Tax & Law Solution Providers
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PLD 2022 SC 92
پشاور میں ایک میڈیکل کالج کے طالب علمہ نے BS کے امتحان میں اپنی جگہ کسی دوسرے سٹوڈنٹ کو بٹھادیا تھا- امتحانی ڈیوٹی پر مامور سٹاف نے اس لڑکے کو رنگے ہاتھوں پکڑلیا۔ KMU نے امیدوارہ اور اس کی جگہ پرچہ دینے والے لڑکے کے خلاف کارروائی شروع کی۔ UFM کمیٹی نے ریگولیشنز 2017 کے تحت اس لڑکے کو تین سال کیلئے نااہل کردیا- سزا کے خلاف لڑکے نے UFM اپیلیٹ کمیٹی میں اپیل کی مگر انہوں نے بھی وہی تین سال نااہلی کی سزا برقرار رکھی ۔
سٹوڈنٹ نے تین سال نااہلی کی سزا کے خلاف پشاور ہائی کورٹ میں رٹ دائر کی ۔ ہائی کورٹ نے فریقین کے دلائل سننے کے بعد رحم دلی کا مظاہرہ کرتے ہوئے سزا تین سال سے کم کرکے صرف ایک سال کردی۔
سزا میں کمی کا فیصلہ خیبر میڈیکل یونیورسٹی کو
پسند نہ آیا۔ ہائی کورٹ کے فیصلے کے خلاف یونیورسٹی نے سپریم کورٹ میں پٹیشن جمع کردی۔ کیس سپریم کورٹ میں تین رکنی بینچ کے سامنے فکس ہوا۔
یونیورسٹی کے وکیل نے عدالت کو بتایا کہ ہائیکورٹ نے سزا میں کمی کرکے خلاف قانون فیصلہ دیا ہے۔ ہائیکورٹ کے پاس رحم کرنے کا اختیار نہیں ہے۔ UFM کمیٹی نے قانون کے مطابق فیصلہ سنایا تھا۔ دوسری جناب وہ سٹوڈنٹ وکیل کے بغیر عدالت میں پیش ہوا اور معافی مانگ کر عدالت سے رحم دلی اور سزا میں کمی کرنے کی التجا کی ۔
سپریم کورٹ کی تین رکنی بینچ نے اپنے فیصلہ میں لکھا کہ یونیورسٹی کے ریگولیشنز 32 سی میں واضح طور پر لکھا گیا ہے کہ جو شخص کسی دوسرے امیدوار کی جگہ امتحان دے گا تو دونوں کو تین سال نااہلی کی سزا ہوگی۔ ریگولیشن میں یہ نہیں لکھا گیا ہے کہ تین سال تک بلکہ تین سال سزا بیان کی گئ ہے مطلب تین سال سے کمی کی گنجائش نہیں رکھی گئی ہے۔ سپریم کورٹ نے فیصلہ میں مزید لکھا کہ اعلیٰ تعلیمی ادارے/یونیورسٹیاں اپنے اندرونی انتظامی اور ڈسپلنری معاملات احسن طریقے سے ہینڈل کرسکتی ہے ۔ یونیورسٹی انتظامیہ اندرونی معاملات میں مہارت رکھتی یے۔ جب تک بنیادی حقوق اور قانون کی صریح خلاف ورزی نہ کی گئی ہو عدالتوں کو اعلیٰ تعلیمی اداروں اور یونیورسٹیوں کے اندرونی انتظامی معاملات اور ان کے پالیسیوں میں مداخلت نہیں کرنی چاہیئے ۔ یونیورسٹیاں جمہوریت کے پلے گراونڈز ہیں ۔ یونیورسٹیاں جتنی آزاد اور خود مختار ہوگی ملک میں اتنے ہی بڑے لیڈر اور مفکر پیدا ہوں گے ۔ جب تک یونیورسٹیوں کو خود مختاری اور آزادی نہیں دی جاتی تب تک اصل جمہوریت اور قانون کی حکمرانی نہیں آسکتی ۔ یونیورسٹی ریگولیشنز میں مقرر کردہ سزا اگنور کرکے ہائی کورٹ نے ہمدردی اور رحم دلی کا مظاہرہ کیا ہے۔ ہائیکورٹ کا یہ فیصلہ یونیورسٹی کے اندرونی معاملات میں مداخلت ہے۔
سپریم کورٹ کے تین رکنی بینچ نے ہائی کورٹ کا فیصلہ کالعدم قرار دے دیا اور یونیورسٹی کے ریگولیشنز 32 سی کے تحت دونوں کو تین سال کیلئے نااہل کردیا اور یونیورسٹی کے UFM کمیٹی کا فیصلہ بحال کیا۔
لاہور ہائیکورٹ کے فاضل جج جسٹس شاہد جمیل خان نے قرار دیا ہے کہ قابل ٹیکس آمدن نہ رکھنے والوں سے ناقابل ایڈجسٹ ایڈوانس ٹیکس کی وصولی غیر آئینی ہے۔
The Tenth Schedule is examined, insertion of which is admission of legal position that a person not required to file return and pay tax, cannot be subjected to advance tax. The procedure in its Rule 2 is impracticable and unreasonable, whereby the person receiving the bill (withholding agent) or the person from whom the tax is to be collected, is burdened to issue notice to the Commissioner for knowing whether a person is liable to file return and wait for thirty days before finalizing the bill, with or without collection of advance tax.
Absence of a person in active taxpayer list and a person not required to file income tax return cannot be equated, because a person filing return may be deleted from active taxpayer’s list by any tax authority for a noncompliance under the Ordinance of 2001. How would a person, having marriage hall business at a lower level, would verify wether person booking or managing a function is on active taxpayer’s list or would wait for thirty days for Commissioner’s response and finalize bill thereafter. Imposition of statutory duty to withhold another person’s tax and deposit in the exchequer may be justified on transaction in usual course of business. Under the impugned provisions, the burden is imposed, in an unusual manner upon a person, who is recipient of money against services or supply, therefore, is confiscatory for having adverse impact on the business. This procedure, being impracticable and casting an unreasonable irrational burden is, hence, declared void.
Advance Tax was meant, originally, to facilitate the taxpayer as well as department to pay tax in advance based on the tax determined and paid in last tax year, which facilitates the taxpayer for payment of tax in installments, besides timely recovery of tax. Later, withholding tax was introduced on transaction with the rational of collecting data of the transactions with minimal tax collection. The tax so withheld was adjustable against final tax liability. Eventually, the tax withheld on business transactions was brought into Presumptive Tax Regime (“PTR”) by treating the same as final liability. It is important to observe here that for collection of data of business transactions, at various stages of value addition, Sales Tax Act, 1990 (“Act of 1990”) is serving the purpose. By introducing this concept in the Income Tax Law, and allowing it to be a final tax, under PTR, practically, it has become an indirect tax, burden of which passes on to end consumer.
For FBR, withholding tax is the easiest way of collecting tax, by avoiding the orthodox procedure of taxing a person’s income, at the end of tax year, by allowing expenses, allowances, credits etc. for arriving at net taxable income.
Another alarming aspect is the increasing trend of indiscriminate withholding, ignoring whether a person being burdened with the tax is liable to pay income tax, which should necessarily be proportionate to earning capacity. A person, below the taxable slab or not earning being jobless, is already paying indirect taxes, even on items, essential for living, at same ratio, as is being paid by the richest person. In pursuit of collecting advance tax on transactions, if the essential aspect of its adjustment against a payable tax is not ensured, the tax so imposed is confiscatory and expropriatory.
Court’s concern, in this and connected cases, is whether, unadjustable advance tax being recovered from a widow using mobile service and other similarly placed persons, not liable to pay tax or file return is justified and within the competence of the legislature. The income tax is meant to be charged on income proportionality but cannot allow to be charged in absence or without determining the income. A tax which diminishes the original property, moveable or immoveable, is expropriatory and a tax withhold/deducted and not adjusted against any income tax liability is confiscatory.
It is globally settled principle of taxation law that a tax cannot be expropriatory or confiscatory, which takes away a citizen’s property without compensation or destroys the business of a taxpayer. The State is meant to serve the citizen and for running its affairs, attribute of charging tax is bestowed by Article 7 of the Constitution but a tax can be levied by or under the authority of Parliament under Article 77. The act of the Parliament, levying a tax, should not offend any of the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution. An unreasonable taxing procedure, if destroys business, offends the right under Article 18 and an income tax taking away property without compensation offends Article 23 and 24.
Income tax is meant to be charged from citizens, who are earning income and citizen, who are not earning any income, deserves to be compensated by the State to meet their and essential requirement for living. Unfortunately, the later class of citizens is being already subjected to indirect taxes, is now taxed through unadjustable advance income tax, which can only be termed as expropriatory and confiscatory. The Constitutional Courts have been observing judicial restraint from declaring such laws as ultra vires, for avoiding an impediment against the State’s tax collection system. Nevertheless, as it appears from the representation from respondents’ side, Government is adamant to charge advance tax, ignoring its expropriatory and confiscatory character from the persons not liable to pay tax. Imposing an obligation of tax collection on private persons ignoring reasonability and prejudice to their business, cannot be ignored by Courts, in judicial review. The citizens in tax net, who are burdened with the obligation to withhold tax by declaring them an agent, are also required to be treated rationally and equitably. Putting an extra burden of compliance which is not in normal course of business and that too without remuneration or concession in tax liability, needs to be revisited by the Government as well as tax administrators.
It is, therefore, held that collection of an unadjustable advance income tax from a person not liable to pay income tax or file income tax return, is without lawful authority and unconstitutional. Nevertheless, observing restraint again, the matter is referred to the Attorney General and FBR for suitable amendments within 90-days.
For addressing the grievances of the petitioners, this and connected petitions are converted into representations under Section 7 of the Federal Board of Revenue Act, 2007 (“Act of 2007”) and sent to the Chairman, FBR, who shall forthwith consult, the Attorney General of Pakistan on the concerns and legal position. On so consulting, the Attorney General shall advise FBR through its Chairman on the legality of procedure and manner impugned in these petitions with an advice for suitable amendment in the Ordinance of 2001.
Needful be done within 90-days from the date of judgment. Compliance report shall be submitted before the Deputy Registrar (Judl.) of this Court.
Till decision, as directed, interim relief already granted, in this and connected petitions, shall continue.
W.P.No.228757 of 2018
Rao Tariq Islam, etc. Versus. Federation of Pakistan, etc.
Date of hearing 11.11.2022
List of Law vocabulary words with Urdu
Acceptance قبولیت
Affidavit بیان حلفی
Aggrieved party متاثرہ فریق
Agreement to Sell اقرار نامہ
Alleged مبينہ
Amendment ترميم
Amicus curiae عدالتی معاون
Anti-Terrorist اِنسدادِ دہشت گردی
Applicant سائل
Arrears of land revenue بقایاجات مالیہ
Arbitration Council ثالثی کونسل
Attachment/Distraint/Seizure of property in order to obtain payment قرقی
Family Law/matrimonial law عائلی قوانین
Farmer ID (Holding slips) ختونی
Federal Shariat Court وفاقی شرعی عدالت
Federation of Pakistan وفاق پاکستان
Fiduciary relationship نگہبانی تعلق/امانتی
FIR ابتدائ اطلائ رپورٹ
Freedom of expression اظہار رائےکی آزادی
Freedom of movement نقل و حرکت کی آزادی
Fundamental rights بنيادی حقوق
Cancellation منسوخی
Cancellation/revocation of Power of attornet اِبطال نامہ
Case diaries ضمنی
Cause of action بناۓ دعوی/ بناۓ نالش
Cause List فہرست پیشی
Certified copy مصدقہ نقل
Charge (criminal law) فرد جرم
Circumstantial Evidence قرائنی شہادت
Civil ديوانی
Civil Miscellaneous دیوانی متفرق
Code of Civil Procedure مجموع ضابطہ ديوانی
Cognizable Offence قابلِ دست اندازی
Competition Law مسابقتی قانون
Complaint استغاثہ
Complainant مستغيث
Compromise deed راضی نامہ
Compensation for hurt عرش
Confession اقبالِ جرم
Conflict of Interest مفاداتی تصادم
Consolidation اشتمال
Contract معاہدہ
Correspondence مراسلہ
Criminal Breach of Trust خیانت مجرمانہ
Criminal Procedure Code مجموع ضابطہ فوجداری
Cross Examination جرح
Competent authority مجاز اتھارٹی
Conditional Judgment مشروط فیصلہ
Contempt of Court توہین عدالت
Confront/confronting a witness تقابُل/ گواہ کو متقابل کرانا
Constitution آئين/ دستور
Constitutional Democracy دستوری جمہوریت
Criminal فوجداری
Criminal Abetment اعانتِ مجرمانہ
Criminal breach of trust خیانتِ مجرمانہ
Criminal intimidation تخویفِ مجرمانہ
Custody حضانت/ تحویل
Earnest money زر بیعانہ
Easement حق آسائش
Environmental law ماحولیاتی قانون
Estoppel امر مانع تقریر مخالف
Exclusion clause استثنائی شق
Ex*****on اجراء
Exempt مستثنی
Ex parte يکطرفہ
Ejectment بےدخلی
Examination in chief ابترائی بیان
Extrinsic Evidence خارجی شہادت
Daily diary روزنامچہ
Damages ہرجانہ
Deceased متوفی
Declaration دعوی استقرارِ حق
Declaration of Legal heirship وراثت نامہ
Deed writer وثیقہ نویس
Defamation ہتک عزت
Defection انحراف
Defendant مدعاعلیہ
Defendants مدعاعليھم
Delimitation of constituencies حلقہ ہائے انتخابی حد بندی
Discovery & inspection of documents دستاویز کے انکشافات و معائنہ
Discriminatory laws امتیازی قوانین
Discretion صوابدید
Disputed متدعويہ
Dissolution of marriage تنسیخ نکاح
Delegated right of divorce
طلاق تفویض
Doctrine of Laches نظریہ غفلت/ تاخیر
Doctrine of necessity نظریہ ضرورت
Documentary evidence دستاویزی شہادت
Deferred dower
Prompt dower
Customary dower
حق مھر
مھر موجل
مھر معجل
مھر مثل
Due process واجب عمل
Duress اکراہ
General Adjournment عمومی التواء
Gift Deed ھبہ نامہ
Guardianship ولایت
Harvest Inspection Register خسرہ گرداوری
Hostile witness منحرف گواہ
High Court عدالت عاليہ
High Treason سنگین غداری
Hue & Cry Notice اشتہارِ شوروغوغہ
Leading question ہدایتی سوال
Lease پٹہ
Legal Capacity قانونی اہلیت
Letter of administration پروانہ انصرام جائیداد
Limitation معياد
List of Documents فہرست دستاویز
List of Reliance فہرست انحصار
Local Bodies بلدیاتی
Jactitation of Marriage تکزیب ِ نکاح
Judgment Debtor مدیون ڈگری
Judicial activism عرالتی فعالیت
Judicial restraint عرالتی تحمل
Territorial jurisdiction
Pecuniary jurisdiction
دائرہ اختیار/سماعت
علا قائی اختیارِ سماعت
مالیاتی اختیارِ سماعت
Justice of peace منصفِ امن
Matter of fact امر متعلقہ واقع
Matter of law امر متعلقہ قانون
Maintenance (eg wife/child) نان و نفقہ
Medico legal Report طبی رپورٹ
Memorandum of Address فرد پتہ
Minor نابالغ
Misappropriates خوردبرد کرنا
Mortgage رہن
Motive وجہ عناد
Murder (intentional) قتلِ عمد
Mutation اِنتقال
Mutual Legal Assistance باہمی قانونی معاونت
Oath حلف
Objective Resolution قراردادِ مقاصد
Offer ایجاب
Option of puberty حقِ خیار البلوغ
Order Sheet حکم نامہ
Order of court to produce records روبکار
Negotiable Instruments دستاویز قابلِ بیع و شری
Non Prosecution عدم پیروی
Pakistan Penal Code مجموعہِ تعزیراتِ پاکستان
Pending زیرِ التویٰ
Permanent Injunction حکم امتناعی دوامی
Personal law شخصی قانون
Petitioner/Applicant سائل / درخواست گزار
Plaint عرضی دعویٴ
Plaintiff مرعی
Plaintiffs مدعيان
Power of attorney مختادنامہ
Prayer استدعا
Preliminary Objections عزرات ابتدائی
Preemption شفع
Presiding Officer افسر جلیس
Process Fee فرد طلبانہ
Public at large عوامالناس
Public interest مفادِ عامہ
Public importance قومی نوعیت/عوامی اہمیت
R**e زنا بِالجبر
Record of Rights
Periodical record of rights
فرد ملکیت/جمعبندی/مسل حقیقت/رجسٹر حقدارانِ زمین
مسل میعادی
Recovery Memo فرد برآمدگی/مقبوضگی
Redemption بازیابی
Relief دادرسی
Relinquishment Deed دستبرداری نامہ
Respondent (if Applicant or Petitioner) جواب دہند گان
Respondents مسؤل عليھم
Restitution of conjugal rights اعادہ حقوقِ زن آشوئ/اعادہ حقوقِ زوجیت
Retribution قِساس
Review نظر ثانی
Revision نگرانی
Rough crime scene sketch (plan) نقشہ موقع
Ultra Vires ماورائےاختیار/ ماورائےقانون
Under Objection تابعِ عزر/زیرِ اعتراض
Sale Deed معاہدہ بيع/بیع نامہ
Separation (marital) علیحد گی
Short Order مختصر حکم
Specific Performance تعميل مختص
Specific Relief Act 1877 قانون دادرسی مختص مجریہ 1877
State ریاست
Statement of informant فرد بیان
Succession جانشينی
Summon طلبی
Supreme Court عدالت عظمی
Suit دعوی
Suo Motu اَز خود
Surety ضامن
Survey Number (Field register) خسرہ نمبر
Tariff نرخ
Temporary Injunction حکم امتناعی عارضی
Tort فعل بےجا
Trade marks نشانات تجارت
Without Prejudice بلا تعصب, کسی جانبداری کے بغیر
Witness گواہ
Written Statement جواب دعوی
Writ petition آئینی درخواست
Wrongful confinement حبسِ بے جا
Valuation قيمت تخمينہ/ مالیت دعوی
Verification تصديق
Versus بنام
Violence تشدد
Voidable قابلِ فس
Acceptance قبولیت qabooliat
Action in rem تعيمی نالش taimee naalish
Adjourn ملتوی multawe
Ad valorem حسب المالیت hasb-ul-maliat
Adverse Possession قبضہ مخا لفانہ qabza mukhalifana
Affidavit بیان حلفی biyaan halfi
Aggrieved party متاثرہ فریق mutasira fariq
Agreement to Sell اقرار نامہ iqra-nama
Alleged مبينہ mubiyina
Amendment ترميم tarmeem
Amicus curiae عدالتی معاون adalati muawan
Anti Terrorist اِنسدادِ دہشت گردی Insidade dahsatgardi
Applicant سائل saail
Arrears of land revenue بقایاجات مالیہ baqayaa jat maliya
Arbitration Council ثالثی کونسل saalisi kounsil
Attachment/Distraint/Seizure of property in order to obtain payment قرقی qurqi
Bail ضمانت zamanat
Bail Bond ضمانت نامہ/مچلکہ ضامنی/ وثیقہ ضمانت zamanat nama/machalka zamini/wasiqa zamanat
Bailiff قرقی والا qurqi wala
Bankruptcy law قانون دیوالہ qanoon dewalia
Bias تعصب taasub
Blood money دیت diyat
Board of Revenue مجلس مال majlis maal
Burden of Proof بارِ ثبوت bar-e-saboot
Cancellation منسوخی mansookhi
Cancellation/revocation of Power of attornet اِبطال نامہ abtaal namaa
Case diaries ضمنی zimni
Cause of action بناۓ دعوی/ بناۓ نالش binaey dawaa/binaey naalish
Cause List فہرست پیشی fahrist pehshi
Certified copy مصدقہ نقل mussadaqa naqal
Charge (criminal law) فرد جرم fard jurm
Circumstantial Evidence قرائنی شہادت quriani shahadat
Civil ديوانی deewaani
Civil Miscellaneous دیوانی متفرق deewaani muttafarriq
Code of Civil Procedure مجموع ضابطہ ديوانی majmoae zabta deewaani
Cognizable Offence قابلِ دست اندازی qabil-e-dast andaazi
Competition Law مسابقتی قانون masabaqti qanoon
Complaint استغاثہ istighasa
Complainant مستغيث mustaghees
Compromise deed راضی نامہ razinama
Compensation for hurt عرش arsh
Confession اقبالِ جرم iqbal-e-jurm
Conflict of Interest مفاداتی تصادم mufaadati tassadum
Consolidation اشتمال ishtimaal
Contract معاہدہ moahida
Correspondence مراسلہ mirasala
Criminal Breach of Trust خیانت مجرمانہ khayant mujraman
Criminal Procedure Code مجموع ضابطہ فوجداری majmoae zabta faujdaari
Cross Examination جرح jirraah
Competent authority مجاز اتھارٹی majaz authority
Conditional Judgment مشروط فیصلہ mashroot faisla
Contempt of Court توہین عدالت toheen-e-adaalat
Confront/confronting a witness
تقابُل/ گواہ کو متقابل کرانا taqabul/gawah ko muttaqabul karvana
Constitution آئين/ دستور dastoor/Aaein
Constitutional Democracy دستوری جمہوریت dastoori jamhooriat
Criminal فوجداری faujdaari
Criminal Abetment اعانتِ مجرمانہ aanat-e-mujramana
Criminal breach of trust خیانتِ مجرمانہ khayanat-e-mujramana
Criminal intimidation تخویفِ مجرمانہ takhveef-e-mujramana
Custody حضانت/ تحویل hizanat/ tehveel
Daily diary روزنامچہ roznamcha
Damages ہرجانہ harjaana
Deceased متوفی mutawwafi
Declaration دعوی استقرارِ حق
Declaration of Legal heirship وراثت نامہ virasat nama
Deed writer وثیقہ نویس wasiqa nawais
Defamation ہتک عزت hattak-e-izzat
Defection انحراف inhiraf
Defendant مدعاعلیہ mudaa alaih
Defendants مدعاعليھم mudaa alaihum
Delimitation of constituencies حلقہ ہائے انتخابی حد بندی halqa hai intikhabi had bandi
Discovery & inspection of documents دستاویز کے انکشافات و معائنہ dastawaiz ke inkifishaat o muaina
Discriminatory laws امتیازی قوانین imtiazi qawaneen
Discretion صوابدید sawabdeed
Disputed متدعويہ muttadawiya
Dissolution of marriage تنسیخ نکاح tanseekh-e-nikah
Delegated right of divorce
طلاق تفویض
Doctrine of Laches نظریہ غفلت/ تاخیر nazriya-e-ghaflat/takhir
Doctrine of necessity نظریہ ضرورت nazriya-e-zaroorat
Documentary evidence دستاویزی شہادت dastawaizi shahadat
Deferred dower
Prompt dower
Customary dower
حق مھر
مھر موجل
مھر معجل
مھر مثل
haq mehr
mehr mowajjal
mehr moaajjal
mehr misal
Due process واجب عمل wajib amal
Duress اکراہ ikrah
Earnest money زر بیعانہ zar beyaana
Easement حق آسائش haq aasaish
Environmental law ماحولیاتی قانون maaholiyaati qanoon
Estoppel امر مانع تقریر مخالف amr manie taqreer mukhalif
Exclusion clause استثنائی شق istasnai shak
Ex*****on اجراء ijrah
Exempt مستثنی musstasna
Ex parte يکطرفہ yak tarfa
Ejectment بےدخلی bey dakhli
Examination in chief ابترائی بیان ibtadai bayan
Extrinsic Evidence خارجی شہادت khariji shahadat
Family Law/matrimonial law
عائلی قوانین
aaili qanoon
Farmer ID (Holding slips) ختونی khatuni
Federal Shariat Court وفاقی شرعی عدالت Wafaqi Sharae Adalat
Federation of Pakistan وفاق پاکستان Wafaq-e-Pakistan
Fiduciary relationship نگہبانی تعلق/امانتی nigehe baani/amaanati taaluq
FIR ابتدائ اطلائ رپورٹ ibdadai itlai report
Freedom of expression اظہار رائےکی آزادی izhar-e-raey ki azaadi
Freedom of movement نقل و حرکت کی آزادی naqal-o-harkat ki azaadi
Fundamental rights بنيادی حقوق bunyaadi haqooq
General Adjournment عمومی التواء umoomi iltawa
Gift Deed ھبہ نامہ hiba nama
Guardianship ولایت walayat
Harvest Inspection Register خسرہ گرداوری khasra girdawari
Hostile witness منحرف گواہ munharif gawah
High Court عدالت عاليہ Adaalat-e-aaliya
High Treason سنگین غداری sangeen ghadari
Hue & Cry Notice اشتہارِ شور۔و۔غوغہ Ishtahar-e-shor o ghogha
Identity parade proceeding کاروائی شناخت پريڈ karwai shanakht parade
Index تفصیل کاغزات tafseel kaghzaat
Indicative Evidence اشارتی شہادت isharati shahadat
Industrial relations صنعتی تعلقات sanat e taaluqaat
Inherent powers اختیارِ اصلی ikhtiar-e-asli
Mandatory Injunction
Prohibitory Injunction
Permanent Injunction
Temporary Injunction
حکم امتناعی
حکم امتناعی تاکیدی
حکم امتناعی ہدایتی
حکم امتناعی دوامی
حکم امتناعی عارضی
hukm-e-imtanai taqeedi
hukm-e-imtanai hidayati
hukm-e-imtanai dawami
hukm-e-imtanai aaraze
Injury Report نقشہ مضروبی naqsha mazroobi
In person بزاتِ خود bazaat-e-khud
Inquest report رپورٹ مرگ report-e-marg
Intellectual Property حقو ق دانش/ تخلیقی مواد haqooq-e-daanish/ takhliqi mawad
Interim Order عبوری حکم aboori hukum
Interim Relief عبوری دادرسی aboori dadrasi
Irreparable loss ناقابل تلافی na qabil-e-talafi
Issues تنقیحات tanqeehat
Jactitation of Marriage تکزیب ِ نکاح takzeebe nikkah
Judgment Debtor مدیون ڈگری degree mudyoon
Judicial activism عرالتی فعالیت adaalati failiyat
Judicial restraint عرالتی تحمل adaalati tahamul
Territorial jurisdiction
Pecuniary jurisdiction
دائرہ اختیار/سماعت
علا قائی اختیارِ سماعت
مالیاتی اختیارِ سماعت
daairae ikhtiar/samaat
ilaqai ikhtiare samaat
maaliyati ikhtiare samaat
Justice of peace منصفِ امن munsaffe aman
Leading question ہدایتی سوال hidayaati sawal
Lease پٹہ patta
Legal Capacity قانونی اہلیت qanooni ihliyat
Letter of administration پروانہ انصرام جائیداد parwana insaraam jaeydaad
Limitation معياد mayyaad
List of Documents فہرست دستاویز fahrist dastawaiz
List of Reliance فہرست انحصار fahrist inhasar
Local Bodies بلدیاتی baldiyati
Matter of fact امر متعلقہ واقع amar mutallaqa waqeya
Matter of law امر متعلقہ قانون amar mutallaqa qanoon
Maintenance (eg wife/child) نان و نفقہ naan nafqa
Medico legal Report طبی رپورٹ tibbi report
Memorandum of Address فرد پتہ fard pata
Minor نابالغ nabaligh
Misappropriates خوردبرد کرنا khurd burd karna
Mortgage رہن rehann
Motive وجہ عناد wajah anaad
Murder (intentional) قتلِ عمد qatal-e-amd
Mutation اِنتقال intiqal
Mutual Legal Assistance باہمی قانونی معاونت Bahimee qanooni maawanat
Negotiable Instruments دستاویز قابلِ بیع و شری dastawaiz qabil-e-bai o shari
Non Prosecution عدم پیروی adam pairvi
Oath حلف halaf
Objective Resolution قراردادِ مقاصد Qarar dad-e-maqasid
Offer ایجاب aejab
Option of puberty حقِ خیار البلوغ haq-e-khayyar ul baloogh
Order Sheet حکم نامہ hukam nama
Order of court to produce records روبکار robkar
Pakistan Penal Code مجموعہِ تعزیراتِ پاکستان Majmoae Taaziraate Pakistan
Pending زیرِ التویٰ zair-e-iltawa
Permanent Injunction حکم امتناعی دوامی hukm-e-imtanai dawami
Personal law شخصی قانون shakhsi qanoon
Petitioner/Applicant سائل / درخواست گزار saail/darkhwast guzar
Plaint عرضی دعویٴ arzi dawaa
Plaintiff مرعی muddae
Plaintiffs مدعيان muddeyaan
Power of attorney مختادنامہ mukhtarnama
Prayer استدعا istadaa
Preliminary Objections عزرات ابتدائی uzraat-e-ibtadae
Preemption شفع shufa
Presiding Officer افسر جلیس afsar-e-jalees
Process Fee فرد طلبانہ fard talbana
Public at large عوامالناس awam un naas
Public interest مفادِ عامہ mufaad-e-aama
Public importance قومی نوعیت/عوامی اہمیت qawmi nauyat/awami ehamiyat
R**e زنا بِالجبر zina biljabr
Record of Rights
Periodical record of rights
فرد ملکیت/جمعبندی/مسل حقیقت/رجسٹر حقدارانِ زمین
مسل میعادی
fard malikiat/jama bandi/missal haqeeqat/register haqdaran-e-zameen
missal mayadi
Recovery Memo فرد برآمدگی/مقبوضگی fard baramdagi/maqboozgi
Redemption بازیابی bazyaabi
Relief دادرسی daadrasi
Relinquishment Deed دستبرداری نامہ dastbardari nama
Respondent (if Applicant or Petitioner) جواب دہند گان jawab dahindagaan
Respondents مسؤل عليھم masool alaihum
Restitution of conjugal rights اعادہ حقوقِ زن آشوئ/اعادہ حقوقِ زوجیت aada huqooqe zan aashoe/aada huqooqe zaujiyat
Retribution قِساس qisas
Review نظر ثانی nazar-e-saani
Revision نگرانی nigraani
Rough crime scene sketch (plan) نقشہ موقع naqshae mauqa
Sale Deed معاہدہ بيع/بیع نامہ muhaida bay/bay nama
Separation (marital) علیحد گی alaihidgi
Short Order مختصر حکم mukhtasir hukum
Specific Performance تعميل مختص tameel mukhtas
Specific Relief Act 1877 قانون دادرسی مختص مجریہ 1877 qanoon dadrasi mukhtas mujriya 1877
State ریاست riyasat
Statement of informant فرد بیان fard biyan
Succession جانشينی jaanasheeni
Summon طلبی talbi
Supreme Court عدالت عظمی Adaalat-e-Uzma
Suit دعوی dawaa
Suo Motu اَز خود Az khud
Surety ضامن zamin
Survey Number (Field register) خسرہ نمبر khasra number
Tariff نرخ narkh
Temporary Injunction حکم امتناعی عارضی hukm-e-imtanai aaraze
Tort فعل بےجا fail bey ja
Trade marks نشانات تجارت nishanaat tijart
Ultra Vires ماورائےاختیار/ ماورائےقانون mawra-e-ikhtiar/mawra-e-qanoon
Under Objection تابعِ عزر/زیرِ اعتراض tabae uzr/zair-e-aetaraz
Valuation قيمت تخمينہ/ مالیت دعوی qeemat takhmina/maliyat dawaa
Verification تصديق tasdeeq
Versus بنام banaam
Violence تشدد tashadud
Voidable قابلِ فسخ qabil-e-faskh
Without Prejudice بلا تعصب, کسی جانبداری کے بغیر bilaa taasub/kisi janabdari ke baghair
Witness گواہ gawah
Written Statement جواب دعوی jawab dawaa
Writ petition آئینی درخواست aaini darkhwast
Wrongful confinement حبسِ بے جا hasb-e-bejaa
S. 5---Muslim Family Laws Ordinance (VIII of 1961), Ss.7 & 9---Recovery of past maintenance---Plea of oral divorce---Validity---Husband was required to send notice of divorce to Arbitration Council under Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 and also to send copy of such notice to wife by registered post---No such proceedings having been ever conducted, oral allegation of Talaq would neither be effective nor valid and binding on wife, who was legally entitled to past maintenance
2006 PLD 457 SC-1459
2011 SCMR 243 2008 SCMR 466 2008 SCMR 1341
2003 SCMR 115 2002 SCMR 1183 1999 SCMR 1558
1999 SCMR 2631 1997 SCMR 281 1994 SCMR 686
1993 SCMR 1901 1992 SCMR 1273 1992 SCMR 82
Sales Tax Officers Association of Pakistan (STOAP) Welcomes New Chairman FBR
The newly formed Sales Tax Officers Association of Pakistan (STOAP) welcomed and congratulated Mr. Shabbar Zaidi as Chairman, FBR. The meeting of the Central Executive Committee (CEC) of STOAP was held on 11th May, 2019 at Lahore. During the meeting Mian Muhammad Nasim was appointed as Election Commissioner by the CEC.
The Election Commissioner conducted the election and office bearers of the Central Body of the STOAP were elected for an initial period of two years.
Mr. Raza Ashfaq Sheikh was elected as President,
Mr. Javed Hussain Butt as Sr. Vice President, Mr. Muhammad Afzal Malik as Vice President-
I, Mr. Afzal Khan Afridi as Vice President-
II, Mr. Noor Hassan as Vice President-
III, Mr. Asif Saeed as Vice President-
IV, Mr. Altaf Hussain as Vice President-
V, Mr. Tariq Nazir as Vice President
VI, Mr. Abidullah Jan as Vice President-
VII, Mr.Arafaat Faiz Rasool Niazi as General Secretary,
Mr. Tanveer Malik as Secretary Co-ordination, Mr. Muhammad Atif Qureshi as Secretary Information,
Mr. Rana Khurram Shahzad as Assistant Secretary Information,
Mr. Ghulam Sarwar Shar as Joint Secretary-I,
Mr. Zulfiqar Ali as Joint Secretary-II,
Mr. Abdul Shakoor as Joint Secretary-III,
Mr. Khawar Mansoor as Joint Secretary-IV,
Mr. Raja Zarrar as Joint Secretary-V,
Mr. Syed Ahmed Hussain as Joint Secretary-VI, Mr. Ishaq Ahmed as Joint Secretary-VII,
Mr. Faoiz Ashraf as Secretary Finance and
Mr. Shafqat Mehmood as Assistant Secretary Finance.
The President STOAP Mr. Raza Ashfaq Sheikh passed a resolution that the Sales Tax Officers resolved that although they are part of Inland Revenue Service yet they have not been included in the Inland Revenue Officers Association (IROA), hence it was imperative to form a separate Association of the Officers of Sales Tax. Resultantly, an Association in the name of Sales Tax Officers Association of Pakistan (STOAP) was formed by the Officers of Sales Tax. The office bearers and the members of CEC of STOAP congratulated the newly appointed Chairman FBR with the hope that he would utilize professional and experienced work force of Sales Tax in the main stream to enhance domestic Sales Tax collection, which is currently showing lowest level of growth amongst all four taxes collected by FBR. It was further resolved that Sales Tax Officers are ready to accept the challenge of enhancement of Sales Tax collection to the desired level, if the new administration assigns this task to them.
Moreover, the Officers of Sales Tax, who are themselves are product of reforms, are ready to render their services as vanguard of reform initiatives of FBR/Government of Pakistan.
It was further resolved that the STOAP shall seek time from the newly appointed Chairman FBR to present comprehensive proposals for the growth of Sales Tax collection.
Muhammad Atif Qureshi
Secretary Information STOAP
Cell No. 03328494101
ڈرافٹنگ اور مکمل کیس لاز
1. Petition before Justice of Peace under section 22-AB CrPC for registration of FIR.
COMPLAINT NO:____________________________/2019
1. _____
2. ___
C O M P L A I N T U/S 22-A(6)(I)
Respectfully Sheweth:
1. That through the instant complaint, the complainants humbly seek indulgence of this Honourable Court for issuance of direction to S.H.O., Police Station ___, for registration of F.I.R. against persons as mentioned below:
(i) ___
(ii) ____
(iii) Three unknown persons
(Hereinafter referred to as “the accused persons”).
2. That succinctly stated the facts giving rise to the filing of instant complaint are that the complainants are residents of residents of House no. ____,Block__,, Lahore; the complainants purchased the said house from their brothers. The possession of the house was delivered to the complainants after full payment of consideration money.
3. That on ___, the above mentioned accused persons illegally entered into the house of the complainants by breaking the locks of the doors; the accused persons also cut the window down. After trespassing into the house, the accused persons started torturing the complainants. They torn the clothes of the complainants and also stripped off the complainants and exposed them to half nakedness. The accused persons also caused damage and breakage of household things.
4. That a tentative assessment of the occurrence divulges that the accused persons have committed inter-alia following cognizable offences:
→ 149 P.P.C: Every member of unlawful assembly guilty of offence committed in prosecution of common object.
→ 347 P.P.C.: Wrongful confinement to extract property, or constraint to illegal act.
→ 354 P.P.C.: Assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty.
→ 452 P.P.C.: House trespass after preparation for hurt, assault or wrongful restraint.
5. That immediately after the occurrence, the complainants approached the concerned Police Station i.e. P.S. ___, however, no action was taken against the accused persons; on the contrary police officials misbehaved with the complainants. The complainants, thereafter, submitted an application to Capital City Police Officer, Lahore, for registration of case, who directed the concerned police officials to have the matter looked into, take appropriate legal actions on merit and report early, however, the concerned police officials paid no heed to the application of the complainants, on the contrary they have connived with the accused persons. Copies of application for registration of FIR submitted to SHO concerned and application submitted to CCPO Lahore are appended herewith for kind perusal of this Honourable Court as Annex-A & B.
6. That the accused persons have committed heinous cognizable criminal offences and they are liable to be prosecuted in the court of law and for that reason it is necessary that an FIR be lodged against them. Furthermore, concerned police officials including S.H.O. Police Station, ___ have also failed to do as they were required to do in their official capacity. Hence, it is indispensable that necessary directions be issued to S.H.O. for registering a criminal case against the accused officials.
In aforementioned circumstances, it is humbly prayed that instant complaint may kindly be accepted and the Respondent/Station House Officer,P.S.____ may graciously be directed to register criminal case against the accused persons.
Advocate High Court
It is certified that upon instructions of my client it is the 1st complaint u/s 22-A(6)(i) filed before this Honourable Court in the instant matter.
22-A & 22-B
A- On November 21, 2002 ex-officio Justice of the Peace in Pakistan were conferred an additional role through promulgation of the Criminal Procedure (Third Amendment) Ordinance (Federal Ordinance No.C # # ) of 2002 and this role was in respect of entertaining complaints and issuance of appropriate directions to the police authorities concerned regarding registration of criminal cases and in respect of neglect, failure or excess committed by the police authorities in relation to its functions and duties. PLD 2005 Lah 470.
B- The provisions of sections 22-A, & 22-B, Cr.P.C, have been added to the Statute Book whereby Sessions Judges and Judge of a High Court, by virtue of their office being justice of peace, can exercise all powers of a police u/s 54. Cr.P.C. PLD 2002 Kar 328.
A- Amendments in the Criminal Procedure Code 1898, have been so made to lessen the burden of High Court which was created through filing of writ petitions seeking registration of cases and transfer of investigations. PLD 2007 SC 539, 2005 MLD 1593.
B- Object of Section 22-A Cr.P.C. is only, that if a grievance is voiced with regard to non-registration of FIR in a cognizable offence, Justice of the Peace in terms of said section can only direct/suggest as to whether in the terms of Section 154, Cr.P.C the S.H.O. had acted legally or illegally. 2007 P.Cr.L.J 124.
C- Object of Section 22-A Cr.P.C. is to provide a responsible forum at the door step of citizen for rescue against unlawful declines relating to registration of cases in cognizable offences. PLD 2008 Pesh 53.
A- Only jurisdiction which can be exercised by an Ex-officio Justice of the Peace under Section 22-A, Cr.P.C is to examined whether the information disclosed by the applicant did or did not constitute a cognizable offence and if it did then to direct the concern SHO to record an FIR, without going into the veracity of the information in question and no more. PLD 2007 S.C.539.
B- Ex-officio Justice of Peace is empowered to direct registration of case. 2010 P.Cr.L.J. 1466.
C- Powers conferred on Sessions Judge u/s 22-A (6), Cr.P.C. though are not at par with those of writ mandamus, but are substantially of that nature when Sessions Judge as the justice of peace, could direct in charge of a Police Station to register a criminal case reported to it if cognizable offence was made out. 2005 YLR 3297.
D- Condition precedent is simply two fold; first it must be information and secondly it must relate to a cognizable offence on the face of it and not merely in the light of subsequent events. 2007 P.Cr.L.J 145.
E- Every information relating to commission of a cognizable offence pertains only to the information so supplied and do not pertain to actual commission of the cognizable offence and that information supplied should be about an alleged commission of a cognizable offence of his truthfulness or otherwise the concerned police official has only to satisfy himself to the extent that information is in respect of a cognizable office. PLD 2003 Lah. 228.
F- Under provision of Section 22-A(6) Cr.P.C. complaint regarding non-registration of criminal case can be made before ex-officio Justice of the Peace which u/s 25, Cr.P.C, is Sessions Judge. 2005 P.Cr.L.J. 487.
G- Special provisions of S. 22-A(6)(iii), Cr.P.C. explicitly providers that Sessions Judge acting as Ex-officio justice of the peace can always issue appropriate direction to the police authorities on a complaint regarding none-registration of criminal case or negligence or failure by police authorities in relation to its functions. PLD 2005 Kar 285.
H- Sessions Judge is empowered to issue as ex-officio justice of peace appropriate directions to police authorities on a complaint regarding (i) non-registration of criminal case; (ii) transfer of investigation from one police station to other (iii) to take notice of neglect, failure or excess committed by police authority to relation in its functions and duties. NLR 2004 Crl (Lah) 351.
J- An Ex-officio Justice of the Peace in Pakistan (i-e Sessions Judge and nominated Additional Sessions Judge in the relevant District under section 25, Cr.P.C.) has the power to issue appropriate directions to the police authorities concerned on a complaint regarding non-registration of criminal case, transfer of investigation from one police officer to another and neglect, failure or excess committed by a police authority in relation to its functions and duties. PLD 2005 LHR 470, 2005 P.Cr.L.J 487.
K- Power conferred on ex officio justice of peace under Sections 22-A and 22-B, Cr.P.C. deal with issues relating to non-registration of FIR, transfer of investigation under article 18(6) of the Police order, 2002 and neglect, failure or excess committed by a Police Authority. 2011 YLR 2141.
L- Ex-officio Justice of Peace is empowered to direct registration of case. 2010 P.Cr.L.J. 1466.
M- Justice of the Peace passed order with direction to SHO concern to record the statement of the petitioner and proceed further strictly in accordance with law. SHO should recorded statement u/s 154, Cr.P.C. and hand-over the copy of the FIR to the petitioner without any delay. 2010 P.Cr.L.J. 296.
N- The Justice of the Peace could issue orders for registration of a case on an application under Sections 22-A & 22-B, Cr.P.C. against the respondent. PLD 2006 Lah 460.
P- The directions to be issued by an ex-officio justice of peace under this section or to be direction to be concerned Police authorities to attend to the grievance of the complaining person in accordance with the relevant law and through the jurisdiction u/s 22-A (6) Cr.P.C. PLD 2005 Lah.470, PLJ 2005 Lah. 1571.
Q- Sessions Judge acting as Justice of Peace is equally competent to issued appropriate direction regarding registration of case, transfer of investigation or any wrong done by the police authorities in the performance of their duties. 2004 YLR 56.
R- Under S.22-A, Cr.P.C. if Justice of Peace would find that an incident had taken place, then he was required under the law to issue directions for registration of case. 2011 YLR 27.
S- Justice of the Peace is possessed with jurisdiction under section 22-A (6), Cr.P.C, to decide after examining information as to whether or not any cognizable offences made out. He cannot delegate such powers and functions to Police. 2008 YLR 2301.
T- Section 22-A, Cr.P.C. gives power to the Sessions Judge to direct registration of case, in case of failure of the police official to discharge their statutory obligation as vested in them u/s 154, Cr.P.C. PLD 2000 Lah 208, 2004 P.Cr.L.J.1214.
U- Justice of the Peace can issue direction when there is complaint in respect to non-registration of a case and if such complaint is brought before him then he can simply direct that police has to act in accordance with law and entertain the complaint and if cognizable offence is made out then further action be taken in accordance with law. 2008 MLD 1142.
V- Section 22-A (6) has provided authority to Justice of the Peace to issue appropriate direction to police authorities on a complaint regarding non registration of FIR. PLD 2008 Pesh. 53.
W- Perusal of clause (iii) of subsection (6) of Section 22-A show that its purse no embargo for passing such an order during the investigation, if any neglect, failure or excess committed by the Police authority in relation to its functions and duties brought to the notice of court and proper direction to eradicate the failure of the Police Officials in sough. PLD 2008 Pesh 1.
X- Whenever a police officer fails to register a criminal case, a direction to do so can always be issued by the Justice of the Peace u/s 22-A (6) (1) Cr.P.C. though it will be for such officer to determine whether the matter falls u/s 154 or 155. 2007 P.Cr.L.J. 909.
a)- Justice of Peace is competent to examined complainant with full application of legal mined and is not supposed to accept and believe the same as gospel of truth. If Justice of Peace after examination or complainant with full application of legal mind comes to the conclusion that allegation set up by complainant person to be ridiculous, or self-contradictory or vague or barred by law or offensive to public policy and accepted standard of morality, he may be legally justify to turn down the request of registration of a case. 2008 YLR 2301.
b)- Application filed under Ss. 22-A(6), 22-B, Cr.P.C., for registration of a case allowed by the ex officio Justice of Peace. Accused challenge the order. Dispute related to shops. Dispute between the parties could be resolved by civil Court, registration in such a case is not approved. 2011 YLR 1768.
c)- Ex-officio Justice of the Peace, after examination of complaint, come to the conclusion that the allegation leveled by the complaining person appears to be false and fabricated, he may be legally justified in turning down the request for registration of a case. PLJ 2012 Cr.C.(Quetta) 581.
a)- Ex-officio Justice of Peace, if not agreeing with the report furnished by the Police, can pass an order contrary to it. 2007 PCrL.J 1935.
b)- The Ex officio Justice of the Peace can refuse registration of case only if police report discloses no justifiable reason for registration of a case. 2006 P.Cr.L.J. 1775.
a)- If Additional Sessions Judge directs SHO to probe into the matter, to holding preliminary inquiry and report within a week, he should wait for such report. Disposal of the application without waiting for the report is not proper. 2005 YLR 1610.
a)- The Justice of the Peace can direct SHO to look into the matter and then decide as to whether a cognizable offence is made out or not. PLD 2009 Lah.232.
b)- He is not supposed to delegate his authority to SHO in slipshod manner and leave the controversy to the judgment of SHO to decide as to what was in accordance with law. 2008 YLR 2406.
c)- Direction given to the SHO by Ex-officio Justice of Peace to initiate proceeding against petitioner under section 182, PPC is beyond the purview of section 22-A, Cr.P.C, and in excess of jurisdiction conferred upon him under the law. PLD 2007 Lah 53.
a)- Justice of Peace while deciding the case under sections 22-A and 22-B, Cr.P.C, is not required to issue notice to person against whom registration of a case is required but is required to summons the concerned Police Officer so that a direction could be issued to him to register a case. 2011 P.Cr. L.J. 913.
b)- The basic provision provides no hearing of the accused before passing order under section 22-A, Cr.P.C while exercising constitutional jurisdiction in such a case, Court is not obliged to hear the accused. PLD 2000 Lah 208, 2004 P.Cr.L.J.1214.
c)- At the time of first information report, accused persons named in the complaint, have no right of hearing. 2002 P.Cr.L.J 9.
a)- Where the claim or version of an accused is reported by him before the police, under the law the police is required to bring same on record and then to preceded therewith in accordance with law. If such right is denied by the Police/Investigating Officer, the remedy available under S. 22-A Cr.P.C. cannot be jeopardized merely because previously FIR has been recorded and has been investigated. PLD 2009 Lah 8.
b)- Second FIR, in circumstances was permissible under the law. Justice of Peace committed no illegality by issuing the direction for the registration of the FIR on the statement of daughter of the deceased. 2011 YLR 883.
a)- No bar exists on issuance of directions by the Justice of the Peace to register a case in non-cognizable offence. 2012 P.Cr.L.J 981.
b)- Though no order for registration of case can be passed but Justice of Peace should direct SHO concern to received application for registration of case to enter the same in the Roznamcha and thereafter under section 155(2), Cr.P.C. apply to the Magistrate seeking permission to investigate the matter and proceed strictly in accordance with law. 2008 P.Cr.L.J. 1358.
a- Power conferred on ex officio justice of peace under Sections 22-A and 22-B, Cr.P.C. deal with issues relating to non-registration of FIR, transfer of investigation under article 18(6) of the Police order, 2002 and neglect, failure or excess committed by a Police Authority. 2011 YLR 2141.
b- An Ex-officio Justice of the Peace in Pakistan (i-e Sessions Judge and nominated Additional Sessions Judge in the relevant District under section 25, Cr.P.C.) has the power to issue appropriate directions to the police authorities concerned on a complaint regarding non-registration of criminal case, transfer of investigation from one police officer to another and neglect, failure or excess committed by a police authority in relation to its functions and duties. PLD 2005 LHR 470, 2005 P.Cr.L.J 487.
c- Sessions Judge is empowered to issue as ex-officio justice of peace appropriate directions to police authorities on a complaint regarding (i) non-registration of criminal case; (ii) transfer of investigation from one police station to other (iii) to take notice of neglect, failure or excess committed by police authority to relation in its functions and duties. NLR 2004 Crl (Lah) 351.
a- Under section 22-A (6)(ii), Cr.P.C if ex officio justice of peace receives complaint regarding the transfer of investigate from one police officer to another, in such case he has to satisfy himself whether it is justifiable to transfer the investigation or otherwise for that he may hold inquiry but it should be kept in mind that inquiry should not take a longer period as the police are required to submit the challan within the period of 15 days after registration of the FIR. In case he is satisfied, he has to issue a proper direction to the Superintendent of Police (Investigation) under Article 18(3) of Police Order, 2002 who is competent to transfer the investigation under Article 18(6) of the Police Order…………………. No other role is required to be performed by the ex officio justice of peace. PLD 2009 Kar 14.
a- Justice of the Peace cannot suggest the procedure or give direction to do a certain act as any such direction to suggest a particular procedure of investigation is departure from provision of law. 2011 YLR 2141.
a)- Police has got a statutory right to investigate the cognizable offence and such statutory right cannot be interfered by the courts. 2000 P.Cr.L.J 43.
b)- Investigation is the legal duty of the police or other authorized agencies cannot be delegated to any private person or body. 2004 YLR 500.
c)- Only an officer in charge of police station has jurisdiction to investigate a cognizable offence. PLD 1997 SC 408.
d)- Judiciary cannot interfere with the investigation of a police officer as held by the privy council as back as in 1945 in Nazir Ahmed…Vs…The State (AIR 1945 P.C.18), and affirmed by Supreme Court of Pakistan in Shehnaz Begum’s case (PLD 1971 SC 677) and in the case of Brg. Imtiaz…Vs…The State (1994 SCMR 2142).
e)- There is no justification with Justice of Peace to forward request for change of investigation to local police in of statutory provision of Police Order 2002. It is permissible for Justice of Peace to activate process of change of investigation in terms of Article 18(6), Police Order, 2002 particular when written complaint before concerned quarters not disposed of on its merits. 2008 P.Cr.L.J.1374.
f)- Sessions Judge is not empowered under section 22-A(6), Cr.P.C. to direct the Investigating Agency to submit challan under a specific provision of law. NLR 2004 Crl (Lah) 351.
g)- The Ex officio justice of peace is not supposed to indulge in inquiries / investigation instead he should direct the I.O. to conduct investigation in accordance with law. Court cannot interfere in the process of collection of evidence under Sections 156 and 157, Cr.P.C. by police. Justice of peace cannot suggest the procedure or given direction to do a certain act as any such direction to suggest a particular procedure of investigation is departure from provision of law. 2011 YLR 2141.
h)- If in their capacity as ex-officio Justice of the Peace judicial officers like Sessions Judges and Additional Sessions Judges are allowed to play a proactive, hands-on and upbeat role of direct interference in the administrative working of the police then such executive role of judicial officer may militate against the constitutional mandate of separation of the judiciary from the Executive enshrined in the Article 173(3) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.PLD 2005 Lah 470.
j)- Even the superior Courts of Pakistan having constitutional, legal, supervisory and inherent judicial jurisdiction have consistently and consciously refrained from directly interfering with the investigation of a criminal case by the police and, therefore, it is but obvious that Justice of the Peace possessing only administrative and ministerial powers should twice shy of such direct interference. PLD 2005 Lah 470.
k)- Section 22-A (6) Cr.P.C. does not allow an ex-officio Justice of the Peace to put on the mantle of a higher police authority himself and to start exercising all those executive powers himself which the relevant law has vested in the concerned police authorities. PLD 2005 Lah 470.
l)- Conduct and manner of investigation normally is not to be securitized under constitutional jurisdiction which may amount to interference in police investigation as the same cannot be substituted by court. PLD 2009 SC 102.
m)- The Justice of the Peace cannot stop investigation except for want of jurisdiction. 2008 YLR 2271.
n)- Justice of Peace cannot make an observation with regard to the nature of offence or direct addition or deletion of a penal provision as some exclusive as same exclusively fell within the domain of I.O. before the challan is submitted. 2008 YLR 2017, 2007 PCr.L.J 124, 2006 YLR 2772.
p)- No investigation can be carried out in a criminal case and relevant FIR cannot be cancelled by a Magistrate or by any other judicial or executive officer after submission of challan before trial court and after taking cognizance of case by trial court. 2005 MLD 908.
q)- Judiciary should not interfere with the police in matters which are within their domain and into which the law imposes upon them the duty of inquiry Functions of the judiciary and the police are complementary not overlapping and the combination of individual liberty with due observation of law and order is only to be obtained by leaving each to exercise its own functions………..investigation stage is outside the purview of court. PLD 1996 Lah 598.
r)- It is by the Supreme Court in Muhammad Nisa Cheema case (PLD 2007 SC 31) that when investigation has reached in trial court and the trial commenced, changing of investigation in the matter thereafter is an exercise unsustainable in law. PLD 2010 Lah 224.
s)- The Guilt or innocence, collection of evidence, recording of the statement and recovery of weapon of offence and all other matters (medical examination of accused) relating to investigation of case are within the powers and authority of police, which should not be interfered with except in exceptional cases. Police should be given free hand to investigate the case with its own wisdom. 2004 YLR 2291.
t)- Actions of the investigating agencies are out of the purview of the courts. PLD 1965 SC 27, PLD 1976 SC 271.
u)- There are no powers with the court to quash an investigation. PLD 1993 SC 399.
v)- Provision of S.22-A, Cr.P.C, cannot override the specific provisions contained in Chapter LXIII Cr.P.C., which squarely and fully regulate the process as to whom articles were to be given in custody and in what condition. Such authority, judicial in nature has been exclusively conferred upon the Magistrate. 2010 P.Cr.L.J. 45.
a- An Ex-officio Justice of the Peace in Pakistan (i-e Sessions Judge and nominated Additional Sessions Judge in the relevant District under section 25, Cr.P.C.) has the power to issue appropriate directions to the police authorities concerned on a complaint regarding non-registration of criminal case, transfer of investigation from one police officer to another and neglect, failure or excess committed by a police authority in relation to its functions and duties. PLD 2005 LHR 470, 2005 P.Cr.L.J 487.
b- Special provisions of S. 22-A(6)(iii), Cr.P.C. explicitly providers that Sessions Judge acting as Ex-officio justice of the peace can always issue appropriate direction to the police authorities on a complaint regarding none-registration of criminal case or negligence or failure by police authorities in relation to its functions. PLD 2005 Kar 285.
c- Special powers of Justice of Peace having been conferred upon Session’s Judge and Additional Sessions Judge under section 25, Cr.P.C. They have vested with some executive powers which are given under section 22-A(6), Cr.P.C regarding neglect, failure of excess committed by a Police authority in relation to its functions and duties. The Justice of Peace can issue and appropriate direction, if he notices illegality or excess of authority. PLD 2009 Lah. 69.
d- Power conferred on ex officio justice of peace under Sections 22-A and 22-B, Cr.P.C. deal with issues relating to non-registration of FIR, transfer of investigation under article 18(6) of the Police order, 2002 and neglect, failure or excess committed by a Police Authority. 2011 YLR 2141.
e- Special provisions of S. 22-A(6)(iii), Cr.P.C. explicitly providers that Sessions Judge acting as Ex-officio justice of the peace can always issue appropriate direction to the police authorities on a complaint regarding none-registration of criminal case or negligence or failure by police authorities in relation to its functions. PLD 2005 Kar 285.
f- It has been noticed with grave concern the Ex-officio Justice of the Peace in many cases frequently issue directions to the superior officers of the police seized of the investigation of a case to take departmental disciplinary action against him/them. Such powers have not been expressly conferred upon the Ex-officio Justice of the Peace, therefore, they shall refrain from issuing such orders because it would result into penalty/penal consequences. 2011 P.Cr.L.J 45.
a)- Executives are not supposed to interfere in the affairs of judiciary any manner. PLD 2008 SC 522.
b)- Provisions of Section 22-A & 22-B, Cr.P.C. are not meant to interfere in the judicial functions of the Courts if after investigation the challan is submitted and cognizance is taken by the Court of competent jurisdiction. 2005 YLR 3127.
c)- The powers exercise by ex officio Justice Peace u/s 22-A, Cr.P.C. are neither additional nor has super imposing effect on the power of the executive and judicial authorities which have been expressly conferred upon those authorities regulating particular subject matter. In the capacity of administration officer it can over see and check the atrocities committed by the police and to direct them to abide by the law and not to disregard it, but to a very limited extent. 2010 P.Cr.L.J. 45, PLD 1971 S.C.677; 1994 SCMR 2142.
d)- Court would proceed to determine the guilt or innocence of the accused on the basis of evidence produced before it. 2012 P.Cr. L.J. 245.
e)- Court only has the right to hold a person innocent or guilty. 1998 P.Cr.L.J 1804.
a- Explicit order/direction, passed by Justice of the Peace, must have been compiled with in letter of and spirit, when said order was not set aside by any court of law or the operation thereof had been stayed. 2012 P.Cr.L.J 180.
a- Sessions Judge /Additional Sessions Judges while performing their duties as Ex officio Justice of Peace would perform their duties on administrative site. 2010 YLR 1598.
b- Registration of criminal case, transfer of investigation and issuance of restrain order not to cause harassment etc, are essentially administrative functions. PLD 2002 Lah 619.
c- Functions to be performed by a Justice of the Peace or an ex-officio Justice of the Peace are merely administrative and ministerial in nature and character. PLD 2005 Lah 470.
d- Justice of the Peace is saddled with the administrative duty to redress the grievances of complainant aggrieved by refusal of police officer to register their reports. 2011 P.Cr.L.J. 268.
e- Powers are neither supervisory nor judicial, but are administrative and ministerial in nature. PLD 2005 Kar 621.
a- Powers of Justice of Peace are very limited which have been given to aid assist and authorize the criminal jurisdiction system. PLD 2005 Kar 621.
b- The powers exercise by ex officio Justice Peace u/s 22-A, Cr.P.C. are neither additional nor has super imposing effect on the power of the executive and judicial authorities which have been expressly conferred upon those authorities regulating particular subject matter. In the capacity of administration officer he can over see and check the atrocities committed by the police and to direct them to abide by the law and not to disregard it, but to a very limited extent. 2010 P.Cr.L.J. 45.
c- Powers of an Justice of the Peace under section 22-A(6), Cr.P.C could therefore, not be equated with the constitutional jurisdiction vesting in a High Court. PLD 2007 SC 539.
A- Jurisdiction under Ss. 22-A and 22-B Cr.P.C, cannot be exercised mechanically by the ex officio justice of peace by directing registration of FIR. 2011 P.Cr.L.J 438, PLD 2010 S.C. 691.
C- Application under Sections 22-A and 22-B was dismissed by justice of peace and the order was maintain by single Judge of the High Court in exercise of its constitutional jurisdiction. Appellant had adequate alternative remedy by filing a private complaint in respect of allegations being leveled against respondent. ICA dismissed. 2011 P.Cr.L.J. 3906.
D- Any order passed by Justice of Peace is subject to scrutiny on judicial side by Superior Court of Pakistan, therefore, administrative legal forum is required to disposed an application under sections 22-A and 22-B Cr.P.C, by means of speaking and well reasons order in the light of available material without holding trial or mini trial of the controversy. 2008 YLR 2301.
A- No powers had been vested in the Justice of the Peace to pass order for insertion of appropriate/specific sections of law in the FIR. 2012 P.Cr.L.J 873.
B- Under the provisions of section 9(7) of the Punjab Criminal Prosecution Service Act, 2006, deletion or insertion of any offence falls within the exclusive domain of the District Prosecutor. Question whether the District Prosecutor had rightly deleted section would be seen by the trial Court at the time of framing the charge, such fact cannot be challenged either under section 22-A, 22-B Cr.P.C., or in constitution jurisdiction of High Court. PLD 2008 Lah 135.
C- Under the provisions of section 10(2)(a) of the Punjab Criminal Prosecution Service Act, 2006, the Prosecutor General, appointed under section 6 of Punjab Criminal Prosecution Service Act, 2006 can also add or delete any offence.
D- Justice of Peace cannot make an observation with regard to the nature of offence or direct addition or deletion of a penal provision as some exclusive as same exclusively fell within the domain of I.O. before the challan is submitted. 2008 YLR 2017, 2007 P.Cr.L.J 124, 2006 YLR 2772.
E- No power s had been vested in the Justice of the Peace to pass order for insertion of appropriate/specific sections of law in the FIR. 2012 P.Cr.L.J 873.
A- Direction given to the SHO by Ex-officio Justice of Peace to initiate proceeding against petitioner under section 182, PPC is beyond the purview of section 22-A, Cr.P.C, and in excess of jurisdiction conferred upon him under the law. PLD 2007 Lah 53.
B- Sessions Court was neither justified nor empowered to impose fine/costs upon the petitioner while rejecting the petition filed under section 22-A Cr.P.C. PLD 2005 Kar. 638.
C- Secessions Judge, in circumstances, is not competent to direct initiation of proceedings against petitioner under section 182, PPC. 2004 P.Cr.L.J.256.
A- Prayer by respondent before Sessions Judge regarding cancellation of FIR after holding an inquiry in that respect could not be granted by Sessions Judge acting in his capacity as ex-officio Justice of the peace. Other prayer of respondent regarding holding of a departmental inquiry against petitioner/complainant also could not be granted by ex-officio Justice of the Peace because that was a matter which was already being taken by departmental hierarchy. 2005 MLD 908.
B- The quashing or cancellation of the cross-version shall be subject to the same legal and factual limitations as are relevant for the quashing of the formal FIR. The Criminal Procedure Code has laid down exhaustive procedure for the registration and investigating of the cases as well as their trial after submission of the challan before the Court. They should not be allowed to be hampered against the procedure laid down in that behalf. PLD 2009 Lah 8.
Justice of Peace is not supposed to decide the rights of the parties. He is not supposed to pass judicial judgment. 2011 P.Cr.L.J.913.
A- Justice of Peace is not supposed to decide the rights of the parties he is not supposed to pass judicial judgment. 2011 P.Cr. L.J. 913.
B- Where Justice of the Peace while disposing of the application under section 22-A Cr.P.C. had discussed and touched the merits of the case in detail, which was not required as the same would definitely prejudice the proceedings before the trial court, such observations of the Justice of the Peace were ordered by the High Court to be expunged. High Court directed that in the interest of justice, the trial of the case should be conducted by another Trial Court. 2012 P.Cr. L.J. 383.
C- Justice of the Peace being not a court had no authority or jurisdiction to offer special oath on the asking of the parties. 2012 P.Cr. L.J. 776.
D- An ex-officio Justice of the Peace cannot arrogate to himself the powers of redressing the actual grievance itself. PLD 2005 Lah 470. (
E- Restoration of possession and registration of criminal case cannot be sought on one and the same application court below did not fulfill the formalities required under Section 22-A, Cr.P.C and under the illegal disposition Act, 2005 and passed order without Framing the charge or holding inquiry. 2011 YLR 861.
F- The Justice of the Peace could issue orders for registration of a case on an application under Sections 22-A & 22-B, Cr.P.C. against the respondent but could not direct the police to interfere in the possession of the property. PLD 2006 Lah 460.
Justice of the Peace on the basis of an allegation leveled by the complainant in an application under section 22-A Cr.P.C. without considering the requirements as mandate under section 107 and 151, Cr.P.C directed the SHO to proceed against the parties, therefore, impugned order to the extent of direction to the SHO for obtaining surety bond from both the parties and taking preventive measures under section 107 and 151 Cr.P.C was set aside. 2012 P.Cr.L.J 1082.
If the complainant is found to have lodged a false report, a case can be registered against him under section 182 P.P.C, or any other action could be initiated against him according to law. Section 154, Cr.P.C, secures the inherent right of hearing of a citizen and it bestows a sacred duty upon State machinery established in every police to register the cognizable grievance of citizen. PLD 2008 Pesh. 53.
A- High Court has got inherent powers to alter or rectify its order if any ambiguity had been created therein or any point which should have been thoroughly considered at the time of passing the order on the Revision. Sessions Court was neither justified nor empowered to impose fine/costs upon the petitioner while rejecting the petition filed under section 22-A Cr.P.C. While maintaining its order, recalled and altered the same to the extent that imposition of fine by the Sessions Court was not justified and such part of its order was set aside. PLD 2005 Kar. 638.
B- Functions and directions of the Ex-officio Justice of the Peace being not of judicial nature but being administrative and ministerial in nature, could neither be challenged under Sections 435/439, Cr.P.C nor under Article 199 of the Constitution and the same could be challenged only under S. 561-A, Cr.P.C. PLD 2005 kar.621.
C- Any order passed by Justice of Peace is subject to scrutiny on judicial side by Superior Court of Pakistan, therefore, administrative legal forum is required to disposed an application under sections 22-A and 22-B Cr.P.C, by means of speaking and well reasons order in the light of available material without holding trial or mini trial of the controversy. 2008 YLR 2301.
A- Application under Sections 22-A and 22-B was dismissed by justice of peace and the order was maintain by single Judge of the High Court in exercise of its constitutional jurisdiction. Appellant had adequate alternative remedy by filing a private complaint in respect of allegations being leveled against respondent. ICA dismissed. 2011 P.Cr.L.J. 3906.
B- Private complaint is an alternative and efficacious remedy and Magistrate seized of the complaint can inquire the matter himself or might direct an inquiry to be conducted by Justice of the Peace or by a police officer. 2011 P.Cr.L.J. 1870.
C- SHO not supporting registration of case. If such in report can be falsified, it would be appropriate for him to file a private complaint before Court of competent jurisdiction instead of running after police who was not prepared to accept his contention. Only a Court of competent jurisdiction, after recording convincing evidence of petitioner, could issue summons against respondents and if found them guilty, could punish them in accordance with law. 2005 P.Cr.L.J.1579, 2005 P.Cr.L.J.997.
C- If the police were not favorably inclined towards the petitioner/complainant on account of any interest in the accused persons, they were likely to spoil her case in the first few Zimnies which they were bound to record after registration of the case. Issuing a direction for registration of case, in such circumstances, would not serve any useful purpose and the insistence of the petitioner (complainant) to get a criminal case registered would be quite unrealistic. According to the dictates of remedy by filing a private complaint directly before the Magistrate would be more effective and appropriate. 2005 P.Cr.L.J.1517.
D- Petitioner wanted to set forth a version regarding the manner in which the incident took place which was in fact supplementation and amplification of the version recorded earlier. The petitioner might file a private complaint under section 200 Cr.P.C, which is one of the modes of taking cognizance of an offence by Magistrate. 2011 P.Cr.L.J.1870.
E- Appellant having alternate remedy by way of filling a private complaint. PLD 2007 SC 539, 2011 P.Cr.L.J 396.
F- Experience shows that there are cases where the complainant party may be better off in pressing its allegations and remaining in control of its case by filing a private complaint rather than forcing the police to register a criminal case and to investigate when the police is itself not convinced of the complainant party’s allegations. The impression entertained by large section of the legal community in Pakistan that in case of filing of a private complaint the accused person cannot be arrested and recovery cannot be affected from him is nothing but erroneous and fallacious. PLD 2005 Lah 470.
A- The result is a major departure, from the scheme heretofore in vogue regarding the administration of justice relating to crimes as it was for the first time that through the said amending ordinance, the Sessions Judges and the Additional Sessions Judges who were the trial and the Appellate Courts on the criminal side, had been called upon to also supervise what were, purely and essentially, the police functions i-e the registration and investigation of criminal cases. PLD 2007 SC 539.
B- In many cases, the Justice of the peace conveniently ignored the allotted sphere of their jurisdiction conferred upon them by under the three clauses of subsection (6) of section 22-A, Cr.P.C. and indulge in deep interference into the police inquiry / investigation as well as jurisdiction conferred upon it by different provisions of Cr.P.C. Criminal justice system had been divided into three phases viz, investigation phase followed by inquiry phase and the final stage related to the trial phase. For all the three phases, different authorities like police, Illaqa Magistrate and Sessions Court had been constitute and established by the law; and their respective authorities/powers had been clearly defined; and a line of demarcation in between the three phases had been drawn with much clarity. Object and intent of the legislature behind scheme was that all the three authorities would not interfere into the allotted field of jurisdiction of one another. PLD 2007 SC 539, 2010 P.Cr.L.J.45.
C- If in their capacity as ex-officio Justice of the Peace judicial officers like Sessions Judges and Additional Sessions Judges are allowed to play a proactive, hands-on and upbeat role of direct interference in the administrative working of the police then such executive role of judicial officer may militate against the constitutional mandate of separation of the judiciary from the Executive enshrined in the Article 173(3) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.PLD 2005 Lah 470.
D- The learned Sessions Judges/Additional Sessions Judges have been conferred powers under section 22-A and 22-B, Cr.P.C to lessen the burden of High Court but apparently, it seems it has increased. The purpose of empowering Sessions Judges is being stultified and baulked. 2005 P.Cr.L.J 607.
A- Entire criminal justice system revolves around the basic principal that no offence should go unchecked and no offender should go unpunished. PLD 2005 Kar 621.
A- According to a recent judgment dated 12-02-2016, passed by the August Supreme Court, the orders passed by the Ex-Officio Justice of peace are quasi judicial in nature and cannot be termed as executive, administrative, or ministrial.
A- Criminal Justice System has been divided into three phase’s viz, investigation phase followed by inquiry phases and the final stage related to the prior phase. Object and intent of the legislature behind such scheme is that all the three authorities would not interfere into the allotted field of jurisdiction of one another. Justice of peace under no circumstances would interfere with such matter and be left to the authorities both executive and judicial constituted hereunder. 2011 P.Cr.L.J 45.
B- Executives are not supposed to interfere in the affairs of judiciary any manner. PLD 2008 SC 522.