Healthy Food Book

Healthy Food Book

Healthy Food Book is informational and learning portal for raising awareness for healthy food and wellness that today is a treasure of information!


The Essential Oil That Fights Acne, Eczema & Psoriasis - Organic Healthy Food Tea tree oil, or Melaleuca, is derived from the leaves of the tea tree, native to Australia. There are over 300 tea trees species that naturally grow there. It was …


3 Pieces of Cookware That Are as Dangerous as Teflon Pans (and the safest alternatives) - Organic Healthy Food Have you ever heard the saying, a man is only as good as his tools. Well, never has that proverb been more applicable than to our modern cookware. You give …


Don’t Throw Away Your Tea Bags – Here Are 17 Things You Can Do Instead! - Organic Healthy Food A cup of hot tea is my cup of tea! This healthy beverage is an incredibly delicious way to reduce stress and start or end the day. Yet, if you …


Pre-sleep Drinks That Cleanse Your Liver and Burn Abdominal Fat - Organic Healthy Food This has always happened, that sometimes we consider that certain organs are more important than others, because they have a more relevant or remarkable function in the body, in this …


Learn How to Grow Your Own Lemon Tree Indoors From a Lemon Seed - Organic Healthy Food Lemons are well-known citrus fruit that is an all-time favorite of many people. With its amazing taste and many benefits to people, it’s no wonder why many love this fruit …


Eliminates ALL Warts, Moles, Fibroid, Pimples and Age Spots After The First Use - Organic Healthy Food The human race has realized that it can not continue without paying attention to its health, since it is this one that is in charge of keeping us alive. Among …


Top 5 Alkaline Foods You Should Be Eating Everyday to Make Your Body Resistant to Many Diseases - Organic Healthy Food In order to function properly and to remain healthy, your body should be slightly alkaline. However, the consumption of acidic foods such as eggs, dairy, alcohol, coffee, fish, sodas, sugar …


This Plant Can Help Cleanse the Liver, Kidney, and Body From Toxins - Organic Healthy Food Have you ever walked on a grassy field then you suddenly feel a stinging sensation on your legs? You might’ve thought that it’s because of insects that bit you. Probably …


That’s How My Grandfather Was and in Just 7 Days He Solved All Diabetes Problems and He Never Again Suffer From This! - Organic Healthy Food In case you struggle with diabetes you know how important it is to take very good care of your health. We are going to tell you how to prepare a …


Drink For Bedtime That Reduces Your Stomach Like Crazy .. Guaranteed Results! - Organic Healthy Food Each person should be aware of the importance of detoxifying the body. Detoxification helps eliminate toxins from the body that prevents proper absorption of nutrients. Carcinogenic compounds are also eliminated with …


This Shake Flattens The Belly, Cleans The Colon, and Removes All The Fat Completely From Your Body - Organic Healthy Food Having a healthier and happier life means that you should consume a healthy diet and start exercising on a daily basis, making it a habit. It might be difficult at …


Peel 2 Onions, Pour 2 Liters Of Water, Then Add This And Your Kidneys Will Be Cleaned Completely - Organic Healthy Food The kidneys are one of the most important organs in the human body. These are responsible for filtering toxins from the blood, and detoxifying the body in other ways. Therefore, …


104-Year Old Japanese Doctor Recommends These 14 Healthy Pieces of Advice - Organic Healthy Food 104-year old Japanese Doctor – Shigeaki Hinohara gives advice how to live to a hindered years and enjoy every single year of the life. The oldest Japanese educator and clinician …


Wrap Your Leg With Cabbage For 1 Hour and Say Goodbye To Your Joint Pain - Organic Healthy Food Cabbage is a super healthy and versatile veggie that belongs to the Brassica family and can be round or oval in shape, with white, greenish soft leaves. Cabbage is incredibly …


I Started Consuming Cucumber 3 Times Per Day as the Doctor Said, After 5 Days Something Changed - Organic Healthy Food Cucumber belongs to pumpkin, zucchini and watermelon family. This tropical green veggie has texture similar to that of watermelon. This juicy veggie has wide range of health benefits. Today we …


Just Take 1 Carrot, 1 Avocado And 1 Capsule Of Vitamin E: The Magic Will Be After 20 Minutes! And You Will Feel It! - Organic Healthy Food The human body is one of the best machines that can ever exist, nothing compares with this. And that is, the body is made up of several parts that work …


Fix Each of These Sleep Problems With Science. Here Is How – Old Natural Cures Sleeping is an inevitable part of our life, which enables our body to revitalize and restore the lost energy during the day. On average, a person sleeps 7-9 hours a night, meaning that we spend to about 25 years in life sleeping. Yet, despite the duration of sleep, it is also important in which posi...


7 Tea Tree Oil Uses Most People Have No Idea About Tea – Old Natural Cures Tea tree oil is derived from the Australian Melaleuca alternifolia tree. It has been commonly used as a natural muscle pain remedy by the Aboriginals, as well as a strong antibacterial agent, and cure for various health issues. This beneficial oil has powerful antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, a...


The Doctors Cannot Believe It! Boil These 2 Ingredients and Take The Drink For 7 DAYS AND LOSE UP TO 7 Pounds! – Old Natural Cures Having the ideal weight is very important, especially in women. Many people all over the world use diets, routines, treatments, remedies and countless things in order to reduce their body weight. This gives me no choice but to conclude that losing weight is not easy. This does not end here! There is...


Only 3 Days and All Open Pores Will Disappear From Your Skin Forever – Old Natural Cures All over our skin, we have tiny pores that allow the skin to breathe. Even though they are usually impossible to see with the naked eye, they can sometimes become clogged and enlarged. This is when they become an aesthetic issue because nobody likes having huge pores. Every person with this problem....


If You Have Sleep Disorders, Brittle Nails And Hair Loss This Are The Things You Should Do – Old Natural Cures The adrenal glands contain a large part that controls the functions of the kidneys, as well as the creation of hormones like estrogen and testosterone. It is known that the adrenal glands are the small stratified gland that is located at the top of your organ, which is the kidney. It also includes t...


Your Hair Will Grow Like Crazy and You’ll Have Eagle Eyesight: Eat 3 Tablespoons a Day and You’ll Witness a Miracle! – Old Natural Cures For those suffering from hair loss, the use of expensive and serious products and treatments is a daily problem. Hair loss is actually a condition that affects many people around the world and is usually associated with aging and heredity. In addition, hair loss can be caused by iron deficiency, bio...


Retired Chief of a Pharmacy Said: “the World Needs to Know, That Alkaline Water Kills Cancer” … Here Is How to Prepare It !! – Old Natural Cures There are several diseases and diseases in the world that require appropriate treatment, many of which are so effective that doctors and pharmaceutical companies prefer to keep them secret, to take care of their business. This time we want to inform you about the benefits you can get when you consum...


Removes Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Fats and Cures Insomnia: They Call It God’s Blessing! – Old Natural Cures Diseases are today’s order. More and more people are suffering from various diseases. Among these, we can mention blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia, cholesterol, etc. Although we do not know what the causes of this epidemic are, what we know is that we want to eliminate them. For this, we can go ...


Coconut Oil Coffee That Burns Fat, Lowers Inflammation, and Tastes Great – Old Natural Cures Are you a coffee lover too? Nowadays, we can choose from various cups of coffee, coffee creamers, different flavors, etc, but most of these are full of sugar, chemicals, and preservatives. Therefore, despite the amazing taste, they offer literally no other benefits. However, there is a way to enjoy....


I Began To Use Vitamin E Correctly, The Results Have Given Envy To My Friends! – Old Natural Cures Undoubtedly, something that has always attracted the attention of people is to see another in perfect health , finding someone and taking it as an example we can try to achieve a habit that helps us improve, equalize and even surpass others. The reality is that there are many good habits which help....


Scientists Confirmed: This Is the World’s #1 Food for Heart Attack, Hypertension, Stroke, and Cholesterol! – Old Natural Cures Do you know the amazing health benefits of dates? These healthy fruits accelerate the metabolism, improve overall health, boost heart health, and prevent strokes, high cholesterol, and hypertension. Dates are abundant in numerous important minerals and vitamins, including zinc, magnesium, phosphorus...


Place Dental Cream On Your Feet Before Sleeping, When You Wake Up You Will Be Surprised! And It Is Incredible! – Old Natural Cures Many people feel uncomfortable wearing open shoes, slippers or sandals due to the appearance of their feet. In fact, dry skin, cracks and wounds can influence the self-esteem of men and women of all ages. But there is a home element that can change that. Have you tried putting toothpaste on your fee...


Remove Sinus Infection in 20 Seconds With a Kitchen Ingredient – Old Natural Cures A sinus infection is actually an inflammation of the membrane lining of the sinuses which is usually caused by viruses. Instead of using conventional medicine to treat a sinus infection, you should try the following natural remedy which is apple cider vinegar. A SINUS INFECTION CAUSES THE FOLLOWING....


This Is The Very Famous Vegetable That Will Leave Your Bones So Strong – Old Natural Cures We all know that nature offers us great miracles in its various presentations, whether through food, fruits, vegetables, legumes, the truth is that all are within our reach and in our kitchens. One of the vegetables most commonly used by all is the cucumber, we usually use it in the preparation of s...


4 Wonderful Good Night Sleep Remedies Besides Melatonin That Can Help You To Improve Your Sleeping – Old Natural Cures According to scientists, the specific hours in which the body begins to detoxify would be between one and three in the morning. The good news is that there are natural drinks that help you improve your liver detoxification and burn fat and all this while you sleep. Therefore we recommend that you re...


My Axilla, Neck And Knees Were Black But Luckily I Did Skin Whitening With This Natural Technique! – Old Natural Cures These spots can appear for various reasons that are beyond our control. Some of them are sun exposure, hormonal changes and the use of chemical products on the skin. However, this is not the only one, since many other things could influence its appearance. The areas of the body most prone to dark sp...


I Started Consuming Cucumber 3 Times Per Day as the Doctor Said, After 5 Days Something Changed – Old Natural Cures The cucumber is a vegetable that provides numerous health benefits and it even possesses healing properties. It belongs to the same family as zucchini, watermelon, and pumpkin. Cucumbers contain lots of water but are also loaded with various beneficial nutrients that can improve your health in many....


You Want to Speed Up Your Metabolism, Remove Toxins from Your Body And Lose Weight? Try This Simple and Effective Recipe and See Amazing Results in 72 Hours! – Old Natural Cures Mother Nature again offers a solution, and we will today share the recipe of an incredibly beneficial, natural detox remedy, that will restore your health, speed up your metabolism, and help you lose extra pounds.


The 12 Health Benefits of Okra That Will Make You Eat Them Even More – Old Natural Cures This vegetable has been popular around the world because of its outstanding appearance, taste and most especially texture.Many people may complain about the sticky, gooey liquid found inside okra, but best believe that that very liquid actually gives tons of health benefits that you might regret not...


7 Hidden Side Effects of Hair Coloring That All Girls Must Know – Old Natural Cures A lot of people in the whole world want to have a colored hair to go with the flow that most of people usually does, as well as to do the latest fashion trends that are widely known. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of women who wants their hair to be


Homemade Recipe To Eliminate Tartar, Gingivitis and Whiten Your Teeth – Old Natural Cures The oral health affects our entire health, so we need to take a proper care of the oral cavity and our teeth. Poor dental hygiene, inadequate brushing, and irregular visits to the dentist lead to accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity, which cause plaque and tartar, as well as bad breath, gingi...


How To Keep Cockroaches, Ants, Mosquitoes and Flies Out of Your House, With Natural Remedies – Old Natural Cures Almost every corner of our house is shared by these pesky invaders. These ants pose a danger to your personal hygiene and your health. We all know some traditional methods to keep them away, but, over a period of time, these methods are not coherent to address them. Requires procedural therapy in th...


Empty Your Bowels Quickly With This 2-Ingredient Mixture – Old Natural Cures In case you can't empty your bowels it is very likely that your regular diet does not provide you with the essential nutrients you need.


The Finger Test To Diagnose Prediabetes In 1 Minute – Old Natural Cures Diabetes is a disease that has to do with very high levels of glucose in the blood. Every year there are more people who suffer from it and many of them do not know they have it. However, those who suffer the symptoms of prediabetes, are many more. Therefore, in this article, we analyze a

Videos (show all)

Workouts for Women to Lose Belly Fat at HOME
The Ultimate Liver Cleansing Detox Smoothie
1 Minute Sciatica Exercises - Sciatic Nerve Pain
Toxin Cleansing Smoothie - Green
