The Purple Dreamer with Adéle

The Purple Dreamer with Adéle

Holistic & Transpersonal Psychotherapy
Humanistic, soul-centred, psychologically & spiritually informed therapy and guidance

Photos from The Purple Dreamer with Adéle's post 09/04/2024

There is nothing like packing orders with a child-like joy in my living room! Look forward to sending this beatiful deck of cards out to its new owner today.

Whilst I’m taking less one-on-one clients until my toddler needs me more, I did open my small card shop after she was born with decks that have been highly influential on my journey, so I can pass on the gift of inspiration.

I will soon share more about it.
Until then ✨

Special cards + intro course
on the wisdom of our human bones and the skeletal system from
— stocked in Melbourne by me in Australia.


Kukucs, lovely People - as we would say in Hungarian 😅
It's been a while. In fact. a looong while. Here's just a little update on me.
I've been going through a complete and mad revisitation of the foundations both in my personal life and my professional therapeutic and spiritual foundations since little Zara was born.
Shortly after she arrived, I heard an inner voice saying clearly: "With Her, now you can go Home." I remember I felt both a sigh of relief and a curiousity for what was to come. Oh well. Let's say: now I know 🤣 But no matter the wild ride and complete insecurity of outcomes, I am typing this with immense gratitude and so glad that it all happened.
In fact, I am still in it, sitting in the middle of the fire of inner alchemy. But, by now I have gotten a bit more fluent in riding my shadow world towards my new horizons.
Regarding my work, I am changed and so will change everything else with me. This name change to "The Purple Dreamer" might not be the last one though. My Soul has given me two business names moving forward, but pointed to this one to take first. Will see how it weaves my craft forward and later I'll ask again if it wants to stay or go.
With my private group, I am not yet sure what I will do. Keep it or delete it? - I will wait to see. I am definitely going through a big purge of social media, cleaning up annoying groups. So if you feel like you don't resonate with me and would like to leave, I won't take it personally.
For the moment I still don't have the capacity for one-on-ones just yet, but I use this time to slowly do some justice for the creative projects that have been running invisibly in the background.
I finished working on the script with a group of inspiring women for a movie series about women warriors in past lives that is currently touring in the US at the American film market. Eeeek! Will see what transpires.
I have also opened a small Oracle and Tarot Card shop, which is waiting to be published and open her doors.
So, I am going to leave some smoke signs in the air of my bonfire until I'm working away on this slow re-entering into my business.
I look forward to bringing back some magic into this exhausted world, Thank you for being there!

Much love,
your Adele


* Long post alert.
If you don't like reading long stuff, please scroll on.

// To my loved friends, who are spending tireless hours researching alternative media

or, on the other end,

// my loved ones, who are holding their breath, feeling numbed by the news

// Imaginary title: "Oh well, casualties happen."

Enough is enough.

Sometimes I wish, that every human, regardless of gender, could experience the gestating, the labouring and the birthing of a human-child. So if nothing else at all, and-really-nothing-other-else, it would make them grasp for a tiny moment in time, just how precious life is, and that we are all part of something so much bigger than our tiny selves, our opinions, our illusionary individualism, all interconnected through the great web of life. And then, us humans would bow to Nature (both within and without) and respect life enough and stop pretending God.

I was sitting on this post for almost a week for now.
Writing it, withdrawing it, Writing it, withdrawing it.
Because with a baby so small on my side, should I decide to actually post it, I cannot attend and moderate or respond to comments. However, I also can not stay immune to what is stirring in me.

I am angry.

I have not been sleeping for many nights now, observing the World's chaos, whilst feeding my little one in the silence of the suburban night, far away from my home in Europe, at the other end of the world. Listening to the raindrops on the roof and thinking about my privileges, whilst meditating for peace and doing my part for the collective.

Then came today, that made me open my laptop back up and dig up the post that I discarded. All because I went to the chiropractor (CP) and the following conversation happened.

{CP} : "Oh, your migraine has locked your entire neck in."

{Me} : "I know... I just haven't slept well for a while. My country is neighbouring Ukraine, and I am trying to sort things out in case the war escalated, I don't want my brother to be forced to join the military."

{CP} : That's unfortunate you are so close to it. But Putin is just freeing us from nuclear weapons. And well, casualties happen."

I froze for a moment in time.

"Well... casualties happen. Oh well. Casualties happen." - echoed in my head with disbelief as I left the room.

I felt some deep anger rise through me. No matter what side you are taking of the discussion on Ukraine - when did we start normalizing war?

What if that casualty is actually YOUR own loved ones?

After countless empty nights, political research and soulful care for the collective, I do have a back-up plan for my brother and my family. And I might have a back-up plan for a handful of friends.

But no, I have humanly no capacity to have a back-up plan for my Ukrainian friend who is watching her father and brother build barricades in front of their childhood home, and I have no capacity for my friend's Russian teenager who got shot for expressing his views.

I wonder, do you actually know what war is like for a civilian, away from a computer? Go please, and consult your ancestors. Physical military action is not an intellectual dispute, or computer game you can reset, or a post that could go nasty.

So, no.

None of the men in my life were made to become buffer-bodies for political casualties. Not my husband, not my brother, not my father, not my male-friends, not my ex-colleagues and not my ex-loves. Not. one. of. them.

Yes, have your opinion.
Yes, do your research.
Do it knowing that there always be a next level of information that is waiting for you to discern. Information today is actually THAT important, that some even call these times the "First Great Information War". Surprised? Not surprised.

But if you use any those theories to normalize war and killing, in any country, by any leader - there is something chillingly wrong with us as citizens of our own human race and the planet.

Yes, a larger conversation is needed, but no, it’s not ok to bypass empathy on the basis of either spirituality or untold history/politics, and perpetuate violence on the basis of intellectual righteousness, mental reasoning and finger pointing.

The mind control, that so many are worried about, does not end with detaching from mainstream media.

You are still in it,
unless you are present in your heart,
committed to love,
despite AND alongside arising conflict.

In today’s highly polarized world, if you are speaking to someone or posting on Social Media, no matter how small or great, consider yourself an influencer.

The simple act of posting anything will alter what the person on the reading-end will take into their field, their reality, into their biochemistry, and then, into their actions and/or reactions. Millions of dominoes here, that ultimately add up.

A butterfly
that can flap a tornado
on the other side of the globe
into motion.

Violence is not a solution for our collective.

Instead of detaching and exiting this reality, we need to be 'embodied', to be able to HOLD being here in this body on this planet at this tumultuous time with all this crazy madness, using our wise mind and our fierce heart - and create much better.

By taking responsibility for our own own responses, knowing they impact those who hear or read them.

Impact them wisely.

Compassion and kindness are such tortured and misunderstood words. You don’t need to be uninformed, hooked in the drama, uphold negative frequency, look weak or be powerless to be compassionate. It’s rather the opposite.

Because - if you are the researcher type - you just don’t know what you don’t know. “There is always new knowledge beyond existing boundaries of thought.” - they say.

And if you are the spiritual type, no matter how psychic you are, no matter how thinly the veil is “lifted” - everyone has their own blind spot.

So keep a small part of your mind and heart open.

Your heart has the deep capacity to support the transmutation of the collective energy into alternative realities, options and timelines.

And yes - it works.
And yes, you count.
I know it does, it only has been just a few days ago when the collective energy was pointing towards world war. Then the whole world got together from all walks of life and opinions, and this bright field of love tsunami washed through the planet. The energy changed and so the options have changed with it.

Don't know how to do it?
I will give you one of many ways.
Do what resonates and leave the rest.
Reach out and ask me, if you need help.

*** Meditation inspiration ***

Imagine taking all the information
you’ve researched and feel strong about.
You’ve got your point of view.
Now sit down,
close your eyes
and breath.
Take the information you resonate with
and collect it all into a ball
in your head.
And just like stone in water
let that ball sink
and drop it into your heart.
Give it time.
Once it arrived,
cleanse it with love
Don't rush it.
and love.
You might see then
this information might take a different form
- or may not.
Let it be soaked in love.
In that space,
ask and bless it for highest solution
for ALL of humanity,
When it settled,
like a stone in water,
drop it into the core of the Earth.
Cleanse it with the love,
the lava heart
of the Great Mother.
And ask Her love
to return this ball of information
back to your heart
with a blessing
at its own accord.
Once it arrived back
use the electromagnetic field
that your heart emanates
(just like the one the Earth does)
and spread this love infused information
out to the Planet like a wave.
Ask for it to contribute to a better Now
and a better Solution.
Wait for the waives to spread out
where they naturally go and levitate to
around the globe.
Wait for it to settle.
And then
taking all the time you need
slowly come back to your room.

Thank you!


We don’t have to agree. We just have to work this out together. Because, in the end, we want the same.

Shall we?


What an experience it has been to be human this past year walking the middle path between the wild polarities!

The precious time that I have gifted myself by taking time away from my work in 2021 had enriched me with a complete recalibration of our life – and that in return will yield so much more than just my own equilibrium, reaching beyond my personal life, wherever it’s needed in the world to land with serendipity.

I’m so excited to be here for this!

Sending so much love to bless your new year alive with a virtual postcard of me and our little human, as we ‘played goodbye’ to 2021 with the elements in their element.

See you in the new 365 💫✨ and let’s welcome the possibilities we can create together 💖


If you are reading this, like I am, with your morning coffee before the day is kicking off, read these words slowly, so they can land where they are needed within.

People will be triggered by you.

By your choices, by the way you think, the words you speak...and the words you don’t speak.

People will be triggered by your sunny disposition, by the way you live your life, by the love you share.

They’ll be triggered by the opportunities you create & the ones that align effortlessly across your path.

People will be triggered by that thing you said with the best of intentions, by an incomplete story they heard, by anything and everything imaginable.

Triggers are just gifts that show us where we still have work to do.

If they weren’t nursing a wound, an ache or some emotional scar tissue you’d land softly in their psyche.

Stay steady with yourself.

Hold your own gaze. Until all that’s left is you.

You holding your own heart, with fierce love & gentle grace.

Check in.


You. Are. Golden.

You are not responsible for how other people feel. Or how they interpret you.

You don’t need to make yourself wrong.

You also don’t need to make others wrong.

The truth is, what other people think of you is none of your business.

So Angel, you’re not a child anymore.

You’re a fierce, kind, loving and powerful woman.

Resist the urge to diminish yourself into everyone else’s ideas of how you “should” be.

This world doesn’t need you caught up in self-doubt.

Bloom into the most magnificent version of yourself that your soul desires to grow into.

Inspire your Self every day.

Cultivate a love that is radically deep & true.

Let the judgements of others feed the fire of your Soul.

And keep your loving heart open.

Always. ❤️


So beautiful - and from experience, so truly true.

“Our hands are the antennas of our Soul. They send signals of caring to the deepest part of you and your Soul calms down. This way she doesn't have to send pain anymore to show it.”

"Grandma how do you deal with pain?"
"With your hands, dear. When you do it with your mind, the pain hardens even more."
“With your hands, grandma?"
"Yes, yes. Our hands are the antennas of our Soul. When you move them by sewing, cooking, painting, touching the earth or sinking them into the earth, they send signals of caring to the deepest part of you and your Soul calms down. This way she doesn't have to send pain anymore to show it.
"Are hands really that important?"
"Yes my girl. Think of babies: they get to know the world thanks to their touch.
When you look at the hands of older people, they tell more about their lives than any other part of the body.
Everything that is made by hand, so it is said, is made with the heart because it really is like this: hands and heart are connected.
Think of lovers: When their hands touch, they love each other in the most sublime way."
"My hands grandma... how long since I used them like that!"
"Move them my love, start creating with them and everything in you will move.
The pain will not pass away. But it will be the best masterpiece. And it won't hurt as much anymore, because you managed to embroider your Essence.”~

~Elena Barnabé


The World is changing.. and so do I,.. and so does my Work.

Whilst I am taking a little break and leaning into the curiosity of a renewed direction, feel free to reach out and connect - as always. I'm not disappearing, just changing and renewing 😎

I'm excited to see you later with all that is brewing under the surface to then bloom at its due time 🌟

In the meantime, I’m inspired to share with you the trailer of a heart-project I've been working on since 2018 - just follow the link to my site and scroll down to watch. ✨ I will share much more about it later, along with the new ways I'd like to offer my gifts whenever I am back again. Exciting times ahead!

Much love, Adél # # #


Whilst I do not follow any official religion, I find it so beautiful when leaders of such high profile come on social media and clarify with some modern interpretations their ancient texts to serve people from an updated and higher perspective. Cheers to the idea of a more practical, deep, humane and beautiful application of their teachings. 🌟

Dear Dharma friends,
Today I would like to share with you a few of my thoughts on the practice of purification – and before doing so I would like to once again remind you to take them just as that, and not as canonical ‘dharma teachings’.
The reason why we practice the Confession to the 35 Buddhas, the Hundred Syllables of Vajrasattva, or any other purification practice, has nothing whatsoever to do with guilt.
Rather, the purpose of purification is to reveal to ourselves what is beautiful, or who is beautiful.
Of course, the classic story about purification tells us that Bodhicitta or the Buddha Nature is like gold mixed up with or covered by dirt, and that if we know how to purify, we will be able to reveal this precious gold.
But from my unusual perspective, the gold seems to be not separate from the dirt.
They are so interdependent that the revealing process or the purification process somehow induces the gold in the dirt. The dirt is the gold, and in the process of purification the beauty of the dirt is brought to light, and it is revealed to be as precious as gold.
Maybe that’s the true meaning of purification: that there is no separate gold and no separate dirt, just separate aspects of the dirt, and that the purification helps you reveal the beauty of the dirt, so that it shows itself to be as precious as gold.
To me that’s beautiful, and I feel that if you can fully immerse yourself in the process of purification with that sentiment it will be very enjoyable.
In that spirit, I would like to encourage all of you to immerse yourself in this practice and recite the Hundred Syllables of Vajrasattva as much as possible.
And of course, should some of you feel that you need a landmark, a goal; should some of you wish to think that there is something to purify then by all means feel free to use that idea.
But ultimately, there is nothing to purify – all there is is the purification, and that purification means nothing but that you find pleasure in it, nothing but that it’s really enjoyable.
So therefore, if you want to go about it the easy way just focus on the purification and not on what you want to purify, and if you do that it will never become boring, and you will be able to immerse yourself in it for eternity.


Photos from The Purple Dreamer with Adéle's post 26/05/2021

Magical skies ✨a day before & during the eclipse ✨


Actual image of me working with my soul records... just joking 😄 ...maybe 😇 Have a beautiful day folks 🌸

// image source unknown

The Wisdom of Trauma Movie Premiere 16/05/2021

So excited for this movie of Dr Gabor Mate to come out soon ✨ Some deeply moving truth-bombs to pop on the screen!

The Wisdom of Trauma Movie Premiere


Can you feel the newness in the air as we enter the first day of March? I know, I know, the world is still a mad place, but hey, tune in for a moment and notice the fresh tickling waves of lighness. Soak it in and shift your being with it. It’s time to put our seriousness aside for a moment and bask in some ease to recalculate our inner systems ✨

Deck // Feng Shui by Gina Nicole


I have recently shared a bit deeper in my group of how I feel about the current global issues and I found these musings of Caroline Myss to be a perfect reflection of what I said. Here's to our hearts being cut open, here's to the reorganising principle of Chaos that will see us evolve.


Opening Hours

Monday 14:00 - 19:00
Tuesday 14:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 14:00 - 19:00
Thursday 14:00 - 19:00
Friday 14:00 - 19:00
Saturday 14:00 - 19:00