Yunus Emre; The Path of Love

Yunus Emre; The Path of Love

Yunus Emre; Turkish Sufi mystic, Muslim saint-poet of the 12th-13th century.


For heaven's sake, what is faith or creed without love? The heart is where God's truth rests. The true lovers of God have no craving for 'paradise'. They strive beyond paradise to arrive at His domain.

☘️Yunus Emre☘️

(Extracted from


Salam Aleykum.
“Eid Mubarak” or -“Blessed Ramadan Bayram” as we say in Turkish- to you all. May the blessing of God be upon you, may your contemplation of the Holy Qur’an and remembrance of Allah, the Supreme One be constant.


Men of God’s truth is an ocean,
Lovers must plunge into that sea;
The sages, too, should take a dive
To bring out the best jewelry.

Yunus Emre
From; Divan


One day I had taken a walk
and came upon a tree of great height.
I said to this slim beauty,
“Tell me a few of your secrets.
What’s the meaning of stretching so tall
in such a temporary world?
Come back among the humble again.
You embellish your beauty endlessly,
but why not take some pain for Truth instead?
Find your heart’s real need.”
The tree will age, its time will pass. A bird will perch on a branch,
and one day it will seem
there was no bird at all.
One day your end will come,
your great length will fall to earth.
Your branches will be thrown in the fire
and the pots will boil on the red hot iron.
Yunus, you are only one,
and yet you have a hundred thousand faults.
Having reflected on a stiff tree’s fate,
think of your own.
🍃Yunus Emre🍃

(Translated by Kabir Helminski & Refik Algan)


This world is analogous
To a grand city,
Our lifetime is but a street market
That will close very soon.
Whoever comes to this city
Abides here but for a short stay;
He is on a journey
From which there is no turning back.
In the beginning, the taste of this city
Is sweeter than sugar and honey;
In the end, it is full of pain
Like snake’s poison.
In the beginning, it captures the heart
Like a sweetheart
In the end, it shuns
Like a deceiving hag.
This city is full
Of all manner of delusions,
Deceiving the oblivious
Like a duplicitous witch.
In this deceitful city
The deluded wander
Like cattle
Amongst the grasses.
From the city, three roads depart,
One leads to heaven, one to hell
And, the third leads
To the beauty of the beloved.
This city has a sultan
Who bestows upon everyone
One who is intimate with him
Is truly enlivened.
He who knows his own value,
Knows his own state,
And with love,
Like spring becomes
See poor Yunus
With love is crazed
His each and every breath
Like honey and sugar tastes.
🍃Yunus Emre🍃

Translated by Ersin Balcı
The original title of this poem in Turkish is:
Bu dünyânun meseli bir ulu şâra benzer
Veli bizüm ömrümüz bir tiz bâzâra benzer

*Statue of Yunus Emre in Eskişehir, Türkiye


One has to fall in Love,
One has to find the Beloved,
One has to burn with the fire of Love,
Not to be burnt anymore.

A feast must be given,
An honouring must be made,
A word must be uttered,
A word known by none.

One must know God,
One must be informed of Him,
One must die whilst alive,
So he will never die.

O poor Yunus, keep calm,
Turn your face towards Him,
Bring a man like Taptuk,
Unequaled in the world.

🍃Yunus Emre🍃

Translated by Ersin Balcı

Original title: Bu yokluk yoluna bugün yoldaş olan kimdür?


✨Salam Aleykum✨
Eid al fitr (Ramazan Bayram in Turkish) mubarak to us all. May the blessing of the Almighty God be upon us.
In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds; Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
Master of the Day of Judgment. Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek. Show us the straight way, the way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.
☘️The Holy Qur’an☘️


We are in need of the Beloved,
Not of this world;
We are in need of inner truth,
Not of selfish assertations.
For us this is the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr),
Let the dawn not break;
We have no need
Of the morning.
Delivered to us the wine of love
Oh cupbearer,
We have no need
Of Kauser in heaven.
The cups are full,
Let’s drink them all;
We have no need for wine,
We do not get drunk.
If I fall ill from this affliction,
No remedy do I want,
I have no need
Of healing.
O Beloved,
My soul is not what I need;
I have no need for Anything other
Than your beautiful face,
Yunus, getting drunk,
Has become miserable, the cup in hand,
He gives up his embarrassment,
And invokes his beloved Taptuk.
🍃Yunus Emre🍃

Translated by, Ersin Balcı

Original name of the poem in Turkish:
Bize didâr gerek dünya gerekmez
Bize ma’ni gerek da’vâ gerekmez

Beloveds, you can listen to the poem in Turkish in the video below. The recording is extracted from the TRT series, Yunus Emre, Aşkın Yolculuğu.


(Yunus Emre): Master, if you allow me, I would like to talk to you about my state of mind.

(Taptuk Emre): Don’t say “i” my Yunus, don’t say “i”. This “i” is the source of all the troubles of a human being. This ‘i’ is an endless well inside human beings.

(Extracted from the series ‘Yunus Emre Aşkın Yolculuğu’. All rights reserved by TRT television. 
Translated by Şahane Sultan)

Beloveds, our page is not related to this series. The aim of this page is to share fresh translations of sage Yunus Emre's poems. From time to time we do share short video clips and quotes from the series as well, using our own translations, as we believe that this series is a perfect demonstration of the life of Yunus and his teacher Taptuk Emre. Peace be with you.

Yunus Emre Says, "This World Is An Illusion". 11/04/2022

~Yunus Emre Says, This World Is An Illusion~

Within my inner journey, I woke up from sleep crying,
I humbled myself at the presence of God, the Truth.
May I reach my Master with tears in my eyes.
Muhammad comes with vitality and freshness.
Holding his flag he walked to the throne of God,
His light pervaded the highest heaven.
My heart melted away.
Muhammad comes with vitality and freshness.
His shoes are made of a date tree,
His cheeks resemble the newly blossomed rose.
Allow me, my Lord, to see the Prophet in my dream.
Muhammad comes with vitality and freshness.
His sign is vitality, it is made of divine light.
You need a guide to find your path, it is surrounded by waylayers.
My guide is the Qur'an.
Muhammad comes with vitality and freshness.
Yunus Emre says this world is an illusion,
Do not depend on your possessions, they are not yours.
The lovers (of God) stay wide awake at dawn,
Muhammad comes with vitality and freshness.

🌷Yunus Emre🌷

🌷Allahumme Salli Ala Seyyidina Muhammedin Ve Ala Ali Seyyidina Muhammed🌷

Below you can find the English translation of one of Yunus Emre's poems. You can also listen to it in the form of a Turkish hymn in the video with English subtitles. (Only one part of the poem is used in this hymn)
Translation by, Şahane Sultan.

*The video is taken from a series called 'Yunus Emre, The Journey of Love' produced by TRT television)
This page is not associated with the series. It is purely dedicated to offer accurate translation of Yunus’s poems. We sometimes use quotes and hymns from the series.

Yunus Emre Says, "This World Is An Illusion". 🌷Allahumme Salli Ala Seyyidina Muhammedin Ve Ala Ali Seyyidina Muhammed🌷Beloveds,Below you can find the English translation of one of Yunus Emre's poems. Y...


Everthing in this world is from Haqq (Truth/God). And there is nothing apart from Haqq. This stone, these trees, these birds, everything is wrapped into a form and a human being is wrapped into a human form. Therefore, find yourself someone who will be a mirror to you. And if you ever see a fault in the mirror, do not break the mirror, know that the fault is yours.

🍃Tapduk Emre🍃 (Master of Yunus Emre)

The quote is from the Turkish series “Yunus Emre Aşkın Yolculuğu”
Translated by; Şahane Sultan


Salam Aleykum.
We wish you a blessed month of Ramadan in contemplation of the Holy Qur’an and in constant remembrance of Allah, the Supreme One.


I have not come for a cause.
My calling is Love.
The Friend’s (God’s) home is hearts.
I have come to build hearts.
🌻Yunus Emre🌻

( translated by Şahane Sultan)


One who does not sacrifice his soul for the sake of Love
-Is he a Lover?
One who does not struggle to reach the Friend
-Is he a Lover?
One who does not sip from the Cup of Love,
One who does not abandon the desires of the self,
One who does not stand like a Man on the way to God
-Is he a lover?
One who does not wholeheartedly strengthen
the Love of the Friend,
One who does not close the role of worldly aspirations
-Is he a Lover?
One who is not always in abstention,
One who does not observe retreat,
One who does not see any trace of the Face of the Beloved
-Is he a Lover?
In love, there is no room for mere acquaintanceship,
And not every soul can ascend to Heaven,
One who does not burn in the fire like a moth
-Is he a Lover?
When one is stricken with Love’s Affliction
He demands the remedy,
One who does not seek the remedy for his Affliction
-Is he a Lover?
O Yunus,
Endure the cruelties of your Friend,
One whose heart is not wounded with the arrow of Love
-Is he a Lover?

🍃Yunus Emre🍃

Translated by Ersin Balcı

Original title of the poem in Turkish:
“Cânını aşk yoluna virmeyen âşık mıdur
Cehd eyleyüp ol dosta irmeyen aşık mıdur”


Whatever I say, You are the subject.
Wherever I go, every impulse is toward You.
It’s true, those who don’t love You are soul-less dolls,
but the living need a Beloved like You.
You’ve veiled Yourself from the whole universe.
At a single sight of You it would perish.
Giants and elves, humans, angelic powers,
all beings are in love with You.
The seraphim and maidens of paradise crowd around You
and can’t bear to leave Your presence.
From your hand poison is a delicious drink.
My soul is healed by anything You do.
When I eat something sweet without You, it’s bitter.
You are the soul’s taste, what else could I want?
If my soul suffered a hundred wounds,
my joy would not decrease.
This love washes everything clean.
Yunus is just one atom of it. This planet, this whole universe is born from a taste of love.
🍃Yunus Emre🍃

Translated from Turkish
by Kabir Helminski and Refik Algan

Original Title of the poem:
Ne söz keleci der isem dilim seni söyleyecek


The dervish is crazed,
Mocked by those incognizant of Love.
But, never laugh at him, it will bring you no good;
For whatever you laugh at, will on you be redoubled.
When one falls in Love, let him in there its Afflictions,
Or else, will he be stranded on this Path.
Becoming a Lover, when one dives
Into the ocean of Love, pearls will will he find.
The Lover has not abode, he abandons the world;
Once it is forsaken, the Beloved is found.
O Yunus, neither should you hurt dervishes,
For it is their prayers that are accepted.

🍃Yunus Emre🍃

(Translated by Ersin Balcı)

This poem in its original language:
“Derviş olan kişiler deli olagan olur,
Aşk neydüğin bilmeyen ana gülegen olur.”


This world is analogous
To a grand city,
Our lifetime is but a street market
That will close very soon.
Whoever comes to this city
Abides here but for a short stay;
He is on a journey
From which there is no turning back.
In the beginning, the taste of this city
Is sweeter than sugar and of honey;
In the end, it is full of pain
Like snake’s poison.
In the beginning, it captures the heart
Like a sweetheart
In the end, it shuns
Like a deceiving hag.
This city is full
Of all manner of delusions,
Deceiving the oblivious
Like a duplicitous witch.
In this deceitful city
The deluded wander
Like cattle
Amongst the grasses.
From the city, three roads depart, One leads to heaven, one to hell
And, the third leads
To the beauty of the beloved.
This city has a sultan
Who bestows upon everyone
One who is intimate with him
Is truly enlivened.
He who knows his own value, Knows his own state,
And with love,
Like spring becomes
See poor Yunus
With love is crazed
His each and every breath
Like honey and sugar tastes.
🍃Yunus Emre🍃

(Translated by Ersin Balcı.
The original title of this poem in Turkish is:
Bu dünyânun meseli bir ulu şâra benzer
Veli bizüm ömrümüz bir tiz bâzâra benzer)


🌻Beloveds, Salam Aleykum🌻

Yunus Emre lived in the 12th-13th century in Anatolia, Turkey and spent around 40 years at the presence of his Master, Taptuk Emre, in an Islamic monastery (dergâh). Yunus is known for his humanistic values and for his divine love poems, dedicated to the Beloved (God Almighty), whom he also calls “The Friend”. Humanism is a system of thought which exalts man in his relations with God, nature; and society.
Yunus Emre's poetry expresses a deep mysticism, humanism, self realisation and love for God. He believes that God is immanent in the universe. All matter is imbued with spirit or consciousness, and acquires higher values only through love.
The most important aspects of Yunus' life are not historical details, but how the common people of Anatolia viewed his life. This is revealed very beautifully in legends and poetry; some people even suggest that "Yunus" is actually a school of thought in 13th century Anatolia, not a single person. He is the cornerstone of what is referred to as “Anatolian Humanism”.
During his lifetime Yunus did not claim to be a dervish, nor did he describe himself as a sheikh (Master). He was content with Haqq (the Truth), which is God, losing any sense of person hood, individual existence, in the presence of Haqq.
He traveled to Syria and Azerbaijan as well as through Anatolia. He was a poet of his time who turned his face towards common people, composing his poems in their spoken tongue, Turkish. He implicitly explained the most complex, the most profound and perplexing truths to the people in their own language, making it easy for them to understand what he conveyed in his poems. His poems were spontaneous utterances which were put on paper by the beloveds around him.
In contrary to the belief that Yunus was an illiterate peasant, many scholars have pointed out that he was in fact a very well educated man, in literature and in science. Besides his mother tongue, which is Turkish he was also fluent in the Arabic and Persian Languages, which were the official languages of his period. He received his education in Konya and was appointed as the Judge of the district where he met his Master.
Several authors point out that many idioms in everyday Turkish language are actually verses from his poetry. His philosophy, metaphysics and humanism have been examined in various symposiums and conferences on a regular basis both in Turkey and abroad. UNESCO named Yunus Emre one of the main cultural figures of world, and dedicated 1991 as "The International Yunus Emre Year". His work has been translated into several languages.
Two saints, Yunus Emre and Mevlâna Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rumi, both lived during the same period in Anatolia and spoke of their experience of divine love and oneness; Rumi wrote in Persian and Yunus in Turkish. In the exuberance of faith and celebration of life, some authors note that there are striking similarities between Yunus Emre and St. Francis of Assisi.
Yunus’s works consist of a Dîvan (his collected poetry) and a didactic work called the Risâlat an-Nushiyya (Treatise of Advice).
Sufism (Islamic Mysticism) has three stages : Purification, Enlightenment, and Union. The mystic cannot hope to achieve union with God, the divine beloved, without relinquishing what Yunus Emre refers to as "crass person hood."
The return to God is possible not through the ravaging of the ego (nafs), nor through physical death, but through love which purifies and enlightens the soul. The mystic has no fear of death, because he believes in immortality by virtue of God's love.

As Yunus expresses it:
Death should give you no fear at all;Fear not, your life is eternal.


🌷Salam Aleykum beloveds🌷

Eid mubarak to us all. May our lives be spent in the light of the holy Qur’an and be filled with love, the joy of sharing, compassion and understanding to all beings.


Suppose that you have purchased
All the estates of this world,
Suppose that you have gambled
And have won all the possessions in this world.
Sitting on the throne
In the palace of Solomon,
Suppose that you have been giving orders
To creatures one and all.
Suppose that along with these possessions
You add
The treasure of Feridun,
and that of Nushirewan and of Qarun.
This world is but a morsel
Chewed in the mouth,
Why hold in your mouth what you have chewed?
Suppose it has already been swallowed.
Your life is but a string on a bow,
How can the arrow stay
On the bow already drawn?
Suppose you have already thrown it away.
Suddenly they will call you from this world,
Think that moment is now,
Suppose you already prepared yourself
And have gone.
You have submerged into the sea,
You have begun to drown,
Do not madly thrash about, O helpless one,
Suppose you have already sunken down.
Every breath you take
Diminishes your pouch,
As your pouch is half empty,
Suppose it has already been spent.
One day you will taste
The syrup of death,
For sure you will taste it,
Suppose it has already been downed.
One day you will die,
You know that death is a truth;
Separating from all,
Suppose you already lie in your grave.
O Yunus, what if you live
One hundred pleasant years?
It will end with one last breath,
Suppose it has already been exhaled.

🍃Yunus Emre🍃

(Translated by Ersin Balcı.
The original title of this poem in Turkish is:
“Sen bu cihân mülkini Kâf’tan Kâf’a tutdun tut
Yâ bu âlem mâlını oynayuban ütdün tut.”)


True speech is the fruit of not speaking.
Too much talking clouds the heart.
If you want to clear the heart, say this much, the essence of all talking:
Speak truly. God speaks through words truly spoken.
Falsity ends in pain.
Unless you witness all of creation in a single glance, you are in sin even with all your religion.
The explanation of the law is this: The law is a ship. Truth is her ocean.
No matter how strong the wood, the sea can smash the ship.
We will master this science and read this book of love.
God instructs. Love is his school.
Since the glass of the saints fell on poor Yunus,
nothing has been a misfortune.
🍃Yunus Emre🍃

Translated by Kabir Helminski & Regik Algan


“Doesn’t God say ”I am closer to you than your jugular vein”? Therefore, He is the lover/friend of everyone. Some are aware of this, some are not. That is the only difference.”

🍃Taptuk Emre(Sheikh of Yunus Emre)

(Quoted from TRT TV series ‘Yunus Emre, Aşkın Yolculuğu’.
Translated by Şahane Sultan.)

Yunus Emre Says, "This World Is An Illusion". 29/05/2020

🌷Allahumme Salli Ala Seyyidina Muhammedin Ve Ala Ali Seyyidina Muhammed🌷

Below you can find the English translation of one of Yunus Emre's poems. You can also listen to it in Turkish in the form of a hymn in the video with English subtitles. (Only one part of the poem is used in this hymn) Translation is done by Şahane Sultan.

☘️Yunus Emre Says This World Is An Illusion☘️

Within my inner journey, I woke up from sleep crying,
I humbled myself at the presence of God, the Truth.
May I reach my Master with tears in my eyes.
Muhammad comes with vitality and freshness.
Holding his flag he walked to the throne of God,
His light pervaded the highest heaven.
My heart melted away.
Muhammad comes with vitality and freshness.
His shoes are made of a date tree,
His cheeks resemble the newly blossomed rose.
Allow me, my Lord, to see the Prophet in my dream.
Muhammad comes with vitality and freshness.
His sign is vitality, it is made of divine light.
You need a guide to find your path, it is surrounded by waylayers.
My guide is the Qur'an.
Muhammad comes with vitality and freshness.
Yunus Emre says this world is an illusion,
Do not depend on your possessions, they are not yours.
The lovers (of God) stay wide awake at dawn,
Muhammad comes with vitality and freshness.

🌷Yunus Emre🌷

*The video is taken from a series called 'Yunus Emre, The Journey of Love' produced by TRT television)

Yunus Emre Says, "This World Is An Illusion". Beloveds, Salam Aleykum You can follow us on facebook: Yunus Emre; The Path of Love Our page is dedicated in translating Yunus Emre poe...


(Yunus Emre): Master, if you allow me, I would like to talk about my state of mind.

(Taptuk Emre): Don’t say “i” my Yunus, don’t say “i”. This “i” is the source of all the troubles of a human being. This ‘i’ is an endless well inside human beings.

(Extracted from the series ‘Yunus Emre Aşkın Yolculuğu’. All rights reserved by TRT television. Translated by Şahane Sultan.

Beloveds, our page is not related to this series. The aim of this page is to share fresh translations of sage Yunus Emre's poems. From time to time we do share short video clips and quotes from the series as well, using our own translations, as we believe that this series is a perfect demonstration of the life of Yunus and his teacher Taptuk Emre. Peace be with you)


The nightingale is the poet of the animal kingdom. It has a beautiful voice because it sings the Truth. Whomever listens to it; a denier of Truth or a pagan or a Muslim, a shepherd or a sultan, even if they are not aware that it is singing the Truth, they can feel it. Every being that has a heart finds the sound of the nightingale beautiful.
The reason why it's beautiful is because it is the sound of the Truth. We do not need ugly voices "inviting" us to Truth. What we need is nightingales that sing us the Truth.
What we need is the one, who puts aside the forms and sings the Truth to the East, to the West, to the South & to the North. We need the one who silences himself and sings only the Truth. Only then speech turns into gold.
When Truth speaks, the ego keeps quiet.
In each era, the voice of Truth (God) manifests in different ways. The most influential one is the word. The power of the word is like an arrow, it exceeds time.
When the person leaves, Truth is what remains.
Is the nightingale the owner of its voice? Truth arrived and emerged from its mouth. Does the nightingale know to whom it sings? To a king or a servant, to an ascetic or a Sufi, to a peasant or a city man? When Truth is uttered, all separation disappears and only Oneness remains. Truth does not need translation.

🌷Taptuk Emre's words while giving communion (sohbet) to Yunus Emre🌷

(Exracted from the series ‘Yunus Emre Aşkın Yolculuğu’. Translated by Şahane Sultan)


Water is the symbol of Truth. When water flows to different paths or gets inside different cups or is painted to different colours, it doesn’t matter. Whether it is inside Yunus’s leather waterskin or inside a golden jug in a palace in Baghdad, it doesn’t matter.
To judge water by its cup is not the way of the dervish. Dervish is the one who walks the path of Oneness. For a dervish, water is neither bitter nor sweet. Water flowing from the fountain is simply just water. When you have faith that nothing exists but God, you will believe in water; not bitter water or sweet water.
To make judgements such as good and bad, sweet and bitter, beautiful and ugly are against the Oneness of God. A dervish does not utter these.
🍃Taptuk Emre🍃 (Yunus Emre’s spiritual teacher)

(Translated by Şahane Sultan. Extracted from the series ‘Yunus Emre Aşkın Yolculuğu’. Copyrights reserved by TRT television)


All the misfortune in the world comes to a human being from his own ego. The one who says, “I am the doer of this and that” can never be free from trouble. Human beings should never claim an autonomous self.
This is why we always advice and practice saying ‘i died’ rather than ‘i became’.
🌷Taptuk Emre🌷 (Master of Yûnus Emre)

This quote is taken from the series ‘Yunus Emre, Aşkın Yolculuğu’. Translated by Şahane Sultan. All rights of this series belong to TRT1 television.


🌷Salam Aleykum beloveds🌷
Ramadan Mubarak to us all.
May we spend this holy month in deep contemplation of the Holy Qur’an and allow its blessings to flow through us and to rid us of our egos. May our fasting be on both physical and mental levels.
May the wisdom of beloved Prophet Muhammad, his Ahl ay-bayt, all the sages, Yunus Emre and his sheikh Taptuk Emre be our guide.
May there be peace, harmony and love. Amin.
🌷Allah-u Akbar🌷


A glance fell on me from God; I began to be the opener of God’s door. I began to enter God’s treasury; I began to spread pearls and jewels.
The crown of prosperity was placed on my head. He offered me the glass of love, my soul drank, I was satiated with love. I began to be able to differentiate black from white.
It made me drunk, made me fall in love. I was raw, love cooked me. It brought my intellect back to my head; I began to be able to differentiate evil from good.
My affairs turned out well, my head became free from anxiety. I cut off the head of my carnal self, taking on wings, I began to fly.
Those who move from place to place reached the stopping place; they arrived and settled there. Life passed; the agreement was fulfilled, I turned toward my goal, I began to pass on.
Wretched Yunus, ever since he became acquainted with Taptuk and gave his soul and heart; ever since I reached my Taptuk, I began to reveal my hidden secret.

🍃Yunus Emre🍃

Translated by Grace Martin Smith
from his book ‘The Poetry of Yûnus Emre, a Turkish Sufi Poet’

*Taptuk is Yunus Emre’s spiritual teacher.

The Turkish title of this poem is: ‘Hakk kapusın açar oldum’

Amerikalılara Mevlana anlatıldı - Forum Usa 01/03/2020

Salam Alaykum.

We are happy to share with you that the Washington office of Yunus Emre Institute organized an event in Washington in December to commemorate the 746th death anniversary of the great saint Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi, which is referred to as his "Wedding Night", his union with God.

The head of Yunus Emre Institute, Halid Bulut, said:
“As an Institute, our main duty is to give voice to our culture, the ways in which this culture has contributed to humanity. In this regard, we wished to share the teachings of Saint Rumi, as he is one of the most significant values of our culture and is a treasure that serves the whole humanity." During the event, the guests were gifted with the English translation of Rumi's work, Masnavi (Masnavi is a poetic collection of anecdotes and stories derived from the Quran, hadith, sources, and everyday tales)

Both Rumi and Yunus lived in Anatolia, Turkey in the same century and according to some historians these two saints have met. However, we do not have exact details regarding their meeting. Yunus wrote in Turkish and Rumi wrote in Persian.
This event is a beautiful example of how the brotherhood and love between these two great saints continue to thrive and serve all humanity after many centuries.

Amerikalılara Mevlana anlatıldı - Forum Usa Hazreti Mevlana'nın 746. Vuslat Yıl Dönümü kapsamında Amerikalılara Mevlana'nın hayatı ve öğretisi anlatıldı amerika birleşik devletleri


A single word brightens the face of the one,
who knows the essence of words.
A single word, ripened in silence,
causes all actions to flow.
War is cut short by a word,
and a word heals the wounds,
a word changes poison
into butter and honey.
Let a word mature inside yourself.
Replace all the wicked ones.
Let a word be uttered through wisdom,
do not speak empty words.
Oh brothers and sisters,
Come and listen to us.
A kind of word
can reduce money and riches to dust.
Know when to speak a word
and when not to speak at all.
A single word
turns worlds of hell into eight paradises.
Follow the path of Truth.
Don’t be fooled by what you already know.
Reflect before you speak.
A foolish mouth can wound your soul.
Yunus, be vigilant
when you say a word now.
A word can deviate you from Truth.
It is the word ‘I’ that separates you from God.
Yunus Emre

Translated by Şahane Sultan


Soul of my soul,
without You I have no work to do.
If You are absent from Paradise,
I don’t need to go there.
If I look, all I see is You.
If I speak, I speak of You.
There is no better prey than You
whom I secretly watch.
Because I forgot myself,
because I went to You, 
in any conversation, in every state,
I haven’t got a moment’s rest.
You can kill me seventy times,
and like Saint George, I’ll resurrect, and crawl back unashamed.

Show Your face to Yunus.
He loves You and has no other.

🍂Yunus Emre🍂

(Translated from Turkish by Kabir Helminski & Refik Algan)



Today, 17th of December is when a great Saint, Hazrat-e Mawlânâ Jalâluddîn Muhammad Rûmî has left his physical body, to which he has referred to as his wedding night, aka Sheb-i Arus in Persian language. Rumi spent his life in Konya, Turkey, thus thousands of people from all religions and traditions gather in Konya to visit his shrine and to celebrate this auspicious time through contemplation, prayer, and hymns.

Rumi and Yunus have lived in the same period of time in Anatolia. There are various stories related to their meeting both in the physical and spiritual realms.

“The books that Rumi has left guide you towards knowing who you are, your true essence. Who are you? Why were you created? And you learn God. The source of all his books is Qur’an.
When Rumi talks about the Qur’an, he says “I tried to give meaning to one verse of the Qur’an, and the oceans became ink, the trees became pencil, the leaves became paper. When I began to write, the ink finished, the paper and pencil finished and yet the meaning has not come to an end.” Hasan Dede, A Mevlevi Master


Whoever is given the dervish path,
may his posturing cease and may he shine.
May his breath become musk and amber.
May whole cities and homelands gather fruit from his branches.
May his leaves be healing herbs for the sick.
May much good work be done in his shadow.
May his tears become a clear lake.
May reeds sprout between his toes.
And among all the poets and nightingales in the Friend’s garden,
may Yunus hop like a partridge.
☘️Yunus Emre☘️

Translated by Kabir Helminski and Refik Algan

The original title of the poem in the Turkish language is; ‘Her kime kim dervişlik bağışlana’.

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