

Opynyn brings ratings and opinions of people on content online at one place.


The same holds true when you're decluttering your digital footprint.

Because getting every little thing that holds no value or adds no value to others even, is the clutter you don't need.



Are you too focussing on decluttering the things around you?

Well, it's time to take it a notch up and also declutter your digital activity.

Discover only the best content always, on Opynyn: http://opynyn.com/

How To Create Collections With Selected Content On Opynyn 25/05/2018

Are you someone who loves to curate content from the internet on topics that interest you?

Well, introducing 'collections' on Opynyn.

You no longer have to create separate documents to save links of the content you love. We'll create an album for you that you can refer to, any time! :)

How To Create Collections With Selected Content On Opynyn You’re planning a trip abroad and getting things in place. Right from the places you need to visit, things you need to carry, itineraries shared by travel bloggers and agencies, and absolutely anyt…

How To Declutter Your Feed And Follow Content You Love 24/05/2018

We personally love following the day to day content of Gary Vaynerchuk.

But more often than not, all we land up with is clutter from other pages on our social feed.

That's why we decided to create a way to declutter our feed and make way for following the content we truly love - on Opynyn of course. ;)

How To Declutter Your Feed And Follow Content You Love Do you ever get fed up of how you’re never able to see posts from the page you actually follow on Facebook? Or from the people you’d like to remain connected with? Well, with thousands of content p…

Bookmarking For Readers: How To Bookmark Your Favourite Content On Opynyn 23/05/2018

Do you bookmark content from the internet to save to your goodreads?

How often do you end up actually losing these bookmarks, instead of being able to access them any time and from anywhere?

Bookmarking For Readers: How To Bookmark Your Favourite Content On Opynyn When you’re looking for something specific on the internet, you’re bound to come across at least 10 pieces that are related to your search. While you absolutely trust some of these, there are other…


Do you think every time you try to share your opinion on something, every one gets offended?

Well, we feel you.

Here's a platform that will reward you for having an opinion on everything on the internet!


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Best Travel Photos of 2017 21/05/2018

Travel bloggers and photographers!

What do you think of these travel photos, rated the best of 2017 by NatGeo?

Best Travel Photos of 2017 Get exclusive updates, insider tips, and special discounts on travel and more.

The Ultimate Guide to Traveling When You Have No Money 20/05/2018

The ultimate guide to travelling when you have no money!

What do you think about this post from Nomadic Matt? Can you really do this?

Tag a friend!

The Ultimate Guide to Traveling When You Have No Money I recently asked subscribers of my newsletter about the number one thing that holds them back from traveling. The near universal answer? Money. This is something I hear from everyone I talk to: “Ma

Ola Might Acquire Uber India With SoftBank Playing The MatchMaker 19/05/2018

OLA cabs might acquire Uber in India with SoftBank Team Japan playing the matchmaker.

What do you think of this?

via Inc42

Ola Might Acquire Uber India With SoftBank Playing The MatchMaker 164 SHARES Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Linkedin Google Pinterest Reddit Pocket Hackernews While the cab hailing majors, Ola and Uber, are busy handling the strikes by their drivers on the frontend, Ola

15 Mesmerizing Travel Photos to Inspire You 19/04/2018

15 mesmerising travel photos that will inspire you to plan your trip soon!

From National Geographic, on Opynyn.

15 Mesmerizing Travel Photos to Inspire You Thousands of photographs stand up to the judges of the annual National Geographic Photographer of the Year Contest . Covering nature, cities, and people, some entries surprise or astonish. All images t


Who else is wanderlusting today?

See what most travellers are sharing on Opynyn: https://www.opynyn.com/search/travel

River Rafting in Rishikesh - A Detailed Travel Guide 18/04/2018

Bestowed with the gurgling Ganges and its tributaries and some of the deep ravines, Rishikesh river rafting promises endless enthralling moments to the rafter.

Have you been there before?


River Rafting in Rishikesh - A Detailed Travel Guide Bestowed with the gurgling Ganges and its tributaries and some of the deep ravines, Rishikesh river rafting promises endless enthralling moments to the rafter. It is in this quaint Garhwal city, you ca


Ever been rafting with your friends?

Here's why it teaches you a lot about life!

Opynyn - Decluttering the web for you 17/04/2018

Do you create your own itinerary?

It's time to share your opinion on the sources you refer to and make it easier for others to travel!


Opynyn - Decluttering the web for you Opynyn brings ratings and opinions of people on the content online at one place.


Took travel tips from an influencer and were disappointed completely on visiting the place?

We feel you.

And it's time to share your opinion on Opynyn.



Tag that friend who you want to travel the world with

Pavlo Fedykovych on Twitter 16/04/2018

Found some really cool pictures of the Burano island near Venice!

Totally waiting for Pavlo here to share his travel tips. What do you think of these amazing pictures?



Pavlo Fedykovych on Twitter “Wonderful colors of island near , 🎨 _ RT”


Tag a friend that falls into this category!

What kind of traveller are you? 15/04/2018

So, what kind of traveller are you?

Found this interesting read on Condé Nast Traveler

What kind of traveller are you? We all like to travel, but our motivations can be very different…

33 Best Travel Jobs To Make Money Traveling 14/04/2018

Can you really make money while travelling?

There are so many Instagram accounts that we're following today. They create the expectation that it's all so easy. But is it even true?

What's your Opynyn on this?

33 Best Travel Jobs To Make Money Traveling This post may contain affiliate links. Read my Disclosure. Travel Tips The best travel jobs allow you to earn income while exploring the world. Here are real-life examples of people living the dream

Opynyn - Decluttering the web for you 14/04/2018

Discover, read and rate travel blogs and tips from websites across the world.

Share your opinion on Opynyn and let's help fellow travellers plan a better trip, next time!


Opynyn - Decluttering the web for you Opynyn brings ratings and opinions of people on the content online at one place.

15 Helpful Tips for Planning a Trip you'll love (step by step guide) 13/04/2018

So many times that you're wanderlusting and then when it comes to finally visiting the place, you're not really sure what to do!

Here are 15 helpful tips for planning a trip that you'll love, from yTravel Blog.

How good do you think these tips are? :)

15 Helpful Tips for Planning a Trip you'll love (step by step guide) Planning a trip can be overwhelming and time-consuming. Use these 15 insider tips to plan your dream trip and take the stress out of booking your vacation!


There's just way too much content being published every day. So how do you tell the good from the bad?

By sharing your opinion.

Your opinion matters on Opynyn. Let's get the clutter out of the way!



Is cricket better than football?
Most definitely cricket is better than football. If watching football is like consuming a delicious burger at a fast-food joint, then enjoying cricket is like having a proper seven-course gourmet meal. From wrist spin to finger spin, from traditional swing to reverse swing, cricket has so many finer points to appreciate. Footballers complain that size and strength are becoming too great a factor, especially in the English Premier League, where finesse players are less impactful. In addition to this, even legends like Maradona have struggled against physically imposing defenders. In cricket, men as tall as Joel Garner, or as short as Sachin Tendulkar have found their places as legends of the game.

If you have an opinion on something and want us to feature it, DM it to us!


Is it justified of mythological writers to modify storylines in their retellings in books/movies?

Tanvi Srivastava's opinion:
Talking about mythology, whether or not such a tale existed is a controversy of its own. But I think there are two ways to deal with such curiosities. One is by endlessly searching for facts trying to verify it, and the problem with it is that we’re still not sure whether legends such as Mahabharata, or even Ramayana, really did ‘take place’ or not. But that’s a whole other debate, and for another day maybe. The other way is to treat it as literature is supposed to be treated. These epics were woven to inculcate values that the society lacked and it got modified according to the need. So across India, one finds many versions of Mahabharata: no two versions are similar, and no one version can be deemed ‘correct.’ ‘These works are all different and are as seen from the creator’s eye. It could be different from the original, but that’s the charm of literature - the beauty of subjectivity

If you have an opinion on something and want us to feature it, DM it to us!


Is flirting cheating when you're in a relationship ?

Shilpa Pushpendra Singh's opinion:
As long as flirting is done with no malice I feel it's totally healthy. Having said that, it's also very important not to put your relationship at stake just for d thrill of flirting. Every individual knows their partner, you know if it's OK with them and they won't be disappointed or hurt even if they find out, in that case, it's perfectly fine. Why draw strict lines Each to his own should be the mantra.

If you have an opinion on something and want us to feature it, DM it to us!

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Admit it. There’s way too much content on the internet.

You could be looking for a simple recipe and you’ll end up browsing through thousands of variations. While each one of them look pretty appealing to try out, you don’t really know which one was actually followed by people like you - successfully!

Yes, that’s just one of the reasons why we made Opynyn.

There are other plenty reasons like not being able to find the right updates on time, sometimes getting carried away by fake rumors and we just go on about how much of ‘crap’ is there on the internet.