The Red Tent Festival

The Red Tent Festival

Welcome to the SHE Africa Red Tent and The Red Tent Festival Page
This page was created for two thin


💛SEX Is Not Just SEX💛
✨DEAR Men & Women ✨
Do you know…

"That when you enter a woman, you are actually INSIDE of another human being, you are inside of Her? Have you ever realized how sacred this is? That this is the closest things to oneness that you will ever experience, and that she holds this gift for you...

That you can return to the womb and to the
point of creation…

That you can plant the seeds of creation as well…

That when you leave her, she feels the separation as you physically pulls out and leave her empty…

That being allowed inside of her is a gift, an honoring, something sacred, and that it is your job to know, respect and honor this…

That her heart is connected to her s€x, and when you want to enter her s€x, you enter her heart as well...

That she feels everything when you enter her, as all of your energy is being passed on and into her. Therefore you have a responsibility of entering with transparency of your intentions, as she will feel all the ways you might use her to avoid feeling your own pain or emotions. You need to be mindful and aware about why you are entering her, and what you are filling her up with…

That “s€x” is the cosmic union of the feminine and the masculine energy, a sacred meeting of polarities, and that it has nothing to do with reaching an org*sm, lasting long enough, the size, another number for your collection, or your worth…

That truly opening up a woman, is about going deep, but not going deep within her, going deep within yourself, knowing yourself, and the deeper you are able to enter yourself, the deeper you can enter a woman as well…"


I saw a post about women freebleeding during their moon cycles the other day on a "mainstream" site and the comments were so mean. Talking about how gross and nasty this is, how a woman should never ever do this.

I want to go on record as someone who has chosen freebleeding, and of COURSE I am care-full to let my body go through its cycle in a way that doesn't affect the hygiene of others or expose them to my moon blood.

Here is how and why I have chosen to freebleed:

-After having children and connecting very closely with the Goddess/divine feminine, my body REJECTED having anything foreign inside of it. This manifested as cramps and pain and it was clear these "products" were no longer meant to be shoved into my insides.
-Tampons and sanitary pads are estimated to produce over 100 billion pieces of waste every year. More than 80 per cent of single-use period products contain synthetic materials and plastics. These end up in our oceans and landfills, and I was not ok with being part of that waste.
-I used to experience very painful and long bleeding cycles, and now that I freebleed, my cycle is pain-free, much shorter, and overall a breeze. It was as though my body was trying to bleed "out" the foreign objects placed inside.
-I choose to bleed directly upon the Earth as possible, as a means of reconnecting my blood to the Goddess as the source of all life. This is an ANCIENT practice that was known to be vastly potent divine medicine for thousands of years before it became "dirty" and "forbidden."
-Freebleeding puts me vastly more in touch with MYSELF and my own need for rest and self-honoring during that time in my cycle. Because I am not simply suppressing or disguising it and "carrying on" as "normal," my relationship with the feminine has expanded greatly.

The Hows:
-I have cotton pads that I sit on when indoors, which are dark in color. They are thick enough that my blood never leaks through, and I wash them specially.
-I honor my relatively short 2-3 day cycle by staying home pretty much throughout. If I do go out, a cotton pad does the trick but I never ever use tampons anymore and my body is much happier.
-My whole family recognizes this as a special time for a woman and helps me to not have to do overly vigorous exercise or labor during this time.
-I spend a considerable amount of time in the bathtub during this short time in which case the blood just flows into the water. At the end, I do a special bath called a mikvah to symbolize the transition from moon time to solar time.
-As mentioned, when I can, I bleed directly onto the Earth and this is a very sacred prayer.

I felt compelled to mention that there is absolutely nothing dirty, gross or nasty about freebleeding, so long as it is conducted in a way that honors yourself, others and the blood itself.

This is a potent practice that goes a very long way toward completing the sacred cycle of life and honoring the role of Mother as/on Earth.

I envision a world one day in which this becomes common practice, known and honored, again.

Please feel free to share with any girls or women that you know, who might benefit from this most sacred practice

Timeline photos 15/03/2019

Marry a Man who Touches You.

Marry a man who uses his strength, his sensuality, his softness and his s*xuality to touch you…physically, intimately and deeply through your mind, body and soul.

Marry a man who touches you first thing in the morning, right before your body fully wakes, whose fingers entwine with yours during the day, and whose lips press kisses onto your eyelids as he brushes the hair from your face each night before you sleep.
Fall for a man who knows that grown men cry, and tremble at times, and that it is okay to feel scared about love, loss and loneliness. His vulnerability is what tenderly touches the hidden parts of you.

Marry a man who is not afraid to pull you close when a storm sets in, and one who knows his touch is a powerful force when blowing and moving black clouds.

Be adored by a man who touches your imperfections, a man who strokes the tangles free from your hair, who bites at the bones of your hips, the edges of your chaos, and magically heals deeply rooted wounds while slowly moving his hand over your scars.
Marry a man whose soothing embrace keeps you centred and safe. Wherever in the world you may be, whatever roads you may roam, whatever part of your journey you are on, his touch brings you home.

A man who is never too busy or too preoccupied to lie under the stars and talk about the mysteries of the universe. A man who finds wonder in how the stars need the darkness to shine and one who wants to touch the stories that lie within the vortex of your heart.

Explore life with a man who is free-spirited, fearless, carefree and wild; one who lives without boundaries, rules and regulations; one who cares about things that matter and who has no interest in the things that don’t. Marry a man who does not understand why the world lives by unwritten rules and social norms and expectations.
Someone who is not afraid to break down walls, tear down barriers and pe*****te hard layers to get to your core.

A man who is genuine, real and authentic and who wants to touch the naked truth, while not being afraid of what he might find.
Marry a man who knows that he is a blend of masculine and feminine and that the process of alchemy mixed to create that gold. Marry someone who is happy to explore and express both sides, and who doesn’t question or doubt who he is when he is in-touch and in-tune with each aspect of himself.

Fall for a man who exquisitely touches your soul when he takes accountability for his thoughts, words and actions. The one who does not see his errors as flaws, rather as lessons required to make changes and adjustments.

Marry a man who will never try to tone your colours, file your sharp edges or dim your light—a man who knows that when you shine, his world shines too. Be touched by a man who is honoured to be the one who holds you tight, but knows you must be just far away enough so that you can spin like a lighthouse and view what’s around you with space and clarity.

Marry a man who has let go of baggage, heavy weights and painful past experiences, so that his shoulders are light and his arms are free to wrap fully around you so you can create new memories to replace the ones that used to haunt him.

The type of man I would marry is one who knows that to touch a woman deeply he needs to first see her mind. Someone who is willing to look inside a woman, not just at her, and a man who knows how to make love to the mind and is able to seduce without physical touch.

A man who loses himself momentarily in the pleasurable sensations that arise in his body when he touches the woman at his side.

Most of all, marry a man who knows how to touch himself first; a man who knows that to love someone else, he first must know how to love himself. A man who knows that a woman is not a part of him, but an added bonus to his life. The man worth marrying is a man who sees himself as being one worth marrying, who is willing to give, but is also willing to take.

The man whose touch means the most is the man whose touch has the right intention when, how and where he touches you. The touch will be one that sends shivers through your body and mind and reminds you that the magnificent man at your side is the one who you choose, day after day, to be the one who has the privilege of touching you for life.

Aishy Osho

Like Ta***ic Academy for daily inspiration!


The S*x Prayer⁣⠀
“The anxiety of falling in love could only find repose in bed.”⁣⠀
This is one of my favorite quotes from my favourite fiction book in the world: One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.⁣⠀
That quote says everything about love and s*x and why s*x is the glue.⁣⠀
Because when you open yourself to someone so deeply, and make yourself blindly vulnerable, the only place you can ballast yourself is in bed.⁣⠀
Over and over.⁣⠀
This is your medicine; the only balm for living in such vulnerability.⁣⠀
In your achingly raw state, you come together and surrender to each other once again.⁣⠀
This surrender is your perpetual mantra.⁣⠀
You give it all up, you throw it all into the fire and are reborn anew.⁣⠀
You die daily.⁣⠀
So you can live more freely.⁣⠀
The payoff for the surrender is that you become impervious.⁣⠀
Your surrender opens you to a protection and spiritual power that you never knew existed.⁣⠀
The Taoists talked about the daily morning and evening prayer.⁣⠀
The s*x prayer.⁣⠀
Every morning, the couple connects in s*xual love. They bathe themselves in its power for the day.⁣⠀
Every evening, they seal the day with another lo******ng session. Entwined, they drift off into the netherworlds together, fortified for the night’s journey.⁣⠀
Your bed, your s*x prayer, becomes your sanctuary and the place that revives you.⁣⠀
Everyone is afraid of the melting.⁣⠀
Of losing themselves.⁣⠀
But it’s the only way to find yourself.⁣⠀
The only parts of you that can burn away are the false ones.⁣⠀
The deeper you surrender, the stronger you become.⁣⠀
You emerge from it, armored with a cloak of love that can defeat anything.⁣⠀
And create anything.⁣⠀
To pray is to ask. To expose your deepest desires and have them be witnessed.⁣⠀
To lay bare all that you want.⁣⠀
To pray is to have communion with. To let your spirit be seen, unsheathed.⁣⠀
So go to bed and pray.⁣⠀
Get on your knees and pray very, very hard.⁣⠀
Artwork: Tina Maria Elena

Your Va**na Is More Beautiful Than You Think 01/01/2019

Your Va**na Is More Beautiful Than You Think It was 11 years ago and I was in a big documentary phase. I had watched hundreds of documentaries in a single year as I had come to realize the world around me was not quite what it seemed, and I was thirsty for knowledge. After hours of UFO/ET docs, docs exploring the true history […]

How To Unlock Your Pelvic Floor Muscles & Use Them To Help You Or**sm 01/01/2019

How To Unlock Your Pelvic Floor Muscles & Use Them To Help You Or**sm I’ve been on a quest to become more connected with my body and feminine energy in the hopes that I will reach that never-ending well of self love. I decided that if it were true, that my body is my temple, then I wanted to be sure that I was tending to its upkeep in […]



"Illuminating the womb is a powerful act that heals deeply rooted, age-old wounds from our ancestors in both female and male consciousness. Healing the sacred womb space supports the activation of heightened creative energy and restores wellness on a very deep and intimate level. When the womb is cleared of its past life energetic imprints, it is restored to its full potential within the body temple. Womb work awakens a woman’s innate powers and gifts of creativity and manifestation. A healthy womb space balances internal masculine and feminine energies, creating fertile grounds for the rebirth of a new woman – whole, unified, present and healed from within. With this power, she holds the crucible container to develop and maintain a heart-centered relationship." - Shona Keeli Jones

✦ Chanel Baran ✦ - Visionary Photographic Artist
Instagram -

✦ Shona Keeli Jones ✦
☥ Yoni Empress, Womb Whisperer at Womb Illumination,
Restore your Power from Within ☥. &
FB - Womb Illumination by Divine Flow.
Instagram -

Timeline photos 29/12/2018


It's Ok to receive

It's Ok to forgive

It's Ok to let go

It's Ok to not know

You can change your mind

It is far less unkind

Then to struggle.

You can be in between

The choices

Being true to You

In the Now

In the New

Don't get pressured

By all the voices!

Let yourself be slow

Let youself not know...

Only then

Only Then

Will you know your Flow.
💖 💖
💖 💖 💖 by Sunshine AuroRa One
💖 Poignant Art by Robyn Chance: "Aquarian Rebirth"

Timeline photos 28/12/2018

Garden of Eden as Gaia’s womb.
The Tree Mother who gave us life.
Breastfed from crystalline mountain streams.
All of our belongings, are gifts from her.
She who holds us and the bones of all our ancestors.
Every meal offered with love from her bounty.
Both our home and our lover.
Her love is beyond the cycles of time.
Every season is blooming with her beauty.
From rainbows of spring to icy winter dreams.
Whistling winds sing us sound to sleep.
Laying on blankets of moss and rock.
Her blessing embedded into every breath we take.
Gaia is the teacher of all masters.
The fountain of youth is her pool of infinite wisdom.
Offered to all her children in each moment.
To ground into Earth, is to return to our place of birth.

~~~~~by Ben Rosen
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Timeline photos 20/12/2018

SELF-WORTH. I don't know a part of the Collective Feminine Psyche that has been tougher for us to reclaim. As individuals and as a Global Sisterhood. At the same time I din't know what's more worth loving back into Wholeness than that. It is by many paths that we arrive at the place where our Self-Worth can use some serious mending. Some of us have been unwanted children. Others had misogynistic fathers wo were unkind to our mothers. Yet others had endured direct physical or emotional assaults on our young souls that have fragmented our souls, robbing us of the sense of innate Deserving of the Life's Blessings, or, for some of us - even the sense of deserving of Life itself.
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Self-worth wounds are often created so early in life that they are Pre-Verbal and cannot be gotten at with Language. Only with images, visceral feelings and images. Our Deserving of a Place in Life, of Life's Blessings, our innate sense of Belonging as a right.... just by the fact of our Being and not as something we feel we must constantly earn.... All that is at the very root of our sense of Self. Anything challenging that our carefully constructed 3-Dentitiies are likely to perceive as a threat.
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As Gaia is awashed with Love-and-above Light Wave yet again, these less-than-love deep layers can and do surface. Oh, wow DO they Surface!
💖 💖 💖 So let us not react as they do. Let us Witness them as they arise from the depths, wearing the faces and voices of the lonely, abandoned inner children forgotten under the layers of dissociation that we built at the time we did not know how to cope. Let us welcome them Home with our loving Adult Witness. We have an opportunity to become that parent the little ones never got. That Father who wanted a daughter. That Mother who knew how to love unconditionally.... 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 💖
As much as the Yoniversal part of me wants to send you roses every day, these deeper, darker aspects too deserve Space in our Field, and, hence, in Divine Yoniverse. It is they that are the Mud that nourishes the roots of our Lotus Blossoms....let us remember that. ✨ ✨ ✨
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Continued in the comments (IG: ) =>

