Rhythmmuse & Rhythmmuse Yoga

Rhythmmuse & Rhythmmuse Yoga

Customized, private yoga sessions for women, in your home or at my studio. By appointment. Awareness


Just received confirmation that Ruth Barrett and I will be playing the Tree of Life Bookstore March 28 in San Diego! Yes! We filled the store to capacity in the fall when we played there. Please come. you are all invited. Maybe a carpool or two for a great evening. More soon. Peace, Jenn

Why the Frame Drum Was at the Core of Ancient Mediterranean Spiritual Rites by Layne Redmond 21/01/2014

Nada Yoga, and a grand aha about grandma. Please read.

Why the Frame Drum Was at the Core of Ancient Mediterranean Spiritual Rites by Layne Redmond Prologue The first sound we hear is the pulse of our mother’s blood. We vibrate to this primordial pulse even before we have ears to hear. All the eggs a woman will ever have form in her ovaries when...


I am enjoying working privately with RM Yoga Clients. It is a joy watching you all progress toward your goals of increased flexibility, ease of movement and just plan feeling good!

Please feel free to post your comments of how you are feeling or how you are incorporating some the poses, breathing and awarenesses into your lives.

Untitled Album 07/01/2014

just a few from the vault with more to come...


Lucky number 7! Beginning Yoga for the next 7 Saturdays (starting Jan 8). Join me in RhythmMuse Yoga 7 Saturday Challenge. At Body Temple, 8:30-9:30am. $15. Yes, it's early for a Saturday, but the energy and joy you walk away with will carry you through your busy weekend! Who is joining me?