Teeny Liz

Teeny Liz

All about being an athlete and racing! I love to race!


This was in the Paulick Report this morning.
We are so very thankful. Thank you GOD.
and thanks for all the prayers everyone has said for him.

Trainer Jones Continues to Recover From Fall
By Ron Mitchell, April 20, 2014 6:44 PM

An assistant to Larry Jones said April 20 the trainer had shown improvement from injuries he sustained the previous day when thrown from a horse at Delaware Park.

Although he had yet to visit Jones on Easter Sunday but was planning to see him later in the day, assistant Corey York said reports he received from Jones' wife and assistant, Cindy, were that the "doctors were amazed at how much he has improved since yesterday."

York said the injury occurred when a 2-year-old Jones was aboard during morning training hours became spooked and threw Jones, who landed on his head. When transported to Christiana Hospital in Newark, Del., doctors detected bleeding on his brain and diagnosed him with two broken ribs and a bruised lung.

As of mid-afternoon April 20, York said he was told the bleeding on the brain had been reduced by half and that surgery was not going to be necessary to relieve the pressure.

York said Cindy Jones told him her husband was alert and responsive and that he was no longer on any medical equipment, except an IV. He also said it was possible Jones would be moved out of the intensive care unit to another location within the hospital as early as Monday.

Although the accident was serious, York said it could have been worse had Jones not been wearing a helmet.

Jones, 57, is a native of Kentucky who was one of the top trainers on the Midwest circuit being thrust into the national limelight with the success of horses such as Horse of the Year Havre de Grace and Hard Spun and Eight Belles, both of whom ran second in the Kentucky Derby Presented by Yum! Brands (gr. I).


Good Morning all! I hope this message finds you all well. I am doing fine and so is my baby.

There is one thing I want to post, it is sad news. Mr. Jerry informed me that my past trainer Mr. Larry Jones had an accident at the Delaware Track on Saturday. He was taken to the ER at the Local Hospital and as of yesterday was in ICU under watchful care. He has several broken ribs and a head injury. My prayers go out to this kind and good man. He was a great trainer and a wonderful person to be with. Please say a prayer for a speedy recovery and his return to the track and working with his horses.

Until later, take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Good Evening all! Hope you all have a blessed weekend and a Very Happy Easter.

Also a big Congrats for JJK Thoroughbreds and Point To The Wild with a great 4th place finish in the Stakes Race at Keenland. Congrats to Brad Cox the Trainer as well. Terrific Job!!! Way to go!!

Agian, a Happy Easter to all and take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz

Timeline photos 29/03/2014

Here I am with my new baby!!! I think she is so special and she and I have already a great bond. I think I am getting used to this Mama thing. Boy is she hungry too! More pictures later. Until then take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Good Morning all! Well I am proud to announce that I have had a bouncing baby girl. She is a beautiful girl and I am a happy Mama too. Everything went well and she is exciting about all her surroundings. It will be great for everyone to come and see her and to watch her grow this next year. Hope you all have a chance to visit and in the meantime take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Good Morning All,
This cold weather is delaying a lot of babies. Almost everyone around in the horse industry is complaining that the moms and babies are just not cooperating this year. Mom's seem to be eating more and babies seem to be perfectly content to stay where they are until the temps are warmer and the sun is in full swing. If horses are anything like people.... March 16th at 6:08pm CST is the full moon.....look out world they will start to pop!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful sunny weekend....and take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Hope all of you have been weathering the winter storm. We have been doing the same here.
JJK Thoroughbreds had Point to the Wild, a filly, set to run in the Mardi Gras Stakes race in New Orleans on turf, but because the race changed to dirt Brad Cox (the trainer) pulled her from the race. We hope to see Point to the Wild race in another good race. She has done so well so far in her career and has had a 1st and 2nd in her 3 times out. Go get 'em Point to the Wild. More updates as they come in. Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Good Morning All!!!! Well...here's the long awaited update!! I am currently at Heaven Sent Stables, but Mr. Kevin says I am going to go to the Vet in Lexington to have my baby. I am due in early March and everyone wants to make sure I have a good birthing experience. Especially since it is my first. One Pretty Lady will be coming due too...but she is an old pro at having babies.

Hope you all are keeping warm and cozy. I will keep you updated of all that goes on here....more to come. Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Good Afternoon everyone!!! Happy New Year!!! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. I hope that all of my friends and family have a wonderful and blessed 2014!! Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Good Afternoon! Getting warmer here in Kentucky. Well...it is official...Nash is on he is way to Vermont with Miss Hannah. She picked him up this morning at Turfway around 1030am and he met another little pony to ride home with. It will be good. I will have Miss Cindy post pictures soon.

Mr. Kevin and Mr. Jerry are on their way to pick up Tizalady. She will be on her way home to become a Momma!!! Everyone drive safe. Well...gotta go and eat some more grass around the fences...take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Good Evening all! It was a nicer day today than we have had in a while. At least there isn't ice with my grass! Wow. Mr. Kevin and Mr. Don feed me really good sweet feed and the hay isn't bad either. Hey....I felt something kick today!!!!

Well...it is official. Miss Hannah will be picking up Nashville Pred tomorrow at Turfway and he will be going to his new home in Vermont. Wow!!! What a trip. I hear it is pretty far. But she is going to send us some pictures so we can keep up with his progress. We want to wish Nash the best and I hope we hear in the future that he is a Northeastern Champion of ......... That would be so great! Thank Miss Hannah for being so kind and taking Nash to a new home.

Next comes Tizalady....she reinjured her leg and Mr. Brad pulled her off the track. She will be retired now to a Broodmare at Heaven Sent Stables and hopefully she will be ready to be a mamma this spring. We are all sorry to see her leave the track, but it is better to bring her home and let her be a Mom. I will have another friend here to play with. I hope you all are staying warm and cozy.

Oh...I heard Mr. Don and his lovely wife had a wonderful award the other night. Congrats on the special award Mr. Don. We are so happy you were recognized in the community for all your support of the community. Well...gotta run....take care and stay safe. Tenny Liz


Hi all,
Hope you all are keeping safe in the ice storm!!! It is cold outside....brrrrrrrrrr.
I have some updates for you. Stich Publicpix the filly we had at the track this last May and June was placed at New Vocations....she has now been adopted by a horse lover in Austin Texas and she will be living a life of liesure. How great for her.

Nash didn't do so well at Churchill and he isn't talking about it much....kinda embarrassed. Miss Cindy, Mr. Kevin and Mr. Jerry think that Nash may need a new career. He as going to try to race by the 15th of December but there are few races at 5f for him to run in and that seems to be is length right now. Sooooo...he may be going to Vermont to a new home and learn to compete in Equistrian Competitions. I will keep you posted. Until then take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Hi all!!! and a Happy Thanksgiving to all my family and friends!!! It is really cold here and it kinda reminds you of being up north! Hope you all stay warm and cozy!!! Have a wonderful blessed day and I will keep you posted of my last 3 months before Teeny Liz junior will be born!!! I hope you all are going to watch some football and don't eat tooooo much turkey. Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Hi all!!! Just a short note to let you all know that Nashville Pred will race Wednesday, November 20th the last race at Churchhill. It is a 6 furlong race for 2 year olds. Go get 'em Nash.....!!! Show them your behind!!! Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Hi all!!! Take Cover....Tornado's are coming our way!!! Take care and be safe....Teeny Liz


Well......hello everyone!! I am doing fine. I have this big bellie on me and I think I feel something moving!!! There has been so much going on. Horses racing...horses being claimed....horses being sold...Wow...we are busy here at Heaven Sent Stables. Lots and lots going on. But I wanted to update you on one of our younger colts....Nashville Pred. Remember he came to us as a baby...wasn't born here...but we have had him since a youngster....well he raced his first race at Indiana Downs...their last day. While he came out of the gate like a rocket and led for a while then back to third ....he ended up 8th. After getting him back to the barn there was a reason. He had cut his leg 6 times and the last being the biggest. We think he did it to himself and that it hurt...so he pulled up. If you go to FB Nashville Pred Horse....you will see all the pics Ms. Cindy has posted. There are more to come on this site too. Well...gotta run everyone have a wonderful weekend....and Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Lightning Strike Injures Patrons at Kentucky Downs

by Paulick Report Staff | 09.12.2013 | 8:40am

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Ask Ray

Now ....not only do you have to look out for muddy tracks, people, and hot humid days .....you have to look out for lighting!!!! Wow...glad no one was seriously hurt.

KENTUCKY DOWNS!! 9/11/2013
An isolated lightning storm injured several patrons and knocked out power to the tote system at Kentucky Downs in Franklin, Ky., on Wednesday afternoon.

The Louisville Courier-Journal reports that one lightning strike hit a metal pole on a tent in the picnic area, which shocked several people. One woman was transported to an area hospital, while others were treated on the scene.

The storm hit shortly after the fourth race had been completed; the track cancelled the remainder of the 10-race program.

Track President Corey Johnsen told the Courier-Journal that the track would ask the Kentucky Horse Racing Commission to allow it to run three extra races on both Sept. 18 and 25 to make up for the cancellation.

Each horse that was scheduled to run in the cancelled races will receive $500 out of the track’s purse account to cover travel expenses, Johnsen added.
Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Good evening all! Wow! Summer let us know it is still here and not wanting to give up to cooler fall! But sometimes when I am out in the field I can smile.....the fresh sweet fall air and know that fall and much cooler days and nights are just around the corner.

It is official....our little boy Nashville Pred is all grown up and ready to race for Heaven Sent Stables....HS Thoroughbreds, LLC. Yep....he is in the 1st race at Indiana Downs on Saturday. It is a maiden 5 1/2 furlongs. He pulled 1st post position.....but he has a nice field of other inexperienced boys as well. I want to wish Nash a fast and very safe trip on Saturday. I hope he has a good first race!!! Until tomorrow...take care and stay safe....Teeny Liz


Hi all...just hot of the wire!!! Thanks Bro ran a nice race and came in 3rd after a photo finish. Nice job Thanks Bro!! Race well ran. Hope you came back well. Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Good Afternoon! Well....the La Stupenda did it again by winning!!! Congrats to La Stupenda for winning at Churchill on September 6th. Won my 5 1/2 lengths!!! Nice job. Thanks Bro will be running today and I haven't gotten the word as to how Thanks Bro did. Wow we have a lot going on!!! Hope you all have a wonderful day! Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Hi all!!! Another great day here at Heaven Sent Stables....in hopping Hopkinsville!! I had a wonderful day rolling in the morning dew this morning!!! Great cool evenings and it was great to just be able to move and run and jump when you want to. Well....I don't know if it is too soon.....but I think there is something kicking occassionally in my belly!!! Yipes!! Maybe we should have a lottery on whether it is a boy or a girl!!! What do you all think? What about names....good grief!!! Names??? what a thing to think about. So maybe we should have a contest on names too? What do think? Maybe come January!? Sounds good to mee! :-) Well...gotta go and listen to some football.....shshshshshhhhh don't tell Don or Kevin but we all may be borrowing a TV so that we can watch the games on TV. Take care and Stay safe!!! Teeny Liz


Hi all! I know sometimes you get a chance to come out and visit me and watch me eat, run and roll in the dirt. But the one thing I miss from racing is the Peppermints!! So when you come to visit would you try to remember the peppermints too! I love peppermints! Gotta love cool Kentucky evenings!!! It is nice when the weather cools off and crisp fall feeling is in the air. Have a wonderful night. Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Hey....anyone got pics of me or the other horses that are at the farm or racing. Please send them to Ms. Cindy. She can then get them posted. Her email is [email protected]. She would love to put them up on the FB pages. Don't forget we have other FB pages to visit. HS Thoroughbreds, Nashville Pred Horse and then this site. Some different pics or on each page!!! Take care and stay safe....Teeny Liz


Happy Labor Day all!!!! It is getting cooler and fall is in the air!!! I really like fall....less flies and cooler sunny days. Great evenings too! Yesterday was a great day for JJK Thoroughbreds ....Domino won by a nose and it was great! Run at Ellis Park and you can watch the race on Twinspires.com or go to Ellis Park Replays. Congrats to them!!! Way to go ....Domino. Take care and stay safe ....Teeny Liz

Timeline photos 31/08/2013

Here is the 2 year old that looked so "scroney" this spring and now has grown up into a good lookin fella!!!

Timeline photos 31/08/2013

Ladies and Gentlemen!!! Introducing the grown-up Nashville Pred. This picture was taken at the track today. I call it closing the field.


Hi all, It has been a Lazy Crazy Days of Summer!!! And now things are starting to happen here at the Farm. Babies have grown up and are going to start training....Pastor Paige and Don'tabandonfaith are both going to be heading to the trainer to get used to a saddle and be ridden a little before heading to the track.

Tiz A Lady Colonel who is owned by Colonel Thoroughbreds, LLC
is at the track with trainer Brad Cox and working well. La Stupenda (going to race at Churchill Downs next week) Lady Spencer (hopefully racing at Ellis Park on Sunday).

JJK Thoroughbreds, LLC Galloping Domino ( hopefully racing at Ellis Park on Sunday)

Lucky 7 Stables, LLC Thanks Bro ran Monday at Indiana Downs and came in 5th.

HS Thoroughbreds, LLC has the first home grown baby Nashville Pred at Turfway training with Susan Anderson and has his gate card and is ready to race.

And ME....I am just enjoying being a horse!!! and a future MOM.
Until later take care and be safe. Teeny Liz

Timeline photos 22/04/2013

Well...I am home!!! Here I am home in Hopkinsville!!! I am going to enjoy the grass and the sweet feed. If anyone wants to come by and see me .....I would love the visit!!! Oh!!! Don't forget the peppermints!!! I looooovvvvve peppermints! Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Good Afternoon All!!! Well...all is going well here at the horse breeding farm and I am really getting along with "M". He seems nice....but I told him that a little peppermints and sweet feed go a long way to romance!!! I don't think he got it!? Some guys can be so blank when it comes to mares.

I think everyone wants to keep this fb site going so I will post some things about the stables and home and how I am feeling as we head to spring of 2014. It will be an exciting time for all of us. I will post some races this summer with Flashy Rae, Stich (if she runs) and our boy Nashville Pred. It should be an exciting summer and fall. Other yearlings will be getting read to go to the trainers as well this fall. Don'tgiveuponfaith and Pastor Paige will be getting ready to start their training. Hope you all are having a good day and until later. Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Good Morning All! Well, as most of you know....I am retired. Yep done racing and going to start being a Mama!!!! I am with a young man right now.....and he has been very nice to me!!! We will call him "M" for Majestic!!! I came into Churchill last week and Mr. Kevin picked me up and delivered me to the farm in Kentucky. I don't know if I will be coming back to Hopkinsville or staying here. I guess that is up to my owners.

I want to thank everyone for all their support with my races and thank you for all coming and visiting me when you could. I will be a good mama and I hope to make you proud of me as a broodmare and producing wonderful babies!!! All my babies should be great racers!! More later. Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Good Evening all!!! Well I ran well yesterday after missing a good start at the gate. Then being bumped and kicked within the 1st 50 yards. Wow...rough start. Didn't like the turf either...really wet and swampy. It was just not a good day! I will be a little tender for the next couple of days. Mr. Larry had the vet check me out and everything looked okay at the time. I think I just need some rest. I really like racing and I just think this was not the best of days for my career. Ms. Charlene and Dan were down and I had other owners here too....it was great to see them and I had a lot of hugs and kisses before and after the race. Thank you to all that came and thank you for all those who have sent me good wishes after my nasty day!!! I know my next one will be a better day. Until later take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Hi all!!! Well I am feeling pretty good! I have been eating and resting after my win yesterday. Mr. Larry says I look good too! I really liked winning!!! Hope I can win again!!! I really like it here at the Fairgrounds and everyone is so very nice here. Believe You Can is running tomorrow in a Stakes Race and I want to wish her a safe and great run. Well....we are having a pizza party and I need to make sure nobody over eats!!! Pizza is great tasting but too much and it causes problems in the stalls!!! Have a great night and take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


Hello all!!! Another good new flash!!!! One Pretty Lady had her baby last night. A BOY!!!! He is a beauty and he is really nice size and he is soooooo pretty!!! Mr. Jerry and Mr. Kevin were there when he was born. He's Daddy is Proud Citizen and he looks a lot like him when he was a baby. Congrats to Heaven Sent Stables and Mr. Jerry and Mr. Kevin. Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz


News Flash.....Another win today! Flashy Rae won her race out at Oaklawn!!! Way to go Flashy Rae.


Good Evening all!!! Well.....I WON!!!! I didn't post that I was running this time and I knew that those who follow my races would know I was running. Soooooooo I WON!!! And I let them know that this girl has a lot in her!!! Yes sir!!! I came out of the gate clean and was in the lead most of the way and once I got the finish line in my sights.....I wasn't going to give up. I love winning and being in the winners circle!!!! I can't wait for you all to see the pictures. So glad that some of my owners were here to be with me. Thank you all for all the good wishes!!!! And I can't wait to go again next time!!! Take care and stay safe. Teeny Liz
