Eco Friendly Living

Eco Friendly Living

🌿Helping others retain good health in today's toxic world

💥"Never start a business to make money.

Start a business to make a difference"

☘️ Return to origin
💦If your drinking water isn't living, you're not living
📱High Ticket Online Income


I love the sound of this and will definitely try it.

Like a car our bodies are engines and need a good flush out every now and then!

What's your go to detoxing remedy ?


Ha ha if only it was that easy! And in high heels 😂


We only get one shot at life... So .....

💥Take the challenge
💥Take the opportunity 💥Book that holiday
💥Have some fun
💥Do something new
💥Be a daredevil
💥Be inspired
💥Looks scary? Try it anyway, that's how you grow

I say 'Get out there and enjoy it!' 😊


Good afternoon!! 😊

I'm feeling very fired up today, full of energy and intentions! 💥

Believe me this doesn't happen every day but I know today is the day for those little things I've been putting off for forever to get them done

It's like clearing out a drawer... You do one then end up doing every single drawer in the house! It causes momentum

What are your intentions? It could be something small on your to do list or bucket list

Taking that first step and getting the ball rolling will give you a sense of achievement, pride and accomplishment

In business, work, health, hobbies, holidays, family or home ... Make those intentions a tick on your list today ✅

There's no time like the present

Have a fab day ! ☺️


Take care of nature and nature will take care of us ❤️


What is your first thoughts when you look at this picture?

🌿 Mine is the importance of educating the younger generation on our natural world, Mother Nature and our health journey

✅ Passing down our knowledge from previous generations is critical for humanity

💫 They will walk in our footsteps, in our history and they will pass those footprints down to future generations ....

❌ We live in such a high tech world of looking at a screen, children have no idea how amazing nature is 😥 from the buzzing bee 🐝 to the hunting for animal survival

🌺 There's an abundance of knowledge waiting to be discovered by them!

🌿 Let's not forget this... Please share far and wide
🌺🌻🌸☀️ 🐝 ☘️ 💦 🦉🏵️ 🐛 🪱🦆🥀


I'll start in the comments ⬇️


Stuck in a traffic jam .... Bored 💤💤....

Looking at the oncoming traffic also bored 💤....
Wave to a random driver like they're your best friend 👋
Do the "I'll phone you later..." Hand sign as you slowly pass each other...
Watch the puzzled look on their face thinking "Who was that!??" 😆
It'll bug them all day long! 🤣

Does anyone else do this or is it just me? 😆

What do you do when you're stuck in traffic for fun.... to pass the time ? 🤔 😄

Have a great weekend! 😊


Did you know 90% of the things we worry about does not happen.

All the 'What if this happens.....?' 'What if that happens.....' is so draining! All these 'What if' scenarios spinning in our heads keeps us in a fearful and panicked energy

We are so programmed to be in this state it's hard to shift

Let's do a test...

💫 What was the last thing you worried about?

💫 Did it actually happen or come true?

💫 If it did come true, was it really as bad as what you initially thought?

💫 If it didn't come true how much time and energy did you waste worrying about it?

Unnecessary worry causes anxiety, stress and can even make you sick (Worry yourself sick)

Take a deep breath, say to yourself 'Is all this worry worth it and what will it bring me?'

Be mindful of how it affects you.

I used to worry about everything and I didn't enjoy the feeling

Instead I switch it to being in the present, focus on the positives, be grateful for the little things in life, do things that will bring me joy and happiness

Try it and have a fantastic Friday 😊


Things happen in our lives that we cannot predict or expect

However learning how to react to it is key

Adjust your sails, go through the storm and remember after every storm is clear skies, fresher air and brighter days 😊






Good morning, here's a little reminder that nothing will change for you if you don't make that first step .... It starts with you ❤️


It's like the phrase 'Don't judge a book by its cover'

Don't be fooled by an eye catching label either... Be mindful of all the ingredients, read the labels and ask yourself does your body really 'need it'?

If your body could speak to you the answer would be 'No'


I used to be a people pleaser....

💫 Always putting other people's happiness before my own
💫 Agreeing on something to avoid confrontation
💫 Not standing up for myself
💫 Not speaking my truth as it might offend people
💫 Not being authentic

This downward spiral leads to no self worth or belief. I was this person for a long time until I learnt to uncover and remove my 'people pleasing mask' and focus on MYself, MY life, MY self worth, MY authenticity and MY happiness

Whether it's work, relationships or ambition, addressing how much we 'people please' will hinder your potential and abilities for you!

Just remember it's YOUR life, you only get one shot at it to create YOUR happiness, stuff what everyone else thinks or says! Stand proud and do what feels right for YOU not what they think is right for you

Much love ❤️


Christmas was 4 months ago! 😮

We all know time flies and before you know it we'll be putting the tree up again 🎄🤦

The question is have you reassessed your life since Christmas?

💫 Is it on track to where you want to be?
💫 What has changed?
💫Do you know your options?
💫 Do you feel in control?
💫 Are you happy?

Sometimes we reach a crossroads and are uncertain which way to go. I've been at a crossroads the past couple of weeks, not knowing which way to turn... I believe things happen for a reason and place me on the path I'm meant to be on with the people I meet. Reassessing my life, that gut feeling guides me, pulls me this way ➡️

So just know it's ok to give yourself an assessment to keep your life on track ....
Before the next Christmas 🎁🎄 😆


This puts things into perspective don't you think?

A year ago I was searching for a way out of the groundhog day work life. Every day was the same motions, the same pressures, the same expectations from bosses..... year after year.. . The tiredness system engulfed my life and I knew I had to break free. I craved a more freedom lifestyle, there has to be more to life than this surely!

Fast forward to the present I am in a better position with prospects, potential, growth, inspiration and clarity knowing it will propel me to a more abundant life. Where I want to be will not happen overnight, it's not a quick fix solution. However the tools I now have, needed today and everyday will boomerang in time

Everything we do today or tomorrow can be a small step closer to our dreams if you allow it

What things are you doing now that will compound and excel your life in a years time?


When you 'Get out of bed the wrong side'

We've all had days when 'Nothing goes right' and it's 'One of those days' and we think the universe is against us!

In actual fact waking up, looking out the window and seeing a grey sky (like it has been in the UK the past 4 months) or it's raining, dark and cold we automatically create negative thoughts. If we think it's going to be a bad day, it most likely will be a bad day

When we flip it, think positively and focus on the good things that will happen this creates a good day

Like magnets we attract what we think. And with 6000 thoughts per day how do you want your day to go? Try it and let me know if this helped 😊

Happy Friday folks 😊


Water 💦 We take it for granted, yet none of us can survive without it.

With so many different types of water available it's important to research and educate ourselves for our long term health

Simply changing the water we're drinking can impact our health dramatically

Let's spend some time to appreciate and honour water on this special day 💦

Free Ebook available ⬇️


💦 Tap water vs. Kangen Hydrogen Rich Water… What's the difference? 🤔

While tap water is often treated with chemicals and contaminants…

Kangen Hydrogen Rich Water undergoes a revolutionary ionization process that transforms ordinary water into a powerful antioxidant-rich elixir. 👌💦

Tap water may contain pollutants like chlorine and heavy metals, and it is a powerful oxidant, causing unnecessary oxidative stress to our bodies...

Oxidative stress is the root cause of illness and disease!😳

Side note - Tap water is healthier than sodas, sugar fruit drinks and 'diet' drinks.

However, the same tap water can be put through an Enagic® Ionizer becoming healthy Kangen Water™…

It’s filtered and packed with molecular hydrogen, which is known for its incredible antioxidant health benefits.

Unlike tap water, which can be acidic and harmful to the body's pH balance, Kangen Hydrogen Rich Water boasts a higher pH level, promoting alkalinity for better hydration and detoxification.

Thanks to the molecular structure of Kangen Water™ it’s believed to pe*****te cells more effectively, ensuring superior hydration and nutrient absorption…

Which many people that drink fresh Kangen Water™ feel on a daily basis.

Experience the difference Kangen Hydrogen Rich Water can make in your life and overall wellness.

Say goodbye to tap water and hello to a healthier, happier you with Kangen Water™ today!

Kangen the only water ioniser brand awarded the Gold standard certification!

Change your water… Change your life!👌🤠💦


Did you know Kangen water replaces washing powder!?? I'm in awe of all the amazing things I'm discovering on my water journey 💦💦

Contact me for more details 😊

Your water girl 💦


I have a confession to make...... I started a high ticket online biz 6 months ago and it's the best thing I've ever done!! I'm so glad I didn't listen to the doubters, the negativity or let the fear stop me.
Choosing this was definitely the right time and the right energy 💥 that feeling in the pit of my stomach was the right feeling for sure

I watched a webinar with 2 of my incredible mentors a few days ago. Both started on low ticket network marketing like myself. There's just no comparison, the commission plan blows everything else out the water.... Literally! 💦

The strategy, the coaching, the roadmap, the community, learning new skills, facing challenges, developing growth within .... Everything in this online space is incredible!

When I was in low ticket marketing every month was a new campaign, a new target, a reset.... If I didn't reach the required target I wouldn't qualify for commission. At times I bought items myself to reach my target. In reality this didn't benefit me. The hours I worked, the outgoings I paid for brochures, samples, paper delivery bags etc left me with hardly any profit. And I didn't level up

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the products and still buy some of them today and I'm grateful for the connections, skills and friendships I've made. For some customers seeing my smiley face on their doorstep once a month was a treat! 😀
However it was never going to replace my income like I once thought.

Today I witness others replacing their income (and their husband's) retiring in their 30's, enjoying financial freedom with their children, showing us how to create this too by a proven strategy, everything is set in place

So no more monthly targets, I can work at my own pace. No de-ranking, every sale I make is a building block in my biz, no one can take it away.
No mlms, I can earn more than my upline.
All coaching is free, some people pay £1,000's

I can afford to re-invest into my biz and see it grow even further with automated processes

And the absolute cherry on top of the cake is I get to own and use the best, the only medical grade water ioniser, direct from nature providing us anti-oxidant hydrogen rich water for the next 25+ years!

I'm feeling so grateful, happy, in the best health I've ever been and super excited for what's to come! 💥

Have you done or still doing low ticket network marketing?
Are you looking to upgrade and see what else is out there?
Comment 'High ticket' below for more information 💥


Just a handful of uses the K8 can do for a healthier, cleaner lifestyle.

Toxin free and eco friendly living 🌿

The only water ioniser with medical grade certifications


For everyone who is interested in how dangerous EMF (electromagnetic frequency) levels are that surrounds us all day everyday, this is definitely for you!

iPhones alone exceed levels of radiation that is unsafe for the human body measuring 'health hazards levels'
These levels increase risk of cancer, sleep issues, heart issues, infertility, stress, anxiety, muscle pain, skin issues and more....

Enagic are hosting a FREE webinar explaining how this device works, and how it eradicates radiation from your devices tomorrow (28th February )12.30pm UK time

Do you want access ? (There won’t be a replay)

Pop me a ✔️ for the details of the zoom


"Look at life through the windshield not the rear view mirror"

I disagree with this phrase.

We need to look in the rear view mirror to see how far we've come in our life journeys

There's been a lot of bumps, obstacles, wrong turns, challenges, diversions, traffic jams, breakdowns, low fuel, emergency stops, speeding, fines, overtaking, slowing down, road rage.... and it's ok to recognise all these things so we learn how to react, cope, grow and move forward from them

However, it's so important to not stay stuck in a traffic jam but to have a vision of where you want to go and find the determination to reach your destination 😊


Did you know chlorine and other unwanted bacterias seep into your skin and into your bloodstream when you take a bath or shower? It ages your skin and makes it very dry ?

If you have any skin issues they recommend natural hot spring treatments. Enagic owns the mineral rights to one of these famous hot springs in Japan, the Futamata Radium spring. They mine these natural minerals for use in their Anespa DX home spa system 😊

You can experience and enjoy the many benefits in your own bathroom. Eradicate those harmful bacterias for an ultimate daily spa treatment!

🌿 Removes chlorine and other substances

🌿 Adds a safe blend of natural ingredients and moisturising minerals for healthy, glowing skin and shiny hair

🌿 Highly effective against skin deterioration and freckles

🌿 Generates strong negative ionised water for delicate skin

🌿 Active charcoal filter

🌿 Inner filter contains mineral Tufa, MIC and Power stones and minerals and lasts up to 3 years!

Relax, unwind and de-stress with your own ultimate home spa in the bath or shower many people are waking up to

Enagic are the No1 leading global company producing high quality products built to last a lifetime with all certifications in place

No other company comes close

Click here for more information ⬇️

Videos (show all)

Did you know Kangen water replaces washing powder!?? I'm in awe of all the amazing things I'm discovering on my water jo...
Who wants to take the leap of faith?! 😊
Don't knock it until you try it
Why is water health so underrated? We don't know much about water and the effect it has on our bodies, but slowly we are...
Life begins at 40! 😆Who was conditioned to believe that? I was! When I was in my 30's and life was 💩 I actually thought ...
Your health is your wealth!#kangen #kangenwater #ionizedwater #electrolysis #hydration #naturalspringwater
Despite turning blind from Diabetes it does not prevent the joy that life brings ❤️
