Wordsower English Bible Church Mancherial

Wordsower English Bible Church Mancherial



For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

Matthew 16:26 KJV



We’re a culture that glorifies busy. It’s a mantle we wear with pride. When someone asks us how we’re doing, we respond with a “I’m good, but crazy busy.”

We seem to derive our value from asserting that we’re just so much busier than the next person. Our over packed, overwhelmed schedules actually give us a sense of pride, even a sense of identity.

God honors us when we honor Him with our time.

If you and I are too busy for prayer, then we are simply too busy. If we are too busy to read the Bible, then we are simply too busy.

Maybe you and I should reorder our priorities so we make time for the things that are important and not merely what’s urgent.

Lean In

Gracious God, I marvel at the fact that You’re never too busy for me. Scripture says that Your ear is inclined toward me. Help me realize that being too busy to spend time with You actually depletes me and drains me of life and energy. Help me, Father, to always prioritize time with you. Amen


Finding Rest In A Busy World

The incident of Jesus visiting the home of Martha is familiar if you’ve been around church for a bit. Sooner or later, it comes up in a Sunday School story or in a message from the pulpit.

We very quickly identify with one of the sisters.

Let’s start with those of us who walk in Martha’s shoes.

Like Martha, we may find ourselves striving in our faith walk. We may have unintentionally subscribed to a brand called performance-driven Christianity. We subconsciously buy into the idea that we can earn God’s approval. We may believe that we’re working hard for God’s kingdom, when in reality our ministry has become more important than the Messiah.

We forget that Christ died for the ungodly, for the broken, for the bruised, for those who don’t have it all together. Scripture says in Romans 5:8 that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.

Still sinners. God doesn’t need for us to be perfect. He doesn’t want us to present a clean slate to Him. He is in the business of taking the broken pieces of our lives and melding it together to create something so beautiful that He calls us His “treasured possession.”

If you’re thinking, “I’m not good enough for this whole Christian thing,” you’re absolutely right! The truth is, none of us are “good enough.” We’ve all sinned and fallen short of God’s standard of holiness. Recognizing that we’re not ever going to make it on our own merit is the first step to finding rest for now and for all eternity.

Take your mess to Him. Take your brokenness to Him. It’s not too much for Him to handle.

Lean In

Father God, Thank you for sending your Son to take my place on the Cross. I’m so relieved that my righteousness comes from Him and has absolutely nothing to do with me or my accomplishments. I trust in that Perfect Sacrifice because of which I don’t need to be perfect. Amen


'Love Your Neighbour as Yourself' Includes People of Other Faiths

Opening Prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, we respond, in prayer, to our high calling as your disciples to see people of other faiths as our neighbours in the biblical sense. They are human beings created in God’s image, whom you love and for whose sins you died. We strive not only to see them as neighbours, but to obey your teaching by being neighbours to them. You call us to be gentle, but not naïve; to be discerning and not gullible; to be alert to whatever threats we may face, but not ruled by fear. Amen.


We are called to share good news in evangelism, but not to engage in unworthy proselytizing. Evangelism, which includes persuasive rational argument following the example of the Apostle Paul, is ‘to make an honest and open statement of the gospel which leaves the hearers entirely free to make up their own minds about it. We wish to be sensitive to those of other faiths, and we reject any approach that seeks to force conversion on them.’[1] Proselytizing, by contrast, is the attempt to compel others to become ‘one of us’, to ‘accept our religion’, or indeed to ‘join our denomination’.

We commit ourselves to be scrupulously ethical in all our evangelism. Our witness is to be marked by ‘gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience.’ We therefore reject any form of witness that is coercive unethical, deceptive, or disrespectful.

We affirm the proper place for dialogue with people of other faiths, just as Paul engaged in debate with Jews and Gentiles in the synagogue and public arenas. As a legitimate part of our Christian mission, such dialogue combines confidence in the uniqueness of Christ and in the truth of the gospel with respectful listening to others.

Closing Prayer:

In your name, we repent of our failure to seek friendships with people of Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist and other religious backgrounds. Instead, through your Spirit, Jesus, we will take initiatives to show love, goodwill, and hospitality to them. In your name, we refuse both to promote lies and caricatures about other faiths, and denounce and resist the racist prejudice, hatred, and fear incited in popular media and political rhetoric. In your name, we reject the path of violence and revenge in all our dealings with people of other faiths, even when violently attacked. Amen.

Ask God to pour out his Spirit to stir us with a vision of an evangelical church for every people.



The More Things Change

Every day I see Christians of all political and theological persuasions who fear tomorrow because of what they see transpiring in society. But nowhere in the Bible do we read that God wants us to fear the future. Instead, the Bible gives us many examples of living with bold love in a changing world.

The truth is, while society is always shifting, the core foundational issues we struggle with as a society are not new. There is nothing any present-day society is processing that societies of the past did not work through.

Every trend or event that has occurred in our day is based on a more fundamental human issue that Jesus, Paul, Peter, and other biblical leaders had to address in a different way. In fact, although our society has some major moral and ethical gaps, we don’t face the degree of danger that was prevalent in the first century. While their society and ours have both experienced crumbling marriages, human trafficking, slavery, and so on, the way the early Christians experienced such societal movements was harsher and resulted in the deaths of many Christians.

In the first century, a majority of Christians lived in the Roman Empire, which was led by a succession of dictators, some of whom were so narcissistic that they believed they were divine. Meanwhile, the superstition of other religions inside the empire was unbelievable. The ethics and values that Christians held contrasted starkly to those of the Greco-Roman world. This frequently led to misunderstanding, slander, persecution, exile, and death.

Now, what was it you saw posted on social media that you thought was an outrage? There’s no comparison between society for first-century Christians, societies in the Old Testament era, and our American society. (The closest similarity in today’s world might be the society of some countries in the Middle East.)

Yet when Jesus, Peter, and Paul interacted with people far from God, they didn’t get mad at them. They had strong biblical beliefs and strong friendships with various people, even those far from God. Perhaps we should do the same, knowing that since tomorrow belongs to God, we can graciously offer hope to people today.

What changes do you see in society that cause you fear? Why do they make you fearful?


Start By Being Real With God

You start overcoming worry by first getting real with God. God cares about you very, very deeply. He cares about your thoughts and feelings and even things you feel unsure about. God honestly wants to hear what you’re dealing with and how you feel. You don’t have to restrain yourself or use special religious words. Listen as we start by just telling God whatever is on your mind.

Listen to prayer
Find peace, purpose and strength with Jesus in prayer. Hear daily prayers, choose prayer topics and customize your prayer time.



God has a plan, purpose, and will for your life. Before your existence in history, God appointed your days before one of them came to be! How amazing and all knowing is our God!

Despite what people, circumstances, or your thoughts attempt to tell you, remember God knew what He was doing when He divinely ordered your steps as you endured those challenges, sad times, disappointments, setbacks, promotions, expansions, blessings, and positive accelerations. Your collective life experiences are working together for your good and training you for the plans, purposes, and will of God. As we journey through life as children of covenant, trusting God is absolutely paramount in our lives, although we might not understand all of the puzzle pieces.

But when we trust God, knowing that He loves us and will never leave nor forsake us, we are empowered to faithfully believe that God’s training is for where He is taking us. The training God has you going through is timed and on purpose! Your training is strengthening you for where God has ordained you to go. No matter what, remember obedience and faith is God’s way to the TOP!

When God ordered Moses’ steps as a baby to be led, raised, and educated in the house of Pharaoh, God came through in timely training because Moses was equipped in the ways and customs to communicate with Pharaoh to serve as advocate for the Israelites' freedom.

When God ordered David’s steps to shepherd, defend, and tend his father’s sheep, God came through in timely training because not only did his training assist in defeating Goliath, he served as king, shepherding, defending, and tending His heavenly Father’s sheep in praise, God’s will, and worship.

When God ordered Esther’s steps, she received advice from the king’s eu**ch and found favor with all who saw her, including the king. God came through in timely training because Esther learned order and how to converse with the king on behalf of the deliverance of her people.

When God ordered Joseph’s steps to have a dream, be disrespected by his family, rerouted from his homeland, lied on, thrown in jail, forgotten about, God came through in timely training because Joseph was used to save many lives as a leader.

Allow these models of timely training to encourage you today. God is training you to fulfill his plan, purpose, and will. God comes through on time.


Changed Priorities

Haggai was one of the prophets who encouraged the returned exiles to rebuild God’s house, the temple. But before he could help them with the positive work of rebuilding, he had the job of convincing them that their thinking, words, and priorities were unhelpful.

It is the same for us. We will be unfulfilled in life, and much less effective, until we prioritize “building His house” – in our life, family, church, and community. Jesus’ words to seek first God’s kingdom need to be heeded.

The first 12 verses of Haggai chapter 1 reveal how God highlighted His people’s wrong thinking.

1. Wrong thinking. People were saying that it wasn’t the right time for the Lord’s house to be built. In fact, it is always the right time to put God’s priorities first.

2. Wrong priorities. God challenged them, “Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins?”

3. Poor results. The people’s flawed way of life was delivering poor results. “You expect much, but see, it turned out to be little,” God said. They needed to give careful thought to their ways.

4. Building the wrong kingdom. God showed them why their lives were not going to plan. They weren’t getting what they hoped for because “...My house lies in ruins ... while all of you are busy building your own fine houses.”

5. A new understanding. Eventually the penny drops and we see the people making a positive decision to obey the voice of the Lord (v12) and change their priorities. After that, we read that the Lord stirred the spirit of the whole remnant of Israel and they began to work on rebuilding the house of the Lord.

There are many important, legitimate things in life that demand our time and attention. But the secret – which will lead to a better outcome for all those things – is to prioritize Christ and His kingdom; to build His house first.

What does this mean in practice?

It means Jesus must take the pre-eminent place in our lives. He comes first. We learn to surrender to His plans and priorities and follow His lead. Thereafter, He will ensure that all our needs are met. It is remarkable how, when we acknowledge the Lord and make Him first and foremost, everything else finds its proper place. And we are none the poorer for it, only richer!


When God Has Our Hearts

In Matthew 6:25-26, Jesus applies all we have covered over the last few devotionals,

“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?”

Given the context of the preceding verses, Jesus is telling us that if God is first in our giving, then He indeed has our heart. If He has our hearts, He can guide us and meet our needs, and we have no need to worry about provision for our life.

He feeds the birds. He will take care of you. Do not worry. Obey Him, trust Him, and look to Him for your daily bread.

Matthew 6:33 says,

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”


The Heart of the Issue

In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus continues to deal with matters of the heart,

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”

How do you lay up treasures in heaven? Jesus told the rich young ruler, “Sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.” So giving to help people, giving to the poor, giving to ministry, giving to God’s work instead of hoarding it up, giving to God—that is the way you lay treasure up in heaven.

But notice that Jesus goes on to say, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Jesus hasn’t really changed the subject. The heart of the issue is the heart. That is the theme of Jesus’ teaching.

A right heart attitude—a proper heart motive—is what God cares about most. That is true whether you are giving, you are praying, or you are fasting. He wants you to do these things for the right reasons.

Those right reasons include your desire to help people. Your desire to express your love for God and His Kingdom. Those are the right reasons.

Jesus said, when you are motivated by the right reasons, you are laying up treasure in heaven. He says, “Where your treasure is (in heaven with God), there your heart will be also.”

His point? The heart of the issue is your heart.


Happiness...where is it?

It’s a question that often appears in the media and on TV shows...does happiness exist? If so, then...where is it?

The Bible speaks to us about happiness in at least two passages: Psalm 1:1 and Matthew 5:1-12. Let’s dive into these scriptures…

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.” (the Bible, Psalm 1:1)

This psalm begins with the word “blessed,” which is also the word Jesus uses in His first sermon, the “Sermon on the Mount.” (see the Bible, Matthew 5:1-12) Did you know that both of these words, the Hebrew esher and the Greek makarios, mean “happy”?

It’s in the center of God’s will that you be happy. Everything He does and tells you in His Word is intended to make you happy, truly happy. Yes!

And I believe that this is a testimony to your friends and all those around you. When they see you glowing, radiant, despite the circumstances, it speaks to them...causes them to wonder and think, “This person has something different...what is it?”

When you walk in God’s paths, in agreement with His Word, you shine with His light. You diffuse His peace. And it’s a powerful testimony! Your life speaks of God’s marvelous works. Happiness is living with Him day by day. Happiness is walking in His footprints.

Be happy, my friend, and allow it to emanate from you to others!

Where is happiness? He is inside of you, and His name is Jesus!

Thanks for existing!

Eric Célérier


Because He live I can face tomorrow.

Happy Easter Sunday


On This Holy Day
May His Light Guide Your Path
May His Love Grace Your Heart
And May His Sacrifice Strengthen


A Secret Weapon Called Weakness

In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul was sharing one of his personal struggles. He actually called it a thorn in his flesh and a messenger from Satan.

So here was the greatest author in the New Testament, the guy who opened the door of the Gospel to the entire Gentile world, and he was confused and confined by a weakness.

Paul asked God to fix it. Three times. But it didn't work. Nothing changed. Instead, God gave this mysterious promise that His power works best in weakness. He answered Paul's prayer by saying, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness." [verse 9]

It may sound like a profoundly unsatisfying response if you're asking God to wave His hand and eliminate your shortcomings.

You don't want to be weak. You want to be strong.

But it isn't about being strong despite weaknesses. And it isn't about being strong after weaknesses are gone. It is about being strong in and through and because of weaknesses.

Somehow, incredibly, the things that drive you crazy about yourself might be central to the fulfillment of your potential.

Your weaknesses don't disqualify you. They actually qualify you even more, because they are the portals through which God's power permeates your life.

That doesn't mean you never need to change, of course. You never stop changing. But it means the current version of you is the right version of you for this moment.

Stop stressing and straining to be a different you, because the real you is perfect and priceless. It's not only what God has to work with. It's what God wants to work with. And from that starting place, progress is possible.


Hosea is one of the most shocking tales in all of Scripture: A prophet marries a w***e. Despite his love and faithfulness to her, she cheats on him and returns to her life of prostitution. When she is shamefully offered up on the public auction block, God’s man buys her back.

Read Hosea 1:1-3:5.

The story is strikingly beautiful. Not just because of what it says about God’s people, but because of what it says about God. Despite being asked to do the unthinkable, Hosea never flinches at any point. From the altar, to the marriage bed, to the public square, to the auction block, Hosea’s love for Gomer was relentless and complete.

But suppose Hosea said no. He certainly had a lot to risk. Thankfully, Hosea expresses trust in God’s leadership instead of disappointment. At every point, Hosea chooses trust over despair.

We don’t know when Hosea assumed the role of prophet, or how long he was prophesying prior to marrying Gomer. But we can safely say that Hosea saw the need for reconciliation between sin-sick Israel and her God. God chose to deepen Hosea’s passion for reconciliation by having him live it.

Trusting God is actually more difficult than we might like to admit. We’ll heartily agree with God on what needs to get done, but we’ll rarely ask how He wants to use us. Many people trust God only as far as He validates their own plans and dreams.

You might have some ideas about where you’ll serve and how your ministry might look. But if God leads you someplace outside of your plan, it might feel like a bait-and-switch. One of the greatest postures you can develop as an emerging leader is to trust in the midst of seemingly confusing circumstances. Cultivate the discipline of trust and an understanding of your passion will follow.

Mother Teresa once said, “I have never had clarity; what I have always had is trust.” Which do you find yourself expressing more consistently to God - your need for clarity (“what do I do?”) or your expression of trust (“I’ll follow you”)?

Consider everything that Hosea stood to lose: his position, his sense of personal dignity, and the credibility of his ministry. What do you think allowed him to give those up? What would be the most unimaginable thing that God could ask of you?


The Wisdom of Obedience
As you read through the Bible, the role of obedience and disobedience in determining the blessing of God, becomes more and more obvious. It began with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. When they were obedient, they lived in blessing and peace. When they were disobedient, they brought a curse upon themselves and the earth, forfeiting the blessing God gave them. It continued through their sons, Cain and Abel, one was obedient and the other disobedient and that played out accordingly. On to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whose obedience brought promise to Israel, but when there was disobedience, there were unwanted consequences. And when Joseph put God first, despite the most challenging circumstances, great prosperity came to Israel despite a time of famine.

Throughout the Bible, the principle remains that obedience to God attracts blessing while disobedience brings about trouble and suffering. Without fail, we see the fortunes of Israel rise and fall in line with the obedience or disobedience of its rulers.

The lesson is clear. If we want to live with God’s blessing, we need His wisdom to teach us the difference between obedience and disobedience – what pleases God and what displeases Him.

At its root, obedience is a trust issue. Obedience is evidence that you trust God. If you don’t trust God, you will struggle to obey Him. A lack of trust is a lack of wisdom. And wisdom is what will make a way for you.

"Who among you fears the Lord?Who obeys the voice of His Servant? Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon his God." Isaiah 50:10 (NKJV)

Despite Samuel’s pleas, Saul disobeyed God by overstepping his bounds; consequently, Samuel advised Saul that obedience is more important than sacrifice (see 1 Samuel 15:22). Sacrifice is saying no to yourself. Obedience is saying yes to God. The thing is, we can make sacrifices without God being involved at all. That’s not to say that sacrifice is wrong, but rather that obedience is better. God is looking for your obedience.

Many Christians baulk at the idea of obedience, seeing it as an outdated Old Testament principle under the Law. Yet Jesus exemplified obedience to His Father, and in so doing, made a way for us to live under a New Covenant of grace. However, nowhere in the Bible will you find God approving disobedience to Him. Saying yes to Jesus’ invitation to accept His Lordship for our lives is the doorway to a life of victory and the path of wisdom through a life of obedience and submission to Him.

Lord, You are absolutely trustworthy, and when I struggle to trust You, it is because I don’t see You as You truly are. Forgive me and help me to renew my mind through Your Word; to see You in spirit and in truth so I can always confidently say YES to You.


“He Works All Things for Your Good”

God is in control over everything in every area of our lives. He is fully able to orchestrate any circumstance to work for our benefit as believers.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

He is more than capable to handle even the most complicated of life's challenges, and will lead us down the course of fulfilling His plan for our lives. He simply wants us to trust Him to do so.

“Trust in the Lord with all jour heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Putting our trust in God does not take the place of personal responsibility and good stewardship. Rather, personal responsibility and trusting Him go hand in hand. When we do our part, God is always faithful to do His and lead us effectively.

In many cases, God's leading comes in the form of opening and closing "doors" in our circumstances. Other times, our situations require nothing short of God's divine intervention to heal, work a miracle, or accomplish something otherwise impossible to do.

Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26

Whether it may be facing an incurable disease, a financial crisis, or even the unexpected loss of a loved one, God is present and able to work supernaturally during these times.

God is a specialist at turning tragedy into triumph and difficulty into joy through the Holy Spirit. Never doubt that God is still in the "miracle-working business" today. God is able to intervene in any impossible situation!


Silent Signals

Right now, there are invisible waves swirling around your head. Television shows, radio programs, phone conversations and GPS coordinates relentlessly bombard the world around you. Most of them dissipate into the ground or pulse unnoticed into the empty darkness of space. In the midst of all that noise, you can sit outside and enjoy a quiet evening completely oblivious to the barrage. But if you flip on a radio, television or cell phone, the silence suddenly has meaning.

One of those signals swirling around your head right now is the voice of God. It's not electronic. It can't be measured with instruments or received by devices. Up to this point, you may not have noticed God's voice, but it's there.

The book of Job is a strange story in the middle of the Bible about a man who became angry with God when his life started falling apart. Job accused God of not speaking, but Job's friend Elihu corrected Job's perspective. "Why do you complain to him that he responds to no one's words? For God does speak--now one way, now another-- though no one perceives it," (Job 33:13-14 NLT).

Elihu made a wise observation. God's always speaking, but we're not always listening. He speaks directly and indirectly. He speaks through dreams and through people. He speaks through pain and through joy. He speaks through life and through death. He's always speaking, and today he's talking to you. It’s really quite simple to hear him. All you need to do is turn on the only receiver you have that will pick up his signal -- your spirit.

When Jesus was confronted by the religious leaders of his time for breaking their sacred rules, he responded with this statement. "And I assure you that the time is coming, indeed it's here now, when the dead will hear my voice--the voice of the Son of God. And those who listen will live," (John 5:25 NLT).

Take a look at your life. Can you recognize any circumstances God may be using to get your attention? Can you think of people God might have placed in your life to help you hear his voice? Read through the Bible passages in Job and John, and try to recognize all the ways God has been speaking that you may not have given much thought to before now.


God, would you make your voice clear above the noise of my busy life? Help me recognize the people and events that you’re using to get my attention. Open my heart and my mind to understand these passages from the Bible.


It takes three days to get through Nineveh. Jonah travels one. The audacity of this chump. He’s been literally saved from the grips of death and he still can’t do all that God has asked him to do. In fact, God ends up needing to use word of mouth to get the message to the king of Nineveh.

Some of us are just unwilling to put the work in that it will require. Christianity is fine for us as long as we only need to come to church once or twice a month (or every three months). But if it’s going to take some effort, we’re out. Read some of these scriptures to learn what God says about these types of people, and seriously consider any parallels that may exist in your own life.

And no, the first verse’s irony is not lost on us either!

Bible References:
*“I know what you do. You are not hot or cold. I wish that you were hot or cold! But you are only warm—not hot, not cold. So I am ready to spit you out of my mouth. You say you are rich. You think you have become wealthy and don’t need anything. But you don’t know that you are really miserable, pitiful, poor, blind, and naked.
Revelation 3:15‭-‬17 ERV

*Lazy people are too lazy to lift the food from their plate to their mouth.
Proverbs 26:15 ERV

*Dear friends, I am not saying this because I think it is happening to you. We really expect that you will do better—that you will do the good things that will result in your salvation. God is fair, and he will remember all the work you have done. He will remember that you showed your love to him by helping his people and that you continue to help them. We want each of you to be willing and eager to show your love like that the rest of your life. Then you will be sure to get what you hope for. We don’t want you to be lazy. We want you to be like those who, because of their faith and patience, will get what God has promised.
Hebrews 6:9‭-‬12 ERV



Obedience and the Floodgates of Heaven

By Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

In his later years, the apostle John wrote, “No one who is born of God will continue to sin” (1 John 3:9). But earlier in the same letter, he says, “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us” (1:8). There is an important distinction we must make between the two types of sin John has in view.

As members of the human race, we have inherited a sinful nature. Until we are reunited with Jesus in glory, we will continue to struggle and will undoubtedly stumble from time to time. So if we say we are without sin, we are lying.

At the same time, we who have been born again have received a new nature. This means that our flesh – that sinful nature we inherited from Adam – now has a fight on its hands. As a result, those who follow Jesus no longer walk in sin unimpeded and without conviction from the Holy Spirit. We battle our sin and, with the Lord’s help, we overcome it.

There is a world of difference between occasionally disobeying and failing – we all do that – and continuous sin. When we fail, we who know Christ repent and turn to the Lord, and we are cleansed and move on. That’s why John can write, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

But habitual and continuous disobedience are a hindrance to the blessing of God, a hindrance that can block answers to prayer. It’s impossible to have fellowship with the Lord if we are living in outright disobedience.

In Malachi 3:7, the Lord says, “Return to me, and I will return to you.” The Israelites had wandered away from God in disobedience. They were robbing God by withholding their tithes. As a result, they were far from Him, and they were not experiencing His blessing. But God says, “Test me in this . . . and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it” (Malachi 3:10).

Don’t let anything hinder your prayer life. It’s too important! Examine yourself today to see if there is any habitual sin. Recommit your entire life to God, and remember this: obedience opens the doors of heaven. Obedience brings answers to prayer.

Prayer: Lord, I long to live in fellowship with You. Show me any habitual sins that I must put away by Your Spirit so that my prayers will not be hindered. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

“[We] receive from him anything we ask, because we keep his commands and do what pleases him” (1 John 3:22).

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08:30 - 10:00