Mom Is the New Strong

Mom Is the New Strong

I help moms break the code to gaining lean muscle in a way that honors self love and their mom life.

"I help hot mess moms break free of traditional weight loss and fitness nonsense and teach them how to create a sustainable healthy lifestyle that feels aligned and effortless."


This is what it’s really about ❤️


What I learned about going through a transformation and lifestyle change...

Weeks after my daughter was born, there I stood in the mirror trying to figure out what to wear that day for work.

Clothes scattered all over the bed and floor as I tried on most things in my closet multiple times... each outfit change reminding me of the extra weight I gained... nothing being able to hide my belly that spilled over.

I told myself I was going to get into the best shape of my life after this pregnancy but it felt like it was taking forever.

Yet I trusted the process and kept going.

I didn’t let setbacks define my worth. Every time I fell I got right back up.

A year later I was in the best shape of my life. Looking back at my before pic I feel so much gratitude for the journey I went through. I learned so many valuable lessons that year.

I learned...

💕Setbacks are part of the journey and instead of trying to be perfect and never messing up.. I learned how to not let them define me and how to bounce back faster.

💕Motivation is unreliable and shouldn’t be the reason why you do or don’t do something. Instead of waiting for it to happen, you need to create your own motivation by creating momentum.

💕The right mindset matters more than having the perfect diet or workout plan.

💕Transformation is the accumulation of a bunch of small wins that add up over time. There is no quick fix or rushing the process.

If I would of let negative thoughts, motivation, time or setbacks get in the way.. I know for a fact I never would of had this amazing transformation that I am so proud of.

And even years and years later I am still practicing what I leaned that year.

I know this is the time of the year where struggles and setbacks happen the most. I know this is the time of the year you usually gain weight.

But it doesn’t have to be 💕

What if you could actually lose weight this holiday season?

How would that make you feel?

Join me next week for my 5 Day Kickstart Your Comeback Challenge and let me help you create a roadmap to handle setbacks and create epic comebacks.

Drop an emoji and I’ll give you details to join!

*This isn’t a typical fitness influencer challenge. I don’t do network marketing.


What’s your game plan for next week?

Replace meals with shakes, eat more salads, give up the bowl of cereal after dinner, stop snacking on your kids food, give up ALL carbs?

How’s that working for you? For me it didn’t.

I tried for years to make that stuff work and it was frustrating and only kept me losing and regaining the same 5lbs and no where close to gaining the muscle definition I wanted.

Then I found macro counting 😍 but before you get defensive and say it’s confusing or time consuming hear me out.

What if you could try out macro counting without actually having to count macros?

I’ve used macro counting to “macro-hack” my family’s favorite dinners so I could eat healthier with my picky eaters while still getting the results I wanted.

I’ve been using these recipes for years and they are a big part of my success to staying consistent.

I decided to share my family’s favorites through a free 5 Day Macro-Friendly Dinner Challenge that I’ll be hosting next week in my Facebook group.

I challenge you to come join me and see what macro counting is really all about and how it could be that missing piece that makes everything easier. 💕

What’s your biggest struggle around food?

Details 👇

Photos from Mom Is the New Strong's post 23/09/2020

Dealing with picky eaters and tired of restrictive diets? But still want results?

I was 🙋‍♀️ so I had to figure out a way to deal with both if I was going to stay sane while sticking to my fitness goals AND surviving dinner time.

Then I met macro counting 😍 and I used it to “macro-hack” my family’s favorite meals and turn them into healthier versions that allowed me to stay on track with my goals AND not have to cook myself separate meals.

I decided to put together a 5 Day Macro-Dinner Challenge to share my family’s favorite recipes and prove that you can eat healthy with your picky eaters AND that macro counting isn’t as complicated as it seems. 😉

Challenge starts next week! Last week of September!

Drop your fav emoji and I’ll send you the recipes so you can plan to go grocery shopping before it starts! Tag a friend to join you!

I’ll also be going live all next week in my Facebook group to sharing more about macro counting and how it’s changed my life. 💕


Do you struggle with picky eaters at home?

Turns I do too 🤷‍♀️ but I still find ways to eat for my fitness goals and not have to cook myself separate meals.

My daughter is a cereal-a-holic who has to have ketchup with every meal and it took me a year of trying to get my son to finally eat green beans or potatoes not in the shape of fries.

When I became a mom I knew I didn’t want to cook myself separate dinners or have my kids watch me do restrictive diets.

Then macro counting came into my life 😍 and it allowed me flexibility to have my cake and eat it too. 😜

I also figured out other ways to encourage my picky kiddos to try healthier foods.

Picky eaters is the #1 struggle moms tell me is keeping them from eating healthier.

I am here to say my kids are no different, I’ve just found approaches that work for us and I want to share those with you ❤️

Ready to start trying again with those picky eaters?

Check out the lastest Mom is the New Strong Podcast Episode # 68: Dealing with Picky Eaters.

Podcast is on iTunes, Spotify, stitcher & google play

What’s your biggest frustration with picky eaters?


So many changes going on and mixed emotions everywhere.

I’ve been having more setbacks than I usually do. More moments of giving into things I normally don’t and more moments of letting all the s**t going on in the world effect me negatively.

I had to take a step back and ask why am I doing this?!

Instead of beating myself up, I reflected and found some self compassion and even compassion for others.

Though our experiences may differ, we all have the same basic human needs that need to be met.

These needs drive everything that you do.

And you can met those needs in a positive or negative ways.

Those setbacks have been me simply fulfilling a need in a negative way.

By understanding why you do what you do, you can create the awareness needed for change and the empowerment to do something about it.

I dropped a new podcast episode to help you figure out what needs you need met and how to meet them in positive ways. Just search Mom is the New Strong Show where ever you listen to podcasts. It’s episode 63.

If you’ve been enjoying the podcast please leave me a review and subscribe 💕

What have you been struggling with lately?

Photos from Mom Is the New Strong's post 22/06/2020

Muscle is NOT built in the gym.

I actually use to workout harder and longer in the gym than I do now because I really though that the more I did in the gym the faster my muscles would grow.

When I learned how protein synthesis works aka the muscle repairing/building process I realized that what I did outside of the gym matter just as much, if not more, than what I did inside the gym.

Lifting weights is the signal that starts the muscle building process but it’s your recovery that dictates if you build more muscle or if you actually lose muscle.

I see this being the biggest thing that holds women back from getting the results they deserve after busting their ass in their workouts.

The four big areas that effect muscle recovery/muscle building is...

🍎 Nutrition
😴 Sleep
😱 Stress management
💪 Physical muscle recovery like foam rolling and stretching

To help ya out I released a really good podcast episode last week on the Mom is the New Strong Show that goes into detail about why these areas matter but also some really actionable takeaways you can start doing today to see better muscle gains and even fat loss.

Search Mom is the New Strong on your favorite podcast app or comment for link.

Which area do you struggle with the most? Nutrition, sleep, stress management or foam rolling/stretching?

Oh and I finally bought my first outfit ever from LuLu Lemon. Loving it 😍


One of my favorite transformations 😍 but there is more to it than this beautiful muscle gain.

I’ve loved watching Rhonda’s transform over the past year, not just a physical transformation but a mental one too.

It’s not easy hearing... eat more food (especially carbs) and do less cardio but she trusted the process.

Those changes pair with focusing on increasing strength and being dedicated inside and outside of the gym created this transformation.

Her drive to get it done made her so much fun to work with.

You wouldn’t ever guessed this beautiful woman was a grandma. She proves it’s never too late and if you ask her why she does it she’ll say “I do it for me and MY journey. At 51 I never would of thought I’d be in a gym! And I am in the gym because I CAN be!”


😜 lack of motivation? Lack of willpower? Nah!

Relying on “willpower” to get ya through this without gaining the quarantine 15 isn’t a smart game plan.

It’s not a reliable long term solution.

Instead why not figure out what’s causing those food cravings 💁‍♀️ gain back control around food and actually improve your relationship with food.

And don’t give me that excuse... “but Jess I am just a foodie. I can’t help it.” Girl from one foodie to another... you can help it, you just haven’t figured out how.

So for all you foodies out there trying to get through quarantine with your pants still fitting (leggings don’t count 😆) I just dropped a new podcast episode for the Mom is the New Strong Show about what causes food craving, how to decode yours and tips to overcome them... so that you can get to the root of the issue and stop relying on willpower bc that s**t doesn’t last! ❤️

Search Mom is the New Strong Show on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, or Stitcher.

What foods have you been craving since quarantine started? Mine is chips and salsa 🤤 can’t wait for restaurants to open again so I can get my fix... to go chips and salsa just isn’t the same!


Feeling a little defeated because you don’t have a home gym?

I totally get it. I don’t have a home gym and even if I wanted to buy some equipment I don’t have a garage or the extra room for it.

So my only option really are resistance bands.

To be honest I always thought resistance bands were more for beginners. I figured working out with them would be too easy.

I am finding out I was wrong. It actually is more challenging because the resistance feels different than a barbell or dumbbell.

I also use to think that resistance bands wouldn’t be enough to stimulate muscle growth.

But turns out they can.

They create muscle tension just like a barbell or dumbbell could.

By adding more resistance bands and adjusting my position I can increase the resistance which equals increasing muscle tension.

Def different than my normal gym workouts but excited to see how I can maintain if not even improve over this month.

If you want to join me in using resistance bands at home, message me and I can send you a link to purchase your own set.

I’ll be focusing on full body strength training workouts. Here was today’s workout. I found a resistance that was challenging for 15 reps and did 4 sets of each exercise.

Are you working out at home? What equipment are you using?


Before you said...

“I don’t have enough time.”

“I wish I could spend more time with my family.”

“If only I had the time to workout and focus on me for once!”

“I wish I could just sleep in for one more hour.”

Now you have that precious time you always wanted... how are you going to intentionally spend it?

Not all of us have the luxury of money, some of us have lost our jobs, but time is a resource that no money could buy ❤️ you are richer than you think.

With uncontrollable change comes the opportunity for intentional change.


My first emotion was defeat... my first thought was “there goes all my progress!” When I was told the gym would be closed for 2 weeks I was like 😔 then would I was told it could be more than a month I was like 😱

I know I am not alone on this because of all the posts I’ve seen from y’all.

But I want to share hope ❤️ You can still make progress at home without access to all the heavy weights and machines.

If you understand how building muscle works you can create an at home workout that stimulates muscle growth without all the fancy equipment.

There are 3 mechanism of muscle building.

Muscle tension - progressive over load by increasing weights (resistance) over time aka heavy lifting and increasing time under tension aka slowing down the rep

Metabolic stress - the burn, the pump... increased volume and going to failure

Muscle damage - focusing on the eccentric part of a lift where the muscle is lengthened under tension (for ex. The lowering portion of the bicep curl). Doing something new or just pushing yourself. But you don’t want to over do this... you don’t want to cause too much muscle damage.

If you want to learn more about the 3 mechanism of muscle building and how to apply them into your home workouts... then check out my latest podcast episode that just dropped.

Search for Mom is the New Strong Show on iTunes, stitcher, Spotify and google play.

Don’t let this Coronavirus rob you of progress and doing one of the best things you can do for yourself right now (continuing to exercise).

If you still need help putting together an at home workout plan that will continue to get you closer to your goals... I got you ❤️ just ask.

Are you still working out at home? How have you modified your workouts to keep up progress and sanity?


No one diet is the holy grail for everyone!

This is why so many diets work for so many people but equally don't work for just as many people.

The best diet for you is the one you can sustain and improves not just your physical but your mental health!

Come at me if you think differently because I won't budge on this!

Even if you are just interested in weight loss, they all work the same! They help you create a calorie deficit!

You can just as easily gain weight on any diet if you increase the calories above your weight loss calories.

For 2020 I want to challenge you to create your own damn way!

Stop trying things just because everyone and their momma is doing it!

If you are struggling to figure out the best diet for you, ask yourself the following questions before starting a new diet...

1. Can you see yourself doing it for more than a year? Is it sustainable?
2. Does it improve your physical and mental health?
3. Does it fit your mom lifestyle?
4. Does it compliment your goals? Fitness? Health?
5. Does it still let you enjoy life?

AND yes you have permission to create your own diet! I do! for me personally I do a mix of flexible dieting, whole 30 and clean eating.

If you are struggling to find a diet that works for you, listen to episode #1 5 Easy Steps to Finding Your Perfect Diet of my podcast

Have you figured out a diet that works for you? Which of these diets didn't work for you?

P.S. a diet doesn't always mean restriction for weight loss. A diet is simple the way you choose to eat.


There is no one diet fits all approach. Stop doing what you think is the “right” diet and find one that works FOR you!

Photos from Mom Is the New Strong's post 08/01/2020

Setting goals for the sake of setting goals is dumb.

2019 didn’t go anywhere near how I originally planned.

I had to let go of a lot of expectations and make room for healing mentally and physically as I dealt with breast implant illness and explanation surgery.

2019 goals ended up being all around regaining my health.

Going through that process made me realize the goals that matter are the ones that are created with purpose.

Not the ones that sound nice or what everyone else is doing.

It’s nice to set a goal to lose weight or finally get fit but really what does being a certain scale weight or jean size really mean to you?

I am bias and I think everyone should have fitness and health goals... But goals need to be created from a vision of how you want to show up in this lifetime.

I want you to really ask yourself, why did you set the goals you have for 2020? What do they really mean to you?

Did you even set any?

Then go listen to this week’s episode on the EP 46 2020 Goal Setting with Purpose!

I share the 5 steps I took to set goals with purpose for 2020, how I plan to hold myself accountable and the one planner that I am in absolute love with!

Link in comments ❤️

P.S. I’ve decided to stop dying my grey hair to see if I like it. Anyone else letting their grey go? 💁‍♀️


2020 is here! Now is the time to take action towards a better you!

But where do you start? How do you start? When do you start? It all can feel so overwhelming!

What if you could learn the answers to all of your questions from some top industry experts, so you can start 2020 with everything you need to make it your biggest, best, healthiest year yet??

Ali Greenman interviewed me, along with 21 other amazing women across all areas of health and wellness. She spoke with experts on self care, nutrition, fitness, financial health, emotional health, hormonal health, spiritual health, psychological health… the list could go on!

The interviews in the Get Fit, Feel Fabulous series are packed with simple steps you can take right now to improve your wellbeing!

The event actually started yesterday, you might have missed out one day but you can STILL sign up RIGHT NOW and catch all the other amazing interviews.


There will never be a better time to improve your health…

Then right now!

It just so happens there is a new year right around the corner.

But where do you start? How do you start? When do you start? It all can feel so overwhelming!

What if you could learn the answers to all of your questions from some top industry experts, so you can start 2020 with everything you need to make it your biggest, best, healthiest year yet??

Ali Greenman interviewed me, along with 21 other amazing women across all areas of health and wellness. She spoke with experts on self care, nutrition, fitness, financial health, emotional health, hormonal health, spiritual health, psychological health… the list could go on!

The interviews in the Get Fit, Feel Fabulous series are packed with simple steps you can take right now to improve your wellbeing! It would be crazy not to check out this free event!

Sign up now to grab your free seat, this online event starts January 6th!

Photos from Mom Is the New Strong's post 13/12/2019

Hi this is big b***y Judy ✋ your favorite fitness influencers who isn’t certified in nutrition or fitness. I paid for my ass but I am still your “trusted” go to expert for weight loss and fitness, and I just wanted to promote my 5th product this week!

What I got here is P**p U Thin detox tea. It’s totally backed by tons of science. Just drink this tea and you’ll p**p out all of your belly fat. Yup it’s that easy! Drink, p**p and look fab. Don’t believe me swip to check out my 2 day transformation! Just use discount code ilovetop**p that’s ilovetop**p for 50% off today!!!

Lol 😆 I cracked myself up making this post. Gotta love those stupid body distortion apps 😂

But all jokes aside there is a solid message here that I wanted to share.

Ladies please for the love of all things health and fitness stop wasting your time and money on silly weight loss products!

I am not trying to dog all supplements (because I do take a few like a good ol’ fashion protein powder) but I’ll be bold enough to say that 90% of them are complete crap and pointless.

The supplement industry is not as well regulated as you would like to think, even the FDA website says that supplement companies do not need FDA approval prior to marketing their products unless it contains a “new dietary ingredient” and that it’s the companies responsibility to make sure their products are safe and claims are true.

You also have to remember that supplements are just that... meant to supplement! Not to be a replacement for a good diet or a free pass to have a s**tty one!

If you want to take a supplement, do some research, make sure it’s of good quality and that it’s going to foremost improve your health.

But don’t think for one second you NEED a supplement to lose weight or get fit.

If ya feel me on this, let me get an “AMEN” 🙌
And tag a momma friend that needs a good laugh! 😆


🚨Because YOU need to know PERFECT and FINAL DESTINATIONS are not required for this ride!

One of the BIGGEST mind f*cks I dealt with when I first started this fitness and health journey 9 years ago (more like a self love journey)...

Was thinking that I had to do everything right all the time to make progress and that one day I'd arrive to this final destination where I'd have my dream body, know everything and never deal with a setback again!

Whoa what a bunch of complete 💩! And honestly thinking about it now, it would be freakin' boring if I was perfect.

Guys, I've been on this journey for 9 years and I am STILL learning new things all the time about myself and through working with personal training and nutrition clients.

That's why I decided to do special podcast episodes once a month where I share my takeaways from the past month.

Think of it like sitting down for a glass or wine or coffee with your bestie who just happens to be a certified personal trainer/nutritionist.💁‍♀️

I spill my lessons, experiences, stories and thoughts in a way that educate, inspire and prove that this journey never ends! Sprinkled in with things I am dealing with when it comes to mom life and being a woman.

So grab a cup of whatever... wine, coffee, whiskey in your ☕️ ... hey no judgements here, and check out November's Takeaways. On itunes, spotify or stitcher link in comments.

This months' takeaways include...

⚡️Update on my Fitness Goals and Struggles
⚡️How I got back on track after Thanksgiving
⚡️My Story on How I got my First Pull up (Now I can do 20+ pullups at a time)
⚡️The One thing I wish I would of paid more attention to when I first started working out that I am paying for now
⚡️The Top 6 Exercises I do EVERY Week
⚡️Sneak Peek into my upcoming Meal Planning Course for 2020
⚡️My experience getting the O Shot (Yes I got a shot in my coochie 😆)

Let me know, are you enjoying the Mom is the New Strong Podcast?


Those “cute” b***y band exercises from big b***y Becky the “fitness model” that probably paid for her butt, are a waist of time!

There are a few things that reaaally get me fired up and the amount of s**tty fitness advice on Instagram is one of them.

Women come up to me in the gym asking me how to do these weird exercises they find on Instagram and I honestly tell them I’ve never done that or ever tell my clients to either because there are waaaay better exercises.

The amount of “cute” exercises on Instagram is crazy and a big reason I don’t post my exercises everyday is because it would get boring real fast.

I’ve gained muscle and have transformed my body and my clients by doing a lot of the same exercises with the focus being on improving strength on 6 main exercises. They are the center of all my programming.

1. Barbell Squats
2. Bench Press
3. Deadlift
4. Barbell Overhead Press
5. Barbell Hip Thruster
6. Pull Ups

Ladies stop making it a mission to do a different workout every time you go to the gym or to try a new exercise every week.

Focus on improving your strength in these 6 exercises. Make them a priority in your workouts every week.

I know what you’re thinking... but don’t I need to change things up or I’ll plateau?

It’s true if you don’t push yourself to progress you’ll plateau but what you got wrong is you don’t need to change up the exercises all the time, the way you progress and change it up is by steadily going up in weights. That’s the stimulus change you focus on.

So unfollow big butt Becky who claims all she does for her b***y gainz are light band exercises and stay in your own lane! You got this!

Do you already do these exercises? If not what’s holding you back?


Presents. Christmas Parties and Decor Oh My!

Tis the season for giving, sharing cheer and ringing in credit card debt for the new year!

I don’t know about you but trying not to take advantage of every sale I see is a struggle and I really don’t consider finances my strong point because let’s be honest... math was def not my thing in school!

If you feel like me, then you don’t want to miss this week’s episode.

For one it’s our very first guest and for two she lays out some simple and practical ways to save money this holiday season so you don’t start the new year in debt!


Ready for a new week but need some motivation and accountability to get ya through the week?

Join me in my free Facebook group. We just started doing weekly accountability posts and check ins to keep ourselves motivated to focus on our health/fitness throughout the holiday.


Tag your mom friends ❤️ the more the better!


Omg I gained 5lbs from that “cheat meal”!

I use to think that one meal could ruin everything and the scale was the proof.

The day after a “cheat” meal I’d feel bloated, opt to wear my yoga pants and feel guilty while standing on the scale that read loud and clear that I was 5lb heavier.

Now it’s 2 days after thanksgiving and I feel that familiar bloating, still prefer yoga pants and the scale probably says I am at least 5lbs heavier than the day before Thanksgiving.

That hasn’t changed but something else did that makes all the difference.

My story about it.

For one there is no such thing as a “cheat” meal for me. Food isn’t a school exam and I am a grown ass woman that chooses what food I want when I want it without guilt. Majority of the time I just choose to eat healthier foods that make me feel good but on occasion I choose other indulgent foods that make me happy too.

For two it’s impossible to gain 5lbs of fat in a day. I know now that a majority of that weight is just water weight that will go away in a few days when I get back to my normal eating.

For every gram of carb you eat you retain 3 grams of water. This is why low carb diets appear to make you lose weight really fast at first, it’s mostly water weight you loose from the lower carb intake.

And for three, I know from personal experience that if I beat myself up for over eating or label foods as “bad” that I am only setting myself up for more self guilt which will start a cascade of unhealthy decisions that will ultimately put me in a rut.

By being loving to myself I empower myself to want to get back on track.

The bloating and 5lbs gained on the scale is always going to happen after you over eat or eat a carb heavy meal but the story you tell yourself about the experience is everything!

What story are you telling yourself 2 days after Thanksgiving? How can you change it to be one that is loving and more empowering?

❤️P.S. If you want to learn more about how water weight works and how to use the scale in a more positive way for your goals, check out my podcast episode called “Should I Use a Scale”. Link in comments.


*alarm goes off* it’s Monday morning 🤦‍♀️

Hit snooze. Alarm goes off. Repeat...

Before you know it you are rushing around to get you and your kids ready for the day...

That morning rush that leaves you already counting down the days till the weekend, carries on throughout the whole day.

It feels like nothing is going right and you can’t seem to catch up.

You blame it on being a Monday. But it feels like everyday of the week is a repeat of the dreaded Monday.

You think you are doing good by just getting the kids to where they need to go, showing up for your daily obligations and if everyone has something to eat for dinner even if that means pizza or a fast food drive through.

You cant even imagine having time for you!

You feel drained, unappreciated, and the pressure of being everything to everyone.

You momma are not alone ❤️

As moms we are expected to wear many hats and as strong heart centered women we want to show up as everything for everyone.

But the truth is when you don’t take care of you first you are giving little bits and pieces of you.

You are unable to give your best and not only that but you will start to feel unappreciated and even resentful to those that you give too, even though deep down you sincerely want to give to them.

You can’t not give from an empty cup.

Us, moms, need to stop putting ourselves last.

You are not being selfish by taking time to take care of yourself and should make time daily to do so.

So I want to know momma, how are you goin to find time to take care of you tomorrow? ❤️

Tag a mom friend to remind her that she deserves time for her this week.


This week's podcast episode is about fitness and weight myths! Let’s have some fun! Comment true or false for each statement and I’ll comment back the answers.

1. Not eating past 7pm is better for weight loss.
2. Light weights and more reps is best for toning
3. Certain exercises are better for losing fat in certain areas like crunches are best for burning belly fat.
4. Cardio is better for fat loss than weight lifting.
5. You don't have to eat super clean and give up all junk food to lose weight.


Do You Think that Being Sore Means You had a Good Workout? If you answered yes, then ya need to hear this!

Timeline photos 09/10/2019

Ladies, I bet 💵 you are not eating enough protein even if you are eating a “healthy” diet. How do I know?

All of the women I have done nutrition consults with over the past 3 years were not eating enough protein for their weight loss and fitness goals.

On average they were only eating half of what they needed daily 😳😮

And I use to be one of those women. I thought as long as I just ate healthy I could reach my fitness goals. My diet was as clean as clean eating gets but I still struggled to make gains.

Protein is not only essential for muscle gains, its essential for healthy and successful fat loss too!

When I help women add more protein into their day I have heard the following...

⚡️ “I get less cravings!”
⚡️ “I have more energy!”
⚡️ “I am seeing progress again!”

Not sure how much protein you need? Or even how the heck to fit it all into your day without chugging protein shakes all day?

I gotcha 🙂 i just released a new podcast episode on The Mom is the New Strong Show called Protein 101.

I explain how protein is essential for progress, how much you need to eat everyday and realistic ways to get it all in by sharing easy ways to make small changes to your daily diet.

Link in comments ❤️

Videos (show all)

Feeling a little defeated because you don’t have a home gym?I totally get it. I don’t have a home gym and even if I want...