

Training Churches!!!

People are growing weary of sitting idle in places! People desire to be RAISED UP! We must train and provide environments where the abilities that are inside of people can be challenged and groomed for USE in The Kingdom!!!!


Ryan LeStrange


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

Many of you will be held accountable to God for diminishing your "Shine" for the security of those that are watching you. You were instructed by God to SHINE. That is a Biblical directive. The scriptures don't use suggestive language for this, but gives direct commands to "SHINE!". If your brightness is bothersome, it's only to those that have for whatever reason, yet to find their own.

Isaiah 60:1 ""Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the LORD rises to shine on you."

If I don't " SHINE", I'll get in trouble with God! This is a season to SHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Reply "SHINE"


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

It's a time to press into God for answers to hard questions! Without prayer, you never have answers and you live in a realm of assumption, presumption and fear.


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

The Spirit of God is raising up watchmen that can discern at the national level. The eyes of The Body of Christ have been gouged out, but God is raising up men and women that SEE IN THE DARK!!!!

There is a fresh release and commissioning coming upon Prophets, Seers, Dreamers, Watchman, Intercessors and Psalmists, to declare what is hidden and announce what is on the way!


Ministries of Francis Frangipane

What feels like an offense is, in reality, a door to our destiny. Consider Joseph, he suffered attempted murder, betrayal and slavery; he was unjustly accused and unfairly imprisoned. Yet Joseph took the injustice he experienced from men and transferred those offenses to the Lord, His almighty Redeemer. You see, how we handle offense reveals where we are yet controlled by our flesh. If you want to reach your destiny, you must become Christlike in your crisis. In a word, you must become unoffendable. --In Christ's Image Training


Dr Matthew L Stevenson III

The word of The Lord concerning 2017

Isaiah 28:17-"I will make justice the measuring line And righteousness the level; Then hail will sweep away the refuge of lies And the waters will overflow the secret place.

This is the year of the Justice of God!!!! Supernatural Justice will be on display all year! He is the vindication of The saints!


Ministries of Francis Frangipane

The psalmist wrote, "goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life” (Ps. 23:6 NKJV). Goodness and mercy, not fear and depression. I say it’s time to cancel our plans to be miserable and submit ourselves again to the goodness and mercy of God. —In Christ’s Image Training


One Voice Ministries: Hank and Brenda Kunneman

One of the divine transfers we will experience this year is a transfer of supernatural victory. God is crushing the head of the enemy and we will overcome ALL the plans and schemes of the evil one! Receive that today and declare "divine transfer!" .