Julalaine listens

Julalaine listens

Welcome to the page, we're here to give you more inspirational and uplifting wall posts. Be inspirit, take it easy and breathe.

You just said yes to life-giving, spiritual words, thoughts and articles. Be bigger and together let's spread inspiration!



Diane Friedman, 103-year-old runner🏃‍♀️
Diane started running at 70 years old!
Her friends made fun of her, telling her that she was too old to play sports!
But since Diane didn't pay attention to them, she continued training until she broke a few world records in the Senior Olympic Games in the 100-104-year-old age group!
100 meters - 36.71 seconds👏
200 meters - 1 minute and 29.78 seconds👏
She is great! Huge respect❤

Dr. Sharnael Wolverton Sehon
Subscribe to My YouTube Diane Friedman, 103-year-old runner🏃‍♀️
Diane started running at 70 years old!
Her friends made fun of her, telling her that she was too old to play sports!
But since Diane didn't pay attention to them, she continued training until she broke a few world records in the Senior Olympic Games in the 100-104-year-old age group!
100 meters - 36.71 seconds👏
200 meters - 1 minute and 29.78 seconds👏
She is great! Huge respect❤

New Jerusalem: The Call To Be The Nation's Blessings 02/06/2023

There is a God inside you, your up up, come down, come out. The blesser is blessing you to be a blessing to the nations matured Sons. Excel with His glory.

New Jerusalem: The Call To Be The Nation's Blessings He talks about how we are called as blessings to the nations and that our personal success is just a little part of God's plan and dream for His lands of the living.

Your personal success! (Kirby de Lanerolle) 02/06/2023

You're called to be a blessing to nations. Given of lands by the Father from above to nourish, uplift, build up and more.

Your personal success! (Kirby de Lanerolle) Your personal success... (Kirby de Lanerolle)Join the WOWlife community: https://wowlife.groupvitals.com/groupFinder/Join our Private Social Network (WLWNet™...



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YOUR JUDGEMENT IS FULLER LIFE! Once there was a pool water whom an angel stirred up and whoever step on the water first will be healed. Then Christ saw this one man, 38 years lying because of his sickness & he can't get up. Jesus did what's... 02/02/2022

John 5:28 “Do not be amazed at this, for a time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice 29 and come out—those who have done what is good will rise to live, and those who have done what is evil will rise to be condemned. 30 By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.

YOUR JUDGEMENT IS FULLER LIFE! Once there was a pool water whom an angel stirred up and whoever step on the water first will be healed. Then Christ saw this one man, 38 years lying because of his sickness & he can't get up. Jesus did what's... Julalaine's post on noise.cash

YOUNG MEN, YES YOU ARE👦 "Teach your young men, esp males to BE responsible & accountable and they will carry it until old age." They can bloom where they are planted, the pruning may take out sacrifices from them but BEING RESPOND-ABLE to... 21/01/2022

The generational curse uplifted in them. BE to DO. Teach your young men to BE responsible & accountable, BE respond-able. 💜💜💜

YOUNG MEN, YES YOU ARE👦 "Teach your young men, esp males to BE responsible & accountable and they will carry it until old age." They can bloom where they are planted, the pruning may take out sacrifices from them but BEING RESPOND-ABLE to... Julalaine's post on noise.cash

HOW DOES BILL GATES DEFINE A POOR MAN?💰 "He said he doesn't want his child to marry a poor man." Being rich for him doesn't mean you have lots of money. You can have many bank accounts but still have the poor or poverty spirit. A rich man... 19/01/2022

Shocking truth about the Spirit of poverty vs.abundance 🔥🔥🔥 Jesus Kingdom101
From eternal time, bend time & space.

HOW DOES BILL GATES DEFINE A POOR MAN?💰 "He said he doesn't want his child to marry a poor man." Being rich for him doesn't mean you have lots of money. You can have many bank accounts but still have the poor or poverty spirit. A rich man... Julalaine's post on noise.cash

Baby dances to ROLL IT ROLL IT 16/01/2022

Wanna see a dancing generation with Roll it, Roll it? 👯👶👯👶

Baby dances to ROLL IT ROLL IT

I AM BORN AGAIN IN THE PERFECT GRACE OF CHRIST🔥 "I am born again in Christ' Righteousness." Not because of my toil, labor and works for self-righteousness, when I least deserve it, when saving myself is not enough, the free gift of salvation came. 10/01/2022

From milk to meat babies. His good, pleasing & perfect will. Empowered.🔥

Romans 12:Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.

I AM BORN AGAIN IN THE PERFECT GRACE OF CHRIST🔥 "I am born again in Christ' Righteousness." Not because of my toil, labor and works for self-righteousness, when I least deserve it, when saving myself is not enough, the free gift of salvation came. Julalaine's post on noise.cash

JESUS BUYBACK YOU FROM DEATH & PUNISHMENT🔥 "I was appointed to death because of my sins but Jesus saved me from it's prison." In the old testament when we do not follow the commandments & did wrong to others, the payment is to be stoned, but to... 06/01/2022

Inspired by listening to Kirby again. I was a slave to death until Jesus saved and reborn me back to the Kingdom of LIFE.🔥

JESUS BUYBACK YOU FROM DEATH & PUNISHMENT🔥 "I was appointed to death because of my sins but Jesus saved me from it's prison." In the old testament when we do not follow the commandments & did wrong to others, the payment is to be stoned, but to... Julalaine's post on noise.cash

THE SCANDALOUS GRACE OF CHRIST "You don't have to die to go to heaven- Dr. Bruce" You must be born again, in the kingdom of firstborns as citizen from above! One "man" died for all and redeemed us from the kingdom of death who is under the prince... 05/01/2022

Where death & hell is your sting? You are not the way back to the Kingdom of Life! For our saviour has been resurrected.🔥

THE SCANDALOUS GRACE OF CHRIST "You don't have to die to go to heaven- Dr. Bruce" You must be born again, in the kingdom of firstborns as citizen from above! One "man" died for all and redeemed us from the kingdom of death who is under the prince... Julalaine's post on noise.cash

THE GOOD NEWS IN ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK🔥 "Like Melchizedek who have no record of descention, of his beginning & end, I will forget the sins of your forefather and your sins & give you the eternal inheritance of the Kingdom- God". A thousand... 03/01/2022

Can you control you by Faith? Can you change your eye color? Are you from the tribe of Judah, of class A & royal ruler of new Israel? 🦁

My lovely pic from Pixabay

THE GOOD NEWS IN ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK🔥 "Like Melchizedek who have no record of descention, of his beginning & end, I will forget the sins of your forefather and your sins & give you the eternal inheritance of the Kingdom- God". A thousand... Julalaine's post on noise.cash

COME AS YOU ARE🍹 The way to the kingdom of life, righteousness & justice on earth was open when Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law (sin&death). Faith in Christ is what saved us from its curse, not of what we follow or disobey in the... 28/12/2021

The babes have faith in Christ and redeemed. The matured have the faith of Christ. Faith comes by hearing, hearing the word of God, first from the tutors/preachers/bible, afterwards directly from the Spirit as adults. 🍷🔥🍷

Feast at the table, not after you become holy but now when you're muddy.

COME AS YOU ARE🍹 The way to the kingdom of life, righteousness & justice on earth was open when Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law (sin&death). Faith in Christ is what saved us from its curse, not of what we follow or disobey in the... Julalaine's post on noise.cash

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Hi everyone! 🌟 You can support me by sending Stars - they help me earn money to keep making content you love & where I f...
HELP ME IDENTIFY THIS PLANT FRIENDS. GUESSING GAME AT THE END. 🌱🌴🌵🍀🌾🌿#plant #games #nature #inspiration #julalaine #jula...
You are... Yes you are. 💕#inspiration #motivation #inspirasyon #Youare #worth #valued #loved #bibleverse
