Soria Huntsman

Soria Huntsman

Bringing magic to the mundane. Fantasy artist

Photos from Soria Huntsman's post 14/02/2022

Valentine's day Say 💙
Maybe this hopeless romantic has finally found her prince charming?

Fairy Say with rainbow glasswing butterfly wings....

Photos from Soria Huntsman's post 11/12/2020

My sweet baby Sherlauna 💙
This was just before the campaign started and she joined an adventuring party. Right before she got her armor and gave herself an edgier haircut to fake confidence. She's still a young teen at this point. So just to be clear, this her pre-campaign look.
This is way before she goes kinda psycho or turns into an abyssal horror. I just missed drawing her 💙💙💙
Might do more old character drawings ......


I joined a facebook group asking for art submissions for logos/buttons (The group is called BLM talks). I'm not used to doing this kind of thing, but I feel I learned a lot on this particular project.

I really want to do what I can to amplify POC voices and help the BLM movement however I can. This is one way I can help.


Not done, haven't played this character in 5 months until today and I'm starting her up again.

It's mostly color options I'm stuck with but I'm getting it where I want it to be.


First page of my new comic.
Limited run time of 4 pages.
On Facebook I can post the whole page unaltered; which I love. Can't do that on Instagram.
Anyways, what do you think? Let me know in the comments. .....

Photos from Soria Huntsman's post 14/12/2019

So bad at posting things. Anyways, these have been done for a minute.


He's so desperate for attention but he ain't sure how much longer he can take of this waiting bu****it. He's giving me major side eye here XD
Drama king....


Kinda dark, but as a quick doodle, what do you think?

Photos from Soria Huntsman's post 07/07/2019

I feel like every pet parent knows this feeling...
Lunette adopted Setric (the pseudo dragon) when she found her surrounded by owl bears trying to eat her and her egg clutch. Setric was more resourceful than expected, but lunette asked her to join them anyways. Since then, they've been practically inseparable. I love this little cutie and I'm so happy I finally drew her in a way worth posting. ......

Timeline photos 03/07/2019

Did a thing....

Timeline photos 21/06/2019

I drew this pic of Sherlauna a while ago and never posted it. No time like now to show it off!
Someone left a baby on our doorstep (one time we bought a house so we weren't a band of murder hobos) and Sherlauna was not comfortable with it... Until 2 seconds after this moment when she see's this little baby's skin, hair, and horns and decided to keep her forever. Turns out it was our black guard's illegitimate daughter.........

Timeline photos 19/06/2019

Don't know what I'm doing, but I did this pretty thing as an experimentation with my inks. I like the colors... I hope I start producing post worthy work soon. .....

Timeline photos 04/06/2019

Some of my DnD NPCs. I'm not entirely happy with how I've drawn some of the characters, but I want at least one pic of each NPC just to keep myself from forgetting them or their designs. .......

Timeline photos 13/05/2019

Message in a bottle mermaid wip....

Timeline photos 12/05/2019

Finished coloring these.
Can't take a good picture rn (too dark) and I'm too lazy to try harder, so here's a skewed viewed preview. 😉....

Photos from Soria Huntsman's post 12/05/2019

My little sister asks me weird questions. .......

Photos from Soria Huntsman's post 12/03/2019

Just a couple character sketches for the newest DnD campaign I'm playing. I'll probably scrap the design and use her as an NPC in the campaign I DM. This character is meant to be so bubbly and carefree, but she looks like a bad bitch that takes no s**t... Gotta change that. ......

Photos from Soria Huntsman's post 13/02/2019

Yo gurl, you want some Valentine's?


Just a WIP of my troll Tasha.
I've had this OC for years, but everytime I draw her, she's a little different. I just can't seem to make up my mind on her (mostly color wise).
Anyways, she's a cutie. ....


Full process of a challenge condensed into just 30 seconds!

Full time process took me 5 hours and 40 minutes :)

I really enjoy how this turned out.


9 of my top Instagram posts of the year. I'm noticing a color obsession... 🤔....


I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this. On the one hand, I've never done a better oil painting. On the other hand, I feel I could push this more.

Still, eventually you have to set something aside and call it finished. You can spend 100 hours on one project, or 1 hour on a hundred projects. The hundreds projects will help you much more than the one ever could. Miss you sissy, you were such an amazing, kind and gentle person. The world is definitely darker without you in it. ....

Photos from Soria Huntsman's post 05/11/2018

When our wizard elf Talis was murdered during a party, we were devastated. Lunette the fighter (my character) slid down a wall in disbelief after she identified the body. Zin, our rogue, sat down beside me and I laid my head against her shoulder. We still haven't gotten revenge on the murderers, but we will.
I think this is probably as close as I'm getting to finish this one. Just not enough time to do everything I want to do. .....

Photos from Soria Huntsman's post 28/10/2018

Still working on my necromancer girl Kelo. I'm so in love with her color palette! It's a night and day difference from her original design. .....


First Inktober of the year. Played with some ecoline ink jars to get this effect. Even the white is from an ink jar! I'm taking ideas from random prompts this year; not going to follow just one.
This first one is from
Prompt is cat, so this is based off an old picture of my black cat Kelther. Miss you darling 🖤

Timeline photos 28/09/2018

Learning how to oil paint. Still not the best at it but I can honestly say I'm surprised at how well this turned out 🙂....

Photos from Soria Huntsman's post 01/07/2018

Playing with some outfits for my character Lunette. Party leader and intense lover.

I should make everyone aware, Lunette is a yoyo girl with her weight. This is the thinnest she ever gets and she's usually much plumper than this. When she's out adventuring for a while she drops weight quickly; but once she gets back to town she downs sweets and all sorts of wonderful foods. It's her second biggest weakness.


Not finished but getting so much closer!
Any opinions? Thoughts? I'd love to hear what you guys think about it.

Photos from Soria Huntsman's post 28/05/2018

Still working on adding more details to one of my finals from last semester. Just a sneak peak of a hopefully soon finished piece. ......

Timeline photos 23/05/2018

Why am I posting a WIP at 2:40 in the morning? Because I got in a good groove and couldn't risk losing it. ..

Timeline photos 23/05/2018

Why am I posting a WIP at 2:40 in the morning? Because I got in a good groove and couldn't risk losing it. ...

Timeline photos 21/05/2018

Timeline photos 16/05/2018

A tiny bit further, but hey, at least I got a minute to work on it today. ☺..

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