City of Destiny Ministry Int.

City of Destiny Ministry Int.

A training centre for liberation of mankind from every operation of the devil


The fact that God causes us to triumph means there is something to triumph over. You do not triumph over an easy situation. A triumph comes after a period of hard fighting, and when one of the contenders eventually emerges victorious


The greatest ignorant is knowing what to do and refuse to do it. One of the greatest mistake of man is taking ur assignment to a nursary student to solve for u


Be not deceived:evil communication corrupt good manners.(1Cor.15:33)


After many years of working to fulfil and excell in the restoration agenda delivered to me, it is my prayer that you too will excell in ministry after putting to practice the time-tested and biblical principles shared with you in my massages


That you have received a ministry from the Lord doesn't guarantee its fulfilment or that you will excell in it. Also remember that you cannot attain excellence in any ministry you have not received from the Lord


In march 2013, I had a tremendous encounter with God in broad daylight. God opened my eyes and I saw huge souls lined up and were crying for help. It was so terrible that I could not constantly focus on them. Just like the people of lsreal were crying for rescue during their slavery. The encounter lasted 15 hours. And I could clearly heard God saying, "My son, step out for the time of rescue has come. That was how it started, and many more... Thank you Jesus!

Timeline photos 08/05/2018
