Dayna Seraye

Dayna Seraye

Priestess, healing artist, and teacher of soul medicine wisdom, Dayna offers transformational ceremony and teaches workshops and retreats internationally.


Obrigada Rio! It’s been 10 years since I’ve tasted your tastes, smelled your smells, danced your dance. My heart and soul are fed and filled.

Que gostosa!

Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 22/04/2023

Earth day. All day. Everyday.

She is so gorgeous!

Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 12/03/2023

We blessed ✨♥️✨


The vibes are high here in Costa Rica as approaches, and I’m so excited to be a part of this phenomenal gathering of humans.

Whose coming? Will I see you there?

I’ll be offering 2 authentic relating workshops to get connected in community. Hope you can join!



Wild grace
Language of the heart
Sacred space
Devotion is my art

Wild beauty
Beloved home
In my essence
Trusting the unknown

Mis aventuras en Costa Rica han comenzado!


Yay! This new class from my recent filming session with is now live!

Click the link in my bio to practice this 20 min session for free (for 72 hours) 😍. I’d love to hear how you feel afterwards, and if it helps you find focus and clarity. Let me know. 🙏🏽


It felt so good to be back in the studio today filming new yoga and meditation classes for

I am happy, filled up, and ready for a bath!

Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 09/09/2022

After taking the last couple of months "off" to move into my new home, launch my beloved Willow off to college, and reorient to this new season of my life, I am soon heading back onto the road to bring the profound medicine of Authentic Relating to the people!

If you or someone you know is desiring to vastly improve your communication and relationships, to experience a transformational two day adventure of connection and community, all while learning tangible, applicable skills you can immediately take into your personal and professional relationships, come join me...

Sept 17/18: Austin, TX (Level 1)
Oct 1/2: Portland, OR (Level 1)
Oct 8/9: Los Angeles (Level 1)
Nov 5/6: Uvita, Costa Rica (Level 1)
Nov 11/12: Uvita, Costa Rica (Level 2)

Check out all the deets and register via the link in my bio.

"This course saved my relationship on multiple occasions! The tools are simple yet powerful, and have already increased the depth and authenticity of our communication and connection. I'd recommend this to every couple I know." - MS


"Dayna was unbelievably powerful. Her gentle vigilance in keeping us in a relational state by having us take a big breath if things got more heated was very profound. She led with a beautiful balance of tender gentleness and firm command of timing, the space, the exercises, etc. She made facilitation look effortless, which I know it’s not as a facilitator myself. She created a safe environment where people felt able to get very vulnerable and honest." -SL

Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 06/09/2022

These wild plums are bountiful this year. And so are the hawthorns and chokecherries so many other beautiful medicines and fruits of this earth. She is so generous!


The jungle sings
To welcome the night

A symphony of sound
Greets the fullness of my heart

And here I return
As the river flows and grows
Again and again and yet again

Trustworthy is the voice of the forest.


Rainbow love all around! 🌈♥️💦

Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 20/05/2022

Bursting with love and filled with admiration for this incredible kid. ?!


Hello in this portal of bountiful May 👋🏽

That full Beltane moon is coming with an eclipse to shake us and wake us.

May your feet be rooted to earth, may your heart be soft and open and may your soul prayers be a flowing!

Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 11/04/2022

What to say about this past weekend? I am stretched in the best of ways, having given my all to this incredible group of humans. 🤣

I learn more about my capacity each time I lead these groups, and how to lead in a way that is vulnerable and courageous, strong and soft, both full and empty of myself. Phew… this path of authentic leadership is beautifully dynamic.

Giving thanks for these practices of and . May it ripple far and wide in service of healing, transformation, wholeness and well-being.

Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 18/03/2022

I have come to deeply appreciate how important it is to have a solid and aligned team when leading trainings.

And this crew, our incredible staff for The ART of Leadership Costa Rica Level 3, was a dream team!

Together we held 19 individuals in a powerful week of inner transformation, community cultivation, leadership exploration and so much more. It’s hard to describe what happens in this field, but I think it’s reasonable to say that each and every one of us got rewired in a way that makes more possible for ourselves and this world we wish to serve.

Love most definitely happened and the ripples will be felt by many!

Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 01/03/2022

Connection is the language of a generative life!

I am so grateful for the simple yet profound tools of The ART of Being Human, Level 1 . These practices have supported me to cultivate more empowering, nourishing, vulnerable and trustable connections with myself and others. I can’t recommend it enough!

These photos are from the Miami level 1 course last month and capture some of the magic.

Boulder, CO is next on April 9-10!

“Dayna taught my level 1 and 2 courses in Costa Rica, and she did an amazing job facilitating. On multiple occasions participants brought up real-world issues, including conflicts that arose between the participants of the workshop. I’ve taken several social skills / leadership workshops, and typically if something like that comes up, the facilitator will either ask that we take that offline (often using this s a delaying tactic and never actually doing anything offline to address the issue), or they will get very controlling and force a rapid “solution” that helps the flow of the workshop, while leaving the underlying issue to ferment. Dayna actively invited these issues to come to the surface, and tried to help the participants to solve the issue themselves by pointing out the potential ways to apply the ART principles in that situation, and if that failed, taking a more active role in mediating the discussion until all parties agreed that they were satisfied with the solution. I was very impressed at her ability to help everyone to feel heard, as well as navigating the egos, personalities, emotions, conflicting values, misunderstandings, assumptions, misunderstandings, and other issues that arise in these situations, and far from shrinking away from the issues, demonstrating that seemingly thorny conflicts can be navigated with dignity, poise, and respect, and brought to a mutually acceptable resolution rather than escalating.” -SH

Link in bio to join me in Boulder!

Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 01/02/2022

To be seen
and loved through it all
is the greatest gift
we can give each other. 💖🌹💖

Grateful my dearest sister joined me in Miami for The ART of Being Human Level 1 and for our glorious morning integrating with mama ocean, laying down our prayers on this New Moon of Imbolc and blessing each other up!

Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 28/01/2022

Do you believe
that each one of us
has something unique
to share with this world?

Our very own medicine bundle
that is only ours
to bring forth?

Without which something is fundamentally missing
from the weaving of the whole?

I do.

It’s my deep purpose
to look for
root down
and raise up
this medicine
within myself
and each of you.

And guess what?
It happens in and through the body.

And you know what else?
I’m tingling with excitement
to invite you into
a soulful container
to explore just that.


Join .silver and I
on the dance floor
for 4 days of
embodied integration
of your gifts into expression.

Feb 15-21


DM me for deets
and read more


Several years ago I dove head first into learning, practicing and then teaching relational skills.


Because even though I had a robust personal practice including heaps of yoga, meditation, breathwork, plant medicine, therapy, and a long list of deeply explored personal growth techniques, my
relationships were suffering.

My relationship with God was solid. But my most intimate connections with humans were difficult.

I went to couples therapy, and at times it helped. But still I did not really have the tools to support me through the triggers and communication breakdowns that were devastating my relationships.

The practices of authentic relating have been game-changing for me. I have learned simple, effective principles and practices of relational intelligence that support me to express myself in a way my partner can hear, and to really listen so that he feels seen and known.

Conflict definitely still happens, but we have the tools to meet it and move through it, bringing us closer along the way.

Relationships need to be tended, and if you are feeling called to tend yours, I’d love for you to join me for The ART of Intimacy, a 6 week course starting January 25th for partners to learn and practice these powerful tools together.

“This course saved my relationship on multiple occasions! The tools are simple yet powerful, and have already increased the depth and authenticity of our communication and connection. I'd recommend this to every couple I know.” - Megan

Check it out:

Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 08/01/2022

And with that, I turned 41. I’ve been imagining what this year would be like for a long time, as this is the year my child turns 18.

Interesting to arrive in the future and look back on the past, marveling at the trickster of time and how long and short it all feels. And the lessons!

Oh this life! This wild ride of life! For it all, the beautiful and the ugly, the shadows and the brilliance, I am grateful.

Here’s to another ride around the sun, on this beauty of a planet spinning through space, with all of you incredible humans. Lets make it count.


🌟 Welcome 2022 🌟

A couple nights ago, the night the fires were blazing not far from my home, I had a dream. The dark forces were coming for us (specifically Trollocs for Wheel of Time fans
🤣), and I was scrambling for weapons and trying to hide. Then a group of us decided all we could do was sing and make merry. I gathered a group of women and we marched together, beating our drums and singing with everything we got.

And that is my image for 2022. No matter what is surrounding us, we can face it together, singing, standing for each other, creating the rising tide that lifts all boats. You with me? Let’s do this.

And thank the heavens for this bountiful snow ❄️🙏🏽♥️🙏🏽❄️



Sunday morning visioning…
Matcha to sip, candle lit, soft music swirling and my creative fires burning.

Got some sweet offerings coming for ya in the New Year 🌟🔥🌟


Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 28/11/2021

The wild winds
Greet me
Welcoming my full heart
Laden with treasures
Of Pura vida familia
I miss the thick sounds of the sweet night’s air
Now so far away
As I snuggle into soft sheets
And drink drink drink the precious water of these dry lands
Praying for moisture
Praying for balance
Praying for all my relations
Soul forward shining
I am here


What a ride 👏♥️👏
Ciao for now! See you in March for The ART of Leadership 🤗


Oh Madre Tierra of these soft coastal jungles… te amo tanto tanto tanto!

Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 10/11/2021

Everyday I get to work with humans whose lives have been immeasurably impacted by the connective practices of and ♥️

We are halfway through our online ART of Intimacy course for couples, and in last night’s session many shared about how these practices are supporting greater ease in conflict, and deeper understanding and well being in their relationships in general.

It is stories like these that give me the hutzbah to get up at 3am and get on a plane to continue sharing these tools with the world.

here I come! ✈️


This one has taken me a long time to learn...

If you hide yourself, and what is really happening within, you will never fulfill your longing to be deeply seen and known by others.


Sometimes I feel lonely, or bored, or uninspired.

And then I go outside.

I let the jagged edges of my mind release their grip on me and open my senses to the extraordinary web of creation blooming all around.

Disconnection is the disease of our times. I believe it is the root cause of our multitudes of devastating problems plaguing our earth and humanity.

We forget that we do not and cannot exist in isolation, from each other and this generous earth we call home. We forget that every ripple in the pond of life sends out infinite concentric rings of impact.

These days I’m wondering if the solutions may be simpler than the overwhelmingly complicated thoughts I’ve been wresting with to solve the quagmire of our times.

What if it were as simple as remembering our interdependence and interconnectedness with each other and nature?

What if we could wean ourselves from the addiction of illusory separation that modernity has conditioned into us?

What if we could truly remember, embody and live from the consciousness of interdependence with all of life? This shift in consciousness would necessarily cause huge ripples in our world.

From this understanding it feels true that you, and I, actually do have enormous impact on the whole.

So what is one thing you can do today to realize within yourself the interconnectivity that always is, and remind one other person of this? I’d love to hear your thoughts below.

It certainly takes a village! May we remember together our natural intelligence that is always creating miracles.

Photos from Dayna Seraye's post 20/08/2021

Since I was fifteen I’ve been deeply inspired by the teachings of Tom Brown Jr, and this past week I had the epic opportunity to spend a week in the wilds of New Jersey learning from him. So. Much. Yes.

I learned ways to expand my awareness and connect to nature that are simple and profound, and truly the medicine this world needs.

Big thanks to my sis for adventuring with me into the woods and to the beautiful cedar swamp swimming hole for keeping us clean and fresh through the heat. Deep bow to this lineage and the tremendous wisdom shared with so much love.

Videos (show all)

How to tell you about the past week? Words fall short of describing the beauty, healing, transformation and love shared ...
Happy times in Brasil ♥️🇧🇷♥️ My return to this beloved land of my heart and soul has been a waking dream come true, and ...
Bem vindo 43! 🌈💦🌀🐳♥️🤩So happy to celebrate this year in Brazil, with my queridos and the flowing waters and all the chee...
I’m excited to return to Costa Rica soon to share the life-changing practices of Authentic Relating. @brave_earth_ is an...
Heading to Austin to share the transformational, healing practices of #authenticrelating 🔥I am fired up more than ever a...
Hey hey! Hanuman Festival is coming right up and it will be a sweet haven of community love July 13-16. This is not your...
Thank you @envisionfestival. What an epic ride full of magic, synchronicity and so much fun! I loved offering my embodie...