Noah and His Ark

Noah and His Ark

NA Noah And His Ark is an NGO created two years ago in Ireland by Medical Doctor Francine Neago, Primatologist and linguist.


All the past information should be cancelled, here are the new facts
since I left Jogja, the Governor of Aceh Province invited me to protect 6.600 hectares of primary jungle in
Tahura 75 kilos from Banda Aceh town, against the palm oil companies.
I signed an MOU with the French goverment and the Minister of Forestry.
At the same time the owner of a French Zoo will sponsor The Aceh Sumatra Ethology School the first International in Asia.
We plan to open in June since the infrastructure is already in place for over 100 students with a river and lots of land.

All the young and small animals will be taken care of by the students and Veterinarians.
The school will be under the the Ministry of Education.
We will protect elephants, orangutans, bears, gibbons, siamangs, birds, butterflys and several species
still unknown to science.
I will invite scientists to join us with their Sumatran Animals escaped from palm oil fires presently in cages.
I am looking for a director, students for the school and volunteers.
All courses will be taught in English.


Noah and His Ark


Noah and His Ark's cover photo
