Atwell Fish and Game Club Inc.

Atwell Fish and Game Club Inc.

Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Atwell Fish and Game Club Inc., Nonprofit Organization, .


Tent ready for the annual BBQ Saturday!


Minutes of July 6, 2024 Meeting:

Members Present: Steven and Linda Gribnau, Joe Messineo, Steve and Elaine Swierczek, Linda Roberts, Kevin Roberts, Patrick and Theresa Quilty, Bruce and Chick Koenig, Jill Tyksinski, Patrick Roche, Dave and Gail Tudman, Richard Cox, Sandy and Jerry Heyland
Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
New Club Members: Motion was made by Linda Roberts and seconded Steve Swierczek to accept the new members Patrick and Theresa Quilty.
Minutes: The May 25, 2024 were read by Elaine Swierczek, secretary. Motion was made to accept the minutes by Chick Koenig and seconded by Patrick Roche.
Treasurers Report: Read by Linda Gribnau. A balance of $12,947.43. Motion was made by Linda Roberts and seconded by Jill Tyksinski to accept the treasurers report.
Old Business:
DEC Camp: Four boys are going sponsored by our club. One boy dropped out.
ESF (Enviromental School of Forestry, Syracuse) North Lake collaboration attempt by Joe Messineo has had no response,
Boater Safety Course: Six members will receive their certificates.
Loons: There are three pairs on North Lake. Loons attempted to nest across from Jill Tyksinski. The nest was disrupted by campers. Another attempt was made and the eggs washed away by the high water level. We have two baby loons that were born by Koenig’s camp. South Lake has one baby loon.
Emergency Phone: no response from Jacqueline Schillinger (518) 281-5510 on the installation of this device at the State House. Frontier is prepared to install the emergency phone in the vicinity of the state house. The canal department is non-responsive. It has been a few years attempting to establish the emergency phone.
New Business:
Fisheries: Steve Gribnau contacted Dave Erway regarding fish stocking. North Lake received 2,700 Splake, 2,200 Tiger Muskies. South Lake received 3,200 Brook Trout. Studies will continue on South Lake. This year, Round White Fish (bait fish) will be put in South Lake as a precursor to the introduction of Lake Trout. Next year possibly Lake Trout. Possible study will be done on North Lake in the near future according to Jana Lantry, Regional Fisheries Director NYSDEC.
Dick Cox noted that the Adirondack Lakes Survey tests the water on North and South Lake once a year.
Possible closing of some camp sites on the Loop Road on North Lake by DEC under the direction of the APA. Dick Cox mentioned that one camp site on South Lake is for Day Use Only.
Picnic: Dave Tudman will bring a demand pump for washing dishes. Joe Messineo and Steve Swierczek will hook up electric. Joe Messineo will check propane. Jill Tyksinski will do kids games, beer, ice and corn. Linda Gribnau, Chick Koenig, Elaine Swierczek will purchase groceries and salads from Holland Farms. Kevin Roberts will take care of needs for barbequing chickens and the tent. The picnic is scheduled for Saturday August 03, noon to 4 PM.
Cabinets: The upper cabinets from Eddy Binks camp will go to the club house and used for storage
Local News:
Dave and Diane Kaisers will be leaving in September. Their house is under pending sale.
Smiths camp has been sold.
Meeting Adjourned: Motion made by Dave Tudman and seconded by Patrick Roche.
Respectfully submitted,
Elaine Swierczek, Secretary
**Donations of salads and desserts would be appreciated as well as tickets for the Lottery Board.


Please join us Saturday, July 6 at 11 am for our Atwell FIsh and Game Club meeting.

Your participation is greatly appreciated. The club is only as good as its members.

Also, we will be putting in the order for T-Shirts. Please let us know if you want any children sizes or anything above XL.

We hope to see you there.


Below are the minutes from our Memorial Weekend Meeting.

Our next meeting will be July 6 at 11 am. Please attend. Our club is only as good as the input we receive from our members.

Atwell Fish and Game Club Spring MeetingMay 25, 2024 11 AMMembers Present: Steve and Linda Gribnau, Joe Messineo, Kevin and Linda Roberts, Jill Tyksinski, Richard Cox, Pete and Jeanne Ward, Chick and Bruce Koenig, Diane Kaiser, Barbara Jones, Dave Tudman, and Sandra Hoyland.New Club Members: David McKendree, Clinton; Jim Morris, Hamilton, Michael and Melissa Muller, Sparrowbush; Robert and Deborah Oliver, Auburn; Nate Palmisano, East Syracuse; Chris Ricciardi, Cicero; and Dave Ware, Manlius. Motion to approve by Jill T and Seconded by Barb Roberts. All in favor of admission. None opposed.Minutes: September 2, 2023 read by Joe Messineo. Motion by Jill to accept minutes and second by Barb Roberts. All approved acceptance.Treasurer’s Report presented by Linda Gribnau. Jennifer Jones donated 2023 hat expense. Dave Tudman made amotion to approve and Chick seconded the motion. All were in favor of approval.DEC Camp: Steven Gribnau will be the contact person. We have five kids going. Huntley Phillips (from the House family) going to Pack Forest. Camp Colby just opened up and we have Jacob Pcolinsky and Brad Pealo, Brodie Baker and Hayden Graves goingESF/North Lake Collaboration attempt by Joe Messineo was unsuccessful due to no follow up by SUNY/ESF contact point.Fisheries: No response from NYS regional fishery representative. No specific reports on fish stocking North or South Lake on the internet.. The state truck was spotted but no official pronouncement was made public. Boater Safety Course was announced in Forestport. The club offered to pay for the course fee. In 2025 all boaters must show proof of training. An online version is available but is $35 in addition to the $10 Boating Certificate fee.Loons are present. One egg reported on the island near Jill’s house. The egg may have been abandoned. There was evidence of disruption of the nest. Viability is uncertain. No sign of nesting on the Gribnau island. Loon harassment should be reported to DEC Game Protector Ben Tabor at 844-dec-ecos. Canal Department: Jose Aponte is now in charge of the lake level. He has reached out and asked for level input. Jose has visited the lake several times in the past. Jose said nothing would be done to North Lake this year. The dam gate is closed and inoperable. Level is now controlled by using the tubes. Monitoring continues to be outdated and very manual. Frontier is prepared to install an emergency phone in the vicinity of the state house. The canal department is non-responsive. It has now been a few years of attempting to establish an emergency phone.New Business: Hats and T-Shirts needs a volunteer. Jill will do them in 2025.
Club Mission: In a nutshell is Education, Conservation, and an Annual Picnic. There was no interest in discussing a mission change.Ranger Pelrah was scheduled to attend and he did not show up. There will be an Assistant Ranger this summer, Dominic Case, will be living in the Sperry rental cabin. He will be on duty Saturday-Wednesday. The APA and the DEC are considering closing some of the roadside camp sites, but nothing has been decided according to Pelrah. Aimee, Dylan, and Pelrah will be our assigned Rangers.Atwell Club Sign: Thank you to Linda Gribnau for repainting the sign last fall. The sign was installed by Bruce, Joe, Steve, Chick, Fred Stohler and Linda.The weather was a balmy, 70 degrees, and it was sunny.Joe Messineo, Acting Secretary for Elaine Swierczek


Please join us at the Atwell FIsh and Game Club on Saturday, May 25, at 11 am for our Memorial Weekend Meeting.

Chris Pelham from DEC is planning on joining us unless an emergency comes up.

Our club is only as good as our members and your input is greatly appreciated.

Boating Education - NYS Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation 03/04/2024

Starting January 1, 2025, a safety certificate will be required of all operators, regardless of age.

The following link will give you further information:

As we discussed at our Labor Day meeting, the club would like to support club members in receiving their certificates.

There will be a course held at the Forestport Town Hall on June 22. The Forestport course is free but there are only 17 slots left so if interested sign up ASAP. You will be charged $10 for the certificate when you pass the course.

To sign up for the course register on the following link:

You can complete the course through an online provider for around $35 plus $10 for the certificate.

The club will not reimburse you for the $35 if you choose to do the course through an online provider.

However, the club will be happy to reimburse you for the $10 Boating Certificate if you bring your receipt and Boating Certificate to the May meeting May 27 at 11 am or July meeting July 6 at 11 am.

IF you prefer you can mail the above to:

Atwell FIsh and Game, 2957 South Lake Road, Forestport, NY 13338

Boating Education - NYS Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation Boating Education courses teaching boat safety, legal requirements, alternate certification, and instructor certification.

Frontier Town Roger Maclaughlin, Stormy Weather Act announced by Clarence Canary 02/09/2023

Former Club President Roger MacLaughlin passed away this past week. He will bve greatly missed.

Frontier Town Roger Maclaughlin, Stormy Weather Act announced by Clarence Canary 16mms converted to digital to be used for stills Frontier Town Abandoned Theme Park Then And Now Vol. 2 and for a documentary. page http://facebook....


Atwell Fish and Game Club
11 AM, July 1, 2023

Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Seventeen members present.

Members: No new members

Treasurer’s Report: Balance was $13,606.38. Motion to approve by Barbara Roberts and seconded by Joseph Messineo.

Old Business: Chris Pelreh is the new Ranger for this area, Conner is the Assistant Ranger. Forest Rangers Aimee Bills and Dylan McCartney will be backups for this area.

DEC Summer Camp: Brody Baker and his friend Hayden Graves will possibly be attending camp next year in 2024.

Sea Plane Rides for the picnic: No response.

Loons: Loons are possibly nesting on bird house island. A Loon has been seen going up and down the bank. All indications are that they are nesting. If anyone sees loons being harassed call Benjamin Tabor, DEC Environmental Police at 844-DECECOS.

Pressure Tank and hot water heater for dishes. Dave Tudman brought an old pressure tank to try. Does not know if it works.
Outdoor Water Heater will be purchased by Jill Tyksinski for $143.00. Motion made by Dave Tudman and seconded by Barbara Roberts. Motion carried.
Joe Messineo will also donate a fairly new pressure tank. A pump was discussed. Dave Kaiser has some of the pumping parts to attach it. Chris Miller, Dave Kaiser and Steve Swierczek will put it together.

Solution to Club Picnic table stability: Thank you for those who volunteered to stabilize the club picnic tables. Great job! Picnic tables will be moved in the club house so Bruce Koenig can excavate the old black top.

Pavilion Pavement: Bruce Koenig will call Seam for a date to deliver stone dust. Bruce and Dave Kaiser will excavate the old blacktop. Bruce will dispose old stuff. He will get a tandem load of 380 to 400 (27 ½) tons of dust stone. Motion by Dick Cox and Jill Tyksinki. Motion passed.

New Business:

Hats and T-shirts to sell at picnic: Linda Gribnau will be ordering 32 shirts in various sizes and 20 flex hats.

Picnic: It was confirmed with last year’s workers that they will to their same jobs. The only change will be that Dave Tudman will cook steaks and Gail Tudman will pass out chickens and collect tickets. Joe Messineo will check out gas and sterno.

If you are bringing anything hot, please put it in a crockpot labeled with you name.
A sign-up sheet was passed around for making salads and desserts.

If you were not present at the July meeting and wish to make a salad or dessert, please call Elaine at 315-335-4911. Donations are appreciated.

Staining the Club House: Club house is in need of staining. Linda and Elaine will redo the painting of the big sign on the building.

Volunteers would be greatly appreciated for staining the building.
Dates: Pressure washing the building will be August 6
Painting of Club House will start on August 12
Rain Date August 19

Recruiting younger members to the club: Dick Cox had a good suggestion that we try to recruit Junior members. The discussion was tabled until the next meeting. We need a person to take a lead on this and the club members input for any ideas on this.

Meeting adjourned by Linda Bilodeau and seconded by Dave Tudman.

Elaine Swierczek
Atwell Fish and Game Club Secretary


Meeting tomorrow, July 1, at the clubhouse on North Lake



Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
New Members: Bruce and Ginny Roberts, Delaware Ohio; Matt Klausner and Abby Drumm, Utica; Nora and Mike Revenaugh, Utica; Kirk and Vanessa Phillips, Parish; John Schreppel, Yorkville. Motion to accept new members. First Barb Roberts, seconded, Chick Koenig, motion passed.
Secretary Report
Motion to accept the minutes made by Gail Tudman, first of Dave Tudman, seconded by Bruce Koenig.

Treasurer’s Report
Motion to accept made by Chick Koenig, seconded Jill Tyksinski, motion passed.
Old Business
Jill Tyksinski has made great progress with the camping situation. A sign of rules will be posted, some campsites will be limited and they are trying to get an intern Forest Ranger for the summer.
DEC summer camp: Joe Messineo had one camper who has changed his mind. Any other ideas for our mission of education?
Chick Koenig to check with Greg Baker to see if Brody Baker and his friend Hayden Graves wants to go together next summer. Dave Tudman asked if we could sponsor some Boy Scouts to go. Linda Gribnau mentioned this route was already pursued by Joe Messineo with no luck. Camp Colby is closed for this summer.
Folding Tables
Chic Koenig is looking into four folding tables for the cooks. Chic found them at BJs and they fold in half as well. $50 each in white.

Steve Gribnau purchased nitrile gloves and caution tape. He will purchase two more recycle bins. Motion to buy: Jill Tyksinski, seconded Barb Roberts, motion passed

Sea plane: Linda Gribnau called last year and they would not come because he did not have another pilot to stay at seventh lake. Linda will call again. Helms said he wasn’t interested in coming this far.
Loons nesting on the island across from Gribnau camp. Need volunteer to put in buoys. Thank you Jill Tyksinski for your assistance. Diane Kaiser said there were a couple around the island in front. May be a couple at the end of the lake. Jill said none in front of her camp because dogs chewed up the nest.

Pressure tank and hot water heater for dishes.
Steve Swierczek to look into pressure tank and hot water heater for dishes. He was not present at the meeting. Dave Tudman has one but doesn’t know drain it. 20-30 gallon. Dave will bring it to the 4th of July meeting for us to look at.
The Club has a generator that was donated by Michael Botar. Dave Tudman has a 40 lb pressure pump he would be willing to use for the picnic. Dick Cox wonders if we could get an instant water heater to purchase so we don’t need a pump. Dave Tudman has a pump that he would be willing to let us try. You just have to turn the gas on and plug it in and turn the valve. Ease of draining is an issue and needs to be looked into. Try Dave’s for this year. Patrick Roche has a water pump from pool to try ($70 at Harbor Freight). Dick Cox mentioned we only do the washing of dishes once a year so why don’t we just heat the water on the burners like usual and not spend the money. Thank you Jill Tysinski for offering to research tankless hot water heater.
Stocking of Lake Trout on South Lake
Dick Cox has had no response from DEC to his letter regarding stocking of Lake Trout in South Lake. Randy Young is head of Region 6 DEC. Can resend letter with SECOND NOTICE on it. Jill will give the list of people she has talked to and the contact information.

Solution to Club picnic table stability
Chris Miller has a solution for the tipping picnic tables and still be able to stack them.
Thank you Chris for fixing one table and doing an estimate of $129 for wood and screws for all the tables. Motion to modify the tables as Chris is willing to do it. Motion that we need at least one person to help Chris to help move the tables. DaveTudman, Chris seconded, motion passed. It was suggested we do it the night before the picnic when we put the tables out and people are there to help. Linda Gribnau to send a check.
Pavilion pavement. Thank you Joe Messineo for obtaining an estimate from your landscaper. The estimate a little over $17,000. Jill Tysinski motioned we don’t do I that way, Linda Gribnau seconded, motion passed. Dave Tudman asked if we could just do stone dust. Dick Cox asked about concrete not pavers. Pavers would heave in the winter and then we would have another tripping hazard. Steve Gribnau mentioned it to Chris Graves and he said he would be willing to help. Bruce willing to use his skid steer to break up what is there. Bruce will get an estimate on the stone dust for 20 x 40, 800 square feet. 12 yards of stone is needed 4 inches deep. Jill Tysinski made a motion, Chick Koenig seconded, motion passed.
Atwell Paddlers schedule was sent out with May meeting notice. Jennifer Burby, daughter of Warren Cisco, would like to use the pavilion June 2 for her daughter’s wedding. There will be approximately 25 people. Steve to leave the key with Diane Kaiser to move the picnic tables. They are not members but were told a donation or joining the club would be appreciated.
Chris Miller would like to have a family picnic at some time.
New Business
DEC Fish Stocking: No fish stocked this spring. Last fall North Lake 3000 Splake and South Lake 3,500 Brook trout. 2600 Splake stocked at campsite 6 this spring according to Diane Kaiser.
Frank Falso had the North Lake Monument engraved with Eddy Bink’s name.
NY green legislation emailed to club members has already started to be enacted. It will kill the logging industry and snowmobile tourist industry which will have a domino effect on restaurants and businesses. It is a good idea to contact your representatives.
Hats and T-shirts to sell for picnic. There was a motion to do shirts because they are a good seller. Linda will contact Jeff Beardsley and order the same shirts we had last year. Jennifer Jones will get pricing on 36 hats.
Propane tanks: Three propane tanks were offered by Barb Roberts and Chris Miller will take them!
Motion to close meeting by Jennifer Jones, seconded by Pat Roche. All in favor motion passed.
Lisa Gribnau Roche
Interim Secretary


Next meeting is Saturday 5/27/2023


We are so sorry for the loss of George Meringola Of Oxford NYwho passed away on Oct. 8th. He was a member of the club until 2018.


With heartfelt sadness the club wanted to inform all of you that Eddy Bink, 94, passed away 10/06/22 at St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Utica.

His burial will be held Friday, October 21, at 1 PM at Olivet Cemetery, 70 Wood Road in Whitesboro NY.

He was a North Lake icon and an honorary member of the club. He contributed his carpentry skills to many camps in the area.

He will be greatly missed and North Lake will not be the same place without him.

Photos from Atwell Fish and Game Club Inc.'s post 07/10/2022

The Atwell Fish and Game Club sponsors two children between the ages of 11-17 every year at DEC Summer Camp at Camp Colby or Pack Forest. The cost is $350 each child and the club will pay for it. The camp combines environmental education, hunter education programs, and outdoor recreation into a fun adventure. It is a good idea to apply early. We have had children wait listed in the past that never got to go.

It might be good to get kids outside and away from iPads and video games. If you know of any children that might be interested, please fill out the attached application and return it to the club.

The link for further information on the DEC Summer Camp is


Subject:Canal Corporation North Lake Update for Community

As promised, here is an update that you can send around to the community on what they can expect as we progress the design phase of the future dam rehabilitation project.

Beginning mid-to late October and running through Thanksgiving, the community can expect to see vegetation removal at Dams A, B and C. This activity will allow for better inspection of the dams, as well as minor repair work. Additionally, the public can expect to see drilling rigs on the dams as the Canal Corporation and its contractors conduct sub-surface exploration to better understand their composition.

During this time, travelers using South Lake Road can expect staged single lane closures with Signalized Traffic Control Devices, allowing alternating one-lane traffic to pass through the construction sites at Dams A and B. Flag persons will direct traffic through an alternating single-lane closure at Dam C. A map depicting all three locations can be found below. Please note that the road will remain open to all traffic 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, some traffic delays should be expected. The Canal Corporation appreciates the community’s patience as it performs this critical work.

An overview of the project can be found here: An image depicting impacted road areas is attached.

Outside of the normal winter drawdown, there are no other plans to dewater the reservoir. The Canal Corporation is committed to engaging with the community well in advance of any such activity if and when the need is identified.


Atwell Fish & Game Club Meeting September 3, 2022

Officers: President, Steven Gribnau, Vice President, Kevin Roberts, Secretary, Elaine Swierczek, Treasurer, Linda Gribnau Member Attendance: Joe Messineo, Linda Roberts, Kevin Roberts Pete Ward, Christopher Miller, Warren Swensen, Sandy Heyland, Jerry Heyland, Pete McManus, Ann Beach, Stephen Swierczek, Richard Cox, Dave Tudman, Chick Koenig, Bruce Koenig, Boris Funtow, Jill Tyksinski

The meeting was called to order at 11:03 AM, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

New Members: John and Julia Taubert, Jason Oliver and Amy Fox, Gerald and Sandra Hoyland and David Kermizian A motion was made by Steve Swierczek and seconded by Ann Beach to accept the new members.

Secretary’s Report was read. A motion was made to approve the report by Chick Koenig and seconded by Ann Beach. Treasurers Report was read. Picnic Profits after expenses were $2,449.53. The balance after expenses $14,318.55. A motion was made to approve the report by Linda Roberts and seconded by Boris Funtow.

DEC Summer Camps: Joe will check outside the club for interest by others or the scouts. Our new members Sandy and Jerry Hoyland may have a child interested in going to DEC camp. Loons: Two baby loons have survived on North Lake. South Lake has only two loon baby are left as the third was taken by a bald eagle. Picnic Improvements for next year: Four small folding stackable tables with adjustable legs to put on the side of the cookers to hold utensils are needed as well as nitrile gloves, a can opener, and two more recycle bins. Chick and Bruce will check BJs to see if they have these. A hot water demand heater and pressure tank were discussed for having hot water to wash dishes/utensils after the picnic. A motion made by Dick Cox to investigate and seconded. Steve Swierczek will follow up. Club Pavilion: The irregular surface of the pavement may be a hazard and safety issue for some people. Ideas to think about are to level the pavement, put stone dust tamped down, concrete flooring, or concrete paving blocks. A building permit might be needed for a project involving pouring concrete. Joe Messineo will pursue an estimate for concrete pavers. Another hazard exits as people tend to walk by the cooking area during the club picnic. Suggestions were either caution tape so no one can enter that area or put the food tables down the middle of the pavilion which would keep people away from the pots of boiling water in the area. Pavilion Extension to extend the pavilion to the garage was suggested by Dave Tudman. The Board of Directors will discuss. This is another improvement that might require a building permit.
Picnic tables: A hazard exists with picnic tables tipping over as one did at the picnic in August. A discussion ensued on what would be the best solution to modify the tables. Chris Miller will look into this. Volunteers will be needed for this project to work on them next spring. Chickens: How many chickens to purchase for the picnic has always been a problem. A motion was made to reinstate the chicken ticket policy. One chicken per ticket. Walk ins will not be guaranteed a chicken if we are short. Ann Beach made the motion and was seconded by Joe Messineo. New Business: Jay O’Hern and wife are at home and need 24/7 attendance of care. Ed Bink will be 95 in October. He was at Sunset Nursing Facility but now is back at St. Lukes as he tested positive for covid. A member suggested the club purchased an AED. Kevin brought up they are expensive, need maintenance, batteries need to be replaced occasionally and only operated by trained persons. A member suggested two footbridges over the streams the Wolf Creek Trail. Warren Swensen suggested this be an Eagle Scout Project. We may need a DEC permit. Steve Gribnau said he will contact the Scouts and check with Dylan. Sealing the club house from the pesky mice has been done this summer. Hopefully this will keep them away. Thanks to those who helped with this project. . Payne’s Plane: Dave Tudman suggested we take a count of how many people would like to take the plane ride for next years picnic and put the notice on the picnic invitation. This might make Payne’s more willing to come if they were guaranteed so many flights in a day. Dave Tudman will investigate the issue. A letter to NYS DEC Region 6 regarding stocking of lake trout in South Lake was written by member Dick Cox in July. We have not received any feedback regarding this request. Jill Tyksinski has contacted and written letters to the DEC and the Canal Corp regarding concern for safety and other problems the North Lake and South Lake landowners have regarding campers and the amount of traffic that the North Lake Loop road has during the summer season. Her suggestions included closing some of the campsites that are too close to the road, the amount of cars parking at a site that sometimes partially blocks the road. It was suggested to use Reserve America where you pay a small fee to reserve the site, lists rules and regulations and includes credit card info/license plate numbers to make campers more responsible for their actions. Better monitoring could be provided by having someone stay at the State House for the summer months. If rangers are short staffed maybe a college student or intern could be trained to be a Junior Ranger. Other suggestions were to have designated areas for excess cars to be parked. The president thanked all those he volunteered and helped at the picnic. It is greatly appreciated. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Dick Cox and seconded by Steve Swierczek. Respectfully Submitted, Elaine Swierczek, Secretary


Please join us for the last Atwell meeting of the year on Saturday, September 3 at 11:00 AM.
Also there will be a Board of Directors Meeting at 10:00 AM for those on the board.

Elaine Swierczek, Secretary..


Atwell Fish & Game Club Meeting Minutes July 2, 2022
Officers: President, Steven Gribnau, Vice President, Kevin Roberts, Secretary, Elaine Swierczek, Treasurer, Linda Gribnau Members Attendance: Steve Swierczek, Linda Roberts, Joe Messineo, Alan VanAuken, Dave Tudman, Pete Ward, Fred Stoller, Christopher Miller, Richard Cox, Linda Bilodeau, Delbert Bailey, Bruce Koenig, Jeff Spellicy, Chris Graves Pledge of Allegiance was recited by the members. Secretaries Report was read by Elaine Swierczek. Motion was made to approve the report by Linda Roberts and seconded by Joe Messineo. Treasurers Report: Balance is $9,496.04 after buying office supplies, stamps and books from Jay O’Hern. Motion was made to accept the report by Steve Swierczek and seconded by Joe Messineo. New Business: Mice in the club house. Steve Gribnau will contact John Martin to possibly cut some boards to fill holes in the club house. State House: The state is re-roofing the old state house as it is in need of repair. DEC Camp: Joe Messineo said that there has been no acknowledgement from the DEC regarding the donation that the club made to the fund for under privileged kids attending camp. The donation was made because this year no kids are going from our club. Loon Report: There are two baby loons on North Lake. Dick Cox reports that there are two nesting loons on South Lake. Jay O’Hern Books: Availability of his books are limited. Alan VanAuken will pick up more books if needed for the Atwell Picnic. These will be sold for the price shown on the book back at a very small profit to the club. Board of Directors: Pete Ward was applauded for becoming our new member on the board. Congratulations Pete! Annual Picnic Planning: The new Steak Man this year will be Boris Funtow, standing in for Dave Tudman, who has prior commitments on that date. Jill Tyksinski will again bring the beer and also do the kids games. Alan VanAuken and Joe Messineo will bring generators to the picnic so we can, once again, provide electricity for the crock pots of donated beans, and other hot sides. Chic Koenig will again assemble the famous Lottery Board from donated lottery tickets. Chic Koenig will also look into buying two more tables for the club. Alan VanAuken and Jeff Spellicy will check on price/availability of corn. Kevin Roberts will purchase the canopy for the chicken cooker guys. Remind members to bring crock pots if they have hot food. We will have power strips to keep them warm.
Linda Gribnau will look into prices and order shirts for the picnic and get a variety of sizes including some for kids. Plane Rides are undetermined at this time. They will be contacted again to see if they will be able come to the picnic. Paynes is short of help and is feeling the pinch of high fuel costs. Boat Rides: An idea was bought up of the possibility of giving boat rides at the picnic. Jeff Spellicy was asked if he would be willing to do this. He will consult with his wife. Window Stickers: Michael Bottar would like to purchase and donate North Lake stickers to the club. All donations and social media promotions for the club are greatly appreciated. Thank you Michael! Salads: Elaine Swierczek made a motion that we purchase two tubs of Holland Farms Potato Salad for the picnic. Linda Roberts seconded it. Members so far are bringing the following items: Dick Cox Maple Baked Beans Linda Biladeau German Potato Salad Linda Roberts Macaroni Salad Ann Messineo Broccoli Salad Linda Gribnau Pasta Salad Linda & Steve Gribnau Clam Chowder Elaine Swierczek Dessert Membership Applications Box: A motion was made that the club needs a new box for membership applications forms. A motion was made by Joe Messineo and seconded by Linda Roberts for the purchase of a new box. Steve Swierczek will install it on the pavilion. Lake Trout: It was suggested by Dick Cox that a letter be drafted to the DEC Fisheries Offices in Albany and Watertown regarding the possibly of restocking Lake Trout in South Lake. His observations of the water quality in the lake supports that South Lake is healthier than in the past and they would do well. Dick stated that South Lake at one time supported a healthy population of lake trout and it would be a conservation win if they were to return. Dick, Elaine & Steve Swierczek will work together on drafting the letter. Motion made by Dick Cox and seconded by Joe Messineo. A motion was made to adjourn the meeting by Joe Messineo and seconded by Linda Roberts. Respectfully Submitted: Elaine Swierczek, Secretary
