Purdue Weed Science

Purdue Weed Science

Opinions expressed on this site may not represent the official views of Purdue University.


Part time farm help needed in the Macomb/Adair, IL area.
Work would include driving tractors and working with farm equipment. CDL would be beneficial but not required.
We are looking for qualified individuals to help in all aspects of our corn/soybean farms. Competitive pay based on experience.

Contact Troy Heaton 309-255-2774.

Photos from Purdue W**d Science's post 05/08/2022

Congratulations to the Purdue Botany and Plant Pathology W**d Science Graduate Students for winning the Regional Summer W**d Science Contest for the 12th time! Purdue Agriculture

Timeline photos 16/01/2022

If you missed our first webinar, don’t worry! The Herbicide Resistance Action Committee is hosting two more webinars in the Inside W**d Management series — PLUS a recording of the first webinar is now available. Don’t let w**d management tools pass you by. Access the live webinars and recordings here: https://bit.ly/3FQ00eG

Inside W**d Management Webinar Series 30/12/2021

Is managing herbicide-resistant w**ds one of your New Year's resolutions? Register for the 2022 Inside W**d Management Webinar Series to learn how to tackle tough to control w**ds! https://iwilltakeaction.com/news/inside-w**d-management-webinar-series

Inside W**d Management Webinar Series Don’t let w**d management tools pass you by. Join Take Action for Inside W**d Management, a webinar series hosted by Take Action, providing helpful ...


Dicamba Tank mixing with Glyphosate and/or Clethodim Effect on Junglrice Control - UT Crops News


news.utcrops.com The call of the spring and now well into the summer are on failed attempts to control junglerice and goosegrass in Xtend crops. The most recent rash of calls have been from very frustrated folks who have not controlled one of those grass species even after three applications of glyphosate and/or cle...


Check out our latest fact sheet on barnyardgrass and junglerice management.https://iwilltakeaction.com/uploads/files/58535-2-final-ta-hrm-factsheet-barnyardgrass-v4-copy.pdf



Just a reminder that we will NOT have the w**d science field day tomorrow, June 27th. We WILL have the field day on July 11th. Same time same place.


An error has occurred.

W**d Science extension/research faculty position available at the U of Minnesota - https://z.umn.edu/W**dScientist.



Differentiating dicamba and 2,4-D injury in soybean. New pub by the Purdue W**d Science Crew.https://ag.purdue.edu/btny/w**dscience/Documents/WS-56.pdf


Cressleaf Groundsel (Packera glabella)

Every spring we receive several calls and e-mails about Cressleaf groundsel.
See article below for relevant information on its biology and management strategies.

extension.entm.purdue.edu Every spring we receive several calls and e-mails about a certain 3-foot tall w**d with yellow flowers. This year, cressleaf groundsel is slower to develop, presumably because of the extended cold and wet weather which has not allowed much field work (spring tillage or burndowns for no-till) to pro


Webcast: Diagnosing Soybean Injury Caused by Dicamba


plantmanagementnetwork.org Plant Health Progress, an online journal of the American Phytopathological Society with content appropriate for all plant health practitioners.


Adapting burndown herbicide programs


morningagclips.com COLUMBUS, Ohio — While it’s not terribly late yet, the wet soils and wet forecast could keep most of us out of the fields for...


W**d Science position available with Syngenta (Ph.D. level). See this link - W**d Science position available with Syngenta (Ph.D. level). See this link - https://syngenta.taleo.net/careersection/unitedstates/jobdetail.ftl?job=18008828&tz=GMT-04%3A00&tzname=America%2FIndianapolis



W**d Science Faculty position at U of Maryland -

ejobs.umd.edu University of Maryland Extension (UME) invites applications for a 12-month tenure-track position of Agent to conduct evaluations of herbicide efficacy and provide w**d management expertise to UME personnel and growers throughout Maryland. The candidate will have training in the principles of w**d sc...


ATS and Burndown Herbicide Treatments (Updated with Velvetleaf Data and Pictures)

Updated information on glyphosate + ATS on velvetleaf - https://t.co/b7DUHkQXGH

extension.entm.purdue.edu This spring we have received a number of questions regarding the use of glyphosate-based burndown herbicides programs with ATS (ammonium thiosulfate). Increased use of ATS is being driven by the fact that sulfur deficiency symptoms are showing up on fields with low sulfur soil test levels.


Should Nitrogen Take a Back Seat to W**d Control, Planting?

Tips on planning w**d control operations in corn in a year with delayed opportunities to get into the field. https://www.dtnpf.com/agriculture/web/ag/news/article/2019/04/10/nitrogen-take-back-seat-w**d-control

dtnpf.com "The secret truth is that planting and w**d control are more time sensitive than N application," one Missouri crop expert said.


ATS and Burndown Herbicide Treatments

We have gotten a lot of questions about applying glyphosate-based burndown treatments with ATS. Here is an article with our thoughts on this topic - https://extension.entm.purdue.edu/newsletters/pestandcrop/article/ats-and-burndown-herbicide-treatments/

extension.entm.purdue.edu This spring we have received a number of questions regarding the use of glyphosate-based burndown herbicides programs with ATS (ammonium thiosulfate).


What Have We Learned from Four Years of Studying Temperature Inversions?


ipm.missouri.edu We are beginning our fifth year of monitoring inversions in Missouri. In 2017 we started expanding our inversion monitoring network and also began studying how inversions affect dicamba applications thanks to partnerships with colleagues at other states and funding from the United Soybean Board, Mis...


Bill Johnson on Twitter


twitter.com “We are getting lots of questions abt glyphosate and cancer. W**d scientists are not cancer experts, but have stayed at a Holiday Inn :)!. As I come across good pieces of info on the topic, I will post links to help others who are getting these questions. https://t.co/L0nEpd8qTt”


WIU School of Agriculture

Our mental health is just as important as our physical health, even though we don’t always acknowledge that. If you’re a farmer, farm worker, or come from a farming background, we want to hear from you. Please consider taking our short, anonymous 10 minute survey about mental health in agriculture. Visit bit.ly/farmers-first for more information and to participate.


Shares appreciated!


WIU School of Agriculture

Leatherneck alums were full of giving back tonight in Knoblauch Hall. Leatherneck Dr. Bill Johnson of the Purdue W**d Science department shared tips for entering graduate school. His son, Jacob, will be in the WIU class of 2023.

Following Dr. Johnson was Leatherneck Bryan Schullian who spoke to our agricultural education students about how to use the AET record keeping system.

We are always proud to have our Leathernecks back on campus.


Perceptions of Agricultural Careers: Defining Today’s Agricultural Graduate | Infographic | AgCareers.com

agcareers.com Perceptions of Agricultural Careers: Defining Today’s Agricultural Graduate – Highlights from the AgCareers.com Enrollment & Employment Outlook: Planning for Emerging Careers 2013 Update. Discover what students envision, how they look for jobs, who influences them, and more from AgCareers.com.


WIU School of Agriculture

Looking forward to going back to my alma mater and talking to the students and faculty!

Is graduate school in your future?
Find out what you need to know to help you reach success TONIGHT, at 5:30pm - Knoblauch Hall 226 as Dr. Bill Johnson, w**d scientist at Purdue, will present a workshop entitled "Things to Know When Applying to Graduate School."

This session is open to everyone and will be greatly beneficial!


Take Action: Pesticide Resistance Management

Are your w**ds deceiving you?


Bill Johnson on Twitter


twitter.com “Webinar recording (YouTube video) of our presentation on cover crop recipes for first time users. https://t.co/krF19rR0h5


K-State Agronomy :: eUpdate Issue 734 March 1st, 2019 :: Palmer amaranth resistance to 2,4-D and dicamba confirmed in Kansas

Palmer confirmed resistant to 2,4-D and dicamba. Just one more piece of evidence that we must use integrated w**d mgt practices to tackle our w**d problems. https://webapp.agron.ksu.edu/agr_social/eu_article.throck?article_id=2110



Take Action Now to Resist Herbicide Resistance

Great talking points about integrated strategies and proper herbicide use to sustain our current herbicide portfolio. https://www.croplife.com/sponsor/take-action/take-action-now-to-resist-herbicide-resistance/?LVP=78395&utm_source=realmagnet&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=clenews02262019

croplife.com Even with the advent of some newer post-emergence tools, the problem is not going away. As resistance to glyphosate and other herbicides continues to develop across North America, raising grower awareness of the problem is of primary importance. With no new herbicides on the horizon with the one-siz...


Midwest Cover Crops on Twitter

Check out our upcoming webinar for new users of cover crops.

twitter.com “Check out our “recipes” for farmers new to cover crops! We will host a webinar Fri Feb 22 at 10 eastern to highlight our Indiana recipe, which is applicable to the eastern corn belt. https://t.co/3nE0Psv6HA”


China gives long-awaited GM crop approvals amid U.S. trade talks

China approves new herbicide resistance traits E3 and SYHT0H2 - look for more details later today from Corteva and Syngenta -

reuters.com China approved five genetically modified (GM) crops for import on Tuesday, the f...


Bill Johnson on Twitter


twitter.com “Here is a video presentation on the usefulness/accuracy of weather apps based on research conducted by our w**d science group and the **ds w**d science group. **dscience **dswin https://t.co/HUX5yagbSY”


Cover Crops And W**d Seeds - A Study Of Lab Results Over Three Years


extension.entm.purdue.edu Authors: Don Robison, Seed Administrator, Indiana State Seed Lab, Office of Indiana State Chemist Cover crops have increased in interest and acres planted substantially in the past decade. Indiana has now had three consecutive years of over one million acres of cover crops planted. While cover



Turf W**d Science Research Associate position open - Purdue University is seeking a motivated individual to manage daily activities associated with turf w**d research experiments and the turf extension program under the direction of Dr. Aaron Patton. http://purdue.taleo.net/careersection/wl/jobdetail.ftl?lang=en&job=1802084



Request for Proposals - United Soybean Board

Fellow W**d Scientists, here is an RFP for someone to write a lit review and white paper on ecological w**d management systems - Details can be found at https://unitedsoybean.org/request-for-proposals/.



Take Action: Pesticide Resistance Management

Searching for herbicide-resistance management resources? You’ve come to the right place. Download your free Take Action kit here:


003947-2018 - Vice President for Ethics and Compliance - Purdue University

W**d Science faculty position available at Purdue in the department. https://www.purdue.edu/ethics/Search_Screen/Faculty_Openings/Agriculture/3947-2018.html
**dscience **dswin **dscience **dsarebad

purdue.edu 003947-2018


Use this worksheet to determine which herbicides pose the highest risk for herbicide-resistant w**ds



Take Action: Pesticide Resistance Management

Having escaped w**ds doesn’t necessarily mean resistance is present. Learn what other factors could lead to w**d escapes throughout the growing season.



Update on Wind Speeds and the New Dicamba Labels

Our latest newsletter article on available hours to spray dicamba last month:

extension.entm.purdue.edu Authors: Joe Ikley and Bill Johnson Now that we are in the middle of July and most herbicide applications in corn and soybean should have ended, we wanted to take a look back at June this year. Specifically, we wanted to look at the weather this past June with regards to the labels for Engenia, F


What is the Latest on the Dicamba Situation?

The latest on the dicamba situation in Indiana.


extension.entm.purdue.edu Authors: Bill Johnson and Joe Ikley As most of you are aware, we are monitoring the dicamba and Xtend soybean situation fairly closely. There have been a number of articles in the press recently regarding drift complaints and acreage affected in other states. The purpose of this article is to pr

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00