
Erling Folkvord er død 02/03/2024

Erling Folkvord er død Han døde på reise i Stockholm i forbindelse med et bokprosjekt. Rødt-politikeren ble 74 år gammel.

Wa State Anthem: I love Wa State (Instrumental) 27/12/2022

Wa State Anthem: I love Wa State (Instrumental) Wa State is a de facto autonomous one-party socialist state in Myanmar. Their anthem exists in both Wa and southwestern Mandarin, this is the instrumental ve...

Wa State Anthem: I love Wa State (Chinese version) 21/11/2022

Wa State Anthem: I love Wa State (Chinese version) Wa State is a de facto autonomous one-party socialist state in Myanmar. Their anthem exists in both Wa and southwestern Mandarin, this is the Mandarin editio...

Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman Song: Welcome to the Revolution 30/06/2022

Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman Song: Welcome to the Revolution The Popular Front for the Liberation of Oman was the Omani successor to the PFLOAG.Support me on Patreon

Dhofar Liberation Front Song: The Rebels of Dhofar 29/06/2022

Dhofar Liberation Front Song: The Rebels of Dhofar The Dhofar Liberation Front or DLF was a predecessor to the PFLOAG.Support me on Patreon

Popular Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf Song 29/06/2022

Popular Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf Song The Popular Front for the Liberation of the Occupied Arabian Gulf, commonly known as PFLOAG, was a marxist guerilla movement in the arabian peninsula.

Chinese Patriotic Song: We Will Liberate Taiwan 28/11/2021

Chinese Patriotic Song: We Will Liberate Taiwan A patriotic song about the peoples' China liberating their Taiwan from the capitalist nationalists.Support me on Patreon

Zambia Socialist Song: Tie Together 19/06/2021

Zambia Socialist Song: Tie Together Song written by first president of Zambia, Kenneth Kaunda. The flag and symbol represents the United National Independence Party. The sudden change in font i...

Argentine Communist Song: The People Love You, Che Guevara 19/09/2020

Argentine Communist Song: The People Love You, Che Guevara Song made by La Mona Jimenez. The symbol in the video is that of the Communist Party of Argentina. The flag is my own simple creation. Support me on Patreon ...

Peronist Armed Forces Anthem: Marcha Peronista 07/09/2020

Peronist Armed Forces Anthem: Marcha Peronista The anthem of the argentine Peronist Armed Forces, which is also the anthem of the Justicialist Party.

PFLP Song: Under the Red Banner 04/04/2020

Something to cheer up my comrades!

PFLP Song: Under the Red Banner Long live the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine! Support me on Patreon

People's Revolutionary Army of Argentina Song 08/03/2020

People's Revolutionary Army of Argentina Song A guevaraist revolutionary movement in Argentina. Originally an armed group, today it is a disarmed political movement. Support me on Patreon https://www.pat...

Paraguayan People's Army Song 04/03/2020

Paraguayan People's Army Song A song from the Paraguayan People's Army (name of the song is missing). Includes symbols from the Free Homeland Party (PPL) which was previously their politi...

Brazilian Communist Song: The Internationale (Brazilian portuguese) 15/01/2020

Brazilian Communist Song: The Internationale (Brazilian portuguese) The brazilian version of the internationale.


Marxist News Marxist News is a place to find news about communism and socialism worldwide.


Im sorry there has been no recent activity on the page. The main admin is having somewhat of a break.
-Comrade Tiberius


Did this today!
-Comrade Tiberius


Hi, im Comrade Tiberius, im your new co-admin :D
