Mike Henson Music

Mike Henson Music

Singer/songwriter, exploring simple things with simple songs...

On the day I died 14/12/2021

When burying old ideas, identities and habits creates the rich soil from which new life can germinate. Much love.

On the day I died A song about…The end. The beginning. The journey in between.The counter intuitive way of Jesus - self denial leading to true freedom. Self death leading to n...

On the day I died 28/11/2021

The end. The new beginning. And the journey between. Available as a free download from SoundCloud. https://youtu.be/uYS9P_gQ45k

On the day I died A song about…The end. The beginning. The journey in between.The counter intuitive way of Jesus - self denial leading to true freedom. Self death leading to n...



Stop! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D5scPG81-Rg


Tornadoes - Remix

... and breathe... https://m.soundcloud.com/mikehenson/tornadoes-remix

soundcloud.com Another collaboration with the beautiful Little Iris


Mike Henson Music


Playing at Propaganda


The Garden - Mike Henson (feat. Little Iris)


The Garden

Life is full of signs that point us to a bigger reality. There was this this time I got up early and went walking in the garden with my baby boy. As I looked down at him in my arms I saw myself, and the garden was a picture of a world at peace. We were meant to be gardeners of the extraordinary, in a garden where all was in harmony and at peace. But instead we find ourselves in a jungle full of wild beasts, where the strong survive and the weak are oppressed or devoured. In a way the route back to the garden could be found in tracing our steps back to the beginning, but that is a process that has been made impossible by too much history - a history that has not only erased a clear memory of what made the garden beautiful, but has also changed us. So in stepped Jesus, the original gardener, carrying the garden's original blue print and some of its beautiful plant specimens - miracles that defy the logic of the jungle. He entered the jungle as one of the weak and was devoured by the beasts - the children of the jungle - but because he isn't of the jungle, the jungle failed to destroy him.

As a member of the human family, the jungle and it's beasts are of your making, of my making. And Jesus' message? - The only way we can reclaim the garden and all its miraculous plants from the jungle, is by rejecting the jungle's ways - the laws of its nature - and following Jesus, the author of the garden's blueprint.

Do you want to know if this is real? Ask Jesus to show you. And if you want to know more then I'd be very happy for you to contact me.

A beautiful collaboration between Mike Henson and Little Iris, with the generous help of Chris Norton on the video, and Andy Hudson who helped produce the tr...


The Garden - Mike Henson (feat. Little Iris)


A beautiful collaboration between Mike Henson and Little Iris, with the generous help of Chris Norton on the video, and Andy Hudson who helped produce the tr...


Hello people, I'm planning to be at the Hop Blossom open mic in Farnham this Wednesday.


So... change of plans. Turns out they've stopped doing open mics at the Queen Vic. So me and Bikash are in search of somewhere for Thursday


Queen Vic, Aldershot, tomorrow 😉


Hop Blossom, Farnham tonight?


Is busyness an enemy of progress? When do we take stock of the systems we serve and the direction they're heading? So here's to the artists, the prophets, those that critique the present and point to a different future.


Can music change the world? Can it change the way people think? Can it connect us to something bigger than ourselves - something divine?


At the Hop Blossom open mic in Farnham at the mo.


Wrestling - Acoustic

Live recording for Eagle Radio – I'm hoping to record it properly some time if I can get organised :-)

soundcloud.com This was recorded live for Eagle Radio. Let me know if you like it.