Mission Mark 10:45

Mission Mark 10:45

Mission Mark 10:45 is a non profit organization focused on putting God's love into action by serving


We would like to announce the dates of our next mission trip to Guatemala!!

If you would like more information, please comment or pm me!!


We will soon be announcing dates for....
1. Our next quarter auction fundraiser
2. Our next mission trip to Guatemala
Stay tuned!!!!


Mission Mark 10:45's cover photo




Photos from Mission Mark 10:45's post


We had a great day!! Vacation Bible School at Extraordinary Guatemalans then a birthday party at the daycare :) We also got to see Luis Miguel!! (He was a boy we all fell in love with at the Hogar the last 4 years, and he was adopted in December. His mom brought him to our house this evening!)


Day 4 - Yalu Village & Bunkbed Project


Day 4 of our Mission Trip: we visited a village "Yalu" - a farming community that is very poor. Dirt floors, families sleeping on the ground, no running water...I could go on and on! Our team bought & delivered 3 bunk beds to three different families. They were beyond appreciative!! We prayed over the families, gave them children's clothes, and lots of love. The Gregory kids made balloon animals for the many kids that excitedly ran out from their homes. We passed out suckers, coloring books, and stuffed animals. We ended the day by delivering and installing a new stove for a deserving family. It will be more efficient and much safer. Instead of going out and getting wood 8 times a day, they will only have to do it about once a day.
Our team was sad to leave because there is so much need in this village. These amazing people are hard working and love their culture.
Please pray for the village "Yalu"- pray for the hope and love of Jesus to fill them up 🙏🏻💕


Photos from Mission Mark 10:45's post


We started off our day with worship at the cross overlooking Guatemala. Drew gave a great message and the Holy Spirit was definitely present!! Then learning Guatemalan culture and history was our mission today! Iximche Ruins was where we visited and we learned so much!


1 Peter 4:8-10
"Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace."

God really is amazing. The last few days have been filled with love, laughter, faith, jokes and stories that truly shows the work of our Lord and Savior. We all have strengths (no matter your age or wisdom) and each of us has stepped in to help and be a servant when needed. Juan does an amazing job day in and day out at Extraordinary Guatemalans so it's our turn to be his helping hands for a few days. He even wanted to help with the painting because he's just an amazing guy!


Guatemala City Dump is a place filled with garbage, crime, poverty, and people. REAL people with hearts, emotion, fear, and a need for love. My dear friend Juan Carlos has seen the need for love and has made it his life mission to show love to the people in this area also known as "zone 3".
He took some of us on a walk through the area so we could see first hand the life these people live. Abuse is so common to the kids & moms here. You can see the sadness in their eyes, but also the hope in their hearts. It's heart crushing and heart warming all at the same time.
What is the answer? I believe it's Jesus! Please pray for this community, the people that live here, Juan Carlos and his mission, & for our team - that we can share the love of Jesus Christ so that their need for love can be filled.


Overwhelmed by God's goodness today!! Our group painted the first part of the school the kids see everyday. They don't see much green where they live, so we brought some green into the school!


Our team has arrived!! We sorted our donations and had our first family dinner & devotion :) Looking forward to an amazing God filled week!!


We are excited for our team to arrive here in Guatemala! Half come tonight and the rest arrive tomorrow :) Prayers for safe travels.
Drew & I have been enjoying spending time with our new Guatemalan friends! We are seeing & learning so much about the culture here. This is our 6th trip to Guatemala and we've barely scratched the surface!


And we're off! Guatemala, here we come!


We are heading to Guatemala this week and leading a group of 12 to do Gods work! Stay tuned for pics & updates :) Please add our group to your prayer list 🙏🏻💕 Gracias!


Mission Mark 10:45
