Mizzou Student MSTA

Mizzou Student MSTA

The Student Missouri State Teachers Association is the pre-professional organization for education majors on college campuses in Missouri.

Student-MSTA is the pre-profesional organization for education majors at the University of Missouri. Members have opportunities for personal and professional growth, development of leadership skills, and professional development at local and state level. SMSTA offers affordable liability insurance, legal assistance, magazines, newsletters and professional development.


University of Missouri


Fill out our programming brainstorm if you have ideas on what we can do as SMSTA this year. If you don't have access to our orgsync page email Emaley Mack ([email protected]) and we can get you added!

orgsync.com You must login to view this content. OrgSync is your way to connect to organizations, communicate with other members, and explore Mizzou.


Hey everyone! Important meeting!
Our meeting will be held ‪this Wednesday, March 21st from 6-7pm in 2206B in the Student Center‬. We will be eating free pizza and contributing ideas for next year's SMSTA. We want to hear from you guys what you want to see at the meetings next year! We will also be holding elections for next year's SMSTA's officers! This is a great opportunity to be a part of something at Mizzou and gain experience for your future career! ANYONE is welcome to be an officer (as long as you aren't graduating this year).
Can’t wait to see you there!


Are you interested in the Fellows Program? Join us for this months meeting on Wednesday, February 21st at 6pm in room 2206B in the Student Center! Dr. Morris, the coordinator for MU Teaching Fellows Program will be there to provide information about the program! Also, there will be free pizza! We cannot wait to see you all there!


Hello everyone!
We will be having a meeting this Tuesday, November 14th at 7:30 in Townsend 222! Our topic of discussion will be the MoGEA and MoCA. For those of you that have not taken these, it will be a great opportunity to get tips and ask questions! For those that have taken them, I encourage you to come share your knowledge! The best part is...there will be FREE PIZZA! We cannot wait to see you all there!


Hey everyone,
Just a reminder, our first meeting is tonight, September 26th, at 7 pm. The meeting will be held at the MSTA House. The address is 407 S Sixth St. Columbia MO. Pizza will be provided!!! We really hope to see everyone there!


Hello SMSTA!

Our last meeting of the year will be held this Tuesday the 25th, in The Bridge at 7:30 pm! We will be holding elections for executive positions so if you, or anyone you know is interested please attend! We will be providing cookies!!

Thanks so much for your dedication to our organization. We enjoyed working with you all this year and wish you the best of luck in finishing the semester strong. See you Tuesday!


Hello MSTA-ers,

Here's a reminder that our first meeting of the spring semester is Tuesday, February 21st at 7:30 pm! The meeting will be held in the MSTA House (407 S Sixth St. Columbia MO) and our topic will be interviewing. Our senior executive members will be going over what their interviews have been like thus far and provide us with possible interview questions. We will be providing free pizza!! Hope to see you all there!


We have decided to cancel the Pumpkin Patch Social due to Homecoming festivities still going on. But we look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday at our meeting at the MSTA house!


The Mizzou Ed Team just won Best Major/School at Relay for Life! Thanks to all of our members who participated tonight 💜


Meet My Team: Mizzou Ed | Relay For Life of Mizzou

There is still time to join some of our members on the Mizzou Ed Relay for Life Team for the big event tonight on Carnahan Quad! Join the team or donate to us using the link below. If you're at the event tonight with another team or just to visit, please stop by our table to support!

main.acsevents.org Cancer has touched many of us in some way, so we decided to fight back by raising money and walking in our local American Cancer Society Relay For Life event. Relay For Life is the largest and most impactful cancer fighting fundraising event in the world! Please join our team or support us with a do…


ATTENTION: Meeting is cancelled for tonight! See your emails for election details and more information. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused!


Don't forget about our elections meeting tonight! You can still email Kelly if you're interested in running for a position. We still have 2 positions left that are unopposed. See you there!


Don't forget about our Andys ice cream social tonight at 7pm in 201 hill hall!


Ed Week Org Mart Tabling Sign-Ups - March 7th

We desperately need members to sign up to table at the Ed Week Org Mart on Monday, otherwise we will have to forfeit our table. Even just one shift would be SO helpful. Please sign up!

docs.google.com Ed Week Org Mart Tabling Sign-Ups - March 7th We need at least 2 members per one hour shift. Sign up for one or sign up for all! This includes a pancake breakfast you can participate in as well. Also email me if you have any ideas for the Magic School Bus theme (even just table decorations is gre...


Dont forget, meeting on thursday in Hill Hall 201 at 7pm! We have a great opportunity to learn about the Fellows program here at Mizzou! Cant wait to see you all there!