Faith & Fitness Magazine

Faith & Fitness Magazine

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Photos from The Glamper Salon LLC.'s post 07/05/2024

Exercise daily in God—no spiritual flabbiness,
please! Workouts in the gymnasium are useful,
but a disciplined life in God is far more so,
making you fit both today and forever. You can
count on this. Take it to heart. This is why
we’ve thrown ourselves into this venture so
totally. We’re banking on the living God.


That’s direct verbiage from the Bible. So it must have some truth to it right?You may never know if you don’t try.

Tell you what - for starters at least set a goal of intentionally praying BETWEEN sets. Assuming you take short breaks between sets each prayer won’t take to long. You can handle that right?!

Then assuming you actually get into the praying thing, switch and start praying DURING your sets. Ummm, yeah that’ll take a little more effort - you’ll actually have to focus on it while you focus on the lifting - - - lifting weights + lifting up prayers to God. You’re stronger than you realize - you can do it!

Once you’ve mastered that THEN pray during your sets AND between them. PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!

Every church fitness ministry and every Christian owned fitness business needs to give their members a training session that specifically helps you develop this skill.

Anyway, once you’ve rocked this exercise we’d love for you to CONTACT US and share your observations, experience and how the conversations with God went for you.

Maybe your training can influence someone else.

Read more about being ‘under the influence’ in the spring 2024 issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine.


A spinach, beef liver and acheta powder smoothie. Is she really going to drink it?!

Let’s talk about INFLUENCERS, what they do, how they do it - and what you’re buying. What’s the price others are paying when you’re not being an influencer for Christ? Yeah, we ARE going to go there because God’s the best thing on the market. Don’t rep the rest - rep the best.

Use our bio link to read it now or go directly to:


So 20 years ago when I first started Faith & Fitness Magazine someone asked me, “So, Faith & Fitness Magazine, does that mean putting FAITH and FITNESS together?”

Pretty obvious right?!

But the person truly was confused. And so I explained:

Sure, that can be reading a Bible verse before a workout, listening to Christian music during a workout and praying after a workout. But that’s just the beginning. A faith and fitness lifestyle, intentionally pursing God to bring faith and fitness together in your life is so much more. AND - when that happens both are so much more robust and transformative.

One big outcome is that our fitness shifts away from being self-centered to being OTHERS MINDED.

And if you desire to shift from being a reader/hearer only of the Bible to actually being a doer then taking faith and fitness to that level is a really powerful, healthy and passionate way to live for both you and those whom God gives you to serve.

Don’t just live life fully - BE LIFE - the life of Christ to others.


The new theme for the spring 2024 issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine is UNDER THE INFLUENCE.

Keep scrolling on your social media and see how any people AND companies are working hard to influence you and others.

We invite you to look deeper into how you’re being influenced. What do you gladly, even eagerly accept and do and where do you draw the line. AND how does God really influence you on a daily basis.

Get reading in Faith & Fitness Magazine, post comments and be part of the conversation.


(SHARE: Screenshot this pic then let others scan the QR code.) Time to exercise that smile. Pastor Chris Timm identifies 5 attributes of happy people. Read it to get and stay in a positive state and impact positively the people around you.

Use our homepage bio link and you’ll find this in our blog section or go directly to:


To grow in faith, to live in freedom, to have your best life, listen to God’s Word. It is the Truth. Once you start doing that, you will begin to radiate that truth to others.

Action Step: Go to God’s Word for truth and allow it to get into your heart and guide your actions. Be hardcore about this in 2024, and you’re sure to have a good year!

My latest post is available on Faith & Fitness Magazine Read it here:


We’re coming up to the end of our winter quarter. By there’s still time to read this issue.

Photos from Faith & Fitness Magazine's post 16/01/2024

Coach Anthony Tiller wants to give you a vision of how holding on to the precious thing in life that God gives you enables you to also give it away.

Go to the Radiate Vision section of the Faith & Fitness Magazine homepage (use our bio link) to read his full article and others. Or go directly to:


📸 Look at this post on Facebook

Photos from Faith & Fitness Magazine's post 02/01/2024

Nuf said. The weights or whatever you do for fitness are waiting. Don’t just get back into the routine - improve it!

One way to do that is to build into your fitness time a Bible reading/listening component. NO EXCUSES. Don’t just do it, be the greater potential God has designed you to be.

Faith & Fitness Magazine is your tool for powerful, healthy and passionate living.

Don’t just feel the burn,


Are you a writer, photographer, videographer, expert, pastor, counselor, graphic designer, editor, marketing professional, influencer, prayer warrior, web designer, project manager, blogger, podcaster, ?????

CONTACT US via our website, email, text or message.


Intensity - Consistency - Totally… Ready to BE HARDCORE in 2024? If you think a fit lifestyle is all that, we’re here to help you rewrite your definition of hardcore.

Curious? Good! Dig into a new year of Faith & Fitness Magazine.
Bio link or:

Faith & Fitness Magazine is your tool for powerful, healthy and passionate living.


“Tis the season”, right? How do you do good? More importantly, how do you convert that into others knowing Christ?

In a recent issue of Shout! OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE, Elizabeth Wallace shares how Snowboarders and Skiers For Christ (SFC) is helping members consider this greater opportunity and mission. You can read it here:

We’re asking you now to share how you do it so that all of us together can get better at making Christ our lifestyle.


Read and share the winter issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine online free at:


YOU can make this holiday season’s meals good - BETTER than good! Here are ways to add some holiday nutrition to the festivities.

Read it now so you can plan ahead and even practice your recipe modifications before the big day.

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Ready to get away?!!! Winter may seam like a long, cold, dark and hard season but for the person (YOU) who seeks physical and spiritual rejuvenation , this is a short window of time to truly “get away”. This article will help you do it.

Bio link gets you there or go directly to:

Post a comment and share about your winter getaway plans.


Yes! It absolutely does. In fact in my opinion it counts even more.

This question, “Does a workout even count if you don’t post about it” is the subject line of an email from a company that markets fitness apps. It shows me that the fitness business sometimes gets it all wrong. Dreadfully wrong.

Your hard work and accomplishments AND faithfulness to honoring God by doing what’s right by strengthening your body and mind - needs no approval by anyone. While God wants us to be thankful and joyful in doing good we need to be very careful to not be prideful or prioritize posting over purpose.

When God calls you to exercise you need only have an audience of 1 - God.

I’m not suggesting that you shouldn’t post. But God insists that you live a life that keeps God the Lord of your life. Not because God wants or needs the attention but because in doing that your life will be full. GOD is your great reward!

God always wants the best for you. Don’t let the fitness culture sell you a lie that will ultimately fall short of all God has for you.

“Feel the burn” is not enough. God wants you to

Brad Bloom, Publisher, Faith & Fitness Magazine


Photos from Faith & Fitness Magazine's post 07/12/2023

How will you radiate today?
Be fit and BE LIFE to others.


The Fit Pastor, Chris Timm shares this month, “I’ve been thinking how crazy it sounds that God, the creator of all things, would be born as a baby, to a virgin, in a place like Bethlehem, fully man and fully God. Is it just me or does that sound crazy? I think it does despite it being true.”

Developing discipline requires us to be discipled and this month’s blog post by Timm gives you instruction in how to pray, “Lord God, though I don’t understand you I will trust you.”

Use our bio link to find this post in the blog section on Faith & Fitness Magazine’s homepage or go directly to:

For more from Tim go to:


It’s not about looking good, feeling great, being healthy or living longer. Fitness from a Christ-centered perspective is about stewardship, humility, obedience, relationship and service.

Read this article to get a better understanding of what the faith and fitness culture is really all about and how to make it a transforming foundation to your lifestyle.

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“radiate” is the theme for the winter 2023 issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine and our other 3 magazines: map - A Travel Lifestyle Magazine, ripen - a gardening lifestyle magazine, and Shout! OUTDOOR LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE.

Dig into Faith & Fitness Magazine this weekend. It looks s all online and all free at:

We encourage you to contribute to our community conversation and post your comments at the bottom of pages in the magazine.


Why are we in such a hurry? Why do we rush and rush until life is no fun? Troy Ismir offers you 4 practices of help: slow down, silence, solitude and simplify.

Use our bio link to read the whole article or go directly to:


How strong are your muscles? How about your faith? Are both destined to be weaker with age? Dino Nowak says you can keep strong with age.

Read how. Use our bio link and you’ll find this story featured on our homepage in the Radiate Strength section or go directly to:


Winter may seam like a long, cold, dark and hard season but for the person (YOU) who seeks physical and spiritual rejuvenation , this is a short window of time to truly “get away”. This article will help you do it.

Bio link gets you there or go directly to:


From the Bible:

It’s better to have a partner than go it alone.�Share the work, share the wealth.�If one falls down, the other helps.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Want to experience how living for Christ is more than religion and better than self determined positivity?

Dig into the Bible, talk with God and listen, AND then be obedient (humble desire and commitment). You’re not meant to live life alone - no one is. Discover God’s design of teamwork - the motives, how it’s done and the outcomes. Discover a more beautiful and better teamwork. Do it not just to help you but to help others and beyond that, do it to be the conduit by which God’s Spirit permeates the places where you are.

Don’t just live life - Be Life!


Back in 1988 I was part of a small film crew that spent three weeks traversing through the desert, cities, jungles, villages and other rugged terrain of Nigeria, West Africa.

SaAndo was our driver.

During our time together I learned some about him. His time with us meant he was not spending time with his young son Lohodido – clearly dear to his heart. I learned about how he had been raised, how he found God in church, how he liked to be physically active, his marriage and — the recent death of his wife. I also learned a very key insight to life – how to value something more than

READ THE FULL ARTICLE NOW IN Faith & Fitness Magazine:


Coach Corey Little has some wellness advice to help you have balance and thrive.

Read the full article in Faith & Fitness Magazine:

Faith & Fitness Magazine is your tool for powerful, healthy and passionate living.


Here’s the problem I see increasingly as a coach and pastor: our world is seemingly obsessed with highlighting accomplishments and less about effort. However, I think gritty people worry less about accomplishments because they feel most alive when they are working on something big or something challenging.

Read all of Pasthor Chris Timm’s discipleship blog in Faith & Fitness Magazine at:

Access a lot more from Pastor Timm at:


Just saying … you might want to go for it. A run along the shoreline, a healthy nutritious picnic, fun times and good conversations with family and friends, and some quiet space to simply sit, stare at the world God’s given you and listen to God’s Spirit speak to you.

Read the full article online:

Videos (show all)

That’s direct verbiage from the Bible. So it must have some truth to it right?You may never know if you don’t try.Tell y...
Let the new season begin … with some time alone with God. #GodsSpace
Welcome to Jungle Gym (This is an excerpt from the 26 minute video conversation in our feature story.)T...
Time to book your reservation for your own personal retreat. Reserve your private room, meals, activities and quite time...
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“It’s a big swing,” his daddy told him. “I expect you to share it.”Ever sailed on a private yacht or been pampered at a ...
KellySoulStrength Fit Founder Kelly Wenner @soulstrength_fit celebrates that we, by Christ’s faithful obedience, can hav...
YouTube Communion#liftmorewithChrist - Jadi Rodriguez Faith Rxd Executive Director Jadi Rodriguez  challenges the fitnes...
