Men's Theology Forum of the Eastern Panhandle

Men's Theology Forum of the Eastern Panhandle

Men's Theology Forum exists to spur on godly discussion and growth for Christian men in the the region where MD, WV, and VA intersect.

Men - young and old, clergy and laity - are invited! Takes place every 3rd Friday at 7:30 PM, unless otherwise noted.


Don’t miss the next MTF on the 24th with Reverand Dan Nash!

Invite your buddies!

[Topic Summary in the Comments]


Save the date - Next MTF will be at 7:30 PM on May 24th!

Details coming… ;)


Our next MTF will be in TWO WEEKS! Mark yer calendars. Spread the word!

It will be a good one. We are flying this right Reverend up from Florida for crying out loud!

[Speaker Bio in Comments]


A good night was had by all. Thanks for coming, gents!


Men, It’s that time again!! We have the pleasure of having Rev. Rick Davis with us!


Rick Davis grew up in Craig County, VA nestled amidst the Appalachian Mountains (short “a” not long “a”, thank you). He graduated from Liberty University in 2004 and has been involved in classical education for almost 20 years. Since 2020, he has served as the Associate Pastor at Providence Church in Lynchburg, VA. Rick and his wife Mary Beth have three children: Luther, Anthea, and Alfred.

[Talk description in comments below]


Spread the word! Save the date! Next men’s theology forum will be on February 16th!

(Details will follow in the next week or so)



We have the privilege of having Ukrainian Minister San Sanych speak with us on Friday, October 13th @ 7:30PM (address below). Pass on the word!


Drafted into the Soviet Army and trading on Ukraine's "black market", San Sanych gave his life to Christ in 1990. Since then he has been a missionary in Russia and currently pastor at the Reformed Church of Christ in Rivne, Ukraine. San has been extensively involved in the war relief to the people of Ukraine since the invasion began.

Address: 2535 Arden Nollville Rd. Inwood, WV 25428


SAVE the date! Friday, October 13th at 7:30 PM is our next MTF! Details forthcoming.

Photos from Men's Theology Forum of the Eastern Panhandle's post 16/09/2023

A great night was had by all!! A great charge from Dr. Ben Merkle on Christian Education!



Spread the word! Please join us in welcoming Dr. Ben Merkle, President of New St. Andrews College!



Next MTF Friday, September 15th @ 7:30 PM

2535 Arden Nollville Rd. Inwood, WV 25428

Details coming soon!!!

Photos from Men's Theology Forum of the Eastern Panhandle's post 18/02/2023

Thanks to all who showed up last night!

Photos from Men's Theology Forum of the Eastern Panhandle's post 02/02/2023

Save the date!

Rev. Dr. Uri Brito will be with us in person to share sage wisdom on fatherhood!


From this past MTF with Reverand Windham!


Save the date! Spread the word!!!


Thanks for coming out, Gents!


Please come join us for our next MTF!

Summary of the Talk:

The Bible is the foundational text, but we often overlook how it shapes us. Typically we think that the most effective way to convey information is through newspapers and nonfiction, but what are the advantages of the literary style of Scripture? There is a pattern of finding truth that is important to understand as we read both the Word of God and other literature.


How can we, the Church, recover a practical doctrine of manhood in chaotic age?

Pastor Michael Foster, author of best seller “It’s Good to be a Man”, will join us via webcast THIS FRIDAY to explore this topic!

Be there!


Save the date! The next MTF will be Friday, April 1st - No Joke 😉 !

Details forthcoming….


From our latest MTF with Rev. Joshua Appel!


Save the date!

Rev. Joshua Appel of New Saint Andrews and Trinity Reformed Church (Moscow, Idaho)

Fight like an Amateur: Affirmation as Cultural Warfare

[The premise of this talk is simple: One of the most powerful weapons in our spiritual arsenal is cultivating the love of what is good. Affirming and cherishing the gifts of God in creation, bathed in thanksgiving, is essential if we are to live out the reality of Christ's work in the midst of a culture that has exchanged the truth of God for the Lie.]


Speaker confirmed for February 25th! Stay tuned for details… ;)


Martinsburg area pastor Rev. Josh Tingler will be speaking about a rather interesting historical movement in Church history this Friday.

Almost three centuries after its origin, ‘Calvinistic Methodism’ sounds to many like a contradiction in terms. But those within the movement considered themselves fully Methodist, all the way down to revivals, conversions, and ‘experience meetings’, and also truly Calvinistic, with roots in the Reformers and Puritans of the previous centuries. In this forum, we will consider the unique set of emphases that made up Calvinistic Methodism and, by way of contrast with Wesley’s Arminian Methodists, examine how their theology shaped their shepherding, as they guided their converts toward spiritual growth.

Come on out and bring a friend!


What a great evening, gents!


This Friday! Invite a friend!

Abraham Kuyper: The Man and Legacy

In this talk, Dr. Brito will offer a succinct look at the life of Abraham Kuyper distilling his theological and political labors in the Netherlands and the sobering applications to our own theological and political turmoil in the United States in the age of COVID.


Heads up: MTF will be this Friday at 7:30! Save the date. Invite a comrad. Details coming!


An excellent talk w/ Mr. Christopher Lee!


Join us in a couple weeks for our next MTF w/ Mr. Christopher Lee!

Title: The Gracious Nature of the Mosaic Law

Chris posits: “The Mosaic Law has been a source of controversy among earnest believers in the Lord. Some discard it, some uphold it highly. But in those heated debates about how we should view the Mosaic law, it is seldom the case that we ever stop to really understand what the Mosaic law actually says, how it can apply to today, and how gracious, yes gracious, in many ways the Mosaic law is in giving us a wonderful standard by which to honor our Lord.

At our next men's theology forum, we will in fact delve into understanding more about the Mosaic law and by the end of our discussion, we will be that much closer to rejoicing with the psalmist in proclaiming "I love your law!" (Ps. 119:113)."


This Friday! Be there!

300 W. Martin St.
@ 7:30

We will explore the origins of the Church calendar and why our seasons and lives should be marked by the Lord of time.

Come On In, the Water's Fine 20/05/2021

Video of the last MTF is up!

(Q&A link In the comments below 😉 )

Come On In, the Water's Fine Men's Theology Forum of the Eastern Panhandle April 2021Rev. Dr. Gregg Strawbridge


Opening Hours

19:30 - 21:30