Metanoya Kidz

Metanoya Kidz

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Metanoya Kidz Has Launched A New page For 2016...
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Metanoya Kidz has launched a new 2016 page. Follow us now at Metanoya Church Kidz


Metanoya Kidz has launched a new page. Follow us now at Metanoya Church Kidz


You tell your child you Love them when....

Listen very hard---even when your ears are tired!!!


God's Word can never change; His promises are forever true; So put your hope in His words, they were written just for you!


Timeline Photos


The shepherds were shocked and afraid when an angel appeared to them with the incredible message of The Saviors birth. It was followed by a choir of angels singing praises to Jesus! The shepherds were inspired to go to Bethlehem and sure enough in the most unsuspecting place ever they found Joseph, Mary and the Savior and they worshiped JESUS! The shepherds were even more inspired than ever and began to tell everyone they could about the Savior! Pretty amazing.
The Shepherds were overwhelmed by the angel's visit and message.

When was the last time the presence of the Lord, His word, or a moment of worship left you awe struck, repented and changed?

The shepherds were working. Nevertheless they responded and made time for Jesus. A right response will break your routine.

Born in a stable! Today's homeless shelters are pretty good compared to a stable of that day. Jesus is accessible to all!!! He's not hiding!

They worshipped Jesus! They experienced the perfect love of God and loved Him back.

Obviously shepherding would never be the same for them anymore. Telling everyone about Jesus was a conversation they never tired of sharing.

Christmas is all about Jesus. Luke2:1-39


Great breakfast w/ our Metanoya Kidz academy Team! Merry Christmas!!!




Incredible METANOYA KIDZ Elementary Team.


Awesome METANOYA KIDZ Large Group Team!!!


Great METANOYA KIDZ Pre-School Team!


We are on the most incredible journey ever. We work with an amazing team of men, women and teens that serve God and are making a impact in people's lives. We have our differences but through Jesus we find a way to works things out and stand in unity.


An angel appeared to Mary, a young teen girl and spoke words of life into her saying that God was with her and had decided to use her life. She was shocked by the angel’s visit, but the angel reassured her and told her that she was going to have a son and that he would be the son of God. Mary didn’t know what to think but the angel told her that nothing was impossible for God. Mary believed the message and wanted to be used of God. The angel also visited Joseph, Mary’s husband and reassured him as well that God was going to use Mary and him and that God would bless them and the whole world as well. Matt. 1:18-25; Lk. 1:26-56
•God speaks words of life to you and let’s you know that it would be a joy to the Lord for you to trust Him as He uses your life to do His will.
•While you may be shocked, surprised and a little confused know that there is nothing impossible for God. Be blessed!


“Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.” Proverbs 22:6 (NLT)


God wants you to be a good sport. The referee blew his whistle in your face,and the other team just stole the ball.... Yet making sure you have a good attitude is the winning-est rule of them all.

Titus 2:7,11 You should do good deeds to be an example in every way... That is the way we should live, because God's grace has come. That grace can save every person.


God promises about praying for others. When someone's hurting or being mean, Take a moment to send up a prayer. It's God's promise that if you just ask, His answers will always be there.

James 5:16 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other. Do this so that God can heal you. When a good man prays, great things happen.


You tell your child you Love them when...

Keep your home open to your children's friends, and treat them the way you treat your own kids.


God's promises when you are thankful. For parents and friends who love you, for a cuddly doll to hold tight, for the earth, the sky, and the sea. Say, "Thank You, God!" with all your might.

2 Corinthians 9:15 Thanks be to God for his gift that is too wonderful to explain.


God's promises for you... God will help you live for Him! The power to win against the world, the strength to finish the race, God promises these things to you, When you accept His gift of grace.

"A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy. But I came to give life, life in all its fullness. " John 10:10


You tell your child you Love them when you, place an encouraging note under your child's pillow while he/she sleeps, to be found in the morning.


Last night during our Wednesday Night Worship Experience, our Metanoya Kidz enjoyed a Thanksgiving Meal! It was quite a celebration. Our kidz left excited, encouraged, and full of gratitude for all that Jesus has done in their lives!


You tell your child you Love them when...

Listen very hard, even when your ears are tired.


God promises when you feel lonely. Feeling left out and a little sad? Stuck in the lonely zone? Go to the One who is always there, and you'll never be alone.

So don't worry, because I am with you. Don't be afraid because I am your God. I will make you strong and will help you. I will support you with my right hand that saves you. Isaiah 41:10


You tell your child you Love them when..

On a rough day for the child let a small forgotten chore go unnoticed.


Godly parents are anointed by God to be dynamic, energetic, highly motivated and bold in the raising of their children.
Parent with confidence. Deut 6:4-9


We cant wait to celebrate with you tonight! Rain or shine, join us at 7pm, 2101 Buena Vista Street!


God promises when you are Happy...

Hooray! It's a wonderful day! Gone fishin' with bugs in a jar... There's always a reason to be happy-- No matter who or where you are!

John 16:24 Ask and you will receive. And your joy will be the fullest joy.


We appreciate our team leaders and everyone who helped in anyway, who contributed and participated in making Kidz Fest an enjoyable event for children and their parents.

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