Body Alchemy Healing

Body Alchemy Healing

Helping individuals live with a greater sense of freedom, joy and ease at the levels of body, soul and spirit.

Body Alchemy is my approach to working with your personal energy system that allows you to transform and transmute your relationship to yourself and others, and to the experience of how you are living your life. I create a high-vibration space that acts as a bridge between where you are and where you want to be. Through clearing, aligning and activating the energy in and around your body, we work


What is the ONE thing you do on a regular basis that makes the biggest difference in how you relate to yourself, others and the world around you? For me, it's meditation.
Meditation is, hands down, the #1 daily habit that has made and continues to make a substantial and positive impact in and on my life. Every day, upon waking, I sit quietly in front of my altar, sipping my litre of warm lemon water (impactful daily habit #2). I bring a gentle attention to the rhythm of my breathing, I invite stillness, peace and openness into my mind and I allow myself to feel my slowly-awakening physicality -- allowing the visceral experience of inhabiting my body, come to the foreground of my awareness.
And then, I listen.
You see, for me, meditation has always been some kind of listening practice. Over the years, what my personal meditation practice actually looks like has shifted and evolved as I have changed and shifted and grown. But one thing has remained constant...
I’m listening to my body. I’m listening to my heart. I’m listening to my soul. I’m listening to my guides. I’m listening to Spirit, God, the Universe, Divine Counsel.
Sometimes, I don’t hear anything at all. And so I simply sit. And breathe. And relax. And become more embodied as I wake to the world within me and the world around me.
Sometimes, I feel something inside me stir and I get even more still...listening with even more intention. And then it comes: an answer to a question I’ve been holding...a tidbit of guidance for a new project...a message from a part of my body that is calling out for insight into yesterday’s quandary that seemed to have no tidy resolution.
And sometimes, there is more coming through...a veritable wave that rises up to meet the moment of stillness and the energy of invitation. Channeled messages from Spirit, deep knowings unfurled from the core of my Being, emotions that flow through my body.
All of this is welcomed. No particular form of it is favored. Most often, its profundity is its simplicity. It is a practice. And it *takes* practice to show up on a regular basis to commune with Self and meet what's there. A practice, in my experience, well worth taking on.
* * * * * * * * * *
P.S. There is still time to purchase a Personal Alchemy Meditation at 20% off the regular price. Treat yourself to the ultimate self-care tool. Give a bespoke gift that the recipient can keep forever. For more information about these personalized, individualized meditations, see the link in the comments.



If you know me at all, you know that one of the things I love to do most is to support people on their journeys within. This takes many forms, but one powerful piece of my approach is the use of guided imagery. Guided imagery is the cornerstone of the meditation experiences I lead, whether in one-on-one or group settings...virtually or in-person. It also regularly finds its way into my energy coaching, hands-on bodywork and spiritual mentorship.

Some years ago, I began creating guided meditation recordings that are completely individualized to the user. My Personal Alchemy Meditations are designed to take you on an inward journey, at any moment of your choosing. A Personal Alchemy Meditation is guided meditation at its best, because the intention, the theme, the structure and the guided imagery are tailored specifically to you! They are conceived of collaboratively by you and me, channeled and recorded by me, and available for daily/weekly/monthly use by you. A Personal Alchemy Meditation is the ULTIMATE self-care tool!

Links to begin purchase and to find out more about Personal Alchemy Meditations are posted in the comments…



Want a short consult to think through a challenge or problem?
Ready for some in-the-moment support to help bring you back to center?
Need a quick but powerful nudge to move you into action?

~ ~ Shorts with Launa ~ ~
** $10 for 15 minutes **

Just send me a message, and we’ll set something up!

Chances are, your daily M.O. has drastically changed. We are all being called to find new ways to think, do and be. Pivoting quickly is not always easy, and having some immediate, practical support can help.

You will leave our 15-minute call with:
1) an insight,
2) an “ah-ha” moment,
3) a shift in energy, and/or
4) a specific action to take next

It’s a 15-minute call with me (via Zoom, either video or audio only) with the purpose of getting you and/or your energy moving again, in a moment when you are stuck. Think of it as having a coach/guide/consultant in your pocket for some quick support – spontaneous, on the fly, help when you most need it.

When you…
* want to slow down and bring mindfulness to a situation that’s unfolding
* want problem-solving help with an issue at hand
* are overwhelmed and your energy is low, having to juggle working from home, homeschooling, etc.
* are stuck in a mindset that is not serving you in the moment
* know a simple guided meditation is just what you need to get grounded
* want to brainstorm ways to get creative on everything from what to make for dinner with what you have on hand in the pantry and fridge to new educational ideas of what to do with your kids at home
* need to get out of your own way
* simply want to connect to someone who cares, and as a result, reconnect with yourself

A short is not a hotline for an emergency – physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. It is not therapy or counseling. It is not designed to help you reach your long-term goals. A short cannot address long-standing issues that call for in-depth work with a trusted mentor over time.

Contact me via private message or email me at [email protected] to book your Short!


a few (more) thoughts and a(nother) fr*e gift

are you feeling ungrounded, disconnected or fearful in these times? once again, i will remind and assure you that you are not alone, and that any and all of the above are completely normal responses to have when the ground on which you have become accustomed to standing is suddenly shaking and shifting. so many of our collective understandings of the basics of life and living have been rocked at their roots, and unless you have some practices to help keep your energy flowing and your body grounded, you will be too.

there is a particular place in each of us that can be activated to aid us in feeling more grounded, more in touch with the natural world around us and more connected to our own wholeness, energy and power. that place is an energy center is located at the base of the spine -- the coccyx, and is directly associated with our ability to ground our energy and body. there are seven energy centers (known as chakras) located within our physical bodies (more that reside in our energy field outside the physical body), and each one of them has a specific purpose. the one at the coccyx -- known as the 1st chakra, and sometimes called the "base" or "root" chakra, connects us at the level of the collective, the tribe...the level of systems and structure. it is a gateway to our own personal access to the universal truth that we are all ONE.

when we are in a state of fear, our base chakra can seize up and close off, thereby disrupting the flow of energy throughout our bodies. we might experience this most immediately as a feeling of being ungrounded or anxious. additionally, with that gateway blocked, we become prone to be carried by wherever the tribe's energy is, rather than rooted in our own personal conscious connection to ALL-THAT-IS (ie: god, spirit, the universe, etc.)

with that as context -- given all that we have been experiencing due to the immediate interruption that COVID-19 has introduced into daily life, not to mention that many of the systems that guide and govern our lives have started to break down recently -- it starts to make sense why we might feel like we are on shaky ground, or like we've had a rug pulled out from under us.

i felt moved to make and share a guided meditation to help open your energy -- specifically, your root chakra, and ground your physical body. please feel free to download this yourself and to share it with others as widely as you like. please note that this particular meditation is more effective when done in a sitting position, even though in the recording, i invite you to sit or lie down. here's the link:

several days ago, i posted a piece on the breath and using it to come back to your center, accompanied by a downloadable guided meditation for you to use and share freely. if it passed you by, you can find it here:

if anything is coming up for you as we move through these times, feel free to DM me. i would love to hear how you are doing, and if you need some extra support right now.

with love, launa


a few thoughts and a fr*e gift

do you feel like you are holding your breath right now? if so, you are not alone. it's a normal response to uncertainty and the unknown, much of which we are faced with right now.

the breath is one of the most important ways we can come back to ourselves -- to find our center and our truth....especially important at a time when it's quite easy to be pulled into what is happening around us. learning to (re)center ourselves to our own inner compass is a muscle that can be developed through practice and doing so through our awareness and our breath is a great place to start.

i see the breath as a bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world, between the seen and the unseen. it is energy or life force moving in and out of your physical body in a particular rhythm and flow, unique to you. and although the breath is mostly invisible to the naked eye (except in certain types of environments) and in that sense, somewhat elusive, it is tangible enough such that we can experience it and work with it in very practical, material ways.

there are so many great resources out there for breathwork and i encourage you to check them out and make use of them. for your immediate use, i am sharing this brief guided meditation that i created to help you attune to your breath and to help you come back to your center. please feel free to download this yourself and to share it with others as widely as you like. here's the link:

please be reminded that i do body-based energy work, so if anything is coming up for you as we move through these times, feel free to DM me. i am currently based in LA, but i do distance work in addition to in-person sessions. please let me know if you need some extra support right now.

with love, launa


last day to buy one personalized meditation, get the 2nd one half-price!
(link in comments)


a meditation recording - personalized to meet your particular needs

buy 1, get 50% off another
(link in the comments)


Joy to the world! Your inner world, that is! ;-)


HOLIDAY SALE: Buy 1, Get 1 at 50% off!**
Self-care for you in preparation for the holidays..PLUS...a unique gift for someone you love!

Purchase your Personalized Meditation here:

**Offer good 12/7 through 12/15

Timeline photos 14/12/2016

End-of-Year Special Offer: 33% Off Individual Energy Healing Sessions Booked or Purchased Before December 31st!*

In general, the time at the end of one year and into the beginning of the next can be a particularly effective time to slow down, to reflect on what's unfolded in the prior 12 months and to release anything that's no longer serving you, in service of moving forward as powerfully as possible. I believe engaging in such a ritual will feel especially potent this year, given what 2016 has brought us.

Whether the shift you desire is on the physical, emotional, mental or soul level...whether you want to push the reset button around some big aspect of your life, or simply treat yourself to some relaxation to counteract the holiday stress, an energy healing session can provide a helpful boost.

If you are ready to treat yourself to some radical self-care, please reach out to me soon, as I have a limited number of openings in December reserved especially for this offer. Or, you may also purchase a session now at the special rate for use in January. Gift certificates are available, so think about gifting a January session to someone you love!

For rates and/or more information, PM me here on FB, or email me at social.healing .com. Sessions are conducted in person, or via video or phone call, depending upon whether you are local to Dallas or not. Bookings are 1, 1.5 or 2 hours each.

*Special rates only valid through 12/31/16. Any sessions paid for ahead of time must be used by 1/30/17.

Bridge to the New Year 15/12/2015

I have a few spots for this year-end/year-beginning offering. Please share with anyone you know who wants to set the stage for a powerful 2016! :-)

Bridge to the New Year What do you want to create in 2016? Ready for some inner work? The end of the year can be fraught with busy-ness and stress, but it is also a powerful moment to stop, reflect and to invest some time and energy in yourself to prepare for the new year. I have created this special offering for a sp…

New Moon In Aquarius: Horoscopes For The Week Of February 16th 17/02/2015

check out this week's readings by Chani Nicholas!
p.s. if you know your rising sign, do yourself a favor and read that entry too! ;-)

New Moon In Aquarius: Horoscopes For The Week Of February 16th Art by Fredrik Akum Weekly Astro Pro Tip: Read the New Moon On The Edge Of Aquarius: The Thing About Love post for pro tips and/or join me for this months new moon tele-class Calling Love In . Aries & Aries Rising Tag, you’re it and you’re it for a hot second. Your current astrology is no...

Timeline photos 30/01/2015

Now scheduling Energy Balancing Sessions!
February Special: $25 for a 25 minute session
~ Relax your body, mind and soul
~ Release tension and stress in your body
~ Receive the nourishment of healing energy
~ Reconnect with a deeper sense of yourself

For scheduling and location, please contact me at [email protected]; I am happy to answer any questions you have, including what you can expect from an energy balancing session. Opportunities for more in-depth transformational work are also available. For more information about my offerings, click on the "About" tab, or email me directly.

Videos (show all)

15 MINUTES CAN CHANGE YOUR DAYWant a short consult to think through a challenge or problem?Ready for some in-the-moment ...