Baptist Creation Ministries

Baptist Creation Ministries

We are an organization providing education on the topics of biblical creationism and establishing a biblical worldview.

I present a rational biblical worldview to promote Christian ethical values.

Page not found - MacDonald Publishing 20/08/2021

Epidemic? Pandemic? Endemic? What now?
Is it now the Covid-19 ENDEMIC?
Is the END in ENDemic a good thing?

Page not found - MacDonald Publishing

Do you watch or read Covid-19? - MacDonald Publishing 14/08/2021

Do you watch or read Covid-19?
Kind of an emotional roller coaster, but what does it have to do with HIV and AIDS?

Do you watch or read Covid-19? - MacDonald Publishing Do you watch or read Covid-19? The different ways we get our information may impact whether we are feeling or thinking the data.


What a language barrier! Two leaders in need of translation. Want to know the real story behind this mismatched communication?

War of the Worlds in 2021 - MacDonald Publishing 29/05/2021

War of the Worlds in 2021 - MacDonald Publishing China lands on Mars sparking War of the Worlds in 2021. This article explains why you should be afraid, very afraid! It is time to wake up!


Bill Nye predicts we’re finished!

Scientist, educator, and entertainer Bill Nye has repeatedly made the statement that science (not religion) is important for humans because science is able to make predictions from which we can use to improve our lives with advancing technologies.

In an interview with Global News’ Toronto morning show back in 2014, Nye made a prediction of his own regarding creationists. He proclaimed, “In another 20 years, those guys will be just about out of business.”

He added, “Evolution is the fundamental idea in all of life science.”

But how are scientists able to make predictions? In a topsy-turvy world created solely by random accidents, this would be impossible. But, in a world that is governed by purpose-driven natural laws, the foundation is formed for TRUE scientists to make their accurate predictions.

In the 1980s I went to Humber College and earned a diploma in life science. A year later I became a full-time embalmer. While preparing bodies for funerals I quickly realized that the only reason I could easily locate the organs and blood vessels in each deceased human being was that they were all created with the same design.

Procreation is part of God's grand assembly line. For the same reason, a mechanic can easily locate the parts on a Honda Civic, an embalmer can quickly locate the parts on a person. The reason for this? Both were designed and created with a purpose.

Without realizing it, Bill Nye and his evolutionary guys can only make predictions in this universe because there is a rigid design to it that enables them to study and make predictions with! And now for a prediction of my own: I predict that biblical creationists will outlast the evolutionists by a very, very long margin.

Mike MacDonald
Baptist Creation Ministries


The HAND that ROCKS the CRADLE – the need for more SALT


"The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Is the Hand That Rules the World" is an 1865 poem by William Ross Wallace. It sings praise to motherhood as the greatest force for change in the world. Although not divinely inspired, the poem's refrain has become a commonly quoted proverb in our culture, and for a good practical reason.

But as Bible-believing Christians, do we fully understand its implication? It means that the person involved with the rearing of our children has the greatest impact on their beliefs and behaviours; and because the children are tomorrow's leaders, the person rearing the children determines the society of the future.
I have watched decades of Christian parents (myself included) disconnect themselves from public education institutions and eventually pull their children out to put them into private systems where most of them grow up to become disengaged with their civic opportunities.


So, a vacuum was created in public schools, colleges, and universities. These important institutions continued without the input and leadership of many spiritually sound Christians. As our society grew and became more dependent upon education, public schools became all-important to our nation. However, with the lack of a biblical foundation, the schools charted into a much more liberal territory. This did not happen overnight, but it did happen.
Our liberal and secular universities are now putting out nearly all our nation's policymakers and legal minds. They have also developed a behemoth of a governing system that rules over us.

The results are obvious. Our culture has completely flip-flopped from its earlier biblical roots. Whose fault is it? Remember, the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world. Our schools should have been equally influenced by strong Christians in PTA meetings and other areas of real leadership. Instead, we dropped out and soon afterward we pulled our kids out too. We are reaping what we have sowed.


Now we have become an obsessive group of complainers because we do not like what is going on. We dream of the past glory days when in fact we know the past is dead and cannot be resurrected.
It used to be the Christians who had control of "the system" and the anti-Christians stood outside protesting and rebelling against the establishment. Now we are the ones demanding our rights. Perhaps we should have first heeded our responsibilities. Why are we surprised by having the fruit of a godless system when we refused to be a part of its cultivation.


There is another popular saying found in Matthew 5:13, "Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost its savour, wherewith shall it be salted?"

This quote from Jesus encourages us to be a real presence in the life of our community. Instead of being on the defensive, take the offensive and make a real impact (starting with our schools)!

What Does Separation of Church and State Mean? 25/05/2020

History is vital if we are to build healthy societies. Even though the attached video link relates directly to the USA, it's implications are far reaching. Please invest 5 minutes to consider that "freedom of religion" is NOT "freedom from religion".

What Does Separation of Church and State Mean? Nearly every American knows the phrase “separation of church and state.” Do you know where it's from? Here’s a hint: it’s not in the Constitution. John Eastman, professor of law at Chapman University, explains how and why this famous phrase has played such an outsized role in American life a...

Is starlight a problem? - Dash Legacy 15/06/2019

My latest blog post is in regards to the twinkle in your eyes. -965

Is starlight a problem? - Dash Legacy Say… Did you ever ask yourself, “if the earth is only 6-10,000 years old (as creationists claim), then how could stars that are billions of lightyears away have their light shining on our planet?” For example, more than halfway across the universe, an enormous blue star nicknamed Icarus is the...


Hosting a "What is man?" creation conference will help Christians explore timely subjects such as "when is a person truly dead" or "how is man really defined?"

Check out my link for a quick example:


“Let God’s promises shine on your problems.” –Corrie ten Boom


Evolution hits another snag

Capybara - 20/02/2019

Do rodents scare you? Here’s one that many find useful:

Capybara - Capybara The rodent that other creatures use as a chair by Warren Nunn It’s an animal to which many other creatures (and not just its predators) are attracted. Whether it’s in the water, or out of it eating grass—or even just lazing around—they want ...

69-Year-Old Man Identifies as 49, Asks Court to Change His Age 19/02/2019

TransAGE?? If a biological male can claim he’s a female based on how he feels, why can’t a 69-year-old male claim he’s 49 years old based on how he feels? This is a case that has gone before the courts in the Netherlands.

69-Year-Old Man Identifies as 49, Asks Court to Change His Age The Dutch citizen cites American life coach Tony Robbins and President Donald Trump as inspirations for his way of thinking.


Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. (Genesis 2:24, 25)

Happy “Family Day” for all those in Ontario and other places observing this holiday.


Are you Jesus' servant or His friend? Friends know the Lord's will for their life. (check out John 15:15)


My Valentine's message:
Genesis 1:27-28 (self-explanatory) ...

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."


Be amazed with even the simplest things in life.


The difference between who you are and who you want to be is what you do.


Jesus did not commit su***de, He committed sacrifice. He did not despair of His own life, He desired life for others! Thank you, Jesus! (John 15:13-14)


“Remember who you are. Don’t compromise for anyone, for any reason. You are a child of the Almighty God. Live that truth.” –Lysa Terkeurst


Behold, God’s amazing creation!

How many impact craters should there be on the earth - 05/02/2019

How many impact craters should there be on the earth? Does the moon give us enough clues to estimate how many asteroids impacted the earth? CLICK HERE

How many impact craters should there be on the earth - How many impact craters should there be on the earth? by Michael J. Oard The moon is the standard by which to estimate the number of craters on the earth. The number of craters greater than 30 km by evolutionary age categories is about 1,900. Scaling...


Thank you, Jesus!


The greatest moments of our lives are the ones that can be shared in eternity.


Reflecting the purpose of life through secular humanist eyes …

Cambrian explosion points to creation not evolution - 30/01/2019

Have you ever heard of the Cambrian Explosion? CLICK the LINK to find out how it hurts the cause for evolutionary theory.

Cambrian explosion points to creation not evolution - The Cambrian explosion The fossils point to creation, not evolution by Dominic Statham Many have been told that the fossil record provided Darwin with overwhelming evidence for his theory of evolution. Nothing could be further from the truth! In his ...

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