David Shevelew Music

David Shevelew Music

London Based singer and song writer


URGENT!! Due to Illness i will no longer be at Songwriters Circle tonight


Just back from the Main Stage at Sunny Shepley- Really great family festival and possibly my new favorite village in England.


Just a reminder that i am supporting Kate Denny at the Redbridge Green Fair Music Club TONIGHT. Its only 10 mins walk from Seven Kings Station and only £4 to get in.
Kate was the founding member of the Kittiwakes and is releasing her debut solo album so come along for a great night of music and my debut EP will be on sale too!!!


FRIDAY FRIday friday!! This Friday, the 20th, i am supporting Kate Denny at the Redbridge Green Fair Music Club. Its only 10 mins walk from Seven Kings Station and only £4 to get in.
Kate was the founding member of the Kittiwakes and is releasing her debut solo album so come along for a great night of music.



TWO NEW GIGS: April 20th im supporting Kate Denny and in October im supporting Phillip Henry and Hannah Martin.

Head over to www.davidshevelewmusic.co.uk for more information!!



Look what the Post Man brought this morning!!!!


UPDATE: Artwork Sent and Masters in the Post.
Should have the EP in 2 weeks !!!


Hey, just a reminder that my friends Dave Gibb and Elly Lucas start the first of their residency spots for the Magpies Nest tomorrow night. Come down to 3 Compasses, Dalston Road, Hackney do see me as one of their guests tomorrow night as well as other great musicians and of course Dave and Elly. FREE ENTRY and Music from 8pm!!


CONFIRMED today i will be playing at the Slaughtered Lamb on Monday 13th for Pull up the Roots supporting the very talented Anna Massie and Mairearad Green. I know its a little short notice but it would be great if you could tell as many people as possible and maybe even come down for a great evening of music.


EP now mastered and sitting in front of me. All i have to do know is sort the artwork and the cover notes, sort out the production and sort out the paperwork. Seems more and more like the recording was the easy bit!



NEW WEBSITE: Okay so it took a little less time than i though but my new website is up. Its simpler to use and less intensive for computers.


Do have a look around and pass it on!!!



So...Its been a while since i was last on here and heres why. I have yet again been in the studio recording and know have a better idea of what i am going to release and when but more on that as it happens. an EP is in the offing sooner rather than later :)
I've also been re-building my website because the Wix site, whilst very easy to build as my first website, is very flash heavy and so my simpler, sleeker site will be up soon. This means that davidshevelewmusic.com may not work for a while so please be patient and look out for the new site once its up. Also...oh yeah a VERY BELATED HAPPY NEW YEAR i really should update this more often.