SSJ Earth Center

SSJ Earth Center

SSJ Earth Center
The building is a renovated chapel with geothermal heating and cooling. Water flows The purpose of the Center is Earth Literacy.

A sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Saint Joseph, Philadelphia and Chestnut Hill College. Rooted in the New Universe Story, the Center works to educate people in the spirituality of sustainability and care for creation.


Sister Mary Elizabeth has retired this year.


Let’s rejoice and celebrate the third anniversary of Pope Francis’ encyclical in the environment. He calls us all to “care for our common home.”


CHC Sustainability Task Force at work.


G-town Radio: The Sound from Germantown - Home

This Friday interview on radio with Imam, Woman Rabbi, Evangelical minister and Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark, SSJ.
Tired of the divisive cacophony we hear nearly every day on nearly every topic?

Tune in to the December 1st Planet Philadelphia show for a unique opportunity to hear a moving and inspiring multi-faith talk about climate change with 4 religious leaders of 4 different faiths. These leaders subtly delve into the communalities about climate change among these religions.
Quaiser Abdullah Ph.D., Imam at Quba Institute and professor of Adult and Organizational Development, Temple University Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark, from Sisters of St. Joseph Earth Center, and Sustainability Assistant to the President of Chestnut Hill College Reverent Mitchell C. Hescox, President/CEO of the Evangelical Environmental Network Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein, co-chair of the Philadelphia Chapter of Pennsylvania Interfaith Power and Light

Listen Live: Listen to Planet Philadelphia when it’s broadcast live by going to 4:00-5:00 p.m. the first and third Friday of every month.

Podcasts: Shows that aired live will be available as podcasts shortly after they broadcast on the Planet Philadelphia,, and on Mixcloud,

Comment Line: Call (484) 278-1846 to record a comment or event announcement anytime to be aired on the next Planet Philadelphia radio show. G-Town Radio: The Sound from Germantown. Community Internet Radio for Germantown, NW Philly and the entire city of Philadelphia.



You may purchase a reusable bag to help to end the use of plastic one time use bags.

Bags cost $2.00 @ and may be ordered by emailing [email protected] and picked up at the Mount Saint Joseph Convent mailroom.


The SSJ Earth Center will participate in the Daylesford “Abbey Fest” on their grounds. 3500 people are expected to attend.

On Saturday, September 16 from 11:00 am to 9:30 pm

Tickets at


Feast of St. Francis

Creation Care Month September 1 to October 4

Pope Francis has called for a month of Creation Care in Catholic Parishes and beyond.

Every October 4th, the Feast of St. Francis celebrates the saint who saw all created beings as his brother or sister. Inspired by this example, every year Catholic Climate Covenant produces a free catechetical program to help your faith community explore how it can better care for creation and the poor.

This year’s theme is "Befriend the Wolf: Blessing All God's Creation." To receive the 90-minute educational program and the Blessing of Animals Liturgy, please go to for the resources. Every October 4th, the Feast of St. Francis celebrates the saint who saw all created beings as his brother or sister. Inspired by this example, every year Catholic Climate Covenant produces a free catechetical program to help your faith community explore how it can better care for creation and the p...


SSJ Earth Center

PA Interfaith Power and Light gave testimony at the EPA hearing on Methane Regulations. Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark gave the following 5 min.testimony.
EPA – HQ-OAR-2010-0505 - 7736
EPA Public Hearing: Oil and Gas New Source Performance Standards

July 10, 2017
Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark, SSJ
Sisters of Saint Joseph Earth Center
9701 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19118
My name is Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark, a Sister of St. Joseph of Philadelphia, special assistant for sustainability to the President of Chestnut Hill College. I am also an Ambassador of the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Catholic Climate Covenant. Speaking from a faith perspective and the moral imperative of doing no harm to God’s creation, I support what Pope Francis has said in his call to us all, “Whenever human beings fail to live up to environmental responsibility, whenever we fail to care for creation and for our brothers and sisters, the way is opened to destruction and hearts are hardened. “ Let us be protectors of creation.”
The tradition of Catholic social teaching offers a developing and distinctive perspective on environmental issues. We believe that the following themes drawn from the Catholic Social Justice tradition are integral dimensions of ecological responsibility:
• A consistent respect for human life which extends to respect for all creation;
• A world view affirming the ethical significance of global interdependence and the common good.
When considering the regulation of emissions of methane gas, which is at least 25% more damaging to the ozone layer of the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, how can it be ethical or moral to extend the period of application of these regulations? It could be compared to someone thinking that as a house fire is burning, it would be acceptable to give more time before the fire engines begin to turn on their hoses to extinguish the fire. Therefore, no delay is tolerable; these wells are impacting people NOW.
Particularly in PA which is in the country for impacted wells, the New Source rule which would cover 836 wells in PA, would no longer have to check for and repair leaks. This certainly would be an immoral act.
I implore you to listen to your own conscience and to do the right thing. Think about those who will be most vulnerable to this decision. We know we are already out of time. Earth and our sisters and brothers already suffering cannot wait for a delay in this decision to regulate methane emissions.

Thank you for your attention to these concerns.


PA Interfaith Power and Light gave testimony at the EPA hearing on Methane Regulations. Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark gave the following 5 min.testimony.
EPA – HQ-OAR-2010-0505 - 7736
EPA Public Hearing: Oil and Gas New Source Performance Standards

July 10, 2017
Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark, SSJ
Sisters of Saint Joseph Earth Center
9701 Germantown Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19118
My name is Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark, a Sister of St. Joseph of Philadelphia, special assistant for sustainability to the President of Chestnut Hill College. I am also an Ambassador of the U.S. Catholic Bishops’ Catholic Climate Covenant. Speaking from a faith perspective and the moral imperative of doing no harm to God’s creation, I support what Pope Francis has said in his call to us all, “Whenever human beings fail to live up to environmental responsibility, whenever we fail to care for creation and for our brothers and sisters, the way is opened to destruction and hearts are hardened. “ Let us be protectors of creation.”
The tradition of Catholic social teaching offers a developing and distinctive perspective on environmental issues. We believe that the following themes drawn from the Catholic Social Justice tradition are integral dimensions of ecological responsibility:
• A consistent respect for human life which extends to respect for all creation;
• A world view affirming the ethical significance of global interdependence and the common good.
When considering the regulation of emissions of methane gas, which is at least 25% more damaging to the ozone layer of the atmosphere than carbon dioxide, how can it be ethical or moral to extend the period of application of these regulations? It could be compared to someone thinking that as a house fire is burning, it would be acceptable to give more time before the fire engines begin to turn on their hoses to extinguish the fire. Therefore, no delay is tolerable; these wells are impacting people NOW.
Particularly in PA which is in the country for impacted wells, the New Source rule which would cover 836 wells in PA, would no longer have to check for and repair leaks. This certainly would be an immoral act.
I implore you to listen to your own conscience and to do the right thing. Think about those who will be most vulnerable to this decision. We know we are already out of time. Earth and our sisters and brothers already suffering cannot wait for a delay in this decision to regulate methane emissions.

Thank you for your attention to these concerns.


On Monday, July 10 Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark will give testimony at the EPA public hearing on 'Oil and Gas New Source Performance Standards. 'The issue will consider the regulation of emissions of methane gas, which is 25% more damaging to the ozone layer of the atmosphere than carbon dioxide. Methane regulations.


On Friday, April 21, the Earth Center hosted PAR RecycleWorks to receive electronic waste that will be recycled properly and kept out of the landfill.
This will contribute greatly to Earth’s well being - our thanks to PAR RecycleWorks and all those who helped us celebrate Earth Week!


Earth Day Network | Earth Day April 22, 2017

Earth Day 2017 is Saturday, April 22.
This is a day to heighten our awareness of the importance of education
About global climate change and the science behind it. As Catholics, we have
The call of Pope Francis in his encyclical “Laudato Si, On Care for Our Common Home,” to motivate us.
Use this website to increase your knowledge about environmental science.

The SSJ Earth Center has a set of monthly bulletins rooted in the encyclical On Care for Our Common Home to
assist educators and catechists teaching or working with children and youth ages 7 and younger or 7 and older.
Follow the link to access these resources on our site, located under the Education panel. #1489085994822-d079c798-9787 Join us in 192 countries this Earth Day - April 22 - for teach-ins on environmental and climate literacy and in Washington DC for the March for Science.


Sisters of Saint Joseph of Philadelphia

This past week Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark SSJ hosted an event, Step Away for a Day, here at our Motherhouse. We invite you to take a glimpse into our experience of the Labyrinth prayer...


As we begin to prepare for Earth Day, please keep in mind we will be available to help you with your spring cleaning! In addition to local clean up missions, we will be partnering with PAR Recycleworks to properly handle electronics waste. Feel free to join us for these events!


Tomorrow is International Water Day! Are you aware of your own impact on one of our most precious natural resources? We've created this Examination of Conscience for your own reflection...


We are here to help you with your spring cleaning!


Recycled magazine baskets

Sunday DIY:
A new way to recycle your old magazines: DIY paper baskets! We love the colors that come through in this project :) A blog with DIY tutorials, graphic design resources, and inspiration from graphic designer Jessica Jones.


Green tip: Buy in bulk. Purchasing food from bulk bins can save money AND plastic + other resources used in packaging.

28/02/2017 - Save, protect, preserve wilderness and rainforest for free!

Organization spotlight: sometimes even just a click can help. is run on user clicks! That means, advertisers buy ad space on the site and donate money every time someone clicks. The money goes to buy endangered wilderness land to protect it from companies who would destroy it. Go ahead, click away! Click to donate land for free.Save, preserve, and protect the rainforest, Amazon basin, wilderness, wild lands, forest, endangered species, and habitat at


Wine cork bath mat - Crafty Nest

Sunday DIY:
Old wine corks laying around? The cork would make a great DIY bathmat for your home!


Green tip: Eat locally-produced and organic food. It has been estimated that 13% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions result from the production and transport of food.


Stations of the Cross with All of Creation:

These Stations provide an opportunity to reflect on Jesus’ journey and the suffering of people and Earth today. Each Station includes:
Meditation on the Cross in Creation
A Reflection Question
Cost: $1.50/copy (Bulk Discounts Available)

Order at 206.223.1138;
[email protected]
or print our order form:


Recent & Upcoming Events - SSJ Philadelphia


News – Sisters of Saint Joseph

We are proud to be alongside the 125 Catholic Leaders supporting the Clean Power Plan via the Catholic Climate Covenant! We invite you to read more, if interested... organized by the Catholic Climate Covenant in support of the Clean Power Plan (CPP). The CPP is a significant U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) effort to reduce carbon pollution from existing power plants 30 percent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels. The Clean Power Plan is the nation’s most…


Did you know: Within 10 years, wind power could provide 20% of America’s power! Let's continue praying for alternative energy solutions!



Organization spotlight: This week we are choosing to highlight Earthjustice, because, as they say, "The Earth needs a good lawyer." Amen! Because the Earth needs a good lawyer.


Mosaic Garden Rocks: How To Make Garden Mosaics

As cabin fever creeps in, here is a Sunday DIY to help you get a head start on perfecting your garden this spring! =5265799 Make mosaic garden rocks to add a pop of color to the garden. We'll show you how to glue the tiles and mix the grout. A great DIY mosaic project for anyone!


You'll Love This Homemade Fabric Softener

Sunday DIY:
Save money AND the plastic container with our new favorite DIY project: homemade fabric softener! Mother Earth will thank you! Made from all-natural ingredients, this eco-friendly fabric softener helps fluff and freshen your clothes without artificial fragrances or ingredients. Vinegar