Choz production and information services
Its to gather and spread the public/private information
Chibwe multpurpose economical zone resuracted.
chibwe multpurpose economical zone has taken its land from tradition leaders.This issue started last year,and it attructed all members concerned to vow agaist its disition to reporses the land in quetion along kampumba loard in kapiri mposhi district of central province in chief mukonchi area.Last year a group of village headmen went to the chief to find out about the development but the chief said he knew nothing about it and he said they were no such programes in his chiefdom. these headmen reached to the office of the D.C,permanent secretary,ministry of land in lusaka but all these offices dclined that they have no such programes and they know nothing about it,so these affected headmen were advice to ignore the said development as fake.This year it has reached to an extend of puting headmen in police custod for not accept its dcision to aqure its land.Affected headmen are asking for justice to be applied as they were not aware about it from the gvnt.
Pupils fail not only that they are too playeful but also stigmatising araise from their teacher concerning physical charectaristics.
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Choz Production and Information Services is a well registered institution with Patent & Companies Registration Agency (PACRA) under act No.16 of 2011 of the laws of zambia.In the index of registration no. 320150252891 on 20th day of november 2015.
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