Cloudscape VII

Cloudscape VII

Cloudscape VII - "The devil is in the data, the value is in the...?" 9-10 March 2015, Brussels Belgium

Jobs & Growth in ICT - How H2020 can respond to the EU Investment Plan 10/04/2015

In case you missed Cloudscape VII, here you can find the complete "Jobs & Growth in ICT - How can respond to the EU Investment Plan" session.!5

Jobs & Growth in ICT - How H2020 can respond to the EU Investment Plan In case you missed Cloudscape VII, here...


Executive Overview - A Faster Path to Innovation for a smarter, bigger and connected world

Fuseami Networking app 07/03/2015

is pleased to adopt the revolutionary new Fuseami Networking app to make business network smarter!!25

Fuseami Networking app Fuseami Networking app

A Cloud for European research: INDIGO-DataCloud project 02/03/2015

26 institutions and major companies from 11 different European countries, coordinated at the European level by INFN - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare are participating in the INDIGO-DataCloud Project.
David Salomoni of INFN-CNAF in Bologna and Principal Investigator of INDIGO, will attend giving an overview of the INDIGO project and why and how is INDIGO considered interesting from an industry perspective.

A Cloud for European research: INDIGO-DataCloud project The INDIGO-DataCloud project, with the...

ISGTW on Cloudscape VII: Harnessing the cloud for global research collaboration 27/02/2015

International Science Grid This Week highlighting achievement on international cooperation & federated networking.
Discover how is enabling global research collaboration & serving the Long Tail of science.!5

ISGTW on Cloudscape VII: Harnessing the cloud for global research collaboration In its February edition, ISGTW speaks...

Cloudscape VII Agenda 24/02/2015

"I wish to enhance the European industry and encourage the sort of adoption of cloud services by the public sector that we’ve witnessed with in the UK across the whole of Europe. I passionately believe that we should not be afraid of competing with each other, rather that if we can foster international excellence in low-cost, high-security, high-efficiency cloud services, whether IaaS, PaaS or SaaS, in Europe it will be to all our benefits."
Kate Craig-Wood, Managing Director, Memset Ltd.
See the full Cloudscape VII agenda, 9-10 March, Brussels:!2!0

Cloudscape VII Agenda Cloudscape VI agenda

Demo: Unomaly for detecting any unknown incidents 20/02/2015

New Demo announced at :
Unomaly, a new way of monitoring critical systems – data driven, self learning and change oriented. It automatically understands normal and detects incidents, problems and issues due to its anomalous nature.

Demo: Unomaly for detecting any unknown incidents Demo: Unomaly for detecting any unknown...

BEACON Project to be introduced at CloudScape VII conference 20/02/2015

BEACON Project to be introduced at CloudScape VII conference BEACON Project to be introduced at CloudScape VII conference 19th February 2015News , BEACON, beacon project, CETIC, Cloud, cloud computing, Cloudscape, Conference, EU, Event, Philippe Massonet, Project, ResearchJames Bowater Philippe Massonet, scientific coordinator at CETIC and BEACON’s…

Robert Jenkins, CloudSigma 20/02/2015

" continues to reflect the increased sophistication surrounding the use of "
-Robert Jenkins, CEO & co-founder, CloudSigma

Robert Jenkins, CloudSigma Robert Jenkins is the co-founder and...

BEACON: Enabling Federated Cloud Networking 19/02/2015

Philippe Massonet, CETIC scientific coordinator, will present the new Beacon Project at !
The BEACON project will deliver a homogeneous virtualization layer, on top of heterogeneous underlying physical networks, computing and storage infrastructures, providing enablement for automated federation of applications across different clouds and datacenters.!5

BEACON: Enabling Federated Cloud Networking BEACON project will develop new...

Cloudscape VII 18/02/2015

See what you can find at Cloudscape VII!
Take a look at our promotional video!!5

Cloudscape VII Promotional Video on CLoudscapeVII

NSF Cloud computing testbed Chameleon to be presented at Cloudscape VII 18/02/2015

The National Science Foundation (NSF) will attend , 9-10 March, Brussels, presenting its Cloud computing testbed ChameleonCloud .
"Like its namesake, the Chameleon testbed will be able to adapt itself to a wide range of experimental needs, from bare metal reconfiguration to support for ready made clouds,"
said Kate Keahey, a scientist at the Computation Institute at the University of Chicago and principal investigator for Chameleon.

NSF Cloud computing testbed Chameleon to be presented at Cloudscape VII The National Science Foundation (NSF)...

Monique Morrow 17/02/2015

New top speaker at :
Monique Morrow, CTO, Evangelist for New Frontiers Development and Engineering, Cisco to attend "What's hot in the Cloud - Zoom in on past 12 months emerging innovations" session.

Monique Morrow Monique was the first CTO of Cisco...

ENISA Calls For Privacy by Design 27/01/2015

The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) published a new report called Privacy and Data Protection by Design - from policy to engineering.
Starting from the privacy principles of the legislation, important elements are presented as a first step towards a design process for privacy-friendly systems and services.

ENISA Calls For Privacy by Design The European Union Agency for Network...

Cloudscape VII Agenda 26/01/2015

Taking on the challenge at :
How are we tackling pricing, procurement and contractual issues in both the public and private sectors? Are there common, international approaches we can take to maximise impact? What are the essential practical elements that organisations need to know?
See the full CloudscapeVII agenda:!2!0

Cloudscape VII Agenda Cloudscape VI agenda

Cloudscape VII Agenda 23/01/2015

What’s hot in the - Zoom in on the past 12 months emerging innovations with David Bernstein from Cloudscaling & IEEE Cloud Computing
See the full agenda:!2!0

Cloudscape VII Agenda Cloudscape VI agenda

Cloudscape VII Agenda 22/01/2015

"The conversation around has moved on from simple technology discussions to advanced business strategy and Cloudscape continues to reflect the increased sophistication surrounding the use of cloud."
Robert Jenkins, CEO & Co-Founder of CloudSigma will join presenting "Big data from a cloud provider perspective and from the perspective of research users".
See the full agenda!2!0

Cloudscape VII Agenda Cloudscape VI agenda

HARNESS: Hardware- and Network-Enhanced Software Systems for Cloud Computing 20/01/2015

The FP7 HARNESS project announced its demo for Cloudscape VII:
HARNESS demo will focus on how a highly-computational intensive application (Reverse Time Migration) is deployed and executed on a HARNESS platform, that is backed by heterogeneous computation (CPU and FPGA) and storage devices (HDD and SSD), to satisfy performance and cost-based user objectives.!20

HARNESS: Hardware- and Network-Enhanced Software Systems for Cloud Computing HARNESS is a cloud computing platform...

Europe at the vanguard of creating trust in the cloud - A call for participation for SMEs 16/01/2015

EIT ICT Labs just started an ambitious project aiming to create a European trusted platform, which has issued a call for participation (CFP) to .
Proposals should focus on Data connectors and data exploitation in personal data storage, trusted cloud solutions or data science experimentation.

Europe at the vanguard of creating trust in the cloud - A call for participation for SMEs EIT ICT Labs just started an ambitious...

Cloud computing to assist Surveillance of Neglected Tropical Diseases: The Leishmaniasis Virtual... 13/01/2015

The second demo EUBrazil Cloud Connect will present at Cloudscape VII aims at providing online tools for research in .Using infrastructures, the LVL will foster the international cooperation to achieve a more effective control of the disease. In particular, through the integration of data from DNA sequence databases with climate and ecological indicators, as well as the design and publication of pipelines to perform the combined analysis of these data.!20

Cloud computing to assist Surveillance of Neglected Tropical Diseases: The Leishmaniasis Virtual... EU Brazil Cloud Connect will present at...

EU Brazil Cloud Connect Cardiovascular Simulation Services Demo 13/01/2015

EUBrazil Cloud Connect project will showcase two demos at Cloudscape VII.
The first one is called "Coupling a cardiac-vascular model with Alya Red and ADAN: One step forward to the full model".
This demonstration shows the advances in the use case 2 of the EU Brazil Cloud Connect project, in which two of the most complex cardiac and vascular models, are gathered to produce one coupled cardiovascular model.

EU Brazil Cloud Connect Cardiovascular Simulation Services Demo EU Brazil Coupling a cardiac-vascular...

ARTIST project Commercial Video 08/01/2015

ARTIST project will hold a workshop to present their solution to facilitate the modernization of software assets and business models to make them complaint with the cloud at Cloudscape VII event.
Here's the commercial video describing real problems that organizations nowadays face and how ARTIST can help them solve these problems while facing migration to cloud.!5

ARTIST project Commercial Video ARTIST project has recently produced a...

Timeline photos 07/01/2015

The Open Data Roadmap for 2015 report by the UK’s Open Data Institute states: “More uses of data can be demonstrated and more can be done to improve data quality and literacy”.
The ODI believes that open data is the best way to tackle some of the major challenges the UK will face over the next 25 years.!5


"Why Cloud Pricing is Broken" an essay by James Mitchell, featured in the Economist


Future Internet: Test and Play in Paris, 27 June 2014 Two European projects CI-FIRE and FanTaaStic are organising a one-day free workshop on Test&Play at Tour Zamansky, Paris 5 on Friday 27 June 2014. Read all about it:

Future Internet: Test and Play in Paris, 27 June 2014 A one-day free workshop on Test&Play...


Cloud computing awards for researchers addressing climate change - apply by 15 June 2014

Cloud computing awards for researchers addressing climate change - apply by 15 June 2014 Cloud computing awards for researchers...

Cloudscape VI  Photogallery 04/03/2014

Showcase your work, make new connections and share ideas at Cloudscape VI - the perfect setting to network with peers and experts on the same level, share ideas and make new partnerships! Submit a demo or rolling presentation, poster or pop-up banner online!20


Cloudscape VI Press Release: Me & My Cloud - Find out what participants can learn by attending Cloudscape VI, 24-25 February: best practices and practical tips on how to meet the needs of researchers and not only

Timeline photos 17/01/2014

Don't miss all the updates 2-day agenda with top keynote speakers and a series of practical parallel sessions on how to make the transition to the cloud and overcome barriers - CloudscapeVI!2!0

Timeline photos 17/01/2014

According to CIF research, which sampled senior IT decision-makers from 250 UK organisations, shows that 69% of organisations have already adopted the cloud in some form.
Find out more about the UK Cloud adoption trends!5


CloudscapeVI REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! - Early bird registration - Book now!!5

EVENT: Cloud Computing Law book launch 17/01/2014

EVENT: Cloud Computing Law book launch Christopher Millard, Professor of Privacy and Information Law at Mary University of London will host a book