UMEUS Foundation - Touch

UMEUS Foundation - Touch

UMEtouch offers therapies in Ayurvedic Yoga Massage, Thai Yoga Massage, osteopathy and other touch therapies adapted to your needs

UMEtouch offers touch therapies to the UMEUS community

Photos from UMEUS Foundation - Touch's post 06/07/2023

We do hope you’re keeping well in the summer sun.
We are writing with news about some new community groups we are offering at UMEUS and wanted you to be some of the first to know.

In listening to what clients tell us in therapeutic sessions, about the type of support they find helpful, it’s clear that many people would like more contact with others in the community who are experiencing similar situations.

Many feel supported in a group just by knowing that they are not alone with the types of issues that crop up, day to day. A chance to connect and a chance to share can really change the weight of what we might be carrying.

UMEUS has been hosting support groups since 2015. These continued through the pandemic, both online and in outdoor spaces, until we opened our new clinic in Hove in the summer of 2021.

We also received our first round of funding from Brighton & Hove Council the same year, and we’re proud to let you know we’ve been awarded another round this year to deliver more of the groups that have provided connection and community for those who attend.

We realise it’s really short notice, but we are piloting 3 groups in July and want to invite you to take part and be a part of developing the sessions that will continue later on in the year and into 2024.

Please reply to express your interest and reserve your place on one or more of the sessions.
There will be no more than 10 attendees, and we will run the group as soon as we have 6 confirmed bookings.

There is no fee to attend, but we do ask that should you commit to being present, that if anything changes regarding your availability, you please advise us at least 24 hours before the session begins so we have time to offer the space to someone else.

If you wish to bring a friend, or know of someone who you feel might benefit by attending a pilot, or be interested in any of our other therapeutic support, please do share the attached flyer.
One last thing…we’d really like to make sure you receive up to date information, especially as we will be announcing some big updates to the organisation over the coming weeks. Please do click to join our members list, we promise we won’t bombard you!

Timeline photos 25/06/2022
Timeline photos 25/01/2021

These are not bubbles, they are water droplets connected on spider silk, one of the strongest materials in the world.

Since February 2020 UMEUS has continued to support clients and offer our community a space to connect.
We're acutely aware many women are struggling alone.
Some without partners, others coping with an absent parent.

Women need other women, and we need community more than ever.
If you're able to help another mother and create a supportive web, or you need help from another mother, please get in touch
and we will connect you to cope together.

Emilia - Watch Live on 10 November 2020 12/11/2020

Hello Dear Community…

Much has altered in a week; many have reported the palpable relief that comes with a change of direction, perhaps a new sense of hope.
For some, the political landscape is just too uncomfortable to reconcile, when so much around us, closer to home feels confusing.
Others can find it preferable to explore outside of self, for another place to find reason, because it’s just too hard to remain in the stasis.
All of this is, being human, when faced with uncertainty...

As the season changes, so the night is elongated and the shadows may linger.
Yet this canvas of darkness offers us a space to illuminate, and we can choose from a spectrum of festivities, traditions and customs, to create our own new mythologies, of how it is to be, here, right now.
Some things are certain and universal; humans need other humans.
We need to connect and communicate, we need kind words and deeds, helping hands and loving hearts.

From next week, Monday 16th November UMEUS are offering a new online support group for those feeling disconnected and isolated by the pandemic.
Respond with Resilience and Somatic Awareness, will help you connect to breath, body and community in these times of limited contact.
The group is facilitated by Hilary Curtis with additional support available from other practitioners.
More information about Hilary and our wonderful affiliates can be found on our website

We are limiting this group to 12 people and are offering this to UMEUS community as part of our Fair Rate Services.
We have a few spaces left with honorary spots available, for mamas, papas and solomamas who identify as refugees, black, or women of colour with limited means.
A suggested exchange is £15 for 6 can of course opt to offer more.
If you would like to attend, please email [email protected], and she will book you in.

Each day I find something musical online…there’s lots of healing in sound.
I’m going to start posting these on our new UMEUS community group which you’ll hear more about soon, but for now, here are a couple of links…I hope you enjoy them.

How to Be at Home

Emilia - West End to Small Screen

Sending much love, continued compassion and courage
Sam and all at UMEUS

Emilia - Watch Live on 10 November 2020 From 7.30pm on Tuesday 10 November, you will be able to watch online the archive recording of the ground-breaking, Olivier Award nominated, West End transfer of EMILIA.

True Colors - Camden Voices (self-isolation/virtual choir cover) 03/11/2020

Hello Dear Community…
This second ‘lockdown’ has a different feeling doesn’t it? Perhaps a hint of resignation as we adapt to the continued disruption of the rhythms of our lives?
Maybe you’re experiencing complete disillusionment, anger or fear?
Some say they are happy to have space away from the whirring of the world.

We respond differently to these challenges because we all have different lives, but with so many competing messages about how to live safely and responsibly, it can be difficult to trust ourselves and make sense of the unusual situations we face. Some things are certain and universal; humans need other humans.
We need to connect and communicate, we need kind words and deeds, helping hands and loving hearts.

From Monday 16th November, which also happens to be an International Day of Tolerance... UMEUS are offering a new online support group for those feeling disconnected and isolated by the pandemic.
Respond with Resilience and Somatic Awareness, will help you connect to breath, body and community in these times of limited contact.
Facilitated by Hilary Curtis, sessions will start at 13:00 with additional support available from other practitioners.
More information about Hilary Curtis and our wonderful affiliates can be found on our website
We are limiting this group to 12 people and are offering firstly to our UMEUS community as part of our Fair Rate Services.
A suggested exchange is £15 for 6 can of course opt to offer more.
If you would like to attend, please email [email protected], so she can book you in.

Each day I find something musical online…there’s lots of healing in sound. I’m going to start posting these on our new community group which you’ll hear more about soon, but for now, here are a couple of links…I hope you enjoy them.
Irish Women in Harmony
Camden Voices
Sending much love, continued compassion and courage
Sam and all at UMEUS Foundation

True Colors - Camden Voices (self-isolation/virtual choir cover) In a time of physical isolation, we believe more than ever in creating new ways to stay in touch and keep doing the things we love. So, with that in mind, he...


At UMEUS Foundation we are supporting the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and other regulatory bodies, to help protect and promote counselling in the UK.

BACP wants the next UK Government to commit to increased access to psychological therapies for anyone who needs them:
1. We want an end the postcode lottery and ensure everyone has the universal right to access a choice of psychological therapies, enshrined in the NHS constitution
2. Creation of a new Chief Psychological Professions Officer, putting the professions on a par with medicine, nursing and the allied health professions
3. Ensure all people begin psychological therapies within 28 days of referral
4. Greater support for our children and young people with a paid counsellor in every school in England, to bring into line with the rest of UK, and embedded counselling services in all colleges and universities"
5. Increased access to psychological therapies for our ageing population, and funding for an Older People’s Commissioner in England and Scotland, as exists in Wales and Northern Ireland.
6. Relationship counselling to be available to anyone who needs it, regardless of income
7. All employees to have access to workplace counselling
8. Ensure current European Union funding for mental health projects to be matched by the UK Government in the event of Brexit

Please help us to communicate to our parliamentary candidates the impact counselling and psychotherapy can have.

At UMEUS we offer Fair Rate Counselling to any parent, regardless of circumstances.
We are not a charity, but a community association whose founders are committed to supporting the psychological health of our clients.

If you have been supported by UMEUS, through UMEmamas, UMEpapas, UMEtalk, UMEspace, or UMEnourish, and would like to share your lived experience of therapeutic support, we'd love to hear from you so we can pass your message on and help influence change at a national level.

We are also interested to hear from anyone who may be willing to be recorded, on or off camera, about their experience of counselling and how it has affected their health.
The experience doesn't have to be with UMEUS.

Please email, [email protected] in confidence. And feel free to comment below too.


Our latest flyer for UMEtalk, UMEUS' counselling and psychological therapies.
Meet our team of compassionate, qualified and experienced therapists to discover the support we offer.
Asking for support can be a big step to take, so we are always here and pleased to answer any questions you might have, about how to get started with talking therapy.

Vitamins for Brain Health 01/02/2019

It never does any harm to improve the health of your brain, and there are many ways to nourish the grey matter.
The practise of mindful awareness and yoga impacts positively and connectivity through community and expression of feelings is known to improve functioning.

Vitamins for Brain Health Vitamins are an important part of the brain's toolkit. What do they do?


BOOKING FAST for pregnant women & birth partners:
November Workshops!
11 Nov: UMEbe; Mindfulness for Pregnancy, Birth and Parenthood, UMEspace; 18 Nov Yoga Preparation for Birth and 25 Nov UMEtalk...Person Centred Therapeutic Support.
Three unique and nurturing workshops to offer you and your partner compassion, confidence and community as you prepare to bring new life to the world, whether you are a first time parent or already have children.
To find out more or to book your place do contact us: [email protected]

We are launching our exciting new November Workshops!
UMEbe; Mindfulness for Pregnancy, Birth and Parenthood, UMEspace; Yoga Preparation for Birth and UMEtalk...Person Centred Therapeutic Support.
Three unique and nurturing workshops to offer you and your partner compassion, confidence and community as you prepare to bring new life to the world.
To find out more or to book your place do contact us: [email protected]


We are launching our exciting new November Workshops!
UMEbe; Mindfulness for Pregnancy, Birth and Parenthood, UMEspace; Yoga Preparation for Birth and UMEtalk...Person Centred Therapeutic Support.
Three unique and nurturing workshops to offer you and your partner compassion, confidence and community as you prepare to bring new life to the world.
To find out more or to book your place do contact us: [email protected]


They've done another!!
Please 'like' my comment again....we'd love to win the £ would help us fund the space for groups and counselling.
Thank you wonderful UMEUS community... # # #

Want to win £1,000? Are you a female entrepreneur?
Comment on this post with your idea and why you should win £1k from GoDaddy in 100 words or less - then make sure you sign up to VOOM:

We’ll announce the winners at 5pm tomorrow (4th October). Good luck!
Find out more:


I've just entered us for this...
Please like my never could fund our venue for UMEmamas and UMEtalk at the Phoenix for the next few months.

Want to win £1,000? Have you got a Social Enterprise?

Comment on this post with your idea and why you should win £1k from GoDaddy in 100 words or less - then make sure you sign up to VOOM:

We’ll announce the winners at 5pm today. Good luck!

Find out more:

How Much Do You Value Yourself? 03/10/2017

How Much Do You Value Yourself? A radical prescription for personal, and world, peace.


We are collating a library for mamas and papas in the UMEUS community to access at The Phoenix Community Centre.
We need donations of books relating to pregnancy, birth, parenthood, relationships, human development, toddlers to teens, yoga, mindfulness and counselling.
Also desirable are books relating to issues around physiological and psychological health.
Please message if you're able to help...
Kind thanks
UMEteam... # # #

Timeline photos 15/05/2017

UMEUS events this week, come along for some integrated 'you' time with or without your child.
UMEspace parent & toddler yoga, 9.30-10.30, Phoenix Community Centre
Pregnancy yoga, 7.30-9, Hanover Community Centre
UMEmamas Hove, 12.15-1.30, Tree of Life Centre
UMEbe mindfulness drop-in, 10-11.15, PCC
UMEspace women's yoga, 1-2, PCC
UMEclinics osteopathy clinic,

‘I can’t forget the horror of my son’s birth’ | Leah McLaren 09/05/2017

‘I can’t forget the horror of my son’s birth’ | Leah McLaren Despite medical advancements, childbirth is a major cause of post-traumatic stress disorder – and yet nobody talks about it. Leah McLaren tells the harrowing story of the arrival of her second child – and her fight for treatment and support

Reflect, refresh, renew 28/04/2017

UMEUS spring/summer workshops. classes, groups, clinics... booking now!

Reflect, refresh, renew Oh yes, sunshine, vitamin D, less layers to put on to leave the house, birds, bees, blossom...  Just the lift we all need, hey? With this springy shift, we'd like to share news of how we've been tending, nurturing and growing the seed of UMEUS – it's blooming!

Touching News 24/03/2017

The psychological importance of touch is proven, allowing us o reveal and heal deep held tensions. See for all upcoming UMEclinics dates and to book cranial osteopathy, thai yoga massage and massage therapists.

Touching News Tiffany Field, founder of Touch Research Institutes, explains why healing is all in our hands.

The fragility of women's rights: how female guilds wielded power long ago 08/03/2017

International Women's Day is here...I'm looking forward to sharing this special day with some of the UMEUS community....are we a new guild?

The fragility of women's rights: how female guilds wielded power long ago In 15th and 16th century France, two female textile guilds - comprised of single women and wives working independently of their husbands - wielded great power. By the end of the 18th century, they had been dismantled.

UMEclinics team 02/02/2017

Therapists working with UMEclinics

Our Story

UMEtouch offers Ayurvedic Yoga Massage, Thai Yoga Massage and Osteopathy to support the UMEUS community.