East Valley Laser Therapy, LLC

East Valley Laser Therapy, LLC

Mobile Equine Laser Therapy
Equine Rehabilitation As a result, inflammation, erythema, bruising, and edema are reduced.

Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth
Photons of light from lasers pe*****te deeply into tissue and accelerate cellular reproduction and growth. Laser light increases the energy available to the cells so that they can take on nutrients and get rid of waste products more quickly. Anti-Inflammation
Laser Therapy reduces inflammation with vasodilation, activation of the lymphatic drainage sys


Have you experienced this unfortunate summer issue? There are many uncertain circumstances on why horses rub their tails but we do know deep penetrating PBM is the perfect modality to reverse these conditions and rehabilitate these damage tissues. The localized application of photonic energy will reverse the inflammatory reaction decrease pain and swelling and increased the microcirculation bringing nutrients and healing elements to this area. You will also see rapid hair growth.


To see the original wound scroll through the feed 👍🏻.


Start PBM immediately after injury!


Here is another case we are working on. Unfortunately there was so much trauma to the tissue some died. We started PBM immediately and the muscle has filled in and the wound is almost completely closed. It takes more time on such a large wound of course but we have been successful.


Almost completely healed in 2 weeks. A very small superficial scab is all that is left. PMB can promote healing dramatically when applied as soon as an injury occurs.


PBM reduces inflammation with vasodilation, activation of the lymphatic drainage system, and reduction of pro-inflammatory mediators. As a result, inflammation, erythema, bruising, and edema are reduced.


Deep gash, probably a kick from another horse, they play rough. Crushing and tearing of the muscle a few inches deep.
In this picture we are concentrating on seeing the dramatic changes in the decreased inflammation from one PBM treatment. 
We will continue to treat for the Intramuscular trauma.

More pictures to come.

Vitamin E Helps Keep Horse Muscles Healthy 03/05/2024

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Providing Horses Relief During Allergy Season 27/04/2024

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The Pathogenesis of Soft Tissue Injuries in Horses 18/04/2024

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Can we have birthday’s more than once a year 😁. Thank you so much for all the wonderful kind words and birthday wishes, I had a great day!

Equine Arthritis Research Update 02/04/2024

Equine Arthritis Research Update A look back at the incredible amount of research scientists published about osteoarthritis in 2023.


PBM helps reduce scar tissue.
It is best to treat a wound as soon as possible for the best outcome.
The skin absorbs photons via a photo-chemical effect. Once photons reach the cells of the body, they promote a cascade of cellular activities. It can ignite the production of enzymes, stimulate mitochondria, increase vasodilation and lymphatic drainage, synthesize ATP, and elevate collagen formation substances to prevent the formation of scar tissues.

Condition Your Horse Like a Pro 16/02/2024

Condition Your Horse Like a Pro How to help performance horses of all types reach peak fitness.

11 Equine Lameness Prevention Tips 08/02/2024

11 Equine Lameness Prevention Tips These simple steps can go a long way toward keeping your horse sound.


Friendly reminder that it’s FREE to stream The Greatest Horse Show on Earth from February 15 through 25th when you visit scottsdaleshow.com. We will never ask for your credit card to watch the live stream. Please share this to help us spread the word! 🙏.


You will have a better outcome if you start PBM treatments as soon as the injury occurs.

The fundamental principles that underpin photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy, as currently understood in the scientific literature, are relatively straightforward. There is consensus that the application of a class 4 therapeutic dose of light to impaired or dysfunctional tissue leads to a cellular response mediated by mitochondrial mechanisms that reduce pain and inflammation and speed healing.

The Ridden Horse Checklist 26/12/2023

The Ridden Horse Checklist Riders and owners might miss behavioral signs of pain in their horses. The RHpE is a scientifically validated tool for assessing pain in ridden horses.

Rehabilitating Joint Injuries in Horses 01/12/2023

Rehabilitating Joint Injuries in Horses Learn what you can do to help your horse recover from a joint injury and give him a better prognosis for the future.


Who went to the Queen Creek Bull Riding event this weekend? It was epic!!!!


The quicker we start PBM the faster recovery will be!


With PBM wounds heal at an accelerated rate.

Laser light stimulates fibroblast development. Fibroblasts produce collagen, which is predominant in wound healing in damaged tissue. Collagen is the essential protein required to replace old tissue or to repair tissue injuries. As a result, laser therapy is effective on open wounds and burns.

East Valley Laser Therapy

Equine Rehabilitation

Specialist in Class 4 Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy reduces inflammation with vasodilation, activation of the lymphatic drainage system, and reduction of pro-inflammatory mediators. As a result, inflammation, erythema, bruising, and edema are reduced.

Analgesic Effect
Laser Therapy of diseased and damaged tissue produces a suppression of nociceptors, an increase of stimulation threshold, and an increased release of tissue endorphins. The result is a decreased patient perception of pain.

Accelerated Tissue Repair and Cell Growth
Photons of light from lasers pe*****te deeply into tissue and accelerate cellular reproduction and growth. Laser light increases the energy available to the cells so that they can take on nutrients and get rid of waste products more quickly.

Improved Vascular Activity
Laser light significantly increases the formation of new capillaries in damaged tissue. This speeds the healing process, resulting in more rapid wound closure.

Increased Metabolic Activity
The energy from photons of laser light is captured by chemical complexes within cells resulting in activation of enzyme systems and increased energy delivered into cellular metabolic processes.

Trigger Points and Acupuncture Points
Laser therapy stimulates muscle trigger and acupuncture points without mechanical invasion to provide musculoskeletal pain relief.

Reduced Fibrous Tissue Formation
Laser Therapy reduces the formation of scar tissue.

Improved Nerve Function
Slow recovery of nerve functions in damaged tissue results in numbness and impaired limbs. Laser therapy accelerates nerve cell regeneration.

Therapy laser photons have an effect on immune systems status through stimulation of immunoglobins and lymphocytes. Laser therapy energy is absorbed by chromophores (molecular enzymes) that react to laser light. The enzyme flavomono-nucleotide is activated and starts the production of ATP, which is the major carrier of cellular energy and the energy source for all chemical reactions in the cells.

Faster Wound Healing
Laser light stimulates fibroblast development. Fibroblasts produce collagen, which is predominant in wound healing in damaged tissue. Collagen is the essential protein required to replace old tissue or to repair tissue injuries. As a result, laser therapy is effective on open wounds and burns.

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H A P P Y  F R I D A Y fromEast Valley Laser Therapy
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Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00
Thursday 08:00 - 17:00
Friday 08:00 - 17:00