MIT Club of Utah

MIT Club of Utah

The Official MIT Club for Utah! Official page of the MIT Club of Utah -- MIT's Alumni Association for Utah.

We use this page for event notices, sharing photos, and other official MITCOU communications. Visit us at, sign up for membership at, and join our Facebook Group at to connect with your fellow Alumni!


Standards makers are standards breakers. Think of who controls how a language is spoken.


Efficiency is Green, effectiveness is even Greener.


Hey guys.....Who wants to take over managing this page? I have not been on here in YEARS and someone should take this page over!! I was in the process of deleting old pages and don't want to delete this one until someone takes it on...!!!


It is really sad that good intentions aren't sufficient to produce good results.


Dark conspiracy is enabled by people with good intentions who don't check their work.


We must not allow the tree of liberty to be choked out by the w**d of security.


A child who is never hurt and never surprised is learning only half of life's lessons, and using only half of his or her child learning skills.


It's no fun tackling a tough steak with a dull knife.


Success-after-success is sure hard to achieve, but failure-after-failure is sure hard to endure.


Never believe what Group A leaders and enthusiasts are saying about Group B. The people of Group B are thinking about entirely different things than what the Group A people are saying about them.


Betrayal is profitable when it brings big short-term benefits.
Cooperation is profitable when it brings steady long-term benefits.


It has been a curiosity to me why the Plants Rights movements have not taken off the way the Animal Rights movements have.


One of the constant challenges for every civilization is learning how to use well the technical and social tools available to it.


Some people like to pay more and get something quickly, some people like to wait and pay less. The world is full of both these kinds of people.


For democracy to function well, it requires informed citizens. For free markets to function well, it requires informed customers.


Democracy is a great form of government, but only when there is a specific adjective in front of it: informed democracy.


One of the big differences between book reading and movie watching is how important familiarity is. It is real important in movie watching.


"Slower! You *can* go slower!" what I mutter when I'm frustrated with the traffic in front of me.


A terrorist su***de bomber completes his mission and goes to heaven.
There he meets his twenty virgins, gets a big smile on his face, and rubs his hands in anticipation.
The lead virgin comes up and says, "Yes, we are your twenty virgins... AND WE ARE STAYING THAT WAY."


What a pendulum swing! In the 1960's feminists were behind the Sexual Revolution. In the 2010's feminists are behind the New Puritanism.


"Loose lips sink ships." has taken on another meaning.


A woman who is aspiring to be a feminist I tolerate. A woman who is aspiring to be pretty I admire.


Keep in mind that what humans have done to change Earth's climate over the last hundred years is really small potatoes compared to what plants have done over the last billion years.


"Congratulations! You are here today because you have a trillion ancestors who were winners at the game of life."


"Survival of the fittest" means that evolution is an intensely practical process.


Prosperity pays for climate change in both good and bad ways. Poverty is not going to help solve climate issues. It is prosperity that is going to do that.


Technology can give back what it takes away [in ecological and cultural damage], but poverty plays for keeps.


Don't invoke conspiracy when simple incompetence can explain what happens.


It's easier to change a plan than make one. (So, before you start a project, make a plan, even a bad one.)


Men are from Mars, women are from Venus, and teachers are from Planet Pluto.