Dearbhla Kelly/Durga Yoga

Dearbhla Kelly/Durga Yoga

yoga, philosophy, music

The Deep Ocean of Your Self 23/05/2024

"We know more about the surface of Mars and the Moon than we do about the deep-sea floor. The deep ocean takes up most of the earth’s surface and yet we have pe*****ted it so little. How to pe*****te such blackness? The issue seems as much existential as epistemological. How do I stake my belonging in a world that is so much unknown?"

Click for more...

The Deep Ocean of Your Self All know that the drop merges into the ocean. Few know that the ocean also merges into the drop. - Kabir Consider if you will the fact that the earth’s surface is comprised of 71% water and of that surface water, almost 97% is ocean. Now consider that 95% of the ocean is deep sea. Deep ocean is bl...

Breathe Into The Mystic 11/05/2024

A word or two about endogenous drugs, mystical states and the potency of breath.

Breathe Into The Mystic Everyday altered states


Thank you for the birthday love. I feel immensely fortunate and even more grateful.

Help with Steve's life-threatening surgery costs, organized by Robin Paz 07/02/2024

I met Steve Emmerman in 2002 at Moksha Yoga Center in Chicago and he turned me on to the brilliance of Forrest Yoga. He became an important teacher and dear friend. I'm really shocked to see what he's been dealing with healthwise and truly hope that he and Talya, his lovely wife & partner, will receive the support they need.

Help with Steve's life-threatening surgery costs, organized by Robin Paz Hello Friends and Community, Our dear friend Steve Emmerman recentl… Robin Paz needs your support for Help with Steve's life-threatening surgery costs


Love to see you for yoga this week Center for Yoga:
* Weds Jan 3 10am Level 2/3.
* Sat Jan 6 08:30am All Levels Flow.

I hope your holidays was wonderful. Mine was rejuvenative. I stayed close to our Christmas tree, spent time with loved ones, ate & drank a lot. Rested, played a lot of backgammon.

I really needed the time. I had no idea how much the experience of being diagnosed with breast cancer would take out of me. Multiple biopsies, close to 10 painful mammograms, lumpectomy & lymph node removal. It was a LOT. And I am very fortunate.

I'm now waiting to find out what the next phase of treatment will be in my journey to be cancer free and when it will begin. For now, I'm happy to step out again, to teach and reconnect.

THANK YOU to so many of you who have sent your love and support via calls, texts, emails, food delivery, gofundme donations (I haven't worked for a month and yoga teachers dont' get paid when we take time off, even dealing with cancer) and more. I FEEL YOUR LOVE


Yoga in Los Angeles

* Tuesday & Thursday 6:30pm

*Wednesday 10am

*Saturday 08:30am

Love to see you in community 🩵 🧡🩶

Also coming up this Saturday, 11/11 ✨ Festival of Lights ✨
Gala chant event hosted by the

Love to see you for singing, dancing, breathing together in collective activation & amplification


Thanks for the shot.


Yoga in Los Angeles week of Oct 30
Monday noon
Tues & Thurs 6:30pm
Weds 10am
Sat 10am

Yoga doesn’t fix everything but it makes things better. DM for a


✨❤️ 17 Years ❤️✨

Happy 17th Anniversary


We are still here! You are my sin qua non. Love you like the stars in the sky 🌌🎇🎆 and the light of the sun 🌅

Thank you for sharing your life with me ❤️


Yoga for body & soul

Monday 12pm (LCP)

Tues & Thurs 6:30pm (LCP)

Weds 10am

Sat 08:30am

Photo (& Chai)


Yoga Time…

Tues & Thurs 6:30pm (LCP)

Weds 10am

Sat 08:30am

DM for a

Thanks for the image

Photos from Dearbhla Kelly/Durga Yoga's post 04/10/2023

My Uncle Brian died this past Sunday, October 1 🕊️

Here he is with my Auntie Eileen a couple of years ago at their home in county Sligo, Ireland. They were married forever and I know she’ll miss him desperately.

Some of my happiest childhood memories are of being in their house with my cousins. Later as an adult, whenever I saw them it felt like home 💚 Dave and I had some great times with them back in Ireland in the last fee years

Life has been very lifey lately and reminders of how fleeting it is abound. The intertwining of love & grief, joy & pain reminds me to savour every moment and take the good times when they come

Brian is being waked today and tomorrow will be the funeral service and burial. I’m very sad I can’t be there and LA feels very far from Ireland at times like this

RIP Brian Kelly 🕊️

We loved / love you so much


Hello Family,
We need you to add your prayers, your positive vibes, your intentions, your angels, anything you got to raise the energy


This morning our Crimson Goddess is beginning her initiation into the medicine journey of Miracle Juice (aka chemotherapy) to destroy the cancer cells in her body


Please join us in collective intention to transmute the poison to soma so that our radiant Cristi’s cells with vibrate with lifeforce and once again pulsate with health

Prayers UP ⬆️



Fun times teaching a special class at in collaboration with for



✨ Yoga Time ✨
LA Yogis, I’m teaching some extra classes this week & I’d love to see you…

Mon 6:30pm Level 2/3

Tues & Thurs 6:30pm & 7:45pm

Weds & Fri 10am

Sat 08:30am

✨✨✨ 🌞 ✨✨✨

Available for privates!

Love 🧡



My talented husband has released another innovative mantra record in collaboration with
The second EP in the Mantra Americana series expands on the sound Madi Das & Dave Stringer crafted for their Grammy-nominated first album, combining modal melodies derived from Indian ragas with the chord structures and ecstatic vocal harmonies of American Gospel and Bluegrass.  From swinging Bhangra tabla grooves to the twang of Appalachia, the sound of the band Mantra Americana can memorably be described as Roots & Ragas, Nashville meets Namasté, Country & Eastern.

This record was mostly made at our house and I can personally attest to how much hard work, commitment and LOVE went into this project 🧡

Huge shout out to Dave and Madi and also to .richey.9 .w.roberts for their musical contributions ~ please forgive me if I missed anyone, I’m writing as Dave’s wife, not a press agent!

Also to and

I’m sharing this to my stories and will add the link there. You can find the record on all the usual streaming platforms…give it a listen, its good stuff!

I’m so proud of you and also so blown away by your work ethic. I hope you guys get a this year, you really deserve it!

Photos from Dearbhla Kelly/Durga Yoga's post 21/08/2023

20 years ago today my life changed irrevocably when I met (thanks )

We spent much of the evening discussing things philosophical & cosmic, including whether an adequate description of the universe could fail to include love

We’re still muling over such issues!

Whilst it hasn’t always been the smoothest ride, it has always been worthwhile, meaningful…

I love you Dave 🩷 You have taught and continue to teach me so much and your generous heart and brilliant mind make my life better every day



✨300 Hour Yoga Teacher TT✨
✨ ✨✨Los Angeles✨✨✨
⭐️Sep 2023 ~~ Mar 2024 ⭐️

➡️ Early bird discount extended until August 26 ⬅️

I’m delighted to be part of the teaching faculty in an upcoming training run by the illustrous ~

I will be teaching:
Advanced Asana & Sequencing
Shadow Work

This is a big deal for me as I will have the opportunity to actualize skills and talents that I have been honing for decades and will get to integrate much of what I’ve been studying diligently for a long time and present it as a coherent body of teaching ✨ Thank you for affording me this opportunity 💛

And of course I’m happy to be taking my place alongside other esteemed teachers from the Los Angeles Yoga Community ✨

Please DM for more info, or drop her a line: [email protected]

We’d love to have you and this is not your average ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Taking things very slow right now…a lot of quiet, rest and long sleeps

Resetting not just for a busy Fall but as an end in itself

Rejuvenation requires no justification

Rest and then rest some more

Everything else can wait and if it doesn’t well, then you know…



Oh hello!
Just popping in to say I’m sliding out. I will be spending some time with family and my boo by a lake surrounded by venerable tall green trees that are home to eagles

Aside from swimming, cycling, yoga on the grass and general cavorting I will be spending time preparing for some teacher trainings I will be guest teaching at this Fall. A lot of good things coming through ✨⭐️✨

Grateful for all the gifts & blessings in my life 💛


Yoga Time!
I’m fully recovered and hope to see you in class in Los Angeles this week:
* Mon 6:30pm

*Tues 6:30pm & 7:45pm (LCP)

*Weds 6:30pm

*Thurs 6:30pm & 7:45pm (LCP)

*Sat 08:30am

DM for


Yoga 08:30am

DM for a 🧡

I’ve been mostly quite on here for quite a while now because my attentions have been elsewhere and, truthfully I haven’t felt like I’ve had much to contribute…

I’ve actually being dealing with a health issue and it has taken most of my energy to keep myself afloat, to teach (which gives me life) and do my own practice…

I’ve had to do some medical protocols and rest a lot more than I’m used to…the really good news is that I’m feeling MUCH BETTER & have some exciting updates to share in the near future ✨✨✨

I’ll also share more about the health stuff soon too but for now I’m mostly resting, practicing self-care & conjuring / planning…

✨ Good things happening ✨

Love to you & yours 💛


Dave and I had a really great time in Provence. We love speaking French (however imperfectly) and really dropping in to the flow there. Lots of rosé accompanied lunches, ice creams, croissants, vin rouge, cafe and time at the beach. We even snuck in a few late night swims :)

Did I mention the apricots? 👀

So important to step away and have to rest and renew. The French elevate pleasure to a first principle and that seems right to me!

Always happy to be on holidays with my boo

🟦◻️🟥 🍷 🥖 ☀️


I came down like a ton of bricks with gnarly bronchitis on Saturday having hit the ground running a little too fast on return from Provence…

I’ve been in bed since, so apologies if you were planning to take class with me…hoping to be back at Thursday 6:30pm & Saturday 08:30am

So grateful for time to rest & renew. Sending love to all 💙


I am back from Provence and am full of all the goodness. We ate & drank galore, laid in the sun, swam, spoke French and made new friends…

La Belle Vie 🍷🥖 🌺☀️💙

Tomorrow, I return to teaching yoga:
(LCP) - 6:30 & 7:45pm ~ Thursday

08:30am ~ Saturday

Hope to see you soon!

Photos from Dearbhla Kelly/Durga Yoga's post 15/06/2023

I rescued this baby girl yesterday as she was just about to walk in front of my car
A precious baby, we think about 6 weeks and not more than a couple of pounds. I held her in my arms for the best part of 23 hours…

We had a tough night and she was very sick but was a brave little trooper. Much TLC was needed…

…when I woke up this morning she had hidden away and I called out and heard her whimper. I picked her up and held her close for the next few hours not even putting her down to go to the loo and I knew that if I didn’t let her go today, I wouldn’t be able to (for a few reasons we can’t keep her)…I sobbed as she snuggled into my chest 😭

The gods were smiling and a cat whisper amazing woman said that she would take her and keep her. As I drove her over my hand rested on her tiny body feeling her breath as I savoured every moment.

I cried like a baby as I said goodbye to this little nougat of softness, love and vulnerability.

The baby girl who shattered my heart 💗💗🐾💗💗


Hi 👀
We are Fionn & Lulu and we are hoping a kind cat lover will come and stay with us for a couple of weeks from late June…

We live in a spacious apartment with a sun patio & back garden, lots of interesting books and other cool stuff…there’s some plants that need to be watered too 🪴

We are around 15 months old, kinda mischievious and we love naps, cuddles & snacks.

You are hopefully a cat lover with a big heart who likes to talk to cats and maybe even meditate too!

You can DM Dearbhla our servant, oops owner for more info.
Fionny & Mumu


Join me on your yoga mat!

* Weds 6:30pm subbing for (Happy Birthday Joe 🧡)

* Thurs 7:30pm (LCP)

* Sat 08:30am

Lets turn out the good stuff and let the yoga churn and burn 🔥

Pretty sure took this photo back in the day…


*How to Survive Being Married to a Musician *

10 years ago I wrote an article about the ups & downs of being married to a musician…ten years of marriage later, there are some things I would change a bit, but not a huge amount…

Being married to a musician, or any artist, is definitely a firewalk 🔥 but maybe all marriage / committed relationship is?

I published the piece on and it has been read over *66K* times! It generated quite a few comments also…

You can read it at the link in my bio - love to hear your thoughts. And BTW, my husband loved the piece!


One / Many
Temporary / Eternal
Stillness / Movement
Constancy / Flux
Spirit / Matter

Yoga, yoking, is about making meaningful connections (at least that’s one way of saying what yoga is)…perhaps about observing relationships…in Classical Indian Music the tamboura makes the sound of a drone, its a constant that underlies the melodic forms of instruments like sitar and sarangi. The drone doesn’t change and the melodies dance on its constancy…the meeting of drone and melody creates sonic magic - a burst of Shakti ✨✨✨✨✨

In asana practice, breath is the constant and the poses are like melodies, changing and weaving around the breath. The meeting of movement & breath yields the transformational alchemy of yoga practice…

The dance of opposites, the play of difference…

There are worlds of wonder and mystery to discover inside yoga…the Rg Veda says that the person is 3/4 unknown and maybe yoga is like that too. We never reach the end, there’s always more and the gift keeps on giving…

Love you to join me to explore the hidden realms…

Fri 12:15 Level 2/3
Sat 08:30 All Levels

Thanks for the photo and for letting me hold your tamboura 🧡


Yoga: Connection
Body & breath; heart & mind; psyche & soma; you & me; I & thou; we & them…
Are you ready to step into a yoga of deeper connection? A place perhaps unknown…a place of exploration, investigation, maybe transformation?

You might encounter a shadow or two along the way…no light / no shadow ✨

Come to class this week and lets explore together:

* Tues & Thurs 7:30pm (LCP)
* Fri 12:15pm
*Sat 08:30am


Videos (show all)

Fun times teaching a special class at @centerforyogala in collaboration with @beyondyoga for #yogaawarenessmonth✨✨✨✨✨#yo...
BlackBerry Picking by Heaney ☘️A part of our retreat to Ireland will include a dive into poetry. It’s coming soon June 9...
HeaneyBlackberry PickingLate August, given heavy rain and sunFor a full week, the blackberries would ripen.At first, jus...
I had an opportunity to talk with the luminous @lisa.walford our teacher manager @centerforyogala recently. I was a bit ...
☘️ St Patricks Day Sale ☘️Use code - SaintPat170 - for €170 off *per person when registering for  Yoga, Music & Poetry i...
Check out this super cool video of @templehouse location of our *Yoga, Music & Poetry* retreat, 9 - 16 June, 2022☘️Mysel...
Good Morning!✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨#hummingbird
