I wont say I love you, I will make you feel "I do"

I wont say I love you, I will make you feel "I do"


it's better to just
Remain silent, and


"ভালবাসার অত্যাচার হচ্ছে সবচেয়ে ভয়ানক অত্যাচার। এ অত্যাচারের বিরুদ্ধে কখনো কিছু বলা যায় না, শুধু সহ্য করে নিতে হয়।"
- হুমায়ূন আহমেদ

Blog 26/02/2015

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There is only one person you spend your whole life with,
and that is yourself. If you aren't ok with you, there is an issue.


Sometimes giving someone a second chance is like giving them another bullet for their gun because they missed you the first time.


Whenever you miss me?
Don’t look for me in your dream.
Don’t try to hear my voice in your mobile.
Just put your right hand in your heart and you will feel
me in your heart beats....


Do you ever wish you had a second chance
to meet someone again for the first time?


If you're single make the best of it.
It's not because you're not good enough
for anyone, it means no one is good enough for you . . .




They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.


You don't always have to pretend to be strong, there is no need to prove all the time that everything is going well. You shouldn't be concerned about what other people are thinking, cry if you need to, it's good to cry out all your tears. Because only then you will be able to smile again...


Honesty is expensive gift, don't deserve it from cheap people.


If someone loves you a lot,
If someone cares you always,
If someone keeps you happy always,
You should also have to hear his/ her pain and problems
which is not expressible.
Its happen only in true love..


Nobody's gonna love you like I did
Nobody's gonna kiss the way I kiss
Nobody's gonna play the fool for you
Nobody's gonna love you like I do
Nobody's gonna spend the way I spent
Nobody's gonna love you till the end

Timeline photos 10/06/2014

If they did it probably would keep them from being real!


Being in a relationship is not about kissing, dates, taking pictures or showing off. It's about being with the person who makes you happy


I told GOD :
Protect me from my enemies..
And then, i started losing Friends...!


Believe it or not,

There's somebody out there hoping to meet someone just like you :)


Never waste Your feelings to someone who doesnt know how to value them..


A relationship is not
Based on the length of time you have spent together,
Its based on the foundation you've built together.


A man is only insecure about a female
when he knows she deserves better.


When a man truly loves a women she becomes his weakness.
When a woman truly loves a man he becomes her strength.
This is called exchange of Power.


When it's real, You will know,
You Won't be Confused about it.


People will forget what you said..
People will forget wht you did

But people will never forget
how you made them feel.


Love is not only about romance.
Its about caring for another person more than yourself...


You don't need someone to complete you.
You only need someone to accept you completely.


"Let Her Go"

Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go


Try to be happy the way you want to be,
not the way you use to be...


When someone is so sweet to you,
Don't expect that person will be like that all the time.

Remember, even the sweetest chocolate expires.


..... even if I cried a thousand tears tonight
Would you come back to me?
And even if I walked on the water
Would you come out to sea?
Now I can't spend my life standing by
Cause even when I miss you
You're still not missing me :(


There is nothing in live that can't be fixed with a positive attitude and a big bloody hammer!


I don’t wanna run away, I don’t wanna be alone
No Promises
Baby, now I need to hold you tight, now and forever my love


When I say I love you
Please believe it’s true
When I say forever
Know I’ll never leave you
When I say goodbye
promise me you won’t cry
be Cause the day I’ll be saying that
Would be the day I die !!


I have died everyday waiting 4 u,
darling don't be afraid i Have loved u,
4 a thousand year,
i Love y0u 4 a thousand more. . u