Just Love

Just Love

The answer to Life, the universe and everything is really this simple... JUST LOVE! JUST LOVE... spread it, let it infect, heal and make whole us all! Mr.

What does "just LOVE" mean? It means; that in Supreme Reality, Ultimate Truth there is no you, no me, no duality, no story, no Creation, no anything, just LOVE...

To Be just LOVE; simply let go the belief of you are what you are not, and you will Be what you Are...

Kip Baldwin is a cosmic consciousness pioneer exploring the absolute truth of LOVE and Infinity, whose passion and purpose is to sha


So long as you are existing in ego and fear you will never know Freedom, Peace, Oneness, just Being LOVE and only Being LOVE’S Reality will allow you those experiences…

just LOVE...

"People normally cut reality into compartments, and so are unable to see the interdependence of all phenomena. To see one in all and all in one is to break through the great barrier which narrows one's perception of reality." ~ Nhat Hanh


We ask the question, is there an edge to the Universe? Which is an invalid query, because in Truth there is no Universe to have an edge. The correct question should be, is there, can there be an edge, a limit to the unfathomable, unknowable nothingness, the Infinity that is LOVE'S Reality the source of all illusions of Universes? And the answer must be resounding, No! For how could nothing have an edge or Infinity a limit, as LOVE'S Reality has no borders or bounds...

just LOVE...

“Let your love flow outward through the universe, To its height, its depth, its broad extent, A limitless love, without hatred or enmity. Then as you stand or walk, Sit or lie down, As long as you are awake, Strive for this with a one-pointed mind; Your life will bring heaven to earth.” ~ Gautama Buddha


The illusions of fear and ego put the stories of our bodies and minds in finite boxes. Acceptance of LOVE'S Reality tears down the walls that encase our physical and mental states so we may experience them as Infinity, our True Self’s nature...

just LOVE...

“Infinite Love is a weapon of matchless potency. It is the 'summum bonum' of life. It is an attribute of the brave, in fact it is their all. It does not come within the each of the coward. It is no wooden of lifeless dogma but a living and life-giving.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi


One sign that you are Being LOVE is boundless generosity, needing only to give, as opposed to doing as ego which driven by fear, selfishness, and greed one desires only to take...

just LOVE...

“Beyond all explanations which a good brain can give, why do we choose the worse and not the better, why hate rather than love, why greed and not generosity, why self-centred activity and not open total action? Why be mean when there are soaring mountains and flashing streams? Why jealousy and not love? Why?” ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti


Nothing competes with LOVE
Because LOVE competes with nothing…

LOVE’S sole purpose is to accomplish and share with All, to flow like water
Ego desires only to conquer and hoard only for itself, damming the river…

just LOVE...

"The power that dominates cannot solve world problems. The power that loves can solve world problems." ~ Sri Chinmoy


It is when the pain of this experience of Life tries to force you down - ego screaming, give up, fear ravaging your mind with despair - that Being the LOVE you Are is needed most, to help you rise, never letting your body's pain turn to suffering, or your mind's anguish drive you to madness...

The secret is: LOVE always reminds you there is someone in more distress, wounded more deeply than you, and they need your LOVE to help keep them from drowning...

Being LOVE is figuratively and literally your Life Preserver...

just LOVE...

“There may come a time when it will be possible for you to humiliate your worst enemy or even to defeat him, but in order to love the enemy you must not do it... The Greek language has another word [for love]. It calls it agape. Agape is more than romantic love. Agape is more than friendship. Agape is understanding, redemptive goodwill for all men. Agape is an overflowing love, a spontaneous love, which seeks nothing in return. And theologians would say that it is the love of God operating in the human heart. When you rise to love on this level you love all men, not because you like them, not because their ways appeal to you, not because they are worthful to you, but you love all men because God loves them. And you rise to the noble heights of loving the person who does the evil deed while hating the deed that the person does. And I think this is what Jesus means when he says, “Love your enemies.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.


Public Service Announcement on Behalf of Hummingbirds:

This hummingbird is unable to retract her tongue due to fungal spores that have germinated on her tongue or in her gullet caused by folks mixing honey or anything other than plain white sugar with water. She will die because she can no longer feed.

If you have feeders, PLEASE USE ONLY PLAIN WHITE SUGAR in your mixture of 1 part sugar to 4 parts water. No organic or raw or brown sugar, no powdered sugar, no honey, no artificial sugar. Use plain white sugar/water mixture which is most similar to actual flower nectar. And no toxic red color liquids!

Change the sugar water mixture every couple of days, especially during high temperatures, as it will start to ferment if it sits out for days on end. If you can't or won't do this, please do not put out a feeder at all.

Honey is the nectar of flowers fanned by bees in their beeswax to get to a certain low water content. During this time, it can be exposed to fungal spores which is why you are not to feed honey to infants either.

(Photo credit: Frank Lingohr)


The Master is not here to make you a disciple, to change you or make you believe you are something different than what you are. They are only the tool that helps you remove the veil of illusion from your eyes so that you may see yourself as the Reality of LOVE you have been all along...

just LOVE...

“You are always your own best guru, your own best teacher, the answers are always inside you.” ~ Sathya Sai Baba


Being LOVE is not all about sunshine and rainbows, but also about embracing the rain and the thunder…

just LOVE...

“There is nothing wrong with duality as long as it does not create conflict. Multiplicity and variety without strife is joy. In pure consciousness there is light. For warmth, contact is needed. Above the unity of being is the union of love. Love is the purpose of duality.” ~ Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


These messages of LOVE‘S Truth that are shared with me to share everyday for more than a decade, without fail, are not only to inspire you live as the LOVE you Are, but to educate for how many eons and by how many voices the wisdom of LOVE as our Source of Being have been shared. That LOVE is not something separate from you, you must look to find, but is in Reality what your True Sole Soul Self Is. This is and always been the mission of just LOVE, for if this story of humanity is to continue the Truth of LOVE must accepted and lived out, Now!

just LOVE…
Kip aka Oshallah


It is LOVE'S essence that make these stories of Life seem real, when Truth they are illusions imagined by LOVE…

just LOVE...

"Love is life. All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love. Everything is, everything exists, only because I love. Everything is united by it alone. Love is God, and to die means that I, a particle of love, shall return to the general and eternal source." ~ Leo Tolstoy


While there appears to be an Infinity of hearts beating separately, in reality there is only one Heart that beats in All, and that one Heart is the Heart of LOVE...

just LOVE...

"We all flow from one fountain- Soul. All are expressions of one love." ~ John Muir


Humanity has existed so long in the illusion of fear and ego that to them the Reality of LOVE seems nothing more than a fairytale...

just LOVE...

“There is no illusion great than fear.” ~ Laozi


The reason so many are suffering from mental illness, and su***de rates continue to climb, is we are part of a story of ego and fear, titled “Capitalism” that has almost entirely turned its back on LOVE, and when LOVE is lost life loses all meaning. So there is no reason to keep existing, other than the emptiness of our hollow distractions, which eventually leads the mind to insanity. We instinctively know our lives no longer have any real purpose, as we have severed our connection to the oneness of LOVE'S Reality, our True identity, to which we long to return...

The Native Americans called this mental disease of greed and profit Wetiko and they knew the men of the west were infected.

Wetiko: In its Native American meaning, wetiko is an evil cannibalistic spirit that can take over people’s minds, leading to selfshness, insatiable greed, and consumption as an end in itself, destructively turning our intrinsic creative genius against our own humanity. Revealing the presence of wetiko in our modern world behind every form of destruction our species is carrying out, both individual and collective, Paul Levy shows how this mind-virus is so embedded in our psyches that it is almost undetectable--and it is our blindness to it that gives wetiko its power.

just LOVE...

“The "norm" for humanity is love. Brutality is an aberration. We are not sinners by nature. We learn to be bad. We are taught to stray from our good paths. We are made to be crazy by other people who are also crazy and who draw for us a map of the world which is ugly, negative, fearful, and crazy.” ~ Jack D. Forbes

"We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe." ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


You will know you are Being LOVE, and not doing as ego when your every action is filled with grace. Because LOVE is grace full, while ego is graceless...

just LOVE...

"As far as inner transformation is concerned, there is nothing you can do about it. You cannot transform yourself, and you certainly cannot transform your partner or anybody else. All you can do is create a space for transformation to happen, for grace and love to enter." ~ Eckhart Tolle


Ego out of fear wants to compete to dominate
Soul as LOVE needs to collaborate to elevate…

just LOVE...

“Atoms are driven by consciousness. In proximity to love, they move in harmonious collaboration with other atoms. When in proximity to fear, they become disharmonious and chaotic. We choose each moment the energy that surrounds us.”
~ Marianne Williamson


I have come to realize my purpose in story is not to change or bring Peace to this experience (I accept this tragic tale of woe and lunacy is what it is) with these Truths of LOVE’S Reality that are shared with me to share, but to help heal, bring comfort, and liberate those whose fragment of Sole Soul Self is ready to be released from being recycled in this illusion, so that they may be whole, one with Source once more...

As James Baldwin so eloquently stated, “LOVE has never been a very popular movement...” I would add, specifically in this story ruled by fear and ego. Just ask John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and Jesus, I mused…

just LOVE...

“Love is self-realization. Love is liberation. The only way beyond time, to unravel the knot of existence, is to love.” ~ Frederick Lenz


Upon acceptance of LOVE'S Reality your loneliness ends, aware that as LOVE you can never be all alone, for as LOVE you are eternally and infinitely All One...

just LOVE...

"Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe." ~ Erwin Schrodinger


To live as ego is to believe illusion’s lie of separation
To Be as LOVE is to know Reality’s Truth of Oneness…

just LOVE...

“Before knowing the truth, if you depend on your intelligence, you can be misled completely. Intelligence that is without the spiritual insight is your own ego. After Realization, the truth that comes to you is the real, pure truth and is not your ego.” ~
Nirmala Srivastava


Awakening to LOVE is not about choosing good over evil, light over dark which are in Ultimate Truth just polarities the energies of duality flow between that ego places value judgements in. No, awakening to LOVE'S Reality is accepting the oneness that is the Source of all illusions of two...

just LOVE...

“(The real brahmin is the one who:) ... has crossed beyond duality ...knows no this shore, other shore, or both ...(is) settled in mind ... without inflowing thoughts ...is without attachment ...endures undisturbed criticism, ill-treatment and bonds, (and is) strong in patience ...(is) without anger, devout, upright, free from craving, disciplined and in his last body ...has experienced the end of his suffering here in this life, who has set down the burden, freed!” ~ Gautama Buddha


It doesn't matter what word you use to define LOVE, which in truth is undefinable. Instead, what matters is that you are Being LOVE, allowing its values be that which guide and define your every doing...

just LOVE...

"We are all, by nature, clearly oriented toward the basic human values of love and compassion. We all prefer the love of others to their hatred. We all prefer others’ generosity to meanness. And who is there among us who does not prefer tolerance, respect and forgiveness of our failings to bigotry, disrespect, and resentment?" ~ Dalai Lama


For any civilization to thrive it must be built upon the bedrock of LOVE'S Reality, and not the ever shifting sands of the illusions of ego and fear, which only ends in the collapse of that society...

just LOVE...

“Love as a concrete foundation for an authentically functional civilization requires the around-the-clock labors of forgiveness. Without it, Love fails, Friendship fails, Intelligence fails, Humanity: fails.” ~ Aberjhani


To Be the Reality of LOVE you Are means accepting you Are the Ocean of Infinity and just a drop in it as the illusion of ego now makes you believe...

just LOVE...

“I sail with you on the ocean of my dreams �to a far away distant Place of great beauty and tranquility. �where suffering and pain do not exist, �where we give praises for our joy and happiness, �where our Love interwines with Love for all things.” ~ Rumi


If you allow LOVE to guide you always know when to react and when to wait, when discretion is the better part of valor or valor is the better part of discretion...

just LOVE...

“Dedicate yourself to Love. Decide to let Love be your intention, your purpose, and your point. And then let Love inspire you, support you and guide you in every other dedication you make thereafter.” ~ Robert Holden


We have tried building human civilization on a foundation of fear which has brought us to the brink of extinction. Why not trying building civilization on LOVE. What is the worst that can happen, we become more extinct?

just LOVE...

"Love casts out fear; but conversely fear casts out love. And not only love. Fear also casts out intelligence, casts out goodness, casts out all thought of beauty and truth." ~ Aldous Huxley


The silence of LOVE is the source from which all sound is heard
The stillness of LOVE is the source from which all movement is made
The nothingness of LOVE is the source from which everything is created
LOVE is God, God is Creator, you are LOVE, you are God, you are Creator...

just LOVE...

“The creator, if he should love his creature, would be loving only a part of himself; but the creature, praising the creator, praises an infinity beyond himself.” ~ Olaf Stapledon

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As LOVE one perceives that the significance of what is happening now, is what is happening now. No other reason, no othe...