Andrew Tate

Andrew Tate

let's beat the system


One of the main reasons why some people are not yet SUCCESSFUL is that, they only WISH for something to happen but they can't work for it

You will see someone that has something or that is making something, and you will be like I wish I had this or I was wish I was making this...why not go and ask the person bro how come you made this

While some will ask and get information and they will be like.""I can't do it" You can't do it but you wish to have the same thing that he that did it have.....then how possible? ask yourself...

They now bring MINTAFRIC to you but you are doubting and you are wishing to be successful

Have it in mind that WISHES ARE NOT can wish from now to next 5 years and nothing will happen... it will only come as an IMAGINATION to you until you do something
