Jesse & Juanita: OCMC Missionaries

Jesse & Juanita: OCMC Missionaries

Jesse and Juanita work under His Eminence Metropolitan Athenagoras of Mexico, through the Orthodox C

Timeline photos 06/01/2016

Blessed Theophany! ¡Feliz fiesta! This is a Spanish version of the festal troparion:

Timeline photos 20/09/2015

Every Sunday in the Orthodox Church is a day of resurrection, light, and joy. Blessed Sunday to everyone! Christ is risen!
En la Iglesia Ortodoxa, todos los Domingos son días de resurrección, luz, y alegría. ¡Feliz día de resurrección a todos! Cristo ha resucitado y está entre nosotros!

This Week in Orthodoxy September 4th, 2015 05/09/2015

Orthodox Christian Network featured the Guatemala medical clinic in their recent newscast. Check it out below!!
(Guatemala Section begins at 3:11)

This Week in Orthodoxy September 4th, 2015

OCMC News - Archimandrite Juvenal Repass: Newest Missionary Candidate to Guatemala 14/06/2015

There's a new missionary candidate preparing for Guatemala! Fr Juvenal is seeking parishes to visit especially in the Northeast. Would your parish be interested in hosting him? Please share this to help Fr Juvenal get to Guatemala!

OCMC News - Archimandrite Juvenal Repass: Newest Missionary Candidate to Guatemala OCMC's newest missionary candidate to Guatemala, Archimandrite Juvenal Repass, is beginning to build a team of supporters and people who will pray for him as he prepares for his upcoming service. Please invite him to your community to learn more about the ministries he will be involved in and about…


Happy feast of the ascension! Here's a Spanish mp3 version of the festal troparion, which you can download. ¡Disfrútalo! (Enjoy!)


True or false: Latin America = Roman Catholic? The truth is that religious change is sweeping across Latin America with the growth of Pentecostalism and, in Guatemala, the growth of the Orthodox Church. Check out Fr. John Chakos' recent blog post for a brief reflection on these changes.

THE NEW FACE OF MAYAN CHRISTIANITY Christianity among the Mayan Indians is undergoing a dramatic change in places like Guatemala and Southern Mexico. This shifting of religious identity is part of a larger trend that is enveloping much of Latin America. According to the Pew Research Center report, published in November of 2014, “hist…

News from Jesse (March 2015) 02/04/2015

I'm moving to Guatemala in 3 weeks! Here's my final newsletter from the USA. :-)

News from Jesse (March 2015) I'm moving to Guatemala in less than a month! Read my last missionary update before I push off.

Spanish Language Books / Libros en Español 24/03/2015

¿Quieres libros litúrgicos en Español? ¡En esta página hay muchos libros ortodoxos en PDF! . . / . . Would you like to have liturgical books in Spanish? Check out the free PDF books on this page!

Fr. Michael A. Shanbour

Spanish Language Books / Libros en Español By the Hogar Rafael Ayau

Institute of Theology - Cursos Biblicos (Spanish) (CBB) 21/03/2015

Did you know that Balamand University offers an Orthodox theology program in SPANISH? Cool, eh?! Here's the curriculum:

Institute of Theology - Cursos Biblicos (Spanish) (CBB) The present program is a first response to the large demand of Eastern Christian Education in Latin America. The courses cover a wide range of issues related to the Bible and its place in the Orthodox Church. It is well know that the Bible has a constitutive role in the shape and contents of the Byz…

Timeline photos 02/02/2015

Joyous Feast of the Meeting of the Lord!
¡Feliz fiesta de la Presentación del Señor!

Timeline photos 25/12/2014

¡Feliz Navidad! Merry Christmas, everyone!

BRUCE COCKBURN - If I Had A Rocket Launcher 06/11/2014

This song was written by a singer who watched Guatemalan children being shot down by a helicopter. When I hear the song's pain, I remember the stories that Fr. Andres shared with me in 2012. He saw Mayan women being r***d by soldiers during the civil war, and others being shot. Somehow he emerged from that brutality with hope in Christ!

BRUCE COCKBURN - If I Had A Rocket Launcher From Canadian Bruce Cockburn's 1984 album Stealing Fire.

Timeline photos 06/08/2014

Joyous feast of the transfiguration!!!

Sermon on Mother's Day: "Mothers, Missionaries, and the Christian Vocation" 11/05/2014

To all the wonderful mothers out there: happy Mother's Day! You're the inspiration for my sermon today. I visited St. Nicholas Cathedral in Bethlehem and spoke about mothers, missionaries, and the Christian vocation. Listen to the sermon below, and read the transcript here:

Sermon on Mother's Day: "Mothers, Missionaries, and the Christian Vocation" "Mothers, Missionaries, and the Christian Vocation" was delivered by Jesse Brandow on May 11th, 2014, at St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Parish in Bethlehem, PA....

Timeline photos 13/04/2014

¡Feliz Domingo de Ramos! Blessed Palm Sunday to everyone!!!

Domingo 13 de Abril: Inicio de la Semana Santa,
Entrada Triunfal del Señor a Jerusalén - Domingo de Ramos
Epistola (Filipenses 4:4-9) - Evangelio (Juan 12:1-18)

En este día, la Santa Iglesia conmemora la entrada triunfal del Señor a Jerusalén. De esta manera se reveló Su identidad mesiánica como Hijo de Dios que viene, como dice la liturgia de nuestra Iglesia, “a padecer a causa de Su bondad” y abolir la muerte.

La muchedumbre salió a recibir a Cristo principalmente por la noticia de la resurrección de Lázaro. La mayoría de ellos tomó ramos para recibir a Jesús simbolizando el gozo y la alegría por su presencia. Los judíos acostumbraban usarlas para recibir a las grandes personalidades, y para aquellos que ingresaban les daba la impresión de poder. Así recibió el pueblo a Jesús, quien venía montado sobre un a**o, en las puertas de Jerusalén.

La palabra que utilizaban todos era “Hosanna” que significa en hebreo “sálvanos”. El a**o sobre el que se encuentra Cristo, es la imagen de la paz, en contraposición con el caballo que es la imagen de la guerra. La paz que Cristo nos trajo, es la ofrenda de sí mismo, porque, de esta manera, trajo la paz al ser humano al unirlo en la comunión del amor y de la vida de Dios.

Nuestra Iglesia, por medio de su liturgia y todos aquellos acontecimientos de la divina Pasión, nos revela la profundidad mística de la salvación en Cristo. Nos llama con sus cánticos, la oración, la reflexión y el silencio, que glorifiquemos el amor de Dios por todos nosotros. Un amor que no se quedó en palabras, sino que se convirtió en un hecho de insuperable sacrificio. Se convirtió en sacrificio de sangre y de ofrenda de vida para todas las personas de la tierra.

Los niños cumplieron un gran rol aquel día, y en el icono de la fiesta podemos presenciarlo. Entre ellos tenemos a aquellos que arrancan ramas de palmeras y otros que están sentados en los árboles, algunos traen estas ramas como alimento para el a**o, o extienden sus túnicas para cubrir el camino por donde pasa Jesús y hasta otros son quienes mueven los ramos para recibir a Jesús. A esto se debe que en la Iglesia Ortodoxa particularmente este día esté relacionado con los niños.

Salva Oh Señor a tu pueblo.Padre Elías Rivas. 23/03/2014

Blessed Sunday of the Veneration of the Cross! I love the hymns that we sing today, and I thought you all might enjoy hearing the troparion of the cross in Spanish. This is a recording from Venezuela by a priest named Padre Elías Rivas. Blessed mid-point in the fast!

Spanish translation of the troparion:
Salva, oh Señor, a tu pueblo, y bendice a tu heredad. Concede a tu Iglesia la victoria sobre tus enemigos. Y salva a tu pueblo con tu Santa Cruz.

Salva Oh Señor a tu pueblo.Padre Elías Rivas. El Padre Elias (Fernando Rivas) Cantor,profesor de canto y encargado de la Misión Ortodoxa San Nicolas de Mira en Venezuela canta el tropario "Salva Señor a ...

Videos (show all)

Hymn of Kassiani in Spanish
26 newly-baptized children in Guatemala
Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for everyone who supports the mission in Guatemala and mission work across the worl...
Feast of the Holy Cross 2018 in Aguacate, Guatemala
Visiting an Orthodox Church in rural Guatemala
Agape gospel reading in Mayan languages
Holy Saturday in Guatemala 2017 (Santo Sábado)
Guatemalan Independence Day
Topario de la Dormición de la Madre de Dios (Troparion of Dorm...
Leave-taking of Pascha in Guatemala... through a loudspeaker!
Saying "Christ is risen" to people in Guatemala
Holy Saturday in Guatemala
