Silvaril Designs
Multimedie designer og Illustrator, laver arbejde indenfor grafisk design, fotografering/video, webd
What a fantastic early birthday present 😍
New grind - next Taq evolvere
As I stood on the brink, where the sand meets the ocean, I felt almost free, as if I could fly over the waves with open wings.
"On the brink of freedom" digital painting
Love the process, sketching, seeing the anatomy fall into place and learning ❤️
"A fox is a wolf who sends flowers"
- Ruth Brown
Watercolour painting
Christmas tree in polymer clay
Watercolour painting. 50 x 70 cm.
Just a workout
This one is finished. First full wire skeleton, and full bodied creature.
"Purgatorian Prowler"
Will be a part of my Dark Market exhibition in October.
Baked and ready for paint 🤞
More details, working towards a hellgate keeper
Next step, not so dragon like. Maybe a feline dragon? 🤔
Progress on my first full body sculpture.
First try making earrings, so exited to see how these turns out.
Photoshop fun, friday night
Procrastination at it's best 😅 I was going to work on my website. Did this instead. I used 5 different pictures for this.
OCEAN LIFE. New double poster!
Something a little different today, working on my website. Pretty no? 😅
A little christmas decoration I made in december, to cute not to share. Hobbit door
Waiting on my white dragon to dry, I started on this guy. He is much better looking, when he doesnt look like ham 🤣
While my white clay dragon dries, I am brainstorming on a fullbody black silicon carbide dragon.
I am going to my first faire this October, as I have signed up for a booth at Dark Market, and I can't wait!
This means I need to begin working on my 2022 collection, oh and I also need to make a list of pieces, which needs to be ready by then, can I have more hours in the day please..?
Until now everything has been tests and practise, going in for a 30 cm full bodied dragon sculpture. Here goes nothing..
My first crystals came out pretty okay, so excited!
Only teeth, eyes and paint missing now. He is stamped and all ready to go.
Arrival from amazon today, silicon molds for making epoxy resin crystals, now I can make my own crystal scales for the dragons 🙌😍
And also, got this little tip to make my own stamps, I made scale stamps (ofcourse).
New name, new visual identity, a new beginning.
I have officially started my own firm, a small one, might that be, however this means a new name, where I leave the name of Storm behind.
Storm came from my quarter horse, who sadly died last year, and with a new turn of leave, I felt a new name would suffice.
From now on my instagram and fb will be Silvaril Designs. I offer creative solutions, illustrations and more to companies, big and small