Campbell Town, Tasmania

Campbell Town, Tasmania

Campbell Town, Tasmania was settled in the early 1800's. It has lovely gift shops, a variety of food


The cover photo of the Red Bridge was the first photo I posted on this page. I took it on the morning of 19 January 2014.
This beautiful bridge was built by convict labour under the supervision of Captain Forth who was the Director of Roads and Bridges.
The bricks for the bridge were made in wood fired kilns on land behind Keans Brewery on the south east side of the bridge. Construction started in 1836, they used hand tools, wheel barrows, horse and carts.
At the time the bridge was built the river didn't run in the dry summer months but dried into water holes, this would have made laying the foundations of the bridge much easier.
After completion of the bridge the main course of the river was diverted into a straight channel to the west, the convicts dug this channel by hand.
The river still runs along its original course as well which can be seen on the south west corner of the bridge from there it meanders around past Tragedy Hill and meets the man made section at the swimming pool.


Lisa Jago shared this photo of Tess Robinson - nee Richardson (b1896) and her niece Sylvia Petterwood - nee Richardson (b1921). Tess's brother Baden was a member of the local Campbell Town Brass Band from around 1920 through the 1930s.

Sylvia is Lisa's Grandmother, Lisa is not sure when or where the photo was taken.


The 1929 Campbell Town Primary School Football Team on the King Street Oval.


In the late 1970s I took this photo of "Lallies Lovelies" they played against The "Bikini Beauties" to help raise money to build the Campbell Town Swimming Pool.
Back from left: Lavender "Lallie" Price, Marianne Baker, Linda Maxfield, Gail Potter, Janette Eberhardt, Janine Crocker, Liz Hudson, Robyn Laycock, Leanne Higgins, Kym Rawnsley, Lyn Leedham, Lee Milner, Alanah Donaldson, Felicity Kealy, Lorraine White, Margaret Kealy.
Front from left: Katrina Potter, Bev McGee, Sue Laycock, Lyn Prewer, Karen Whitney, Michelle Newett.
Does anyone have a photo of the "Bikini Beauties" they would like to share?

Photos from Campbell Town, Tasmania's post 06/08/2023

The Highland Games used to be held on the Campbell Town Football Oval.


St Michael's Church about 6:40am, Wednesday 5 August 2020.
It was very quiet, all the birds and animals must have been snuggled down trying to keep warm. The highway was closed for hours because of the deep snow.


St Michael's Church at 7:28pm Tuesday 4 August 2020. The snow had not been falling for long when I took this photo.


The back of the Grange looks onto Valentine's Park.


Valentine Park is a great spot for a picnic, there are plenty of spots to sit under the lovely shady trees.
The Park is named in honour of Dr William Valentine who was one of the first medical officers of the district.
The Grange was built for Dr William Valentine about 1847 and was designed by James Blackburn.


St Andrew's Presbyterian Church was completed and dedicated in 1857. It was still being used for services early this century but was in need of restorarion so the Uniting Church sold it.
Many of us will remember attending services in the Church or going to functions in the Turnbull Memorial Hall. The Hall was also used for Kindergarten and Brownies.
I remember my Uncle Ted climbing around the steeple to catch the lost and wayward pigeons who seemed to multiply there.
The buildings are being restored by the current owners who have recently erected a lovely white picket fence around the block.


Campbell Town District High School Netball Grade 8 3rds 2006.
Back row left to right: Caitlyn Ronken, Lauren Bennett, Jessie Viney, Jessica Earley
Front row left to right: Courtney Corrie, Harriet Lewis, Kim Upton, Katelyn Davis, Tilly Martindale


This advertisement for W Lockett Builder and Contractor was featured in the Souvenir Programme, Campbell Town Centenary 1821 - 1921.
Photo - Borrows


Campbell Town Primary School Football Team 1925-26. Their coach Fred Richardson was an inspiration to them and went on to play with Collingwood. He trained them hard up to 3 times a week. They got to the Finals and played the Premiers - Invermay and won by 15 points.
They then played against the Hobart Premiers Albura Street and won by 15 goals.
The following year they repeated this performance and then challenged the Tasmanian Carnival Team to a match and were turned down.
Back from left: Fred Richardson (coach), Keith Eberhardt, Reg Stevens, Rod Lockett, Fred Archer (Umpire), Allan Upton, Vern Darke, Alan Higgins, unknown.
Centre from left: Clyde Cocker, Harry Watson, Bill Brain, Carl Davidson (Captain), Eddie Heathcote, Jim Phillips, Lyell Brown.
Front from left: Jeff Upton, Lionel Wilson, Max Singleton, Sam Pickett, Alec Oakley.

Photos from Campbell Town, Tasmania's post 27/07/2023

The Transit of Venus Sundial in Valentine Park.
The sun was almost setting when I took these photos so I couldn't use it.
I'll have to go back one sunny day and try it out.


Campbell Town District High School 1974
Glenys Perkins, Lindy Ashman
Debbie Harding, Marianne Emery
Maria Kent
Sharron Johnson, Vicki Dudman


The first Telephone call in the Southern Hemisphere was made from Campbell Town to Launceston in the late 1870s by Alfred Biggs. Alfred was the local school master from 1872 to 1880 teaching at St Lukes Sunday School and then at the Brewery. He and Dr Valentine were good friends, both very interested in science. Alfred assisted in the viewing of the Transit of Venus and also built his own microscope including grinding the lenses. He was interested in a discovery by Alexander Graham Bell and after reading an article about it, he constructed his own telephone sets. Alfred carved the wooden parts with his lathe, when they were ready to be tested he arranged to connect one set to the morse code set at the Campbell Town Railway station and the other set was sent to the Launeston Railway Station. He made the first long distance sound via telephone by rubbing a pencil over the speaker and the noise was heard at the other end.


I have found a copy of the 2006 Campbell Town District High School Year Book.
Left to right : Thomas Foster, James Glover, Charlotte Scott, Meghan Flood, Tamara Johnson, Joel Whelan, Harry von Bibra


This bronze sculpture of Eliza Furlong and a saxony merino ram stands in front of Valentine's Park.
It is said that this amazing Scottish woman made three trips lasting several months to Saxony, Germany to purchase fine wool sheep to set up a flock. She walked around buying the best quality ewes and rams she could find and also studied sheep breeding and rearing while there.
She herded the flock to Hamburg to be loaded on a ship back to Great Britain so they could be transported to Tasmania around 1829. They moved their flock of sheep to Kennilworth near Campbell Town.


22 Church Street, another of Rew's Row Cottages. Helen and Kevin Haines renovated this house to save it from demolition.
Helen says that the water tank on the left of the photo used to supply all the houses in Rew's Row with water.


The block where the Ampol truck stop is now situated.


The Library - not sure of the date of this photo perhaps early 1970s.


"A portion of the women's ward". Campbell Town District Hospital.
I remember visiting family and friends in these wards, such a beautiful old building.

From the Souvenir Programme, Campbell Town Centenary 1821 - 1921.
Photo credit - Burrows


Staff and students of Campbell Town State School assembled beside the Old School House.
I do not know when this photo was taken, probably early last century.


This is the remains of The Causeway which was built in 1822 on Bridge Street to give access to both sides of the town.
The Elizabeth River (previously known as Relief Creek) used to dry up into waterholes in Summer but in the wet months would flood, as it still does. This is part of the original course of the river, after the Red Bridge was completed in 1838 a new channel was dug along The Esplanade.
In 1840 traffic was diverted to High Street which then became the new main road through the town. A lot of businesses were trading in Bridge Street and after this change moved to buildings in High Street.


Another cottage in Church Street which was built by George Rew.
This was occupied at one time by John Palmer who was in charge of the local police force for over 30 years.


The advertisement for Nicholson's Garage from the Souvenir Programme Campbell Town Centenary 1821-1921.
These buildings stood where Fox's Garage now stands.


Lindy Whitney-Hemsley shared this photo to the page, it is from late 1950s or early 1960s.
Margaret Wickham supplied the names 😊
Back Row left: Keith McGinnis, Kevin Perkins, Darryl Harrison, Graeme Whitney, Geoff Byers, Wally Smith.
Centre Row: Geoff Davidson, Rex Wickham, Len Leedham, Ray Frost, Udus Issac, Brian Siggins, Paul Richardson.
Front Row: Cyril Darke, Ted Richardson, Charlie Eadie.


St Luke's Church of England
The plans were drawn up by John Lee Archer and the foundation stone was laid in 1835.


Another early photo of Brickhills not sure of date of this one. The verandah is different from the photo with the old cars.


Another photo from the Souvenir Programme, Campbell Town Centenary 1821 - 1921 with the title "Section of Campbell Town looking West".
I think it should say "North" because Bridge Street is on the left and the town centre on the right.
Photo credit - Burrows


Photo shared by Jennie Smith (nee Porter). Campbell Town Area School grades 1 to 9 - 1954.


Up until the early 1990s this was Richardsons Shoe Store. Locals would remember the wide variety of shoes available here and having their feet measured by Mrs Richardson. She took over the business from her father, Mr Garwood.
Mr Garwood not only sold shoes but repaired them as well and I have been told he liked nothing better than a good chat while doing the repairs.


The Campbell Town Inn with the complete verandah and the War Memorial .
Not sure of the date but probably somewhere between 1930 and 1950.


Jenny McCormick shared this photo of the Campbell Town Football Team to the page. The photo previously belonged to her Grandparents Frank and Jessie Gall. She is not sure of the date of the photo.

Back Row: J Wynwood, N Wynwood, I Davidson, T Pears, G Byers, G Worsley.

Middle Row: P Pears (Trainer), B Archer, R Webb, D Harrison, E Locket, Neil Wynwood, R Laskey, D Davidson, G Clayton, Frank Gall (Trainer).

Front Row: C Webb, D Hudson, R Frost (Captain Coach), Frost Jnr (Mascot), G Wynwood, R Wickham, G Davidson.


St Luke's Church of England, this photo is dated 1833 - 1933 so it may have been taken for the Centenary of the Church.


St Michael's Catholic Church was consecrated in 1857, this lovely blue stone church is still in regular use and is very well maintained.
The residence in the grounds was used as a convent and school for some time.


1961 Wentworth Physical Education Camp at Bellerive.
Back row from left: Kerry Ashman, Ian White, John White, Michael Ayres, Peter Morrison, Donald Hayes, Richard Chugg, Colin Perkins, Peter Crosswell, Max Pearce, Stan Hardman, Peter Marshall.
2nd row from back: Geoff Martin, Helen McGee, Karen Harris, Valerie Munro, Josie Baker, Kay Quilliam, Grace Bleathman, Cheryl Webb, Deanna Lockett, Pauline Turner, Leonie Cashion, Robyn Palmer, Charlie Brown, Kevin Goldfinch.
3rd row from back : Kathy Spencer, Carolyn Marks, Ursula Mcginnis, Lexie Williams, Barbara Richardson, Mr Lewis (Phys Ed Teacher), Bill Ivory (Principal), Barbara Robinson (Williams), Mr Poole (PET), Jenni Porter, Beverly Butler, Marlene Wrigley, Ann Richards. Front row: David Eberhardt, Clarrie Wrigley, Barry Butler, Brian Kirkham, John Lockett, John Porter, Jack Hall, Greg Burn, Graeme Quillerat, Graeme Pearce.
