Godina hararge lixa,Aanaa H/guddina, B/Fayyaa H/goba

Godina hararge lixa,Aanaa H/guddina, B/Fayyaa H/goba

hojjatootni fayyaa buufata Keenyaa tajaajila Kennan biratti barumsa Fayyaa fi dhimmoota fayyaa walqabatan haaraa lammii biraan ga'uuf


Sammuun dhiphachuu (Stress) ofirraa ittisuuf...
1. NAMA WALIIN WALITTI DHUFEENYA QABAADHU. Namni qofaa jiraatuu fi yeroo gammaduuf gaddu nama waliin haasa'u hin qabne carraan rakkoo sammuu qabaachuu isaa olka'aadha.
2. WAANTOTA SI DHIPHISAN ADDA BAASII BEEKI. Wantootni nu dhiphisan tokko tokko kan dhabamsiisuu (avoid) dandeenyudha. Kanneen qaama jireenyaa taa'aniifi dhabamsiisuun hin dandahamne immoo dursinee itti qophaa'uufi of to'achuun furmaata.
3. HAWAASA KEESSA JIRAATTUUF BU'AA BUUSI. Namoota naannookeetti argaman gargaaruu fi jireenya isaanii jijjiiruun gahee ati addunyaa kana keessatti qabdu sitti argisiisa. Jijjiiramuu, gargaaramuu fi fayyadamuu ollaakeetii, hawaasa keetiif sababa yoo taatu, ofiikeetti gammadda.
4. FEDHIIKEE NAMOOTA MURAASATTI HIMADHU KAN ISAANIIS DHAGGEEFFADHU. Kunis namootni fedhii siin walfakkaataa qaban akka jiran sitti argisiisuudhaan qaama hawaasaa akka taate sii mirkaneessa. Namoonni akka keetii akka jiran sii mul'isa. Qaama hawaasaa ta'uun ammoo dhiphina sammuu hedduu namarraa ittisa.
5. BOQODHU. Hammam hojiin yoo sitti baayyate illee boqochuuf yeroo qabaadhu. Yeroo hirribaa akka salphaatti ilaaltee ofirraa hin hanqisiin. Hirribni gahaan fayyummaa sammuu irratti gahee guddaa qaba.
6. WAAN KEESSA JIRTU SIRRIITTI HUBADHU. Yeroo baay'ee namoonni dogoggora yeroo darbee yaaduufi rakkoo fuulduratti itti dhufutti yaadda'uu malee waan amma kana keessa jiran hin yaadan, hin yaadatanis. Waa'ee guyyaa har'a keessa oollee, waa'ee aduu har'a baatee dhiitee, waa'ee waan harra hojjechaa oollee yoo yaadne miidhama keenya nuuf hir'isa.
7. FAYYUMMAA QAAMA KEETIIF OF EEGGADHU. Rakkoon sammuu fi miidhamni qaamaa kunneenii yeroo baay'ee walitti hidhata. Kanaaf ispoortii hojjachuu, nyaata sirriitti nyaachuu, muuziqaa jaallattu dhaggeeffachuu fi waliin shubbisuu, haga dandeessetti fayyummaa qaama keetii eeggachuun sammuu kee nagaa taasisa.
8. WAAN HAARAA HOJJACHUU YKN BARUU YAALI. Jireenya kee keessatti yoo waan haaraa bartu yokaan hojjattu, jireenyi kee irra deddeebii ta'ee sin nuffisiisu. Miirri fiixa ba'umsaa, mo'ichaa, gammachuu fi ofitti amanamummaa waan haaraa baruu keessaan argamu.
9. GARGAARSA GAAFACHUUF DUUBATTI HIN JEDHIIN. Namoonni hedduun gargaarsa gaafachuun mallattoo mo'amuu yokaan kufaatii, dadhabina itti fakkaata. Kun tasumaa dhugaa miti. Kanaaf rakkina kam keessattillee gammachuudhaan gargaarsa gaafachuun mo'amuu osoo hin taane injifachuudha. Rakkoo sammuun dhiphachuu kana illee taanaan gargaarsa gorsaa gaafachuun furmaata guddadha.
Fayyaan Faaya


KINTAAROOTII (hemorrhoids)
Dhukkubni kintaarootii kan dhufu hoggaa hiddootni dhiigaa naannoo qaama bobbaatti argaman hamma barbaadamuu ol baballachuun (dilated )dhiiga of keessatti kuufatanidha. Dhukkubni kun yoo xiqqaate nama harka dhibba keessaa harka 4 (4% of all population) kan qabatudha.
Mallattoowwan isaa keessaa kan baay’inaan mullatan: Dhiiguu( kun yeroo bobbaa bobba’an kan dhiigu yoo ta’u yeroo baay’ee dhukkubbii hinqabu), hooqsisuu ( itching) fi dhukkubbii (pain) dha.
Furmaanni dhukkuba kintarootii akkuma sadarkaa (sadarkaa afur waan qabuuf) dhukkubichaatti qoricha irraa kaasee haga baqaqsanii sirreessuutti kennamuu danda’a.
Yoo hin yaalamiin ture rakkoolee lammataa isarratti hundaa’anii dhufan kan akka hir’ina dhiigaa ( sababa baay’ee dhiiguutiin) waan namatti fiduuf yaalamuu qabna.
Fayyaan Faaya


Waantoota qunca'uu gogaa harkaa fiduu malan:
1. Harka yeroo garmalee ammaa amma deddeebinee saaamunaadhaan dhiqannu, harka keenya irraa dibata uumamaa inni qabu gogsuudhaan akka gogaan kun caccabuuf qunca'u taasisa.
2. Haala qilleensaa baay'ee ho'aa (gubaa) ta'e keessas yoo jiraannu haaluma armaan olitti ibsameen gogaa keenyaa gogsee quncisuu mala.
3. Guba aduu (Sunburn) - kunis yoo xiyyi ifa aduu ultraviolet gigaa keenyaa miidhu yoo ta'u yeroo hedduu gogaan keenya qunca'uun dura diimatee, kulkulee, dhukkubuu mala.
4. Quba hodhuu (Funger suckling) keessumaa kun daa'imman irratti kan mul'atu yoo ta'u, darbee darbee namoota gurguddaa irratti illee ni mul'ata
5. Keemikaalota qaama (gogaa) keenya miidhan kan akka saamunaa, keemikaalota qonnaaf oolan, warshaalee gargara keessatti argamanii fi kkf sababa hojiin deddeebi'anii yoo gogaa keenyatti bu'an illee gogaan harka keenyaa qunca'uu mala.
6. Dhukkuboota gogaa garagaraa akka: Hand eczema, psoriasis, allergic contacts dermatitis fi kanneen biroo illee qunca'uu kana ni fidu.
Walumaa galatti, kan gara mana yaalaa deemanii qoratamuun gorfamu:
- Mallattoon infekshinnii bakka qunca'e sana yoo jiraate.
- Qunca'uun qubaa kun yoo torban lamaa ol namarra ture
- Waantoota armaan olii tarreefaman qunca'uu gogaa qubaa kana namatti fidan irraa of eggaannoo taasisnaan yoo nama dhiisuu dide.
- Mallattoon kun yoo namatti cimaa ykn dabalaa deeme.
Dr. Gurmeessaa H
Fayyaan Faaya

Timeline photos 06/09/2019

.The Oromo of Hararge
Part One
Notes on their Settlement Pattern and their Dialect
Written By: Afendi Muteki
The Oromo of Harerghe belong to the Barentuma/
Barentu/Bareneto/ confederation, one of the two main branchs of the Oromo people. They are bounded by the Arsi Oromo in the west and south, the Karayyu and Jille Oromo in the north west, the Afar people in the north and the Somali people in the east and south east. They call their natural homeland “Fugug”. They are basically regrouped to three major tribes; the Ittu, Afran Qallo and Anniya.

The Ittu Oromo ocuppy the western part of Harerghe highlands. Their home area is called “Carcar” or “Ona Ituu”. They are the people who are very close to the assembly of “Caffee Odaa Bultum” under which the tradition of the Barentuma Oromo adminstration system is kept.
They used to undertake their caffee congress at this place. The natural boundary between Ittu and Afran Qallo is Burqa river which is found near Baroodaa town. The boundary between Ittu and Anniya is the Ramis river.

The Afran Qalloo Oromo lay to the east of Ittu and North of Aniyyaa. They are largest of the three groups both in thier population and the area they occupy. They have four main divisions called Oborraa, Baabbile, Daga (which is subdivided to Nole, Jarso and Hume) and Ala. It is not clear whether the land of Afran Qalloo has a unique name although some people call it "Gooroo Fugug”. Afran Qallo had a long tradition of “Raabaa Doorii” assembly which was held at a place called “Bululoo” near the town of Watar.

The Aniya Oromo occoupy the lowlands of the former Gara Mulata province. Their home area is called “Diida Aanniyyaa” or ”Burqaa Tirtiraa”. With only few exceptions, they are pastoralists.

The boundary between Afran Qallo and Aniyya is the Mojoo river. The Anniya Oromo used to held their “Caffee Gadaa” assembly at “Burqaa Tirtiraa”.
The Oromo of Harerghe speak the Oromo language called Afaan Oromo. However, they retained unique dialect which has certain important features. First, their dialect is marked by a guttural sound “kh”. Some linguists say that the Harar Oromos borrowed this sound from other languages (like Somali, Harari and Arabic). But this assumption has no base because the “kh” sound exists in other Oromo dialects as well; it exists even in “Borana” and “Guji” dialects which are thought to have low contact with other languages. On the other hand, in the Harar Oromo dialect it is not only the loan words that have the “kh” sound but also many words of Oromo roots are marked so. For example “khaleessa” (yesterday), “khannuu” (to give), “khaayuu” (to put down), “khiyya” (mine), “khoottu” (come) etc have all “kh” sounds and these words were not borrowed from any other language. So the notion that asserts “kh” is a loan sound is unreliable.

The second feature of the Harar Oromo dialect is its possesion of many loan words which are used only in Harerghe. This has no mystery because the Oromo of Harerghe live in the land criss-crossed by trade routes and military expeditions, and they share boundary with different nations such as Somali, Afar, Harari etc; so it is evident that they borrowed many words from other languages. For example, we can see the Oromos of Harerghe saying “zigaal”, “zanyaa”, “zuuguu”, “azeeba”, “azalaa” etc. These words were borrowed from Harari language. Such kind of Hypothesis was first proposed by Professor Mohammed Hassen. My research shows also the same result. You can prove this by a simple synthesis.
The Cush*tic languages doesn’t have “z” sound, and the words we listed here appear only in Harari language and the Harar dialect of the Oromo language. So we can easily conclude that the Oromos of Harerge borrowed those words from their Harari neighbours.

Note also that the reverse of this hypothesis is also true. That is, the Hararis borrowed thousands of Oromo words. You can find the Hararis using Oromo words like "jarjaraa", "jaldhaaba", "jiraa", "ardaagaa", "alwaada", "galma", "girgiraa", "heeraa", "seeraa", "shiiraa" etc in their vocabulary.

The third feature of the Harar Oromo dialect is its maintaining many idiomatic expressions which are peculiar to the Harerghe region. For example, we can hear the Harar Oromos saying "miila kharaa khaayuu” (to put the leg in the road) which is to mean “to go”, “harka jabaatuu” (to be hard handed) to mean “to be thrifty, “dhukkee irraa khaasuu” (to blow dust on) to mean “to attack severely”.
There are two types of colloquiation among the Oromos of Harerghe. One is the traditional confederacy based colloquation, and the other is the urban-rural deviding colloquation. On confederacy level, the three tribes of the Harar Oromo (Ittu, Afran Qallo and Aniyya) have retained certain vocabularies and “phonetic” variants which can differentiate them from one another. For example, the Ittu Oromos say “eessa” for “where” but the Afran Qallo Oromos say “eeysa” which is phonetically different. While the Ittu Oromos say “diiddam” (twenty),
the Afran Qallo Oromos say “diydam”; When the Ittus say “ishii” (her) the Afran Qallo Oromos say “isii”. On the Other hand the Ittu Oroms say “subaaxa” to mean “lunch”, but the Afran Qallo Oromos say “laaqana” for lunch. When the Ittu Oromos say “jibbuu” (to hate), the Afran Qallo Oromos say “jibbuu” and “balfuu”; when Ittu Oromos say “indooyyee” (aunt-mother’s sister) the Afran Qallo Oromos say “haboo”. The Ittu Oromos say “khottee” for “nail”, the Afran Qalloo Oromos say “qeensa”.

The urban-rural deviding colloquiation is relatively a recent phenomenon. It is mostly a result of Afan Oromo’s high fusion with Arabic, Somali and Harari languages in the urban areas. For example, an urban house wife in Harerghe may call her female friend “geelee” in the manner of the Harari women. The urban people say “faxara” for breakfast (in the word from Arabic), but the rural people simply call it “dhihena”; the urban people may say "shubbaaka” (also borrowed from Arabic) for window which the rural people call “fooddaa”.

One must not take the distinct usage of a dialect by the Oromos of Hareghe as something that separate them from other Oromos just as Ziyad Barre of Somalia was preaching 30 years ago. Even though they developed a unique dialect and certain traditions which are peculiar to them, the Oromos of Harerghe always consider themselves part of the greater Oromo nation.
Written by Afendi Muteki
January 12/2013.
Gelemso, West Harerghe

Photos from Dr.Yona-ዶ/ር ዮና's post 11/06/2019
Photos from Mdsmafe's post 08/06/2019
