BSF San Gabriel, CA YA

BSF San Gabriel, CA YA

The mission of Bible Study Fellowship is global, in-depth Bible classes producing passionate commitment to Christ, His Word and His Church.

Our vision is to magnify God and mature His people as they cultivate a deeper relationship with Him.


NEXT WEEK is our Life Session panel on work-life balance and faith in the workplace! This event is open to all young adults (ages 18-35). Invite your friends to come!


“Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him.”
‭‭John‬ ‭3‬:‭36‬ ‭ESV‬‬


We are kicking off our first mini-study of the year tonight, which also coincides with ALL CLASS FELLOWSHIP. There will be food, snacks, and drinks to enjoy as we fellowship together with other young adults. See you tonight at 7pm!


Our All Class Fellowship is next week! In lieu of live lecture, we will be enjoying food and refreshments together with all of our men’s and women’s young adult groups and getting to know each other. Please bring food and/or drinks to share and invite a friend to come!


The Jews then said, “It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and will you raise it up in three days?” But he was speaking about the temple of his body. When therefore he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the Scripture and the word that Jesus had spoken.
‭‭John‬ ‭2‬:‭20‬-‭22


CORRECTION: Starting in TWO weeks!

In John 3-4, three very different people encounter Jesus. They looked for answers, healing, or miracles, but what Jesus offered was beyond their imagination. Their lives would never be the same.

✨ Looking for a Bible study? Try BSF with a FREE three-week study.
✨ Already in BSF? Invite friends and family to study with you!

Download HERE --> (or go to "Mini-Study" link in our bio 🙌🏽)


We’re back!! In one week!!

BSF starts on September 14 & 15! Join us for The Unexpected King, Matthew’s Account of Jesus!

The long-awaited Messiah first promised in Genesis surprised everyone and He was not the kind of Savior people were looking for then…or now. Come explore and go deeper into each chapter of Matthew, in context, as we savor the life of Jesus - from His birth, His teachings, miracles, parables, and even to His death on the cross & His resurrection on Easter morning.
7pm Lecture
7:45pm Discussion

Find a group here -
Search for Temple City Young Adult Men (Tues. Evening) or Pasadena Young Adult Women/Young Adult Women at Newstory Church (Tues. or Wed. Evening)!



“God does not merely know what will happen before it happens; He makes it happen. His sovereign control of human history guarantees that He will fully accomplish His eternal purposes.”

- Lesson 29 Notes, Genesis 49-50


All YA groups (Tues/Wed) - Join us for our last Young Adult fellowship of the year - May 4th, at 8:30pm right after the last discussion! We encourage and invite you to stay, as we will share & hear all the ways God has taught us and all He has done during this past year in our study of Genesis! 🌱🌎

We also have another welcome session at 6:45pm, so tag, invite, & bring your friends!

Meeting ID: 987 1343 4009
Passcode: Psalms4610


“Do you realize how wonderful it is to be declared forever right with God?

1 John 3:1 says, “See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!”” ❤️

- Lesson 27 Notes, Genesis 45:1-47:12


“Joseph understood God’s prevailing purpose for his life.

The way God chose to position Joseph in Egypt may have been painful, but His plan was purposeful. God goes ahead of His people and orchestrates their path for their ultimate good and His greater glory.”

- Lesson 27 Notes, Genesis 45:1-47:12



- Lesson 26 Notes, Genesis 43-44


“Jacob sought the mercy of God Almighty on behalf of Benjamin and his other sons. He recognized that only God could protect them from “the man” and allow their safe return.

Verse 14 records his words, “As for me, if I am bereaved, I am bereaved.” This literal translation from Hebrew does not express doubt or fatalism but recognition that the matter was now in God’s hands, however it turned out. He acknowledged that God has the right to do whatever He wishes.

Yielding to God often requires letting go of control and comfort, even of things held dear.”


Young Adult Women - We are on spring break this week! 🌻
Our groups will resume next week, enjoy the break!


“Joseph spoke what God revealed – whether positive or negative, whether about the fate of an individual or the fate of a nation. He showed integrity as a slave, a prisoner and a ruler.

God had greater plans in mind for Joseph than Joseph had in mind for himself. God developed a great leader in the dungeon, elevated him to the palace and through him, impacted his family, Egypt and eventually the world.”

- Lesson 25 Notes, Genesis 41-42



- Lesson 24 Notes, Genesis 39-40

Invite your friends to the Joseph mini study, as we continue learning how God led him from prison to palace and was there with him in the midst of the mess and hardship.


“God became real to Joseph. God blessed Joseph’s work in ways that caught the notice of his masters. No doubt Joseph applied himself, worked hard and looked for ways to engage his bright mind while in slavery. But Joseph’s strength exceeded mere human fortitude.

Joseph’s success was God’s doing. The Almighty God who inhabits eternity was “with Joseph.””

- Lesson 24 Notes, Genesis 39-40

Tag a friend in the comments & invite them to join the Joseph mini study!



- Lesson 23 Notes, Genesis 37-38

Share, tag, & invite your friends to the Joseph mini study! Visitors, no registration needed, just et us know you want to visit through the links below.

• Young Adult Women:
• Young Adult Men:

Materials can be found here:


“Like Joseph’s brothers, fallen humans often misuse power and influence, not comprehending the responsibility that comes with their position. This would not be the last time Judah sinfully served his own interests at another’s expense.”

- Lesson 23 Notes, Genesis 37-38

Share, tag, & invite your friends to the Joseph mini study! Visitors, no registration needed, just et us know you want to visit through the links below.
• Young Adult Women:
• Young Adult Men:
Materials can be found here:


The Joseph mini study starts this week, Tuesday & Wednesday!

Tag a friend in the comments or share this post as an invite to join the mini study! No registration needed - let us know using the links below or let your group leader know you have a visitor! Materials can be found in the link in our bio.

• Young Adult Women:
• Young Adult Men:

Materials can be found at


• SIN •

- Lesson 22 Notes, Genesis 34-36


The Joseph mini study starts next week! Come learn with us as we study the life of Joseph, one of the most popular people from the Old Testament. Though often remembered for his “technicolor” coat, Joseph was a real person who endured an incredibly difficult life of hardship and pain.

Explore Joseph’s amazing journey from dungeon to throne room, and discover how God was there in the midst of his mess…and ours.

Share, tag, & invite your friends! Visitors, no registration needed, let us know you want to visit through the links below.

• Young Adult Women:
• Young Adult Men:

Materials can be found here:


“Jacob struggled all his life against God and people. But he received a new name, Israel. In Scripture, new names represent a change in direction and character by the grace of God…God’s persistent work in Jacob’s life to move his faith forward represents the most certain focus of this passage.”

- Lesson 21 Notes, Genesis 32-33


"God did not leave Jacob confused about his next step. The Lord Himself commanded Jacob, “Go back to the land of your fathers and to your relatives, and I will be with you.”"

- Lesson 20, Genesis 30-31

Tag & invite a friend to the Jacob mini-study!

Young Adult groups available Tuesday & Wednesday! Join us, we invite you to join the Jacob mini-study here:
• Young Adult Women:
• Young Adult Men:

Photos from BSF San Gabriel, CA YA's post 24/02/2021

Find all of our Genesis Bible Verse Wallpapers here! Save & use these as your phone wallpaper and be reminded of God's Word daily.



"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

- Lesson 19 Notes, Genesis 30-31

It's not too late to invite a friend to the Jacob mini-study!

Young Adult groups available Tuesday & Wednesday! Join us, we invite you to join the Jacob mini-study here:
• Young Adult Women:
• Young Adult Men:


“Leah must have suffered greatly from humiliation and rejection, that morning and later. Her father, who should have protected her, subjected her to deep hurt and a hard life...The comfort here is to know that God saw Leah and her pain. God was kind to her, even when the people closest to her were not.”

- Lesson 19 Notes, Genesis 30-31

It's not too late to invite a friend to the Jacob mini-study! Invite them to explore the highs and lows of this patriarch’s life and discover the hope that God can use anyone, even the most unlikely of characters, to do great things for his glory.

Young Adult groups available Tuesday & Wednesday! Join us, we invite you to join the Jacob mini-study here:
• Young Adult Women:
• Young Adult Men:



- Lesson 18 Notes, Genesis 28
It's not too late to invite a friend to the Jacob mini-study! Invite them to explore the highs and lows of this patriarch’s life and discover the hope that God can use anyone, even the most unlikely of characters, to do great things for his glory.

Young Adult groups available Tuesday & Wednesday! Join us, we invite you to join the Jacob mini-study here:
• Young Adult Women:
• Young Adult Men:


"God demonstrated His intimate knowledge and unconditional love for Jacob by speaking specific and timely encouragement to him. God pursued fleeing Jacob and spoke in an intensely personal way; God spoke “Jacob” to Jacob."

- Lesson 18 Notes, Genesis 28

Young Adult groups available Tuesday & Wednesday! Join us, we invite you to join the Jacob mini-study here:
• Young Adult Women:
• Young Adult Men:


Videos (show all)

John 3:16 is arguably the most famous verse in the New Testament. Diving deep into this foundational verse, Dr. Mark Str...
